In principle, this automated informational system is easy. The basic idea is that many problems are similar but that they receive different technical solutions. Thus, grouping problems that are similar we can give them the best single solutions. SPIDER permits rationalize and order the production of parts from different families, from its conception to its manufacture. It organizes the work of the consultant and of production with the help of the concept of Technology of the group, and which thanks to a code number on each part, permits standardization and automatization of the process of drafting, preparation and management of the production by family of parts, independently of the products that have produced them (F. Allard and M. Pouget op cit.)
In principle, this automated informational system is easy. The basic idea is that many problems are similar but that they receive different technical solutions. Thus, grouping problems that are similar we can give them the best single solutions. SPIDER permits rationalize and order the production of parts from different families, from its conception to its manufacture. It organizes the work of the consultant and of production with the help of the concept of Technology of the group, and which thanks to a code number on each part, permits standardization and automatization of the process of drafting, preparation and management of the production by family of parts, independently of the products that have produced them (F. Allard and M. Pouget op cit.).
In the questional Q2, besides Airbus, ten important associates were also seen
In the questional Q2, besides Airbus, ten important associates were also seen.
If not otherwise indicated, the following data is taken from "The Civil Aerospace Sector in the World"
If not otherwise indicated, the following data is taken from "The Civil Aerospace Sector in the World", Les Echos Etudes (2004).
Les Echos Etudes
Global Market Forecast Study by Airbus
Global Market Forecast Study by Airbus.
From the beginning of the 1990s, Airbus had attempted to develop a prototype aircraft that could compete with the B747, initially with Boeing in the so-called VLTI project. In 1995, Boeing decided to leave the project due to the crisis affecting the sector and justified this decision with the poor future market perspectives in the segment of high capacity, high autonomy planes. From that point on, Airbus Industrie proposed to meet the goal of competing with the B747 through the A380 Project based on totally new technology and great comfort. The basic design for the new airship, finished in 1999, showed operating costs from 15 to 20% lower (2.9 liters of kerosene consumption per lOOkm/passenger), greater autonomy, more seats and less time on the ground per round trip than its rival B747(EADS,2004)
From the beginning of the 1990s, Airbus had attempted to develop a prototype aircraft that could compete with the B747, initially with Boeing in the so-called VLTI project. In 1995, Boeing decided to leave the project due to the crisis affecting the sector and justified this decision with the poor future market perspectives in the segment of high capacity, high autonomy planes. From that point on, Airbus Industrie proposed to meet the goal of competing with the B747 through the A380 Project based on totally new technology and great comfort. The basic design for the new airship, finished in 1999, showed operating costs from 15 to 20% lower (2.9 liters of kerosene consumption per lOOkm/passenger), greater autonomy, more seats and less time on the ground per round trip than its rival B747(EADS,2004).
According to JP Morgan analysts, the fact that there has not yet been an avalanche of orders for the A380 is due to various reasons. Among them are financial reasons (poor financial situation of American aviation companies), price (the strength of the Euro) and market segment
According to JP Morgan analysts, the fact that there has not yet been an avalanche of orders for the A380 is due to various reasons. Among them are financial reasons (poor financial situation of American aviation companies), price (the strength of the Euro) and market segment. A plane like the A380 makes sense on long routes stopping in large airport hubs (traffic distribution centers). Airlines and manufacturers coincide on the future growth of air passengers, between 4 and 6% by 2023. The question is how this growth will be distributed. While Boeing foresees a rise in low cost companies which will promote traffic from one point to another over short and medium distances, a segment which will be served by its new model 7E7 Dreamlmer, Airbus believes there will be sufficient demand for the A380 over long-distance routes. 9 This system is based primarily on information technology and proposes to reduce the time employed in the development cycle, optimize production, avoid many initial problems and save on non-recurrent costs.
Since June 2004
Since June 2004.
Thus, funding guaranteed by partners with risks is $3.1b, that is, a third of the cost of the A380, while Airbus invests $5. lb in refundable subsidies established in $2.5b. In early 2005, Airbus confirmed higher costs of around $1.5b
Thus, funding guaranteed by partners with risks is $3.1b, that is, a third of the cost of the A380, while Airbus invests $5. lb in refundable subsidies established in $2.5b. In early 2005, Airbus confirmed higher costs of around $1.5b.