Relevant data concerning minerals and mineral trade borrows heavily from an OECD Report and a WTO Report. These two reports are, Jane Korinek and Jeonghoi Kim, 'Export Restrictions On Strategic Raw Materials And Their Impact On Trade And Global Supply': OECD Trade Policy Working Paper No. 95 (2009) (visited 25 May 2011)
Relevant data concerning minerals and mineral trade borrows heavily from an OECD Report and a WTO Report. These two reports are, Jane Korinek and Jeonghoi Kim, 'Export Restrictions On Strategic Raw Materials And Their Impact On Trade And Global Supply': OECD Trade Policy Working Paper No. 95 (2009), http://www.wto.org/english/res-e/publications-e/wtr10-forum-e/wtr10-oecd2-e.pdf (visited 25 May 2011),
(visited 25 May 2011), at 2. See also Korinek and Kim, above n 2, at 6
Roberta Piermartini, 'The Role of Export Taxes in the Field of Primary Commodities', http:// www.wto.org/english/res-e/booksp-e/discussion-papers4-e. pdf (visited 25 May 2011), at 2. See also Korinek and Kim, above n 2, at 6.
The Role of Export Taxes in the Field of Primary Commodities
Piermartini, R.1
Globalization, trade and developing countries
in Gary P. Sampson (ed.) (Tokyo: United Nations University Press at 202
Dani Rodrik, 'Globalization, Trade and Developing Countries', in Gary P. Sampson (ed.), The WTO and Global Governance: Future Directions (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2008), at 202.
The WTO and Global Governance: Future Directions
Rodrik, D.1
The Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM), 'Ten Rare Metals Are Put into Consideration for Strategic Stockpiles (visited 11 December 2010)
The Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM), 'Ten Rare Metals Are Put into Consideration for Strategic Stockpiles', http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/o/ dh/201011/ 20101107226067.html (visited 11 December 2010).
The WTO, global governance and development
in Gary P. Sampson (ed.) (Tokyo: United Nations University Press at 190
Supachai Panitchpakdi, 'The WTO, Global Governance and Development', in Gary P. Sampson (ed.), The WTO and Global Governance: Future Directions (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2008), at 190.
The WTO and Global Governance: Future Directions
Panitchpakdi, S.1
(visited 16 December 2010)
Peter B. Mandelson, 'The Challenge of Raw Materials', http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/ 2008/october/tradoc-140944.pdf (visited 16 December 2010).
The Challenge of Raw Materials
Mandelson, P.B.1
OECD, 'Steelmaking Raw Materials: Market and Policy Developments (visited 16 December 2010)
OECD, 'Steelmaking Raw Materials: Market and Policy Developments', http://www.oecd.org/ dataoecd/49/4/46591723.pdf (visited 16 December 2010).
Another version of rare earths' world distribution is approximately 99 million tonnes, among which 36% is in China, 19% in CIS, 13% in the USA, 5% in Australia, 0.05% in Brazil, and 22% in other countries (visited 16 December 2010)
Another version of rare earths' world distribution is approximately 99 million tonnes, among which 36% is in China, 19% in CIS, 13% in the USA, 5% in Australia, 0.05% in Brazil, and 22% in other countries. http://www.cs-re.org.cn/ modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=320 (visited 16 December 2010).
According to MOFCOM, between January and September 2010, China exported rare earths 32,200 tonnes, with 16,000 tonnes (49.8%) to Japan, and 6200 tonnes (19%) to the USA (visited 26 May 2011)
According to MOFCOM, between January and September 2010, China exported rare earths 32,200 tonnes, with 16,000 tonnes (49.8%) to Japan, and 6200 tonnes (19%) to the USA. http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/ae/ah/201011/20101107247803. html (visited 26 May 2011).
MOFCOM, 'China's Rare Earth Reserve Will Be Used Up in 20 Years (visited 26 May 2011)
MOFCOM, 'China's Rare Earth Reserve Will Be Used Up in 20 Years', http://news.xinhua net.com/mil/2010-10/17/c-12668271.htm (visited 26 May 2011).
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 'Openly Seek Public Opinions on Qualifications to Access to Rare Earth Industry (visited 16 December 2010)
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, 'Openly Seek Public Opinions on Qualifications to Access to Rare Earth Industry', http://www.miit.gov.cn/n11293472/ n11293832/n11293907/n11368223/13202791.html (visited 16 December 2010).
Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, 'National Standards Regarding Emissions of Rare Earth Industrial Pollutants (visited 30 October 2011)
Ministry of Environmental Protection of China, 'National Standards Regarding Emissions of Rare Earth Industrial Pollutants', http://www.gov.cn/ zwgk/2011-02/28/content-1812585.htm (visited 30 October 2011).
State Council of China, 'State Council Circular Regarding Promotion of Sustainable and Healthy Development of Rare Earth Industries (visited 5 November 2011)
State Council of China, 'State Council Circular Regarding Promotion of Sustainable and Healthy Development of Rare Earth Industries', http://www.gov.cn/zwgk/2011-05/19/content-1866997.htm (visited 5 November 2011).
MOFCOM, 'The National Conference on Rare Earth Exports Was Held in Baotou (visited 10 July 2011)
MOFCOM, 'The National Conference on Rare Earth Exports Was Held in Baotou', http:// www.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/ae/ai/201107/20110707634942.html (visited 10 July 2011).
Financial Times, 'China Predicts Rare Earths Shortage (visited 13 October 2011)
Financial Times, 'China Predicts Rare Earths Shortage', http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/ 7c429e40-98e9-11de-aa1b-00144feabdc0. html#axzz1daJ18iFB (visited 13 October 2011).
Why China and Japan Are Oceans Apart (visited 13 October 2011)
Financial Times, 'Why China and Japan Are Oceans Apart', http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/ 6e1b773c-ed03-11df-9912-00144feab49a. html#axzz1daJ18iFB (visited 13 October 2011).
Financial Times
Commodities: In Their Element (visited 26 May 2011)
Financial Times, 'Commodities: In Their Element', http://www.ft.com/cms/ s/0/49c3bb14- 0c40-11df-8b81-00144feabdc0.html#axzz18WZ0UFia (visited 26 May 2011).
Financial Times
Sumitomo Considers Investing in Molycorp (visited 26 May 2011)
Financial Times, 'Sumitomo Considers Investing in Molycorp', http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/d9b6a154-01d2- 11e0-b66c-00144feabdc0. html#axzz18rl3vXws (visited 26 May 2011).
Financial Times
Rare earths" Fears Spur US Review (visited 26 May 2011)
Financial Times, "'Rare earths" Fears Spur US Review', http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/0fdd6c48- c990-11df-b3d6-00144feab49a. html#axzz18WR9D8wL (visited 26 May 2011).
Financial Times
Businessweek, 'China Denies Japan Rare Earth Ban amid Diplomatic Row (visited 26 May 2011)
Businessweek, 'China Denies Japan Rare Earth Ban amid Diplomatic Row', http://www.busi nessweek.com/news/2010-09-23/china-denies-japan-rare-earth-ban- amid-diplomatic-row.html (visited 26 May 2011).
Japan Secures Rare Earths Deal with Australia (visited 26 May 2011)
Financial Times, 'Japan Secures Rare Earths Deal with Australia', http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/63a18538-f773-11df-8b42-00144feab49a. html#axzz18WL7qEwN (visited 26 May 2011).
Financial Times
Toyota Tries to Break Reliance on China', 14 January 2011, B1
The Wall Street Journal, 'Toyota Tries to Break Reliance on China', 14 January 2011, B1.
The Wall Street Journal
Rare Earths (visited 26 May 2011)
The New York Times, 'Rare Earths', http://topics.nytimes.com/top/ reference/timestopics/subjects/r/rare-earths/index.html?scp=2&sq= mountain%20pass&st=cse (visited 26 May 2011).
The New York Times
China Defends Policy on Rare Earths (visited 26 May 2011)
Financial Times, 'China Defends Policy on Rare Earths', http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/4cc15faadc3e-11df-a9a4-00144feabdc0. html#axzz18WQfzv5P (visited 26 May 2011).
Financial Times
MOFCOM, '(visited 26 May 2011)
MOFCOM, 'Catalogue of Foreign Investment Industries 2007', http://www.fdi.gov.cn/pub/FDI/tzdt/dt/t20071108-86923.htm?fclose=1 (visited 26 May 2011).
Catalogue of Foreign Investment Industries 2007
5th ed. (The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer at chapter 4.1
William A. Root et al., United States Export Controls, 5th ed. (The Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer, 2010), at chapter 4.1.
United States Export Controls
Root, W.A.1
Canada Export and Import Permits Act, Section 3, the Export Control List (ECL), Table I. (visited 26 March 2011)
Canada Export and Import Permits Act, Section 3, the Export Control List (ECL), Table I. http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/E-19/237065.html (visited 26 March 2011).
Export-restraint arrangements and trade liberalization
at 426
Michel Kostecki, Export-Restraint Arrangements and Trade Liberalization, 10 The World Economy 425 (1987), at 426.
The World Economy
, vol.10
, Issue.425
Kostecki, M.1
The Japanese voluntary restraint on automobile exports: An abandonment of the free trade principles of the gattand the free market principles of United States antitrust laws
see Michael William Lochmann, 'The Japanese Voluntary Restraint On Automobile Exports: An Abandonment Of The Free Trade Principles Of The GATTand the Free Market Principles of United States Antitrust Laws', 27 Harvard International Law Journal 99 (1986).
Harvard International Law Journal
, vol.27
, Issue.99
Lochmann, M.W.1
Voluntary restraint agreements and democratic decision making
See Eric C. Emerson, 'Voluntary Restraint Agreements and Democratic Decision Making', 31 Virginia Journal of International Law 281 (1991).
Virginia Journal of International Law
, vol.31
, Issue.281
Emerson, E.C.1
Ironically, yellow phosphorus fall subjects of the EU's WTO suit against China's export restraints in 2009 (visited 16 December 2010)
Ironically, yellow phosphorus fall subjects of the EU's WTO suit against China's export restraints in 2009. http://www.mlr.gov.cn/tdzt/kcgl/xtzz/mtzs/ 201008/t20100812-738669.htm (visited 16 December 2010).
According to Professor Robert Hudec's philosophy, a legal institution governing international trade would have to be sensitive to political and diplomatic considerations-even allowing them to supersede its authority in some circumstances-to avoid becoming so inflexible as to render itself harmful or irrelevant (visited 27 May 2011)
According to Professor Robert Hudec's philosophy, a legal institution governing international trade would have to be sensitive to political and diplomatic considerations-even allowing them to supersede its authority in some circumstances-to avoid becoming so inflexible as to render itself harmful or irrelevant. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res= 9C0DE7DD1239F932A05750C0A9659C8B63 (visited 27 May 2011).
Mercantilist, manifested by the GATT's own doctrine, is widely accepted by political and business circles, though mercantilist economics is thoroughly discredited as bad economics among professional economists, who instead promote the theory of comparative advantage. Hudec, above n 76, at 142-44
Mercantilist, manifested by the GATT's own doctrine, is widely accepted by political and business circles, though mercantilist economics is thoroughly discredited as bad economics among professional economists, who instead promote the theory of comparative advantage. Hudec, above n 76, at 142-44.
Financial Times, 'Rare Earths (visited 27 May 2011)
Financial Times, 'Rare Earths', http://www.ft.com/cms/s/3/f4b0d922-cada- 11df-bf36-00144feab49a.html#axzz18WSFiKlg (visited 27 May 2011).
MOFCOM, 'Regular Press Conference' (16 November 2010) (visited 27 May 2011)
MOFCOM, 'Regular Press Conference' (16 November 2010), http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/ aarticle/ae/ah/201011/20101107247803.html (visited 27 May 2011).
China Mulls Plans to Curb Rare Earth Smuggling (14 September 2009), (visited 27 May)
China Daily, 'China Mulls Plans to Curb Rare Earth Smuggling' (14 September 2009), http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2009-09/14/content- 8690293.htm (visited 27 May 2011).
China Daily
WTO Secretariat, WT/TPR/S/161, at
WTO Secretariat, World Trade Policy Review: China (2006), WT/TPR/S/161, at 102.
World Trade Policy Review: China
, pp. 102
Currency manipulation and world trade
at 610
Robert W. Staiger and Alan O. Sykes, ' ''Currency Manipulation'' and World Trade', 9 (4) World Trade Review 583 (2010), at 610.
World Trade Review
, vol.9
, Issue.4
, pp. 583
Staiger, R.W.1
Sykes, A.O.2
(visited 27 May 2011)
See http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/aarticle/ae/ai/201012/20101207325758.html (visited 27 May 2011).
Panel Report, above, para 8.63
Panel Report, US - Export Restraints, above n 164, para 8.63.
US - Export Restraints
, Issue.164
The culture of the WTO: Why it needs to change
In William J. Davey and John Jackson (eds), (Oxford: Oxford University Press), at
Debra P. Steger, 'The Culture of the WTO: Why It Needs to Change', in William J. Davey and John Jackson (eds), The Future of International Economic Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), at 45.
The Future of International Economic Law
, pp. 45
Steger, D.P.1
For example, governments could impose overseas sales' duties so high that they constitute, in effect, an export ban. Argentina, for example, used very high taxes for exports in 2008 to de facto stop overseas sales of the cereal. Financial Times, 'Impact of Export Restrictions More Serious than First Thought', (visited 27 May 2011)
For example, governments could impose overseas sales' duties so high that they constitute, in effect, an export ban. Argentina, for example, used very high taxes for exports in 2008 to de facto stop overseas sales of the cereal. Financial Times, 'Impact of Export Restrictions More Serious than First Thought', http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/60406262-f636-11df-a313-00144feab49a. html#axzz19p51y5zV (visited 27 May 2011).
WTO Secretariat, WT/TPR/S230/Rev.1, para 76
WTO Secretariat, World Trade Policy Review: China (2010), WT/TPR/S230/Rev.1, para 76.
World Trade Policy Review: China
According to the most recent 'WTO Trade Policy Review on China' (2010), statutory export taxes applied to 95 tariff lines, while global export quotas applied to 173 lines in 2009. These numbers were 88 and 146, respectively in 2007. WTO Secretariat, above n 177, paras 76, 84, and WTO Secretariat, WT/TPR/S199/Rev.1, paras 112, 124
According to the most recent 'WTO Trade Policy Review on China' (2010), statutory export taxes applied to 95 tariff lines, while global export quotas applied to 173 lines in 2009. These numbers were 88 and 146, respectively in 2007. WTO Secretariat, above n 177, paras 76, 84, and WTO Secretariat, World Trade Policy Review: China (2008), WT/TPR/S199/Rev.1, paras 112, 124.
World Trade Policy Review: China
The WTO and development policy in China and India
According to Professor Trachtman, there is little reason to protect the right to regulate through de jure quotas, in Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah and Jiangyu Wang (eds), (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), at
According to Professor Trachtman, there is little reason to protect the right to regulate through de jure quotas. Joel P. Trachtman, 'The WTO and Development Policy in China and India', in Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah and Jiangyu Wang (eds), China, India and the International Economic Order (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), at 43.
China, India and the International Economic Order
, pp. 43
Trachtman, J.P.1
The challenges of interpreting ''WTO-PLUS'' provisions
As for comprehensive analysis of China's overloaded obligation under the WTO, At 127-72
As for comprehensive analysis of China's overloaded obligation under the WTO, see Julia Ya Qin, 'The Challenges of Interpreting ''WTO-PLUS'' Provisions', 44(1) Journal of World Trade 127 (2010), at 127-72.
Journal of World Trade
, vol.44
, Issue.1
, pp. 127
Ya Qin, J.1
Global property rights in information: The story of TRIPS at the GATT
At 11-15
Peter Drahos, 'Global Property Rights in Information: The Story of TRIPS at the GATT', 13 PROMETHEUS 6 (1995) at 11-15.
, vol.13
, pp. 6
Drahos, P.1
Can the TRIPS agreement foster technology transfer to developing countries?
In Keith E. Maskus and Jerome H. Reichman (eds), (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), at
Carlos M. Correa, 'Can the TRIPS Agreement Foster Technology Transfer to Developing Countries?' in Keith E. Maskus and Jerome H. Reichman (eds), International Public Goods and Transfer of Technology under a Globalized Intellectual Property Regime (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2005), at 229.
International Public Goods and Transfer of Technology under a Globalized Intellectual Property Regime
, pp. 229
Correa, C.M.1
Inside ''the CFIUS'': US national security review of foreign investments
John B. Bellinger III and Nicholas L. Townsend, 'Inside ''the CFIUS'': US National Security Review of Foreign Investments', 6 Global Trade & Customs Journal 1 (2011).
Global Trade & Customs Journal
, vol.6
, pp. 1
Bellinger III, J.B.1
Townsend, N.L.2
Both preambles to Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO and to the GATT 1947. WTO, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), at 4
See both preambles to Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO and to the GATT 1947. WTO, The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, the Legal Texts (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), at 4, 424.
The Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, the Legal Texts
, pp. 424
Governing at the trade-environment interface
In Gary P. Sampson (ed.), (Tokyo: United Nations University Press), at
Daniel C. Esty, 'Governing at The Trade-environment Interface', in Gary P. Sampson (ed.), The WTO and Global Governance: Future Directions (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2008), at 122.
The WTO and Global Governance: Future Directions
, pp. 122
Esty, D.C.1
(New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc.), at
L. S. Stavrianos, Global Rift (New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1981), at 38.
Global Rift
, pp. 38
Stavrianos, L.S.1
They were the USA, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Canada, and Japan. Justin Yifu Lin, 'China's Economic Development and Cultural Renaissance in the Multi-polar Growth World of the 21st Century', (visited 7 November 2011)
They were the USA, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Canada, and Japan. Justin Yifu Lin, 'China's Economic Development and Cultural Renaissance in the Multi-polar Growth World of the 21st Century', http://en.nsd.edu.cn/article.asp? articleid=7183 (visited 7 November 2011).
The WTO's contribution to global governance
In Gary P. Sampson (ed.), (Tokyo: United Nations University Press), at
Pascal Lamy, 'The WTO's Contribution to Global Governance', in Gary P. Sampson (ed.), The WTO and Global Governance: Future Directions (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2008), at 40.
The WTO and Global Governance: Future Directions
, pp. 40
Lamy, P.1
The G-20 Summit, created as a response to the ongoing financial crisis, in its 2011 Gannes meeting, explicitly asked the WTO to monitor new export restrictions and to report publicly on a semi-annual basis. G-20, 'Gannes Summit Final Declaration', (visited 7 November 2011), at 13
The G-20 Summit, created as a response to the ongoing financial crisis, in its 2011 Gannes meeting, explicitly asked the WTO to monitor new export restrictions and to report publicly on a semi-annual basis. G-20, 'Gannes Summit Final Declaration', http://www.g20.org/Documents2011/11/ Cannes%20Declaration%204%20November%202011.pdf (visited 7 November 2011), at 13.