reprinted in 3 Glasgow Edition of the Works of Adam Smith
See Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (1776), reprinted in 3 Glasgow Edition of the Works of Adam Smith 9-11 (1976).
The Wealth of Nations (1776)
, pp. 9-11
Smith, A.1
On the East India Company, see John Keay, Honorable Company (1993).On the relation of debt and the state
Honorable Company
Keay, J.1
Referring in general to the complex ideas that came to be settled about the time of the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. A good summary is 3 S. E. Finer, The History of Government 1261-1307 (1997).
The History of Government
, pp. 1261-1307
Finer, S.E.1
The idea is so deeply rooted in Western legal thought that it is hard to see it as contingent. But see Richard Pipes, The Russian Revolution 561 (1990) (showing how the Bolsheviks in power turned the unspoken presupposition of the traditional state system against those who relied on them).
The Russian Revolution
, pp. 561
Pipes, R.1
See also Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities (1983, rev. ed. 1991) (painting an influential and provocative sketch);
Imagined Communities
Anderson, B.1
Noel Ascherson, The Black Sea (1995) (containing a stimulating collection of insights and anecdotes, though oddly misnamed).
The Black Sea
Ascherson, N.1
Open borders?
A logical extension is the question whether we should simply dispense with borders? For a full exploration, see Kevin R. Johnson, Open Borders?, 51 UCLA L. Rev. 193 (2003).
UCLA L. Rev.
, vol.51
, pp. 193
Johnson, K.R.1
Human rights
See Richard Falk, Human Rights, Foreign Policy (2004) at 18-28.
Foreign Policy
, pp. 18-28
Falk, R.1
The hew condottieri and u.s. policy: The privatization of conflict and its implications
Eugene B. Smith, The Hew Condottieri and U.S. Policy: The Privatization of Conflict and Its Implications, Parameters, Winter 2002-03 (discussing the privatization of armies).
Smith, E.B.1
(May 12) (last visited Aug. 2, 2004)
In May of 2004, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw appeared on a BBC phone-in show. He received an e-mail from U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell suggesting that he might himself make a call, but thought better of it because it would have meant giving the whole world his e-mail address. British Broadcasting Corporation, Powell's Plot to Put Straw on Spot (May 12, 2004), at www.news.bbc.co.uk/l/hi/uk-0politics/3708279.stm (last visited Aug. 2, 2004).
Powell's Plot to Put Straw on Spot
America's dead soul
Literature on this "new cosmopolitanism" explodes at a rate too fast to keep up with here. A trenchant (and skeptical) summary can be found in Samuel Huntington, America's Dead Soul, The National Interest, Spring 2004, at 5-18.
The National Interest
, pp. 5-18
Huntington, S.1
Tjature of the firm
The Locus Classicus on contracting out is Ronald Coase, The TJature of the Firm, 4 Economica 386 (1937).
, vol.4
, pp. 386
Coase, R.1
My colleague Anupam Chander has speculated in conversation that the purpose of "the firm" in the new world may be solely to hold the rights to intellectual property. See James Dale Davidson & William Rees-Mogg, The Sovereign Individual (1997) (extending this theory towards the point of parody).
The Sovereign Individual
Davidson, J.D.1
Rees-Mogg, W.2
Rees-Mogg (and indeed, most modern critics of the state) speaks from a tradition that might be called "conservative/libertarian," but it hardly needs to be so restricted. For a "left critique" of state power, see James C. Scott, Seeing Like a State (1998).
Seeing Like A State
Scott, J.C.1
On the history of the idea of the market Jerry Muller is eccentric in coverage, but admirable in exposition, especially on Smith, Hegel and Hayek. Muller is especially helpful insofar as he is a student of German conservatism and so can sketch a persuasive picture of what the market theoreticians were fighting against. Oddly enough, he pays no attention to the "marginal revolution" in economics-no discussion of Jevons, Walras or (the most notable exception) Menger- nor (perhaps less surprising) does he offer any account of the growth of "contract as an organizing category in law," particularly in law school curricu-lums. Jerry Z. Muller, The Mind and the Market (2002).
The Mind and the Market
Muller, J.Z.1
It was not, really. Marx, Hegel and a hundred others had made the point before him. But he drove it home with a particularity that has earned him the credit. See Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation (1943).
The Great Transformation
Polanyi, K.1
Allen W. Wood, trans., Cambridge Univ. Press 1991
Muller, supra note 12 (summarizing critiques from Lukacs, Marcuse and others). Hegel remains perhaps the shrewdest critique (although sympathetic) of the nature and limitations of the market. Georg W. F. Hegel, Philosophy of Right (Allen W. Wood, trans., Cambridge Univ. Press 1991) (1821).
Philosophy of Right
Hegel, G.W.F.1
last visited Aug. 2, 2004
By "bankruptcy" in this paper, I mean what the term has most often come to mean in the literature of corporate finance: The transfer of control that occurs when the equity owners of an enterprise can no longer service the debt. That is to say, I follow convention in embracing a definition that excludes perhaps ninety-seven percent of all cases filed under the current Bankruptcy Code. For statistics on bankruptcy filings, see American Bankruptcy Institute, Bankruptcy Filing Statistics- Annual U.S. Filings, at http://www.abiworld.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Online-Resources/ Bankruptcy-Statistics/ABI-Bank-ruptcy-Statistics.htm (last visited Aug. 2, 2004).
Bankruptcy Filing Statistics- Annual U.S. Filings
Bankruptcy primitives
Compare Barry E. Adler, Bankruptcy Primitives, 12 AM. BANKR. INST. L. REV. 219 (2004)
Am. Bankr. Inst. L. Rev.
, vol.12
, pp. 219
Adler, B.E.1
Bankruptcy's uncontested axioms
with Douglas Baird & Robert Rasmussen, Bankruptcy's Uncontested Axioms, 108 Yale L.J. 573 (1998) (differing approaches to the matter of bankruptcy definition).
Yale L.J.
, vol.108
, pp. 573
Baird, D.1
Rasmussen, R.2
(A. H. Chayton & W. J. Whittaker eds., Cambridge Univ. Press), (last visited Aug. 2, 2004) (discussing "owe and own")
F. W. Maitland, The Forms of Action at Common Law, Lecture II (A. H. Chayton & W. J. Whittaker eds., Cambridge Univ. Press 1909), available at http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/basis/maitland-formsofaction/html (last visited Aug. 2, 2004) (discussing "owe and own").
The Forms of Action at Common Law, Lecture II
Maitland, F.W.1
The political economy of the bankruptcy reform act of 1978
A full presentation would require attention to issues that are now of only historical interest. For example, do we want two "reorganization" chapters or one? What is the role of the Securities and Exchange Commission? How, generally, does Chapter 11 fit into the "New Deal framework" of investment regulation? For an account of this history, limited and distorted but still suggestive, see generally Eric Posner, The Political Economy of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, 96 Mich. L. Rev. 47 (1997).
Mich. L. Rev.
, vol.96
, pp. 47
Posner, E.1
Rex Warner trans., Penguin Books
Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War 47-48 (Rex Warner trans., Penguin Books 1972).
History of the Peloponnesian War
, pp. 47-48
London Business School Accounting Subject Area (Jan. 5) (last visited Aug. 2, 2004)
More concise and only slightly more technical is Elroy Dimson & Massoud Mussavian, Three Centuries of Asset Pricing, London Business School Accounting Subject Area (Jan. 5, 2000) at http:www//ssrn.com/abstract=203108 (last visited Aug. 2, 2004)
Three Centuries of Asset Pricing
Dimson, E.1
Mussavian, M.2
(offering extensive citations to flesh out this brief account, including a reference to their own collection, Elroy Dimson & Massoud Mussavian, Foundations of Finance (1999)).
Foundations of Finance
Dimson, E.1
Mussavian, M.2
Malcolm Bradbury ed., Penguin Books 1986
"Behold, the fool saith, 'Put not all thine eggs in one basket' - which is but a manner of saying, 'Scatter your money and your attention;' but the wise man saith, 'Put all your eggs in the one basket and -WATCH THAT BASKET.'" Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson 163 (Malcolm Bradbury ed., Penguin Books 1986) (1894). Twain's own dreadful record as an investor is perhaps enough to serve as a caution against too much reliance on his investment advice.
Pudd'Nhead Wilson
, pp. 163
Twain, M.1
Classic references on the junk bond revolution are Daniel Fischel, Payback (1995)
Fischel, D.1
We note in passing another thread that need not detain us here. This is the "Efficient Capital Market Hypothesis" ("ECMH"), which suggests that the market, at any point in time, may already have impounded all information that might affect the price of a security. ECMH has generated a huge literature of its own, but it does not seem to affect our story directly. It may be that increased inquiry into the issue of market efficiency helped to generate the vast increase in liquidity that has affected the bankruptcy market (along with so many other markets), but there is little or no direct evidence on the point. Suffice it to say that major securities markets are probably somewhat efficient, but not completely so. See generally Andrei Shleifer, Inefficient Markets (2000).
Inefficient Markets
Shleifer, A.1
On the efficiency of competitive stock markets where traders have diverse information
Note also the presence of "Grossman's Paradox," which holds that the market will be efficient if and only if one or more investors believe it not to be so. Sanford J. Grossman, On the Efficiency of Competitive Stock Markets Where Traders Have Diverse Information, 31 Journal of Flnance 573-585 (1977).
Journal of Flnance
, vol.31
, pp. 573-585
Grossman, S.J.1
MM indifference is important enough in itself, but it is at least as important for its style. Specifically, MM offer a remarkable instance of finance analysis aping the style of the hard sciences: Specify some simplifying assumptions, reason how the market should behave under these assumptions and then ask whether the world meets the model. It is easy to travesty by making it a case of "if the facts do not fit the theory, change the facts." But this misses the point: MM do not believe in a "perfect" market any more than physicists believe in a friction-free universe. But each may be a convenience for purposes of analysis. Peter Bernstein says that MM "tried to run their experiment with clean test tubes." Peter Bernstein, Capital Ideas 176 (1992).
Capital Ideas
, pp. 176
Bernstein, P.1
Long-term capital management and the sociology of arbitrage
The Chicago Board of Trade Options Exchange opened in 1973, the same year as the publication of the original Black-Scholes paper. These two events must have some relation to one another, although it is not clear just what. See Donald MacKenzie, Long-Term Capital Management and the Sociology of Arbitrage, 32 Economy and Society 349-380 (2003) (exploring the sophisticated relationship between these two events).
Economy and Society
, vol.32
, pp. 349-380
MacKenzie, D.1
Marginalism: The harvest
Collison R. Black et al. eds.
G.L.S. Shackle, Marginalism: The Harvest, THE MARGINAL REVOLUTION IN ECONOMICS (Collison R. Black et al. eds., 1973)- Indeed it is probably only a mild stretch to say that everything in (micro)economics from 1870 to 1950 was a set of games played with first-semester calculus.
The Marginal Revolution in Economics
Shackle, G.L.S.1
The hew face of chapter
Douglas Baird, The Hew Face of Chapter 11,12 Am. Bankr. Inst. L. Rev. 69 (2004) (providing an excellent summary);
Am. Bankr. Inst. L. Rev.
, vol.11-12
, pp. 69
Baird, D.1
Creditor s ball: The 'new' hew corporate governance in chapter
see also David A. Skeel, Creditor s Ball: The 'New' Hew Corporate Governance in Chapter 11,152 U. PA. L. REV. 917 (2003);
U. Pa. L. Rev.
, vol.11-152
, pp. 917
Skeel, D.A.1
Misinterpreting bankruptcy code section 363(f) and undermining the chapter 11 process
See generally George W. Kuney, Misinterpreting Bankruptcy Code Section 363(f) and Undermining the Chapter 11 Process, 76 Am. Bankr. L.J. 235 (2002);
Am. Bankr. L.J.
, vol.76
, pp. 235
Kuney, G.W.1
Further misinterpretation of bankruptcy code section 363(f)
George W. Kuney, Further Misinterpretation of Bankruptcy Code Section 363(f), 76 Am. Bankr. L. J. 289 (2002).
Am. Bankr. L. J.
, vol.76
, pp. 289
Kuney, G.W.1
Security interests reconsidered
See generally Douglas Baird, Security Interests Reconsidered, 80 Va. L. Rev. 2249 (1994).
Va. L. Rev.
, vol.80
, pp. 2249
Baird, D.1
Penguin Books
One criticism of "contractification" seems indisputable: We are always being told that we are further down the road to a world of contract than it turns out we in fact are. An irony of the law school curriculum is that every Anglo-American law student for more than a century now has begun his or her law student career with a "Contracts" course, as if "contract" were a useful organizing principle. Yet almost any thoughtful Contracts teacher (or student) will recognize that "contract" is a residual category that governs only the deals left behind when specialized subsets of contract law hive off and undertake to govern themselves. "A cucumber," said Samuel Johnson, "should be well sliced and soaked in vinegar and pepper and then thrown away, as good for nothing." James Boswell, Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson (Penguin Books 1984) (1786).
Journal of A Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson
Boswell, J.1