Phase I study of RO4929097, a gamma secretase inhibitor of Notch signaling, in patients with refractory metastatic or locally advanced solid tumors
Tolcher AW, Messersmith WA, Mikulski SM, et al: Phase I study of RO4929097, a gamma secretase inhibitor of Notch signaling, in patients with refractory metastatic or locally advanced solid tumors. J Clin Oncol 30:2348-2353, 2012
Phase I pharmacologic and pharmacodynamic study of the gamma secretase (Notch) inhibitor MK-0752 in adult patients with advanced solid tumors
Krop I, Demuth T, Guthrie T, et al: Phase I pharmacologic and pharmacodynamic study of the gamma secretase (Notch) inhibitor MK-0752 in adult patients with advanced solid tumors. J Clin Oncol 30:2307-2313, 2012
Therapeutic approaches to modulating Notch signaling: Current challenges and future prospect
epub ahead of print on January 30, 2012
Groth C, Fortini ME: Therapeutic approaches to modulating Notch signaling: Current challenges and future prospect. Semin Cell Dev Biol [epub ahead of print on January 30, 2012]
A phase I clinical trial of the notch inhibitor MK-0752 in patients with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia/ lymphoma (T-ALL) and other leukemias
abstr 6585
DeAngelo DJ, Stone RM, Silverman LB, et al: A phase I clinical trial of the notch inhibitor MK-0752 in patients with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia/ lymphoma (T-ALL) and other leukemias. J Clin Oncol 24:357s, 2006 (suppl 15; abstr 6585)
Identification of a time-and dose-responsive transcriptional signature of Notch pathway inhibition in plucked human hair follicles following exposure to the gamma-secretase inhibitor MK-0752
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Blackman SC, Klappenbach JA, Railkar RA, et al: Identification of a time-and dose-responsive transcriptional signature of Notch pathway inhibition in plucked human hair follicles following exposure to the gamma-secretase inhibitor MK-0752. Mol Cancer Ther 8, 2009 (suppl 1; abstr B41)
Phase I trial of MK-0752 in children with refractory CNS malignancies: A pediatric brain tumor consortium study
Fouladi M, Stewart CF, Olson J, et al: Phase I trial of MK-0752 in children with refractory CNS malignancies: A pediatric brain tumor consortium study. J Clin Oncol 29:3529-3534, 2011