E.M. Sevick, D.R.M. Williams, D.J. Searles, and D.J. Evans also developed a Langevin based theory of the TFT experiment 9(private communication)
E.M. Sevick, D.R.M. Williams, D.J. Searles, and D.J. Evans also developed a Langevin based theory of the TFT experiment 9 (private communication).
Physically, it is not immediately clear that Eq. (1) expresses any kind of work, since the force (Formula presented) is exerted on the particle at position (Formula presented) while (Formula presented) refers to the motion of the center of the harmonic potential. However, the force (Formula presented) on the particle implies a reaction force (Formula presented) on the harmonic potential (laser), which must be overcome by an external force (Formula presented) exerted on the laser. Therefore, the force in Eq. (1) is also the external force exerted on the laser and (Formula presented) is indeed the work performed on the system, e.g., by the experimentalist
Physically, it is not immediately clear that Eq. (1) expresses any kind of work, since the force (Formula presented) is exerted on the particle at position (Formula presented) while (Formula presented) refers to the motion of the center of the harmonic potential. However, the force (Formula presented) on the particle implies a reaction force (Formula presented) on the harmonic potential (laser), which must be overcome by an external force (Formula presented) exerted on the laser. Therefore, the force in Eq. (1) is also the external force exerted on the laser and (Formula presented) is indeed the work performed on the system, e.g., by the experimentalist.
Mazonka and Jarzynski 12were aware of the difference between the entropy production and the total work done, although they used a different wording
Mazonka and Jarzynski 12 were aware of the difference between the entropy production and the total work done, although they used a different wording.
N.G. van Kampen, Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry, revised and enlarged edition (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1992)
N.G. van Kampen, Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry, revised and enlarged edition (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1992).
R. van Zon and E.G.D. Cohen (unpublished)
R. van Zon and E.G.D. Cohen (unpublished).