Chapter Six: From Provisions to Practice: Implementing the Convention, Legal Capacity and Supported Decision-Making
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2007 A/RES/61/106 Annex I; see also, United Nations Committee on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, (United Nations 2007), accessed4 2 February
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2007 A/RES/61/106 Annex I; see also, United Nations Committee on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 'Chapter Six: From Provisions to Practice: Implementing the Convention, Legal Capacity and Supported Decision-Making' In UN Handbook for Parliamentarians on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (United Nations 2007) http://www.un.org/disabilities/default.asp?id1/4242 accessed4 2 February 2012.
UN Handbook For Parliamentarians On the Convention On the Rights of Persons With Disabilities
CRPD, s 12.
Health; Human rights; International Law (Legislative Comment) Lessons from the Experience of U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Addressing the Democratic Deficit in Global Health Governance
To summarise, the medical model of disability uses biomedical explanations which locate disability within the individual, in terms of pathology. By contrast, the social model underpinning the CRPD views disability as arising from the interaction between a person's impairment (physical or mental conditions which directly limit one's ability to enjoy a major life activity to a relatively normal degree) and the external physical and attitudinal barriers to his or her full and effective participation in society, on an equal basis with others. The distinction between impairment and disability is not always clear. The social context in which disability arises is always up for debate. Nonetheless, the social model of the CRPD was meant to provide an inclusive term which draws attention to external barriers to human flourishing rather than emphasising diagnostic categorisation, except so far as it is necessary to identify support requirements. Lord, Suozzi and Taylor touch on the tension between the medical and social model in relation to the CRPD, arguing that it will 'inevitably lead to some challenges, as well as opportunities, when considering the broader implications of the CRPD for global health governance.' J Lord, D Suozzi and A Taylor, 'Health; Human rights; International Law (Legislative Comment) Lessons from the Experience of U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Addressing the Democratic Deficit in Global Health Governance' [2011] 38 Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 564.
Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics
, pp. 564
Lord, J.1
Suozzi, D.2
Taylor, A.3
CRPD, s (e). 5. CRPD, s
CRPD, s (e). 5. CRPD, s 12(2)(3).
, vol.12
, Issue.2-3
UN General Assembly, OHCHR, Tenth session Agenda item 2, Distr. GENERAL A/HRC/10/48 26 January, 9. CRPD, s
UN General Assembly, OHCHR, Tenth session Agenda item 2, 'Annual Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and Reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General: Thematic Study by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on Enhancing Awareness and Understanding of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities' Distr. GENERAL A/HRC/10/48 26 January 2009. 9. CRPD, s 12(4).
Annual Report of the United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights and Reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General: Thematic Study By the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights On Enhancing Awareness and Understanding of the Convention On The Rights of Persons With Disabilities
, vol.12
, Issue.4
Revised Statutes of British Columbia
Representation Agreement Act (Revised Statutes of British Columbia 1996 c. 405).
Representation Agreement Act
, pp. 405
Consent to Treatment and Health Care Directives Act (S.P.E.I. 1996. c. 10), s 4. Cited in R Gordon 'The Emergence of Assisted (Supported) Decision-Making in the Canadian Law of Adult Guardianship and Substitute Decision-Making', 23
Consent to Treatment and Health Care Directives Act (S.P.E.I. 1996. c. 10), s 4. Cited in R Gordon 'The Emergence of Assisted (Supported) Decision-Making in the Canadian Law of Adult Guardianship and Substitute Decision-Making' [2000] 23 International Journal of Law and Policy 61, 65.
International Journal of Law and Policy
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted 15 April 2011, CRPD/ C/TUN/CO/1: 22, accessed 02 February 2012 (emphasis added)
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 'Compliance Review: Tunisia', adopted 15 April 2011, CRPD/ C/TUN/CO/1: 22 5www2.ohchr.org/SPdocs/CRPD/6thsession/CRPD-C-ESPCO-1%20.doc4 accessed 02 February 2012 (emphasis added).
Compliance Review: Tunisia
Minkowitz has argued that supported decision-making 'can be understood, from a user/survivor point of view, as an application of the recovery perspective to the situation of decision-making, Mental Health Commission New Zealand, accessed 17 January
Minkowitz has argued that supported decision-making 'can be understood, from a user/survivor point of view, as an application of the recovery perspective to the situation of decision-making.' T Minkowitz, No-Force Advocacy by Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (Mental Health Commission New Zealand 2005) http://www.mhc.govt.nz/publications/no-force-advocacyusers-and-survivors-psychiatry4 accessed 17 January 2012.
No-Force Advocacy By Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
Minkowitz, T.1
Healthcare DecisionMaking and the Law: Autonomy
see also, Cambridge University Press
see also Mary Donnelly, Healthcare DecisionMaking and the Law: Autonomy, Capacity and the Limits of Liberalism (Cambridge University Press 2010).
Capacity and The Limits of Liberalism
Donnelly, M.1
'The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: New Era or False Dawn?
A Lawson, 'The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: New Era or False Dawn?' [2007] 34 Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 563, 597
34 Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce
Lawson, A.1
Legal Capacity in the Disability Rights Convention: Stranglehold of the Past or Lodestar for the Future?
A Dhanda, 'Legal Capacity in the Disability Rights Convention: Stranglehold of the Past or Lodestar for the Future?' (2007) 34 Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 429, 456
Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce
, pp. 34
Dhanda, A.1
The Disabilities Convention and its Consequences for Mental Health Laws in Australia
A Kampf, 'The Disabilities Convention and its Consequences for Mental Health Laws in Australia' (2008) 26(2) Law in Context 10
Law In Context
, vol.26
, Issue.2
, pp. 10
Kampf, A.1
Supported Decision-Making and the Achievement of Non-Discrimination: The Promise and Paradox of the Disabilities Convention
P Weller, 'Supported Decision-Making and the Achievement of Non-Discrimination: The Promise and Paradox of the Disabilities Convention' (2008) 26(2) Law in Context 85
Law In Context
, vol.26
, Issue.2
, pp. 85
Weller, P.1
Moving Towards Substituted or Supported Decision-Making? Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
N Devi, J Bickenbach and G Stucki, 'Moving Towards Substituted or Supported Decision-Making? Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities' [2011] 5 European Journal of Disability Rights 249.
European Journal of Disability Rights
, vol.5
, pp. 249
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Bickenbach, J.2
Stucki, G.3
Nicholson & Ors V Knaggs &Ors[2009] VSC 64 [69] (Australia)
, vol.64
, Issue.69
Knaggs, O.V.2
Litigation Guardian of) v. Ontario
Gray(Litigation Guardian of) v. Ontario
207 OAC 165, 264 DLR (4th) 717 (Canada)
CarswellOnt [2006] 425 207 OAC 165, 264 DLR (4th) 717 (Canada).
, pp. 425
Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (First Special Meeting), Organisation of American States, 'General Observation of the Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities on the Need to Interpret Article I.2(b) in Fine of the Inter-American Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities in the Context of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,' OEA/ Ser.L/XXIV.3.1, CEDDIS/ doc.12(I-E/11) rev.1, 28 April 2011 (Original: Spanish), May 4 and 5
Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities (First Special Meeting), Organisation of American States, 'General Observation of the Committee for the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities on the Need to Interpret Article I.2(b) in Fine of the Inter-American Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities in the Context of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,' OEA/ Ser.L/XXIV.3.1, CEDDIS/ doc.12(I-E/11) rev.1, 28 April 2011 (Original: Spanish), May 4 and 5, 2011.
Part 3: Supported Decision-Making
See, for example, Victorian Law Reform Committee, March, 4accessed 21 January 2012
See, for example, Victorian Law Reform Committee, 'Part 3: Supported Decision-Making' In The Guardianship Consultation Paper, March 2011 http://www.lawreform.vic.gov.au/home/currentthprojects/guardianship/lawreformth-thguardianshipth-thconsultationthpaper 4accessed 21 January 2012
The Guardianship Consultation Paper
Centre for Disability Law, National University of Ireland Galway, Est, accessed 10 January 2012
Centre for Disability Law, National University of Ireland Galway (Est. 2008) http://www.nuigalway.ie/cdlp/4 accessed 10 January 2012
Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, Independent (Est, accessed 16 February 2012; Centre for Advanced Law and Mental Health, Monash University (Est. 2011) 5 http://www.law.monash.edu.au/centres/calmh/4 accessed 15 March 2012
Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, Independent (Est. 2009) http://www.chrusp.org accessed 16 February 2012; Centre for Advanced Law and Mental Health, Monash University (Est. 2011) 5http://www.law.monash.edu.au/centres/calmh/4 accessed 15 March 2012.
See, for example, Inclusion Europe, 'Key Elements of a System for Supported Decision-Making: Position Paper of Inclusion Europe: Adopted at the General Assembly 2008' (Author, accessed 10 August 2010
'Grey literature' refers here to literature which is outside peer-reviewed academic journals and includes policy documents, professional guidelines, NGO-produced documents, and so on. See, for example, Inclusion Europe, 'Key Elements of a System for Supported Decision-Making: Position Paper of Inclusion Europe: Adopted at the General Assembly 2008' (Author 2008) http://www.inclusioneurope.org/documents/Position%20Supported%20Decision%20Making%20EN.pdf accessed 10 August 2010
Grey Literature' Refers Here to Literature Which is Outside Peer-reviewed Academic Journals and Includes Policy Documents, Professional Guidelines, NGO-produced Documents, and So On
Supported Decision-Making: Background and Discussion Paper
accessed 10 August 2010
B Carter, 'Supported Decision-Making: Background and Discussion Paper' [2009] Victorian Office of the Public Advocate 10 http://www.publicadvocate.vic.gov.au/file/file/Research/Discussion/2009/0909_Supported_Decision_Making.pdf accessed 10 August 2010
Victorian Office of the Public Advocate
, pp. 10
Carter, B.1
Presented to Victorian Office of the Public Advocate & Victorian Law Reform Commission, accessed 18 October 2011
J Brayley, 'Supported Decision-Making in Australia: Presentation Notes' [2009] Presented to Victorian Office of the Public Advocate & Victorian Law Reform Commission 3 http://www.opa.sa.gov.au/documents/08_News_%26_Articles/Supported%20Decision%20Making.pdf accessed 18 October 2011
Supported Decision-Making In Australia: Presentation Notes
, pp. 3
Brayley, J.1
Canadian Association of Community Living, Author, accessed 24 September 2010
Canadian Association of Community Living 'Report of the C.A.C.L. Task Force on Alternatives to Guardianship' (Author 1992) http://www.worldenable.net/rights/adhoc3meet_guardianship.htm accessed 24 September 2010
Report of the C.A.C.L. Task Force On Alternatives to Guardianship
Centre for Advancement of Law and Mental Health, Research Workshop, Prato, accessed 21 January 2012
Centre for Advancement of Law and Mental Health, Research Workshop '2012: Exploring Legal Frameworks for Individuals with Multiple and Complex Needs' Prato 2012 http://www.law.monash.edu.au/centres/calmh/workshop.html accessed 21 January 2012.
2012: Exploring Legal Frameworks For Individuals With Multiple and Complex Needs
Fifth Session of the Ad Hoc Committee Intervention of the Special Rapporteur on Article, accessed 21 March
Fifth Session of the Ad Hoc Committee Intervention of the Special Rapporteur on Article 9 'Legal Capacity' https://www.un.org/esa/socdev/enable/rapporteurart9.htm accessed 21 March 2012
Legal Capacity
, pp. 9
Call for Papers on the Practical and Theoretical Measures for the Implementation of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, accessed 21 March 2012
UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 'Call for Papers on the Practical and Theoretical Measures for the Implementation of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities' Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRPD/Pages/CRPDIndex.aspx accessed 21 March 2012.
Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights
Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 405, s
Representation Agreement Act (Revised Statutes of British Columbia 1996 c. 405) s 5(1).
Representation Agreement Act
, vol.5
, Issue.1
Beauchamp and Childress provide perhaps the most commonly used definition of competent decision-making, which they argue occurs where an individual has capacity to understand relevant information, can cast judgement on the information according to their values, envisage an outcome, and freely communicate her or his ultimate wishes, See, 4th edn, OUP
Beauchamp and Childress provide perhaps the most commonly used definition of competent decision-making, which they argue occurs where an individual has capacity to understand relevant information, can cast judgement on the information according to their values, envisage an outcome, and freely communicate her or his ultimate wishes. See TL Beauchamp and J Childress, Principles of Biomedical Ethics (4th edn, OUP 1994) 135.
Principles of Biomedical Ethics
, pp. 135
Beauchamp, T.L.1
Childress, J.2
Gordon (n 13).
, Issue.13
For a discussion of these conceptual tensions, see, Keynote, University of British Columbia, accessed 20 September 2011
For a discussion of these conceptual tensions, see G Quinn, 'Rethinking Personhood: New Directions in Legal Capacity Law and Policy' [2011] Keynote, University of British Columbia 5 http://www.arts.ubc.ca/fileadmin/user_upload/CIC/July_2011/Gerard_Quinn_s_Keynote_-_April_29__2011.pdf accessed 20 September 2011.
Rethinking Personhood: New Directions In Legal Capacity Law and Policy
, pp. 5
Quinn, G.1
Autonomy in Moral and Political Philosophy
Spring, edn, EN Zalta (ed.) 3.3, accessed 12 February
J Christman, 'Autonomy in Moral and Political Philosophy' The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (Spring 2011 edn) EN Zalta (ed.) 3.3. http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2011/entries/autonomy-moral/ accessed 12 February 2012.
The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy
Christman, J.1
Gordon (n 13) 64.
, Issue.13
, pp. 64
Treffert's words were used in the mental health context specifically. He argued that an excessive focus on civil and political rights without considering rights to treatment and protection can leave people more vulnerable, Paper presented at the 127th annual APA meeting
Treffert's words were used in the mental health context specifically. He argued that an excessive focus on civil and political rights without considering rights to treatment and protection can leave people more vulnerable. DA Treffert, 'Dying With Your Rights On' Paper presented at the 127th annual APA meeting 1974.
Dying With Your Rights On
Treffert, D.A.1
accessed 10 October 2010
Brayley(n 24) accessed 10 October 2010.
, Issue.24
Victorian Law Reform Commission, Author, xxix, accessed 7 May 2012
Victorian Law Reform Commission, 'Guardianship: Final Report 24' (Author 2012): xxix http://www.lawreform.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/Guardianship_FinalReport_Full%20text.pdf accessed 7 May 2012.
Guardianship: Final Report 24
CRPD, s 12.
Dhanda(n 19) 439.
, Issue.19
, pp. 439
Bachand Kerzner(n 22) 67.
, Issue.22
, pp. 67
Legal Capacity as Right, Principle and Paradigm: Submission to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Response to its Call for Papers on Theoretical and Practical Implementation of Article 12
June 17, accessed 29 February
T Minkowitz, 'Legal Capacity as Right, Principle and Paradigm: Submission to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Response to its Call for Papers on Theoretical and Practical Implementation of Article 12' Prepared for the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, June 17 2011 www.chrusp.org/biz//WNUSP_Article_12_Submission_Final.doc accessed 29 February 2012.
Prepared For the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
Minkowitz, T.1
Legal Capacity Taskforce, International Disability Alliance
IDA Position Papers and Statements, accessed 29 February 2011, The World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry insisted during the negotiation process of the UN CRPD that the need for support should not conflate with denial of legal capacity. See Dhanda (n 19) 439
Legal Capacity Taskforce, International Disability Alliance, 'Legal Opinion on Article 12' (2008) IDA Position Papers and Statements http://www.internationaldisabilityalliance.org/sites/disalliance.epresentaciones.net/files/public/files/LegalOpinionLetterArt12FINAL.doc accessed 29 February 2011. The World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry insisted during the negotiation process of the UN CRPD that the need for support should not conflate with denial of legal capacity. See Dhanda (n 19) 439.
Legal Opinion On Article 12
Guardianship for Persons with Mental Illness A Legal and Appropriate Alternative?
L Salzman, 'Guardianship for Persons with Mental Illness A Legal and Appropriate Alternative?' [2011] 4 St. Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy 279, 312
St. Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy
, vol.4
, pp. 312
Salzman, L.1
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, Issue.22
, pp. 17
"The Necessity Must be Convincingly Shown to Exist": Standards for Compulsory Treatment for Mental Disorder Under the Mental Health Act 1983
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Medical Law Review
, vol.19
Bartlett, P.1
Bach and Kerzner(n 22) 17.
, Issue.22
, pp. 17
Perspectives on Mental Health Reforms
See L O Gostin,'Perspectives on Mental Health Reforms' (1983) 10 Journal of Law and Society 47
Journal of Law and Society
, vol.10
, pp. 47
Gostin, L.O.1
The Ideology of Entitlement: The Application of Contemporary Legal Approaches to Psychiatry
In P Bean (ed), Chicester, Wiley
L O Gostin,'The Ideology of Entitlement: The Application of Contemporary Legal Approaches to Psychiatry' In P Bean (ed), Mental Illness: Changes and Trends (Chicester, Wiley, 1983).
Mental Illness: Changes and Trends
Gostin, L.O.1
Quinn, accessed 10 June
Quinn (n 36) 11 http://www.nuigalway.ie/cdlp/documents/publications/PANDITGQfinal.doc accessed 10 June 2012.
, Issue.36
, pp. 11
International Disability Alliance, International Disability Alliance, accessed 2 July 2010
International Disability Alliance, 'Letter on Functional Capacity to the CRPD Committee' International Disability Alliance 2010 http://www.internationaldisabilityalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/IDA-submission-on-functionalcapacity.doc accessed 2 July 2010.
Letter On Functional Capacity to The CRPD Committee
Quinn(n 62) 19.
, Issue.62
, pp. 19
UN General Assembly
This sentiment is echoed in a 2009 report by the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights
This sentiment is echoed in a 2009 report by the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights. UN General Assembly, OHCHR (n 8).
, Issue.8
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities and The Right To Be Free From Non-Consensual Psychiatric Interventions
T Minkowitz, 'The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities and The Right To Be Free From Non-Consensual Psychiatric Interventions' [2007] 34 Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 405.
Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce
, vol.34
, pp. 405
Minkowitz, T.1
Article 14, s 1(b)
CRPD, Article 14, s 1(b).
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Future of Mental Health Law
See P Bartlett, 'The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Future of Mental Health Law' [2009] 8 Psychiatry 496.
, vol.8
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UN Enable (n 49).
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Beyond Elder Law: New Directions In Law and Ageing
, pp. 11
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Brayley (n 40).
, Issue.40
Quinn(n 36).
, Issue.36
Gordon(n 35) 61, 68, 73.
, Issue.35
CRPD, s (o) (emphasis added). There are international examples where mental health policy makers and large-scale NGOs are hiring employees on the basis of lived experience as a mental health service user. See, for example, SMH 24 November, accessed 6 February 2012
CRPD, s (o) (emphasis added). There are international examples where mental health policy makers and large-scale NGOs are hiring employees on the basis of lived experience as a mental health service user. See, for example, 'Mental Health Policy to be Run by Those Who Have Fought the Battle' SMH 24 November 2011 http://www.smh.com.au/national/health/mental-health-policy-to-berun-by-those-who-have-fought-the-battle-20111123-1nv3v.html#ixzz1lYUP75eo4 accessed 6 February 2012.
Mental Health Policy to Be Run By Those Who Have Fought the Battle
Dhanda(n 19) 429.
, Issue.19
, pp. 429
Minkowitz (n 69) 405-409.
, Issue.69
, pp. 405-409
Gordon(n 35) 61.
, Issue.35
, pp. 61
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International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
, vol.35
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Carney, T.1
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, Issue.54
, pp. 279
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Good Practices
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Family Processes
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British Medical Journal
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Cliftmatthews, V.7
Martin, A.8
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Carney(n 74) 9.
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, pp. 9
See for a recent example, Centre for Disability Law and Policy, (Centre for Disability Law & Policy, NUI Galway, accessed 26 June 2012
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Submission On Legal Capacity the Oireachtas Committee On Justice, Defence & Equality