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Volumn 2, Issue 1, 1987, Pages 95-112

The republic of letters: Learned correspondence, 1680-1720

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EID: 84868520597     PISSN: 0268117X     EISSN: 20504616     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1080/0268117X.1987.10555263     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (29)

References (72)
  • 1
    • 84923495822 scopus 로고
    • Relation de létat présent de la république des lettres’
    • (Akademie-Ausgabe), 4e Reihe, Politische Schriften, Band 1 (Darmstadt
    • G.W. Leibniz, ‘Relation de l’état présent de la république des lettres’, Samtliche Schriften and Briefe (Akademie-Ausgabe), 4e Reihe, Politische Schriften, Band 1 (Darmstadt, 1931), pp. 569-71.
    • (1931) Samtliche Schriften and Briefe , pp. 569-571
    • Leibniz, G.W.1
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    • 85081835389 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Voulant le dédier au Roy, on pourroit commencer ainsi: Sire, je présente à Votre Majesté la relation dun pays, ou elle vivra tousjours. Ce sont les champs Elisiens des Héros, et il faut passer par là pour avoir commerce avec la posterité’
    • Konzept A
    • ‘Voulant le dédier au Roy, on pourroit commencer ainsi: Sire, je présente à Votre Majesté la relation d’un pays, ou elle vivra tousjours. Ce sont les champs Elisiens des Héros, et il faut passer par là pour avoir commerce avec la posterité’. Samtliche Schriften and Briefe., Konzept A, p. 569.
    • Samtliche Schriften and Briefe
  • 3
    • 85081834549 scopus 로고
    • ‘Si j’estois jeune, j’irais en Muscovie et peutestre jusqu’à la Chine pour établir cette communication de lumières par le moyen de mon Arithmetique binaire…’ Leibniz to Mathias Johan v. d. Schulenburg, Hannover, 16 August 1705, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kultursbesitz, Berlin, MS Savigny 38, f. 28 draft in Hannover quoted by, Hannover, 1889 Hildesheim
    • ‘Si j’estois jeune, j’irais en Muscovie et peutestre jusqu’à la Chine pour établir cette communication de lumières par le moyen de mon Arithmetique binaire…’ Leibniz to Mathias Johan v. d. Schulenburg, Hannover, 16 August 1705, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kultursbesitz, Berlin, MS Savigny 38, f. 28 draft in Hannover quoted by E. Bodemann, Der Briefwechsel des G. W. Leibniz (Hannover, 1889 Hildesheim, 1966), p. 269.
    • (1966) Der Briefwechsel Des G. W. Leibniz
    • Bodemann, E.1
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    • 85081837598 scopus 로고
    • ‘Jamais la correspondance entre les philosophes ne fut plus universelle Leibnitz servit à l’animer. On a vu une république littéraire établie insensiblement dans l’Europe, malgré les guerres el malgré les religions diflérentes. Toutes les sciences, tous les arts ont regu ainsi des secours mutuels. Les académies ont formé cette republique… Les veritables savants dans chaque genre ont reserre les liens de cette grande société des esprits, répandue partout, et partout indépendante’. Voltaire, in Oeuvres historiques, edited by René (Paris, Bibliothèque de la Pleiade, 1957
    • ‘Jamais la correspondance entre les philosophes ne fut plus universelle Leibnitz servit à l’animer. On a vu une république littéraire établie insensiblement dans l’Europe, malgré les guerres el malgré les religions diflérentes. Toutes les sciences, tous les arts ont regu ainsi des secours mutuels. Les académies ont formé cette republique… Les veritables savants dans chaque genre ont reserre les liens de cette grande société des esprits, répandue partout, et partout indépendante’. Voltaire, Le Si'ècle de Louis XIV, Chapter 34, in Oeuvres historiques, edited by René (Paris, Bibliothèque de la Pleiade, 1957 1962), p. 1027.
    • (1962) Le Si'ècle De Louis XIV , vol.34
  • 8
    • 0345457664 scopus 로고
    • English translation, Cambridge, Meyer’s further assertion is not entirely convincing: ‘Secure in their self-conscious isolation, the uomini singulari were sending their elaborate epistles all over Europe, while at the same time avoiding personal contact as much as possible… what mattered was a man’s reputation as a letter-writer’
    • English translation Leibniz and the Seventeeth-Century Revolution (Cambridge, 1952) Meyer’s further assertion is not entirely convincing: ‘Secure in their self-conscious isolation, the uomini singulari were sending their elaborate epistles all over Europe, while at the same time avoiding personal contact as much as possible… what mattered was a man’s reputation as a letter-writer’.
    • (1952) Leibniz and the Seventeeth-Century Revolution
  • 9
    • 79953179507 scopus 로고
    • Erasmus and die Res Publica Literaria
    • edited by C. Reedijk (Amsterdam and London
    • Fritz Schalk, ‘Erasmus and die Res Publica Literaria’, Actes du Cotloque Erasme, edited by C. Reedijk (Amsterdam and London, 1971), pp. 14-28
    • (1971) Actes Du Cotloque Erasme , pp. 14-28
    • Schalk, F.1
  • 10
    • 12944330731 scopus 로고
    • Von Erasmus Res Publica Literaria zur Gelehrtenrepublik der Aufklärung’
    • also, Frankfurt am Main
    • also, ‘Von Erasmus’ Res Publica Literaria zur Gelehrtenrepublik der Aufklärung’, Studien zur Französischen Aufklärung (Frankfurt am Main, 1977), pp. 143-63.
    • (1977) Studien Zur Französischen Aufklärung , pp. 143-163
  • 12
    • 85081836666 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Die Respublica litteraria. Wunschbild der europäischen Gelehrten-welt
    • (in press)
    • J.A.H. Bots, ‘Die Respublica litteraria. Wunschbild der europäischen Gelehrten-welt’, Ueberwegs Grandriss der Geschichte der Philosophie (in press)
    • Ueberwegs Grandriss Der Geschichte Der Philosophie
    • Bots, J.1
  • 15
    • 84951595103 scopus 로고
    • Les coulisses du journal de Bayle
    • edited by Paul Dibon (Paris and Amsterdam
    • Elisabeth Labrousse, ‘Les coulisses du journal de Bayle’, Pierre Bayle, le philosophe de Rotterdam, edited by Paul Dibon (Paris and Amsterdam, 1959), p. 117.
    • (1959) Pierre Bayle, Le Philosophe De Rotterdam
    • Labrousse, E.1
  • 18
    • 0003469873 scopus 로고
    • Cambridge, During the later seventeenth century Leibniz, Magliabechi, and Ismael Boulliau were acting as intelligencers also
    • Michael Hunter, Science and Society in Restoration England (Cambridge, 1981)., p. 49. During the later seventeenth century Leibniz, Magliabechi, and Ismael Boulliau were acting as intelligencers also.
    • (1981) Science and Society in Restoration England
    • Hunter, M.1
  • 21
    • 85081837585 scopus 로고
    • ‘ on n’écrit pas aux gens tout ce que l’on pense… En un mot les lettres d’un homme nesont pas de bons témoins de ses pensées.’ [Pierre Bayle], review of, April, (La Haye, 1715)
    • ‘ on n’écrit pas aux gens tout ce que l’on pense… En un mot les lettres d’un homme nesont pas de bons témoins de ses pensées.’ [Pierre Bayle], review of Lettres choisies de feu M. Guy Patin, Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres 1:2 (April, 1684), 108-09 (La Haye, 1715).
    • (1684) Lettres Choisies De Feu M. Guy Patin, Nouvelles De La Republique Des Lettres , vol.1 , Issue.2 , pp. 108-109
  • 22
    • 85081841331 scopus 로고
    • But Bayle went on to exempt Patin’s letters from this general rule. Is it surprising that a later editor of Bayle’s letters should have cited this passage in his own preface? [Prosper Marchand], Rotterdam
    • But Bayle went on to exempt Patin’s letters from this general rule. Is it surprising that a later editor of Bayle’s letters should have cited this passage in his own preface? [Prosper Marchand], Lettres choisies de M. Bayle, 3 vols (Rotterdam, 1714).
    • (1714) Lettres Choisies De M. Bayle , vol.3
  • 25
    • 85081840743 scopus 로고
    • Per le viscere di Gjesu Cristo, e per tutte le Sante leggi dell’ amicizzia, prego V.S. Illma. a stracciar questa carta, subito che l’avra letta, scrivendolela io in estrema segretezza, e confidenza, ed in sigillo di Confession naturale, perche mai in tempo alcuno possa esser veduta da anima vivente.’ Antonio Magliabechi to Leibniz, Florence, 5 July 1692, in Leibniz, le Reihe, Band, Berlin, and numerous times thereafter
    • ‘Per le viscere di Gjesu Cristo, e per tutte le Sante leggi dell’ amicizzia, prego V.S. Illma. a stracciar questa carta, subito che l’avra letta, scrivendolela io in estrema segretezza, e confidenza, ed in sigillo di Confession naturale, perche mai in tempo alcuno possa esser veduta da anima vivente.’ Antonio Magliabechi to Leibniz, Florence, 5 July 1692, in Leibniz, Sämtliche Schriften, le Reihe, Band 8 (Berlin, 1970), p. 322 and numerous times thereafter.
    • (1970) Sämtliche Schriften , vol.8
  • 26
    • 85081843282 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • P.S. Je n’aurois point écrit ce quej’ay mis a la fin de ma lettre, sije nejugeois, Monsieur, que l’occasion de vous ecrire est seure. Car il y a des mauvais interpretes… Cependant le plus seur sera quand vous me voudrés en marquer vostre sentiment, ou l’estat de la chosede la faire en paroles generalissimes et dont personne puisse rien tirer. En disant par example Quant à I’affaire de nostre ami, je le trouve faisable ou non, etc. en parlant comme d’un tiers…Vous m’entendés, Monsieur, àdemy mot, et je vous supplie de brûler ce billet’. Leibniz to Mathias Johann v. d. Schulenburg, 16 Aug. 1705, S.P.B.K., Berlin, MS Savigny 38, f. 29-29vo
    • ‘P.S. Je n’aurois point écrit ce quej’ay mis a la fin de ma lettre, sije nejugeois, Monsieur, que l’occasion de vous ecrire est seure. Car il y a des mauvais interpretes… Cependant le plus seur sera quand vous me voudrés en marquer vostre sentiment, ou l’estat de la chosede la faire en paroles generalissimes et dont personne puisse rien tirer. En disant par example Quant à I’affaire de nostre ami, je le trouve faisable ou non, etc. en parlant comme d’un tiers…Vous m’entendés, Monsieur, àdemy mot, et je vous supplie de brûler ce billet’. Leibniz to Mathias Johann v. d. Schulenburg, 16 Aug. 1705, S.P.B.K., Berlin, MS Savigny 38, f. 29-29vo.
  • 27
    • 85081843143 scopus 로고
    • Portrait of Hearne
    • Dr Arthur Charlett to Thomas Hearne, 1 September 1715, University College, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Rwl. Lett. 14, f. 352. See also, Second edition, London
    • Dr Arthur Charlett to Thomas Hearne, 1 September 1715, University College, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Rwl. Lett. 14, f. 352. See also David C. Douglas, ‘Portrait of Hearne’, English Scholars 1660-1730 (Second edition, London, 1951), pp. 178-94.
    • (1951) English Scholars 1660-1730 , pp. 178-194
    • Douglas, D.C.1
  • 28
    • 70449921468 scopus 로고
    • Communication in the Respublica literaria of the seventeenth century
    • ‘Let us suppose for a moment that we were able to analyze systematically all the parallel correspondences of a generation-and in this case my choice, because of the abandance of documentation, would fall on the years 1630-1650-and we were able to feed this mass of information into a computer. The potential results are mouthwatering to contemplate. Such a project, however, is hardly practicable. The insurmountable obstacle would be the analysis of the documents themselves, a task which could be carried out only by the most highly qualified persons. “Messis quidem multa, operarii autem pauci”.’, The University of Kansas
    • ‘Let us suppose for a moment that we were able to analyze systematically all the parallel correspondences of a generation-and in this case my choice, because of the abandance of documentation, would fall on the years 1630-1650-and we were able to feed this mass of information into a computer. The potential results are mouthwatering to contemplate. Such a project, however, is hardly practicable. The insurmountable obstacle would be the analysis of the documents themselves, a task which could be carried out only by the most highly qualified persons. “Messis quidem multa, operarii autem pauci”.’ Paul Dibon, ‘Communication in the Respublica literaria of the seventeenth century’, Res Publica Lilterarum: Studies in the Classical Tradition (The University of Kansas, 1978), 1, 52
    • (1978) Res Publica Lilterarum: Studies in the Classical Tradition , vol.1 , pp. 52
    • Dibon, P.1
  • 29
    • 79954210092 scopus 로고
    • La vie érudite a Paris à la fin du XVIIe siècle
    • See also the question of Bruno Neveu: ‘Will the history of European learning in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries ever be written?’ His answer is more positive
    • See also the question of Bruno Neveu: ‘Will the history of European learning in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries ever be written?’ His answer is more positive. ‘La vie érudite a Paris à la fin du XVIIe siècle’, Bibliothèque de I’Ecole des Chartes, 124 (1966), 432-511.
    • (1966) Bibliothèque De I’Ecole Des Chartes , vol.124 , pp. 432-511
  • 31
    • 84856204996 scopus 로고
    • also published as, London, for a study of a creative elite of 600 painters, writers, musicians, scientists and humanists. Professor Michael Erbe of the Freie Universitat Berlin is engaged in a study of German humanists, and has kindly discussed his work with me
    • also published as Tradition and Innovation in Renaissance Italy, London, 1974, for a study of a creative elite of 600 painters, writers, musicians, scientists and humanists. Professor Michael Erbe of the Freie Universitat Berlin is engaged in a study of German humanists, and has kindly discussed his work with me.
    • (1974) Tradition and Innovation in Renaissance Italy
  • 32
    • 85081835571 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Dr Victor Ferguson to Hans Sloane, Belfast, 14 July 1691, British Library, London, MS Sloane 4036, f. 106
    • Dr Victor Ferguson to Hans Sloane, Belfast, 14 July 1691, British Library, London, MS Sloane 4036, f. 106.
  • 33
    • 85081838767 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Lachland Campbell to Edward Lhuyd, Campbelltown, 16 April 1705, Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Ashmole 1814, f. 293
    • Lachland Campbell to Edward Lhuyd, Campbelltown, 16 April 1705, Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Ashmole 1814, f. 293.
  • 34
    • 85081837304 scopus 로고
    • LUniversité de Leyde et la République des Lettres au 17e siècle’
    • See also his articles, Janury
    • See also his articles, ‘L’Université de Leyde et la République des Lettres au 17e siècle’ Quaerendo, 6 (Janury, 1975), 4-38
    • (1975) Quaerendo , vol.6 , pp. 4-38
  • 35
    • 85081842932 scopus 로고
    • ‘Naples et l’Eruope Savante dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle’, Naples
    • ‘Naples et l’Eruope Savante dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle’, Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres, (Naples, 1984), 27-45.
    • (1984) Nouvelles De La Republique Des Lettres , pp. 27-45
  • 36
    • 33846216960 scopus 로고
    • For example: Abbé Jean Gallois, secretary of the French Academy of Sciences, corresponded from end 1672 to July 1705 Pierre Daniel Huet, bishop ofSoissons and later Avranches, beginning of 1673 to February 1707 Antoine Arnauld, prominent Jansenist, November 1671 to March 1690 Christiaan Huygens Nicolas Malebranche, Oratorian priest and philosopher, met Leibniz in 1675, corresponded with him from January 1679 to 1711/12. These dates are taken from, (Frankfurt am Main
    • For example: Abbé Jean Gallois, secretary of the French Academy of Sciences, corresponded from end 1672 to July 1705 Pierre Daniel Huet, bishop ofSoissons and later Avranches, beginning of 1673 to February 1707 Antoine Arnauld, prominent Jansenist, November 1671 to March 1690 Christiaan Huygens Nicolas Malebranche, Oratorian priest and philosopher, met Leibniz in 1675, corresponded with him from January 1679 to 1711/12. These dates are taken from Kurt Müller and Gisela Krönert, Leben and Werk von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: eine Chronik (Frankfurt am Main, 1969).
    • (1969) Leben and Werk Von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: Eine Chronik
    • Müller, K.1    Krönert, G.2
  • 37
    • 84951595112 scopus 로고
    • Leibniz and seine Korrespondenz
    • These figures were taken from the lists of Eduard Bodemann, Der Briefwechsel des G.W. Leibniz, then revised in acord with Dr. Georg Garber, edited by Wilhelm Totok and Carl HaaseHannover, There can of course be discussions about the proper assignment of letter-writers to places, but I think the overall picture is accurate. For the non-German cities, the letters of Pierre Bayle, Pierre Desmaizeaux, John Locke, and Hans Sloane show similar concentration on Paris and the Dutch towns
    • These figures were taken from the lists of Eduard Bodemann, Der Briefwechsel des G.W. Leibniz, then revised in acord with Dr. Georg Garber, ‘Leibniz and seine Korrespondenz’, Leibniz: sein Leben-sein Wirken-seine Welt, edited by Wilhelm Totok and Carl Haase (Hannover, 1966), pp. 141-72. There can of course be discussions about the proper assignment of letter-writers to places, but I think the overall picture is accurate. For the non-German cities, the letters of Pierre Bayle, Pierre Desmaizeaux, John Locke, and Hans Sloane show similar concentration on Paris and the Dutch towns.
    • (1966) Leibniz: Sein Leben-Sein Wirken-Seine Welt , pp. 141-172
  • 38
    • 85081842379 scopus 로고
    • Robert Wodrow’s correspondence is now in the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh. Several volumes have been published: for the period 1709-1731, Edinburgh
    • Robert Wodrow’s correspondence is now in the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh. Several volumes have been published: for the period 1709-1731: The Correspondence of the Rev. Robert Wodrow…, edited by the Rev. Thomas M’Crie, 3 vols (Edinburgh, 1842-1843)
    • (1842) The Correspondence of the Rev. Robert Wodrow…, Edited by the Rev. Thomas M’Crie , vol.3
  • 39
    • 85081837219 scopus 로고
    • edited by L.W. Sharp (Edinburgh: Scottish History Society, Third Series, Robert Sibbald’s papers at the National Library of Scotland include few letters, but some can be foand in the Sloane MSS at the British Library, the Royal Society, and the Bodleian
    • also, Early Letters of Robert Wodrow, 1698-1709, edited by L.W. Sharp (Edinburgh: Scottish History Society, Third Series, vol. 24, 1937). Robert Sibbald’s papers at the National Library of Scotland include few letters, but some can be foand in the Sloane MSS at the British Library, the Royal Society, and the Bodleian.
    • (1937) Early Letters of Robert Wodrow, 1698-1709 , vol.24
  • 41
    • 61049260241 scopus 로고
    • Bayles biographer: Pierre Des Maizeaux’
    • The correspondence of Pierre Desmaizeaux is at the British Library, London, especially Add. MSS 4281-4289. See the work of J.H. Broome, ‘An Agent in Anglo-French Relationships, Pierre Des Maizeaux, 1673-1745’, (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of London, 1949). Broome also published three related articles
    • The correspondence of Pierre Desmaizeaux is at the British Library, London, especially Add. MSS 4281-4289. See the work of J.H. Broome, ‘An Agent in Anglo-French Relationships, Pierre Des Maizeaux, 1673-1745’, (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of London, 1949). Broome also published three related articles: ‘Bayle’s biographer: Pierre Des Maizeaux’, French Studies, 9 (1955), 1-17
    • (1955) French Studies , vol.9 , pp. 1-17
  • 43
    • 85081835579 scopus 로고
    • Anthony Collins et Desmaizeaux
    • Mr. Joseph Almagor, compiler of the ‘Inventory to the correspondence of Pierre Desmaizeaux’ (typescript, Katholieke Universiteit te Nijmegen, 1984), is preparing another thesis on Desmaizeaux
    • ‘Anthony Collins et Desmaizeaux’, Revue de litterature comparée, 30 (1956), 161-79. Mr. Joseph Almagor, compiler of the ‘Inventory to the correspondence of Pierre Desmaizeaux’ (typescript, Katholieke Universiteit te Nijmegen, 1984), is preparing another thesis on Desmaizeaux.
    • (1956) Revue De Litterature comparée , vol.30 , pp. 161-179
  • 44
    • 85081838602 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Dr John Smith’s correspondence with Sir Robert Sibbald is in the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, MS Adv. 33 3. 19, ff. 47-62. They discussed civil and ecclesiastical history
    • Dr John Smith’s correspondence with Sir Robert Sibbald is in the National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, MS Adv. 33 3. 19, ff. 47-62. They discussed civil and ecclesiastical history.
  • 45
    • 85081842548 scopus 로고
    • ‘La république des lettres ne manque pas de gens qui travaillent pour son service. Mais elle est dans une espèce d’Anarchie, n’ayant ni chef, ni archives, ni chancellerie, ni centre d’unite. Elle ne manque pas non plus de portefaix, de ces savans chargées d’érudition comme les appelle M. Bayle, qui ne savent que faire de leur charge ou de leur Marchandise, n’ayant pas l’art de mettre en oeuvre les matériaux qu’ils portent, et qui ne savent non plus où les déposer, faute d’avoir un magazin public, où ils puissent faire valoir leur marchandise au profit des autres’. This ‘Projet pour l’établissement d’un Bureau. Général de la république des lettres’ was attributed by the sceptical editors to an unidentified German professor, at 205
    • ‘La république des lettres ne manque pas de gens qui travaillent pour son service. Mais elle est dans une espèce d’Anarchie, n’ayant ni chef, ni archives, ni chancellerie, ni centre d’unite. Elle ne manque pas non plus de portefaix, de ces savans chargées d’érudition comme les appelle M. Bayle, qui ne savent que faire de leur charge ou de leur Marchandise, n’ayant pas l’art de mettre en oeuvre les matériaux qu’ils portent, et qui ne savent non plus où les déposer, faute d’avoir un magazin public, où ils puissent faire valoir leur marchandise au profit des autres’. This ‘Projet pour l’établissement d’un Bureau. Général de la république des lettres’ was attributed by the sceptical editors to an unidentified German professor. Bibliothèque raisonnée des ouvrages des savans de I’Europe, 39 (1747), 202-21, at 205.
    • (1747) Bibliothèque raisonnée Des Ouvrages Des Savans De I’Europe , vol.39 , pp. 202-221
  • 46
    • 85081839211 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Maarten Ultee, ‘Res publica litteraria and War, 1680-1715’, Internationaler Arbeitskreis fur Barockliteratur, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbiittel, March, 1985 in the volume of conference proceedings, edited by Conrad Wiedemann and Sebastian Neumeister (in press)
    • Maarten Ultee, ‘Res publica litteraria and War, 1680-1715’, Internationaler Arbeitskreis fur Barockliteratur, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbiittel, March, 1985 in the volume of conference proceedings, Res Publica Litteraria, edited by Conrad Wiedemann and Sebastian Neumeister (in press).
    • Res Publica Litteraria
  • 48
    • 0141858744 scopus 로고
    • Some International and Political Influences of the Huguenot Emigrés in the United Provinces, c. 1680-1730
    • Graham C. Gibbs, ‘Some International and Political Influences of the Huguenot Emigrés in the United Provinces, c. 1680-1730’, Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 90 (1975), 255-87.
    • (1975) Bijdragen En Mededelingen Betreffende De Geschiedenis Der Nederlanden , vol.90 , pp. 255-287
    • Gibbs, G.C.1
  • 51
    • 85081840112 scopus 로고
    • Ms Anne Goldgar of Harvard University is writing a thesis on this subject
    • and by Gibbs in British Journalfor the History of Science, 17 (1984), 67-81. Ms Anne Goldgar of Harvard University is writing a thesis on this subject.
    • (1984) Gibbs in British Journalfor the History of Science , vol.17 , pp. 67-81
  • 52
  • 53
    • 0040475450 scopus 로고
    • The Hague, Elisabeth Labrousse, Bayle, Past Masters Series (Oxford, 1983)
    • Elizabeth Israels Perry, From Theology to History (The Hague 1973) Elisabeth Labrousse, Bayle, Past Masters Series (Oxford, 1983).
    • (1973) From Theology to History
    • Perry, E.I.1
  • 54
    • 79958441452 scopus 로고
    • Pierre Jurieu, Theologian and Politican of the Dispersion
    • F.R.J. Knetsch, ‘Pierre Jurieu, Theologian and Politican of the Dispersion’, Acta Historiae Neerlandica, 5 (1971), 213-42
    • (1971) Acta Historiae Neerlandica , vol.5 , pp. 213-242
    • Knetsch, F.1
  • 55
    • 0040475703 scopus 로고
    • an English summary of his larger work in Dutch, Kampen, Jurieu’s pamphlets were received with enthusiasm by Protestants still in France, and may have inspired their revolts in Languedoc
    • an English summary of his larger work in Dutch, Pierre Jurieu: Theoloog en Politikus der Refuge (Kampen, 1967). Jurieu’s pamphlets were received with enthusiasm by Protestants still in France, and may have inspired their revolts in Languedoc.
    • (1967) Pierre Jurieu: Theoloog En Politikus Der Refuge
  • 56
    • 84904837322 scopus 로고
    • Paris, especially pp. 174-97 215-29 but this work should be used with caution
    • Joseph Dedieu, Le Role politique des protestants franfais (Paris, 1921), especially pp. 174-97 215-29 but this work should be used with caution.
    • (1921) Le Role Politique Des Protestants Franfais
    • Dedieu, J.1
  • 57
    • 85081835327 scopus 로고
    • Paris, 11 July 1696, printed in Malebranche
    • ‘II me semble qu’il n’y a pas de nouvelles de Littérature mais on dit que la paix de Savoye 9st faite’. Malebranche to Charles Reyneau, Oratorian at Angers, edited by André Robinet (Paris
    • ‘II me semble qu’il n’y a pas de nouvelles de Littérature mais on dit que la paix de Savoye 9st faite’. Malebranche to Charles Reyneau, Oratorian at Angers, Paris, 11 July 1696, printed in Malebranche, Correspondence, edited by André Robinet (Paris, 1961), II, 634.
    • (1961) Correspondence , vol.2 , pp. 634
  • 59
    • 84904598197 scopus 로고
    • Leibniz stated his desire to go to England in a letter to John Ker of Kersland, 8 October 1714, printed in Ker’s, (Rotterdam
    • Leibniz stated his desire to go to England in a letter to John Ker of Kersland, 8 October 1714, printed in Ker’s Mémoires (Rotterdam, 1726), vol. 1, p. 167.
    • (1726) Mémoires , vol.1
  • 60
    • 85081842848 scopus 로고
    • Leibnizs Unknown Correspondence with English Scholars and Men of Letters’
    • His proposals to become Historiographer Royal are discussed by, He received discouraging responses from the king and his advisers, e.g., A.G. von Bernstorff to Leibniz, 1 November 1714
    • His proposals to become Historiographer Royal are discussed by Raymond Klibansky, ‘Leibniz’s Unknown Correspondence with English Scholars and Men of Letters’, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, (1941), 133-49. He received discouraging responses from the king and his advisers, e.g., A.G. von Bernstorff to Leibniz, 1 November 1714.
    • (1941) Medieval and Renaissance Studies , pp. 133-149
    • Klibansky, R.1
  • 61
    • 85081840750 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See Müller and Krönert
    • See Müller and Krönert, Leben and Werk, pp. 248-49.
    • Leben and Werk , pp. 248-249
  • 62
    • 85081841297 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • quoique toute notre liaison ne doive rouler que sur des points de littérature, et ne ressemble par consequent qu’à celle dont de purs Esprits sont capables independamment de tout interest politique de paix et de guerre’. Abbé Bignon to Pierre Desmaizeaux, Paris, 27 April 1708, British Library, London, Add. MS 4281, f. 161-161vo
    • '. quoique toute notre liaison ne doive rouler que sur des points de littérature, et ne ressemble par consequent qu’à celle dont de purs Esprits sont capables independamment de tout interest politique de paix et de guerre’. Abbé Bignon to Pierre Desmaizeaux, Paris, 27 April 1708, British Library, London, Add. MS 4281, f. 161-161vo.
  • 63
    • 85081842104 scopus 로고
    • Lédition et le commerce du livre français en Europe’
    • Henri-Jean Martin, Livre, Pouvoirs et Soci, t à Paris au XVIIe siècle, 1598-1701, 2 vols (Geneva, 1969), II, 725-27, 752. SeeChristiane Berkvens-Stevelinck, edited by Henri-Jean Martin and Roger Chartier (Paris
    • Henri-Jean Martin, Livre, Pouvoirs et Société à Paris au XVIIe siècle, 1598-1701, 2 vols (Geneva, 1969), II, 725-27, 752. SeeChristiane Berkvens-Stevelinck, ‘L’édition et le commerce du livre français en Europe’, Histoire de I’édition franqaise, edited by Henri-Jean Martin and Roger Chartier (Paris, 1982-1984), II, 305-13.
    • (1982) Histoire De I’édition Franqaise , vol.2 , pp. 305-313
  • 65
    • 85081837910 scopus 로고
    • Dr. Chrisostome Matanasius [Thémiseul Cordonnier de Saint-Hyacinthe, Prosper Marchand, et al.], La Haye
    • Dr. Chrisostome Matanasius [Thémiseul Cordonnier de Saint-Hyacinthe, Prosper Marchand, et al.], Le Chef-d’Oeuvre d’un Inconnu, 2 vols. (La Haye, 1714)
    • (1714) Le Chef-d’Oeuvre d’un Inconnu , vol.2
  • 66
    • 85081835829 scopus 로고
    • Leipzig, 1715 other Latin editions Amsterdam, 1715, 1716, 1727
    • Johann Burkhardt Mencke, De Charlataneria eruditorum (Leipzig, 1715 other Latin editions Amsterdam, 1715, 1716, 1727, 1747)
    • (1747) De Charlataneria Eruditorum
    • Mencke, J.B.1
  • 67
    • 85081840539 scopus 로고
    • French edition, La Haye, Dutch edition 1739, and Spanish edition 1787
    • French edition De la Charlatanerie de savans (La Haye, 1721), Dutch edition 1739, and Spanish edition 1787.
    • (1721) De La Charlatanerie De Savans
  • 68
    • 85081841106 scopus 로고
    • ‘Les jeunes gens puisent aujourd’hui leur savoir dans ces journaux, et après y avoir lu un mauvais extrait, decident hardiment d’un livre et des matières qu’il traite’. Denis-François Camusat, Amsterdam
    • ‘Les jeunes gens puisent aujourd’hui leur savoir dans ces journaux, et après y avoir lu un mauvais extrait, decident hardiment d’un livre et des matières qu’il traite’. Denis-François Camusat, Histoire critique des journaux, 2 vols. (Amsterdam, 1734)
    • (1734) Histoire Critique Des Journaux , vol.2
  • 69
    • 79953387224 scopus 로고
    • Journalisme et histoire contemporaine à Iépoque de Bayle’
    • quoted in the ‘Advertissement’ by the publisher, J.F. Bernard, who comments: ‘Peut-on douter apres cela que les journaux ne nuisent aux bonnes études? II n’en seroit pas de meme si des Bayle, des Le Clerc, etc. travailloient à nos journaux’. Camusat had first published on the history of journals in 1716, and apparently formed his views on this point before 1720, when he published a prospectus for his history and asked Pierre Desmaizeaux for comments. His letters and a copy of the prospectus are among the Desmaizeaux papers, British Library, Add. MS 4282, ff. 1-52. For a more positive view of journals, see
    • quoted in the ‘Advertissement’ by the publisher, J.F. Bernard, who comments: ‘Peut-on douter apres cela que les journaux ne nuisent aux bonnes études? II n’en seroit pas de meme si des Bayle, des Le Clerc, etc. travailloient à nos journaux’. Camusat had first published on the history of journals in 1716, and apparently formed his views on this point before 1720, when he published a prospectus for his history and asked Pierre Desmaizeaux for comments. His letters and a copy of the prospectus are among the Desmaizeaux papers, British Library, Add. MS 4282, ff. 1-52. For a more positive view of journals, see Myriam Yardeni, ‘Journalisme et histoire contemporaine à I’époque de Bayle’, History and Theory, 12 (1973) 208-29.
    • (1973) History and Theory , vol.12 , pp. 208-229
    • Yardeni, M.1
  • 70
    • 85081841516 scopus 로고
    • The Character of a Virtuoso
    • ‘He Trafficks to all places, and has his Correspondents in every part of the world yet his Merchandizes serve not to promote our Luxury, nor encrease our Trade, and neither enrich the Nation, nor himself… I know that the desire of knowledge, and the discovery of things yet unknown is the Pretence but what knowledge is it?… The knowledge they boast so much of, is no more than a Register of their Names, and Marks of Distinction only’. [Mrs Drake or Mary Astell], second edition, London
    • ‘He Trafficks to all places, and has his Correspondents in every part of the world yet his Merchandizes serve not to promote our Luxury, nor encrease our Trade, and neither enrich the Nation, nor himself… I know that the desire of knowledge, and the discovery of things yet unknown is the Pretence but what knowledge is it?… The knowledge they boast so much of, is no more than a Register of their Names, and Marks of Distinction only’. [Mrs Drake or Mary Astell], ‘The Character of a Virtuoso’, An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex (second edition, London, 1696), pp. 97, 102, 103.
    • (1696) An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex
  • 71
    • 0042113680 scopus 로고
    • The English Virtuoso in the Seventeenth Century
    • Cited by Walter E. Houghton, Jr, ‘The English Virtuoso in the Seventeenth Century’, Journal ofthe History ofIdeas, 3 (1942), 51-73, 190-219.
    • (1942) Journal Ofthe History Ofideas , vol.3
    • Houghton, W.E.1
  • 72
    • 84921559310 scopus 로고
    • Note the striking similarities oflanguage and contrasts of opinion to the Leibniz ‘Relation’ quoted at the beginning of this paper, London, British Library, 740. c. 24. (1), is discussed in Sloane’s letter to Dr John Wallis, London, 6 Feb. 1699/1700, and attributed to Dr William King by Wallis in his reply, Oxford, 19 Feb. 1699/1700, Wellcome Institute, London, MS Ac. 50838
    • Note the striking similarities oflanguage and contrasts of opinion to the Leibniz ‘Relation’ quoted at the beginning of this paper. The Transactioneer (London, 1700), British Library, 740. c. 24. (1), is discussed in Sloane’s letter to Dr John Wallis, London, 6 Feb. 1699/1700, and attributed to Dr William King by Wallis in his reply, Oxford, 19 Feb. 1699/1700, Wellcome Institute, London, MS Ac. 50838.
    • (1700) The Transactioneer

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