See, e.g., Jonathan L. Rubin, Patents, Antitrust, and Rivalry in Standard- Setting, 38 RUTGERS L.J. 509, 513-514 (2007).
Patents, Antitrust, and Rivalry in Standard- Setting, 38 RUTGERS L.J.
, vol.509
, pp. 513-514
Rubin, J.L.1
( " A holder of IP incorporated into a standard can exploit its position if it is costly for users of the standard to switch to a different technology after the standard is set.") [hereinafter IP REPORT], available at
See, e.g., U.S. DEP'T OF JUSTICE & FED. TRADE COMM'N, ANTITRUST ENFORCEMENT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS: PROMOTING INNOVATION AND COMPETITION 38 (2007) ( " A holder of IP incorporated into a standard can exploit its position if it is costly for users of the standard to switch to a different technology after the standard is set.") [hereinafter IP REPORT], available at http://www.justice.gov/atr/public/hearings/ip/222655.pdf.
U.S. Dep't of Justice & Fed. Trade Comm'n, Antitrust Enforcement and Intellectual Property Rights: Promoting Innovation and Competition
, vol.38
Benjamin Klein, Robert G. Crawford & Armen A. Alchian, Vertical Integration, Appropriable Rents, and the Competitive Contracting Process, 21 J.L. & ECON. 297 (1978).
Vertical Integration, Appropriable Rents, and the Competitive Contracting Process, 21 J.L. & ECON.
, vol.297
Klein, B.1
Crawford, R.G.2
Alchian, A.A.3
(John Eatwell, Murray Milgate & Peter Newman eds.), The ability to act opportunistically does not imply that rights holders necessarily exercise this ability
Oliver D. Hart, Incomplete Contracts, in 2 THE NEW PALGRAVE: A DICTIONARY OF ECONOMICS 752 (John Eatwell, Murray Milgate & Peter Newman eds., 1987). The ability to act opportunistically does not imply that rights holders necessarily exercise this ability.
, vol.752
Hart, O.D.1
Frequently Asked Questions ANSI
See Frequently Asked Questions, ANSI, http://www.ansi.org/about-ansi/ faqs/faqs.aspx?menuid=l.
[M]onopsony power is to the demand side of a market what monopoly power is to the supply side."). In what follows I use the terms "buyer market power by an SSO" and "SSO monopsony power" to refer to the collective exercise of buyer market power and monopsony power by members of the SSO. Concerns about licensee holdup can arise if the SSO has buyer market power that falls short of monopsony power
See Roger D. Blair & Jeffrey L. Harrison, Antitrust Policy and Monopsony, 76 CORNELL L. REV. 297, 306 (1991) ("[M]onopsony power is to the demand side of a market what monopoly power is to the supply side."). In what follows I use the terms "buyer market power by an SSO" and "SSO monopsony power" to refer to the collective exercise of buyer market power and monopsony power by members of the SSO. Concerns about licensee holdup can arise if the SSO has buyer market power that falls short of monopsony power.
Antitrust Policy and Monopsony 76 CORNELL L. REV.
, vol.297
, pp. 306
Blair, R.D.1
Harrison, J.L.2
While members of an SSO are often actual or potential competitors in markets for products that employ a technology included in a standard, such competition is not necessary for joint royalty negotiation to have anticompetitive effects. Technology users have a joint interest in securing a low royalty, and through collective action may be able to negotiate a lower royalty than any one of them could obtain through independent bilateral negotiation
See, e.g., David J. Teece & Edward F. Sherry, Standards Setting and Antitrust, 87 MINN. L. REV. 1913, 1928, 1931 (2003). While members of an SSO are often actual or potential competitors in markets for products that employ a technology included in a standard, such competition is not necessary for joint royalty negotiation to have anticompetitive effects. Technology users have a joint interest in securing a low royalty, and through collective action may be able to negotiate a lower royalty than any one of them could obtain through independent bilateral negotiation.
Standards Setting and Antitrust, 87 MINN. L. REV.
, vol.1913-1928
, pp. 1931
Teece, D.J.1
Sherry, E.F.2
Business Review Letter from Thomas O. Bamett, Assistant Att'y Gen., to Robert A. Skitol, Drinker, Biddle & Reath, LLP (Oct. 30), [hereinafter VITA Letter], available at
See Business Review Letter from Thomas O. Bamett, Assistant Att'y Gen., to Robert A. Skitol, Drinker, Biddle & Reath, LLP (Oct. 30, 2006) [hereinafter VITA Letter], available at http://www.justice.gov/atr/public/ busreview/219380.pdf.
Business Review Letter from Thomas O. Bamett, Assistant Att'y Gen., to Michael A. Lindsay, Dorsey & Whitney LLP (Apr. 30), [hereinafter IEEE Letter], available at
Business Review Letter from Thomas O. Bamett, Assistant Att'y Gen., to Michael A. Lindsay, Dorsey & Whitney LLP (Apr. 30, 2007) [hereinafter IEEE Letter], available at http://www.justice.gov/atr/public/busreview/222978.pdf.
Remarks at Conference on Standardization and the Law: Developing the Golden Mean for Global Trade 7 (Sept. 23), ("[J]oint ex ante royalty discussions that are reasonably necessary to avoid holdup do not warrant per se condemnation. Rather, they merit the balancing undertaken in a rule of reason review."), available at
Chairman Deborah Piatt Majoras, Fed. Trade Comm'n, Recognizing the Procompetitive Potential of Royalty Discussions in Standard Setting, Remarks at Conference on Standardization and the Law: Developing the Golden Mean for Global Trade 7 (Sept. 23, 2005) ("[J]oint ex ante royalty discussions that are reasonably necessary to avoid holdup do not warrant per se condemnation. Rather, they merit the balancing undertaken in a rule of reason review."), available at http://www.ftc.gov/speeches/majoras/050923stanford.pdf.
Chairman Deborah Piatt Majoras, Fed. Trade Comm'n, Recognizing the Procompetitive Potential of Royalty Discussions in Standard Setting
(June 3), ("There is a possibility of anticompetitive effects from ex ante license fee negotiations, but it seems only reasonable to balance that concern against the inefficiencies of ex post negotiations and licensing holdup."), available at
R. Hewitt Pate, Assistant Att'y Gen., Antitrust Div., U.S. Dep't of Justice, Competition and Intellectual Property in the U.S.: Licensing Freedom and the Limits of Antitrust, EU Competition Workshop 9 (June 3, 2005) ("There is a possibility of anticompetitive effects from ex ante license fee negotiations, but it seems only reasonable to balance that concern against the inefficiencies of ex post negotiations and licensing holdup."), available at http://www.justice.gov/atr/public/speeches/209359.pdf.
Assistant Att'y Gen., Antitrust Div., U.S. Dep't of Justice, Competition and Intellectual Property in the U.S.: Licensing Freedom and the Limits of Antitrust, EU Competition Workshop 9
Pate, R.H.1
The Agencies describe the general analytic framework for evaluation of collaborations among competitors in Fed. Trade Comm'n & U.S. Dep't of Justice, Antitrust Guidelines for Collaborations Among Competitors, [hereinafter Guidelines for Collaborations Among Competitors], available at
The Agencies describe the general analytic framework for evaluation of collaborations among competitors in Fed. Trade Comm'n & U.S. Dep't of Justice, Antitrust Guidelines for Collaborations Among Competitors (2000) [hereinafter Guidelines for Collaborations Among Competitors], available at http://www.ftc.gov/os/2000/04/ftcdojguidelines.pdf.
, vol.2000
Damien Geradin & Anne Layne-Farrar, The Logic and Limits of Ex Ante Competition in a Standard- Setting Environment, COMPETITION POL'Y INT'L, Spring 2007, at 79, 97.
The Logic and Limits of Ex Ante Competition in a Standard- Setting Environment, COMPETITION POL'Y INT'L
, vol.79
, pp. 97
Geradin, D.1
Layne-Farrar, A.2
See, e.g., Joseph Farrell & Michael L. Katz, The Economics of Welfare Standards in Antitrust, COMPETITION POL'Y INT'L, Autumn 2006, at 3.
The Economics of Welfare Standards in Antitrust, COMPETITION POL'Y INT'L
, vol.3
Farrell, J.1
Katz, M.L.2
("One of the most common requirements imposed on IP owners is an obligation to license IP rights on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms. But virtually no SSO policies specify what that phrase means, leaving courts to decide what terms are 'reasonable.'")
See, e.g., Mark A. Lemley, Intellectual Property Rights and Standard-Setting Organizations, 90 CALIF. L. REV. 1889, 1913 (2002) ("One of the most common requirements imposed on IP owners is an obligation to license IP rights on reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms. But virtually no SSO policies specify what that phrase means, leaving courts to decide what terms are 'reasonable.'").
Intellectual Property Rights and Standard-Setting Organizations, 90 CALIF. L. REV.
, vol.1889
, pp. 1913
Lemley, M.A.1
Patrick D. Curran, Standard-Setting Organizations: Patents, Price Fixing, and Per Se Legality, 70 U. CHI. L. REV. 983, 983 (2003).
Standard-Setting Organizations: Patents, Price Fixing, and Per Se Legality, 70 U. CHI. L. REV.
, vol.983
, pp. 983
Curran, P.D.1
Gil Ohana, Marc Hansen & Omar Shah, Disclosure and Negotiation of Licensing Terms Prior to Adoption of Industry Standards: Preventing Another Patent Ambush?, 24 EUR. COMPETITION L. REV. 644, 648 (2003).
Disclosure and Negotiation of Licensing Terms Prior to Adoption of Industry Standards: Preventing Another Patent Ambush?, 24 EUR. COMPETITION L. REV.
, vol.644
, pp. 648
Ohana, G.1
Hansen, M.2
Shah, O.3
No. 06-509-JJF, 2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 61383 (D. Del. Aug. 16, 2006)
Nokia Corp. v. Qualcomm, Inc., No. 06-509-JJF, 2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 61383 (D. Del. Aug. 16, 2006).
Nokia Corp. v. Qualcomm, Inc.
(Feb. 2), available at
Opinion of the Commission on Remedy, Rambus, Inc., FTC Docket No. 9302, (Feb. 2, 2007), available at http://www.ftc.gov/os/adjpro/d9302/070205opinion. pdf.
Opinion of the Commission on Remedy, Rambus, Inc., FTC Docket No. 9302
(Once pivotal players obtain reasonable rates, the "non- discriminatory" component of a RAND licensing commitment ensures that other pivotal players receive reasonable rates as well
Anne Layne-Farrar, Gerard Llobet & A. Jorge Padilla, Preventing Patent Hold Up: An Economic Assessment of Ex Ante Licensing Negotiations in Standard Setting, 37 AIPLA Q.J. 445 (2009) (Once pivotal players obtain reasonable rates, the "non-discriminatory" component of a RAND licensing commitment ensures that other pivotal players receive reasonable rates as well.).
Preventing Patent Hold Up: An Economic Assessment of Ex Ante Licensing Negotiations in Standard Setting, 37 AIPLA Q.J.
, vol.445
Layne-Farrar, A.1
Llobet, G.2
Padilla, A.J.3
(applying Nash bargaining to exclusive bargaining with trade unions)
See, e.g., Henrik Horn & Asher Wolinsky, Worker Substitutability and Patterns of Unionisation, 98 ECON. J., 484,487-88 (1988) (applying Nash bargaining to exclusive bargaining with trade unions).
Worker Substitutability and Patterns of Unionisation, 98 ECON. J.
, vol.484
, pp. 487-488
Horn, H.1
Wolinsky, A.2
(discussing pivotal buyers in the context of exclusive dealing arrangements)
see also Ilya R. Segal & Michael D. Whinston, Naked Exclusion: Comment, 90 AM. ECON. REV. 296 (2000) (discussing pivotal buyers in the context of exclusive dealing arrangements).
Naked Exclusion: Comment, 90 AM. ECON. REV.
, vol.296
Segal, I.R.1
Whinston, M.D.2
ANSI policy states that "Voluntary consensus standards serve as the cornerstone of the U.S. standardization system. These documents arise from an open process that depends upon data gathering, a vigorous discussion of all viewpoints, and agreement among a diverse range of stakeholders, (2d ed., July 2, available at
ANSI policy states that "Voluntary consensus standards serve as the cornerstone of the U.S. standardization system. These documents arise from an open process that depends upon data gathering, a vigorous discussion of all viewpoints, and agreement among a diverse range of stakeholders." A N S I , OVERVIEW OF THE U . S . STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM 2 ( 2 d ed., July 2 0 0 7 ) , available at http://publicaa.ansi.org/sites/apdl/Documents/ News%20and%20Publications/Other%20Documents/US-Stdzn-System-FINAL.pdf.
ANSI, Overview of the U.S. Standardization System
(rev. of JM21M, May), available at
JEDEC, JEDEC MANUAL OF ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURE § 5 (rev. of JM21M, M a y 2 0 0 8 ) , available at http://www.jedec.org/sites/default/files/ JM21P%5Bl%5D.pdf.
JEDEC, JEDEC Manual of Organization and Procedure
, vol.5
The IEEE requires that at least 75 percent of a working group must vote on a proposed standard and 75 percent of the votes must be in the affirmative to adopt the standard,, available at
The IEEE requires that at least 75 percent of a working group must vote on a proposed standard and 75 percent of the votes must be in the affirmative to adopt the standard. IEEE-SA STANDARDS BOARD, I E E E - S A STANDARDS BOARD OPERATIONS MANUAL § 5 . 4 . 3 . 1 (2011), available at http://standards. ieee.org/guides/ opman/sect5.html.
IEEE-SA Standards Board, IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual
Switching also may be difficult if alternatives are risky, if there is high demand for backward compatibility, or if switching would incur a loss of experience economies
See, e.g., Joseph Farrell & Garth Saloner, Coordination Through Committees and Markets, 19 RAND J. ECON. 235 (1988). Switching also may be difficult if alternatives are risky, if there is high demand for backward compatibility, or if switching would incur a loss of experience economies.
Coordination Through Committees and Markets, 19 RAND J. ECON.
, vol.235
Farrell, J.1
Saloner, G.2
(Mar. 25), (PowerPoint presentation)
MPEG LA, ATSC Patent Portfolio License Briefing 7 (Mar. 25, 2010) (PowerPoint presentation), http://www.mpegla.com/main/programs/ATSC/Documents/ atscweb.ppt.
MPEG LA, ATSC Patent Portfolio License Briefing
, vol.7
May 1, (PowerPoint presentation)
MPEG LA, AVC Patent Portfolio License Briefing 8-9 (May 1, 2011) (PowerPoint presentation), http://www.mpegla.com/main/programs/avc/Documents/ avcweb.ppt.
MPEG LA, AVC Patent Portfolio License Briefing
, pp. 8-9
(Apr. 1),(PowerPoint presentation)
MPEG LA, MPEG-2 Systems Patent Portfolio License Briefing 7 (Apr. 1, 2011) (PowerPoint presentation), http://www.mpegla.com/main/programs/m2s/ Documents/m2sweb. ppt.
MPEG LA, MPEG-2 Systems Patent Portfolio License Briefing
, vol.7
See DVB-T, SISVEL, http://www.sisvel.com/english/licensingprograms/dvbt/ licensingprogram.
See CDMA2000, SISVEL, http://www.sisvel.com/english/licensingprograms/ cda2/licenseterms.
Via Licensing-FAQs
See Via Licensing-FAQs, http://www.vialicensing.com/about/faq.aspx.
("For any uniform price unequal to marginal cost, there is a nonlinear outlay schedule that is preferred by each consumer and that yields greater vendor profit.")
Robert D. Willig, Pareto-Superior Nonlinear Outlay Schedules, 9 BELL J. ECON. 56, 56 (1978) ("For any uniform price unequal to marginal cost, there is a nonlinear outlay schedule that is preferred by each consumer and that yields greater vendor profit.").
Pareto-Superior Nonlinear Outlay Schedules, 9 BELL J. ECON.
, vol.56
, pp. 56
Willig, R.D.1
Note that licensing terms with late adopters can disadvantage early adopters even if late adopters are differentially locked in to the licensed technology as a consequence of investments that are specific to the technology, because the patentee can take advantage of lock-in by charging higher fixed fees
See R. Preston McAfee & Marius Schwartz, Opportunism in Multilateral Vertical Contracting: Nondiscrimination, Exclusivity, and Uniformity, 84 AM. ECON. REV. 210 (1994). Note that licensing terms with late adopters can disadvantage early adopters even if late adopters are differentially locked in to the licensed technology as a consequence of investments that are specific to the technology, because the patentee can take advantage of lock-in by charging higher fixed fees.
Opportunism in Multilateral Vertical Contracting: Nondiscrimination, Exclusivity, and Uniformity, 84 AM. ECON. REV.
, vol.210
McAfee, R.P.1
Schwartz, M.2
For example, a licensing arrangement that prevents the licensee from dealing in other technologies may encourage the licensee to develop and market the licensed technology or specialized applications of that technology, available at
For example, a licensing arrangement that prevents the licensee from dealing in other technologies may encourage the licensee to develop and market the licensed technology or specialized applications of that technology. U.S. Dep't of Justice & Fed. Trade Comm'n, Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property 1 4.1.2 (1995), available at http://www.ftc. gov/bc/0558.pdf.
U.S. Dep't of Justice & Fed. Trade Comm'n, Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property 1 4.1.2
Business Review Letter from Joel I. Klein, Assistant Att'y Gen., Antitrust Div., U.S. Dep't of Justice, to Gerrard [sic] R. Beeney, Esq., Sullivan & Cromwell, at 13 ( June 26, 1997), available at
See, e.g., Business Review Letter from Joel I. Klein, Assistant Att'y Gen., Antitrust Div., U.S. Dep't of Justice, to Gerrard [sic] R. Beeney, Esq., Sullivan & Cromwell, at 13 (June 26, 1997), available at http://www.usdoj.gov/atr/public/busreview/215742.pdf.
Business Review Letter from Joel I. Klein, Assistant Att'y Gen., Antitrust Div., U.S. Dep't of Justice, to Garrard R. Beeney, Esq., Sullivan & Cromwell, at 14 (Dec. 16, 1998), available at
Business Review Letter from Joel I. Klein, Assistant Att'y Gen., Antitrust Div., U.S. Dep't of Justice, to Garrard R. Beeney, Esq., Sullivan & Cromwell, at 14 (Dec. 16, 1998), available at http://www.usdoj.gov/ atr/public/busreview/2121 .pdf.
available at
See, e.g., ANSI, 62-2007 ANSI Patent Policy Revision (2007), available at http://publicaa.ansi.org/sites/apdl/ Reference%20Documents%20Regarding%20ANSI%20Patent%20Policy/62-2007%20ANSI%20 Patent%20Policy%20Revision.pdf.
ANSI, 62-2007 ANSI, Patent Policy Revision
François Lévêque & Yann Ménière, Technology Standards, Patents and Antitrust, 9 COMPETITION & REO. NETWORK INDUS. 29, 3 9 - 4 0 (2008).
Technology Standards, Patents and Antitrust, 9 COMPETITION & REO. NETWORK INDUS.
, vol.29
, pp. 39-40
Lévêque, F.1
Ménière, Y.2
("[T]he different strategic positions of integrated firms and innovation specialists may lead to the selection of inferior standards.")
See, e.g., Richard Schmalensee, Standard- Setting, Innovation Specialists and Competition Policy, 57 J. INDUS. ECON. 526, 543 (2009) ("[T]he different strategic positions of integrated firms and innovation specialists may lead to the selection of inferior standards.")
Standard- Setting, Innovation Specialists and Competition Policy, 57 J. INDUS. ECON.
, vol.526
, pp. 543
Schmalensee, R.1
The IEEE alone has an active portfolio of nearly 1300 standards and projects under development. See News & Events, IEEE STANDARDS ASSOCIATION, http://standards.ieee.org/announcements/index.html.
News & Events, IEEE Standards Association