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Opinion on Slovenia, adopted on 12 September 2002, published on 14 March 2005
Strasbourg: Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Online, available at, (accessed 10 December 2007)
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Opinion on Slovenia, adopted on 26 May 2005, published on 1 December 2005
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Poročilo o delu zagovornice za leto 2006 [Annual report of the advocate for 2006]
Nemogoče je mogoče, Intervju z Aleksandrom Todorovićem [The impossible is possible: an interview with Aleksander Todorović]
Beznec, B. (2007): 'Nemogoče je mogoče, Intervju z Aleksandrom Todorovićem [The impossible is possible: an interview with Aleksander Todorović]', Časopis za kritiko znanosti [Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination, and New Anthropology], 35 (228): 34-45.
Časopis za kritiko znanosti [Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination, and New Anthropology]
, vol.35
, Issue.228
, pp. 34-45
Beznec, B.1
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Odločba [Decision] No. U-I-416/98-38
Online, available at, (accessed 9 December 2007)
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Odločba [Decision] No. U-I-111/04-21, 8 July 2004
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Third Report on Slovenia, adopted on 30 June 2006, made public on 13 February 2007
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Accession of Slovenia
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Roma Ethnic Community
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Statement of Good Intent
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The situation of the Roma community in Ambrus, Letter addressed to Mr. Janez Janša, Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia by Mr Thomas Hammarberg, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, following his visit to Slovenia (Ljubljana, 15-16 November 2006)
Hammarberg, T.1
Leva politična opcija ti vsaj prizna, da imaš drugačno mišljenje, in se šele nato požvižga nata. Ta oblast pa drugačnega mišljenja sploh ne dovoli. V trenutku postanejo histerični! [Left wing political parties at least acknowledge that your opinion is different, and only then they ignore you. This government does not allow even different opinions. In a moment they become hysteric!]
interview with Ombudsman Matjaž Hanžek by Vanja Pirc, Mladina, 22 December 2006. Online, available at, (accessed 18 August 2007)
Hanžek, M. (2006) 'Leva politična opcija ti vsaj prizna, da imaš drugačno mišljenje, in se šele nato požvižga nata. Ta oblast pa drugačnega mišljenja sploh ne dovoli. V trenutku postanejo histerični! [Left wing political parties at least acknowledge that your opinion is different, and only then they ignore you. This government does not allow even different opinions. In a moment they become hysteric!]', interview with Ombudsman Matjaž Hanžek by Vanja Pirc, Mladina, 22 December 2006. Online, available at: www.mladina.si/tednik/200652/clanek/slo-intervju-vanja_pirc/index.print.html-l2 (accessed 18 August 2007).
Hanžek, M.1
Strojanovi [The Strojan family]
E-mail correspondence of the author with Neža Kogovšek from the Peace Institute, 7 September 2007
Kogovšek, N. (2007a) 'Strojanovi [The Strojan family]' E-mail correspondence of the author with Neža Kogovšek from the Peace Institute, 7 September 2007.
Kogovšek, N.1
The erased: the proposal of a constitutional law as the negation of the rule of law
Kogovšek, N. (2007b) 'The erased: the proposal of a constitutional law as the negation of the rule of law', Časopis za kritiko znanosti [Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination, and New Anthropology], 35 (228): 177-193.
Časopis za kritiko znanosti [Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination, and New Anthropology]
, vol.35
, Issue.228
, pp. 177-193
Kogovšek, N.1
Varstvo narodnih skupnosti v Sloveniji [Protection of National Minorities in Slovenia]
in M. Polzer, L. Kalčina and M. Žagar (eds), Ljubljana: Informacijsko dokumentacijski center Sveta Evrope pri NUK, Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja, and Avstrijski inštitut za vzhodno in jugovzhodno Evropo. Online, available at, (accessed 10 December 2007)
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Slovenija in evropski standardi varstva narodnih manjšin [Slovenia and European Standards of Protection of National Minorities]
Komac, M.1
Izvedbeni model izobraževanja romskih učencev za OŠ Bršljin [Implementation Model of Education for Roma Pupils at the Primary School Bršljin]
in S. Autor and R. Kuhar (eds), Ljubljana: Peace Institute
Krek, J. (2005) 'Izvedbeni model izobraževanja romskih učencev za OŠ Bršljin [Implementation Model of Education for Roma Pupils at the Primary School Bršljin]', in S. Autor and R. Kuhar (eds) Poročilo skupne za spremljanje nestrpnosti Nr. 4 [Intolerance Monitoring Group Report], Ljubljana: Peace Institute.
Poročilo skupne za spremljanje nestrpnosti Nr. 4 [Intolerance Monitoring Group Report]
Krek, J.1
Interview of author with Ms Katarina Meden
Ljubljana, 6 December 2007
Meden, K. (2007) Interview of author with Ms Katarina Meden, Ljubljana, 6 December 2007.
Meden, K.1
[Deputies' questions and requests] Online, available at, (accessed 19 December 2007)
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Poslanska vprašanja in pobude
Online, available at, (accessed 26 August 2007)
Peace Institute (2007) Annual report of the Peace Institute 2006. Online, available at: www.mirovni-institut.si/ (accessed 26 August 2007).
Annual report of the Peace Institute 2006
Pobuda po 12. členu Zakona o uresničevanju načela enakega obravnavanja in prošnja za prednostno obravnavo [Request with regard to the Article 12 of the Implementation of the Principle of Equal Treatment Act and request to consider it a priority]
letter to the Advocate for the Principle of Equality on 29 January 2007. Online, available at, (accessed 28 August 2007)
Peace Institute and Legal Information Centre for NGOs (2007a) 'Pobuda po 12. členu Zakona o uresničevanju načela enakega obravnavanja in prošnja za prednostno obravnavo [Request with regard to the Article 12 of the Implementation of the Principle of Equal Treatment Act and request to consider it a priority]', letter to the Advocate for the Principle of Equality on 29 January 2007. Online, available at: www.mirovniinstitut.si/slo_html/novosti/pobuda_zagovornica.pdf (accessed 28 August 2007).
Dopolnitev pobude po 12. členu Zakona o uresničevanju načela enakega obravnavanja in prošnja za prednostno obravnavo [Supplementation on the request with regard to the Article 12 of the Implementation of the Principle of Equal Treatment Act and request to consider it a priority]
letter to the Advocate for the Principle of Equality on 2 March 2007, personal e-mail to author by Neža Kogovšek, 7 September 2007
Peace Institute and Legal Information Centre for NGOs (2007b) 'Dopolnitev pobude po 12. členu Zakona o uresničevanju načela enakega obravnavanja in prošnja za prednostno obravnavo [Supplementation on the request with regard to the Article 12 of the Implementation of the Principle of Equal Treatment Act and request to consider it a priority]', letter to the Advocate for the Principle of Equality on 2 March 2007, personal e-mail to author by Neža Kogovšek, 7 September 2007.
Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 1-4/91-I and 19/91
Republic of Slovenia (1991a) Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 1-4/91-I and 19/91.
Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia
Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 1I-1991-I
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Citizenship of the Republic of Slovenia Act
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Temporary Asylum Act
Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No 61/99. Online, available at, (accessed 10 December 2007)
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Act Regulating the Legal Status of Citizens of the Former Yugoslavia Living in the Republic of Slovenia
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Roma Community Act
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Local Self-Government Act
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Implementation of the Principle of Equal Treatment Act
Upor občine in krajanov proti Strojanovim [Struggle of the Municipality and Locals against the Strojan family]
News on RTV Slovenia, 14 November 2006. Online, available at, (accessed 28 August 2007)
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Ljudska volja povozila tehnični zakon [Peoples' Will Overridden Technical Law]
5 April 2004. Online, available at, (accessed 7 September 2007)
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Šeruga, K.1
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Population census results
2007 version
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Socialna izključenost Romov v Beli Krajini [Social Exclusion of Roma in Bela Krajina]
Urh, Š. (2006) 'Socialna izključenost Romov v Beli Krajini [Social Exclusion of Roma in Bela Krajina]', Socialno delo [Social Work], 45 (1/2): 41-49.
Socialno delo [Social Work]
, vol.45
, Issue.1-2
, pp. 41-49
Urh, Š.1
Interview of author with Špela Urh
Ljubljana, 20 December 2007
Urh, Š. (2007) Interview of author with Špela Urh, Ljubljana, 20 December 2007.
Urh, Š.1
Ethnically Sensitive Social Work with Roma
in D. Zaviršek, J. Zorn, L. Rihter and S. Ž. Demšar (eds), Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Work
Urh, Š. and Žnidarec Demšar, S. (2007) 'Ethnically Sensitive Social Work with Roma', in D. Zaviršek, J. Zorn, L. Rihter and S. Ž. Demšar (eds) Ethnicity in Eastern Europe. A Challenge for Social Work Education, Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Work.
Ethnicity in Eastern Europe. A Challenge for Social Work Education
Urh, Š.1
Žnidarec Demšar, S.2
World Development Indicators
Online database
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Program usposabljanja romskih koordinatorjev [Training Programme for the Roma Coordinatiors]
in N. Žagar and V. Klopčič (eds), Črnomelj: Zavod za izobraževanje in kulturo
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Poklicno informiranje in svetovanje za Rome - PISR [Vocational information and guidance for Roma]
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Po letu dni mandata romski svetniki nemočni [Powerless situation of Roma members of city council]
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Ethnic Citizenship in the Slovenian State
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Citizenship Studies
, vol.9
, Issue.2
, pp. 135-152
Zorn, J.1
New Borders, New Exclusions
in D. Zaviršek, J. Zorn, L. Rihter and S. Ž. Demšar (eds.), Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Work
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Ethnicity in Eastern Europe. A Challenge for Social Work Education
Zorn, J.1
"Mi, etno-državljani etno-demokracije" - nastajanje slovenskega državljanstva ["We, the ethno-citizens of ethno-democracy" - the formation of Slovene citizenship]
Zorn, J. (2007b) ' "Mi, etno-državljani etno-demokracije" - nastajanje slovenskega državljanstva ["We, the ethno-citizens of ethno-democracy" - the formation of Slovene citizenship]', Časopis za kritiko znanosti [Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination, and New Anthropology], 35 (228): 17-33.
Časopis za kritiko znanosti [Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination, and New Anthropology]
, vol.35
, Issue.228
, pp. 17-33
Zorn, J.1