are presented This site references a number of articles that have been written and offers access to a webcast that was recently seen by over a quarter million architects, designers, students, and other building sector members in 42 countries
Both the 2030 Challenge and the 2010 Imperative are presented on This site references a number of articles that have been written and offers access to a webcast that was recently seen by over a quarter million architects, designers, students, and other building sector members in 42 countries.
ASHRAE 90.1 uses DOE-2 to calculate energy performance, which some claim is less accurate than the hourly heat balance methods at evaluating the effects of thermal mass in envelope dominated passive buildings
ASHRAE 90.1 uses DOE-2 to calculate energy performance, which some claim is less accurate than the hourly heat balance methods at evaluating the effects of thermal mass in envelope dominated passive buildings. HEED and EnergyPlus use the Heat Balance method.
allows the most points credit in the Energy and Atmosphere category for building performance that is better than the basecase building. California's Title 24 buildings are allowed up to an extra 10% increase in points for the same kBTU/sf-yr (see Amendment # LEED 2.0-EAc1-133)
LEED, Leadership in Energy Efficient Design™, allows the most points credit in the Energy and Atmosphere category for building performance that is better than the basecase building. California's Title 24 buildings are allowed up to an extra 10% increase in points for the same kBTU/sf-yr (see Amendment # LEED 2.0-EAc1-133).