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Volumn 72, Issue 2, 1998, Pages 179-196

Peirce's retrieval of scotistic realism

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EID: 84880535295     PISSN: 10513558     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.5840/acpq199872216     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (1)

References (22)
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    • Berlin: De Gruyter
    • Peirce, however, does entertain some historically inaccurate theories about the rise of nominalism: "Notwithstanding a great outburst of nominalism in the fourteenth century which was connected with politics, the nominalists generally being opposed to the excessive powers of the pope and in favor of civil government, a connection that lent to the philosophical doctrine a factitious following, the Scotists, who were realists, were in most places the predominant party, and retained possession of the universities" (1.17). Our picture of the politics of nominalism and realism in medieval universities is much richer today, contradicting the statements Peirce makes here. There are any number of nominalists in ecclesiastical positions of authority, and any number of realists arguing against the power of the papacy. Peirce's picture seems to be drawn from the experience at the University of Paris, but even then, it is not convincing. On the picture at Paris in the fourteenth century after Ockham, see Paque, Ruprecht, Das Pariser Nominalistenstatut zur Entstehung des Realitätsbegriffs der neuzeitlichen Naturwissenschaft, (Occam, Burdian und Petrus Hispanus, Nikolaus von Autrecourt und Gregor von Rimini), (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1970).
    • (1970) Das Pariser Nominalistenstatut Zur Entstehung des Realitätsbegriffs der Neuzeitlichen Naturwissenschaft, (Occam, Burdian und Petrus Hispanus, Nikolaus von Autrecourt und Gregor von Rimini)
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    • By "later medieval" I mean thinkers after the rediscovery of Aristotle in the Latin West. It is indeed interesting that Peirce does not seem to consider the incredible range of medieval nominalist positions ranging from the circle around Peter Abelard through and beyond Ockham. Nominalist positions before the rediscovery of Aristotle in the West were not concerned with the place of universal propositions in science. That context for the debate could only arise out of discussions of Aristotle's Posterior Analytics.
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    • Peirce, however, cannot have missed the fact that science was for later medieval thinkers something quite different than contemporary science. In his treatment of Peirce and Scotus, John Boler points out this fact: "⋯it would be anachronistic to identify our current notion of experimental science with the scholastic scientia.⋯" Boler goes on, however, to link these two concepts of science in such a way that Peirce's move is exonerated: "it would be historically naïve to deny any pertinent connection," John F. Boler, Charles Peirce and Scholastic Realism (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1963), 20. It would also be historically naive to posit any direct connection between the medieval notion of a demonstrative syllogism to our modern "hypothesis-experiment-falsification" scientific procedure.
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    • OrdinatiOy Liber Secundus, dis. I-III, 394: ⋯ igitur intellectus intelligens illud obiectum sub ratione universalis, intelligit ipsum sub ratione opposita suae rationi, quia ut praecedit actum determinatur ex se ad oppositum illius rationis, scilicet universalis.
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    • Leiden: E.J. Brill
    • This process is more or less complicated depending upon whether a thinker accepts the multiplication of sensible species in the medium. On this topic, see the excellent treatment in Katherine Tachau, Vision and Certitude in the Age of Ockham: Optics, Epistemology and the Foundations of Semantics 1250-1345, Studien und Texte Zur Geistesgeschichte Des Mittelalters, XXII (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1988).
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    • Tachau, K.1

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