Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Bulgaria (in decreasing order)
Among OLD15 countries, according to the MASST simulation, internal disparities will diminish only in Belgium, Austria and Finland; they will increase in all NEW12 countries, and in a particularly marked manner in the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Bulgaria (in decreasing order).
Among OLD15 Countries, according to the MASST Simulation, Internal Disparities Will Diminish Only in Belgium, Austria and Finland; they Will Increase in All NEW12 Countries, and in a Particularly Marked Manner in the Czech Republic
mainly referring to the case of countries
Krugman speaks of a general “competitiveness obsession”, mainly referring to the case of countries.
Competitiveness Obsession
The Italian experience of the first economic boom, 1957-64, totally concentrated in only three areas Milan, History may repeat itself
The Italian experience of the first economic boom, 1957-64, totally concentrated in only three areas Milan, Turin and Genoa, the ‘north-western triangle’ is telling in this regard: wage and cost inflation, massive migration from the south, social and political tensions, deterioration in environmental quality due to excessively rapid economic transformation, generated the precocious end of the expansion phase, the early disappearance of previous competitiveness, and fifteen years of slow growth in these areas until the end of the following decade. History may repeat itself.
North-Western Triangle is Telling in This Regard: Wage and Cost Inflation, Massive Migration from the South, Social and Political Tensions, Deterioration in Environmental Quality due to Excessively Rapid Economic Transformation, Generated the Precocious End of the Expansion Phase, the Early Disappearance of Previous Competitiveness, and Fifteen Years of Slow Growth in These Areas until the End of the Following Decade
An operational methodology for the, QUality, Identity Layered Assessment
An operational methodology for the Territorial Impact Assessment of EU policies, along the lines suggested by the Commission and emphasising the three dimensions of ‘territorial cohe sion’, namely territorial efficiency, quality and identity, has recently been developed with the TEQUILA model Territorial Efficiency, QUality, Identity Layered Assessment
Along the Lines Suggested by the Commission and Emphasising the Three Dimensions of ‘territorial Cohe sion’, Namely Territorial Efficiency, Quality and Identity, has Recently Been Developed with the TEQUILA Model Territorial Efficiency
Roberto Camagni, 2006 and 2007.
Camagni, R.1