Dudina, N.A.; Antina, L.A.; Yutanova, S.L.; Guseva, G.B.; and Berezin, M.B.; Abstracts of Papers, VIII Vserossiiskaya konferentsiya s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem "Khimiya i meditsina" (VIII All-Russia Conference with International Participation "Chemistry and Medicine"), Ufa, 2010, p. 161.
Abstracts of Papers, VIIi Vserossiiskaya Konferentsiya S Mezhdunarodnym Uchastiem "khimiya i Meditsina" (VIIi All-Russia Conference with International Participation "chemistry and Medicine")
, pp. 161
Dudina N, A.1
Antina L, A.2
Yutanova S, L.3
Guseva G, B.4
Berezin M, B.5
Dudina, N.A.; Antina, L.A.; Guseva, G.B.; and V'yugin, A.I.; Abstracts of Papers, IV Regional'naya konferentsiya molodykh uchenukh "Teoreticheskaya i eksperimental'naya khimiya zhidkofaznykh system." Krestovskie chteniya (IV Regional Conference of Young Scientists "Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry of Liquid-Phase Systems." Reading from Krestov), Ivanovo, 2009, p. 81.
Abstracts of Papers, IV regional'Naya Konferentsiya Molodykh Uchenukh "teoreticheskaya i eksperimental'Naya Khimiya Zhidkofaznykh System." Krestovskie Chteniya (IV Regional Conference of Young Scientists "theoretical and Experimental Chemistry of Liquid-Phase Systems." Reading from Krestov)
, pp. 81
Dudina N, A.1
Antina L, A.2
Guseva G, B.3
V'Yugin A, I.4
St. Petersburg
Antina L.A.; Dudina, N.A.; Guseva, G.B.; Berezin, M.B.; and V'yugin, A.I.; Abstracts of Papers, Vserossiiskaya molodezhnaya konferentsiya-shkola "Idei i nasledie A.E. Favorskogo v organicheskoi i metalloorganicheskoi khimii XXI veka" (All-Russia Youth Conference-School "Ideas and Inheritance of A.E. Favorskii in Organic and Organometallic Chemistry of the XXI Century," St. Petersburg, 2010, p. 46.
Abstracts of Papers, Vserossiiskaya Molodezhnaya Konferentsiya-shkola "idei i Nasledie A.E. Favorskogo v Organicheskoi i Metalloorganicheskoi Khimii XXi Veka" (All-Russia Youth Conference-School "ideas and Inheritance of A.E. Favorskii in Organic and Organometallic Chemistry of the XXi Century,"
, pp. 46
Antina, L.A.1
Dudina N, A.2
Guseva G, B.3
Berezin M, B.4
V'Yugin A, I.5
Antina, L.A.; Dudina, N.A.; Guseva, G.B.; and Berezin, M.B.; Abstracts of Papers, XV Symposium po mezhmolekulyarnomu vzaimodeistviyu i konformatsii molekul (XV Symposium on Intermolecular Interaction and Conformations of Molecules), Petrozavodsk, 2010, p. 126.
Abstracts of Papers, XV Symposium Po Mezhmolekulyarnomu Vzaimodeistviyu i Konformatsii Molekul (XV Symposium on Intermolecular Interaction and Conformations of Molecules)
, pp. 126
Antina L, A.1
Dudina N, A.2
Guseva G, B.3
Berezin M, B.4