New drug and biological drug products; evidence needed to demonstrate effectiveness of new drugs when human efficacy studies are not ethical or feasible
FDA: New drug and biological drug products; evidence needed to demonstrate effectiveness of new drugs when human efficacy studies are not ethical or feasible. Federal Register 2002, 67:37988-37998.
FDA: Draft Guidance. Animal Models - Essential Elements to Address Efficacy Under the Animal Rule. 2009 downloads/Drugs/ GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/ Guidances/ucm078923.pdf.
This public meeting was held to discuss the FDA Draft Guidance on animal models used to support efficacy of new drugs and biologics
FDA: Public Meeting on the Draft Guidance for Industry. Animal Models - Essential Elements to Address Efficacy Under the Animal Rule. 2010 BiologicsBloodVaccines/NewsEvents/ WorkshopsMeetingsConferences/UCM245299.pdf. This public meeting was held to discuss the FDA Draft Guidance on animal models used to support efficacy of new drugs and biologics.
The animal rule and emerging infections: The role of clinical pharmacology in determining an effective dose
Bergman KL: The animal rule and emerging infections: the role of clinical pharmacology in determining an effective dose. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2009, 86:328-331.
FDA: Transcripts of Workshop. Anthrax: Bridging Correlates of Protection in Animals to Immunogenicity in Humans. 2007 http:// workshop-min.htm.
The discussions at this FDA Advisory Committee Meeting outlined a scientific strategy for bridging animal protection data to humans via an immune marker for anthrax vaccines for a post-exposure indication. The strategy outlined might serve as a model for other vaccines
FDA: Transcript of FDA Advisory Committee Meeting. Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting; November 16, 2010: 2010 AdvisoryCommittees/CommitteesMeetingMaterials/ BloodVaccinesandOtherBiologics/ VaccinesandRelatedBiologicalProductsAdvisoryCommittee/ ucm237045.htm. The discussions at this FDA Advisory Committee Meeting outlined a scientific strategy for bridging animal protection data to humans via an immune marker for anthrax vaccines for a post-exposure indication. The strategy outlined might serve as a model for other vaccines.
FDA: Transcripts of Workshop. The Development and Evaluation of Next-Generation Smallpox Vaccines. 2011 downloads/ BiologicsBloodVaccines/NewsEvents/ WorkshopsMeetingsConferences/UCM277095.pdf.