Atlas historique de l'urbanisation de la France, 1811-1975 (1981), in: P.M. Hohenberg and L.H. Lees, The Making of Urban Europe 1000-1994, Cambridge and London, 1995, 222. In France, the percentage of the population decreased from 17.5 percent in 1851 to 10 percent in 1911 in municipalities between 3000 and 5000 inhabitants, from 23.4 to 11 percent in municipalities between 5000 and 10,000 inhabitants, from 14.6 to 12.1 percent between 10,000 and 20,000, and from 15.3 to 11.3 percent between 20,000 and 50,000.For a comparative analysis of population in European cities, see T. Chandler and G. Fox, 3000 Years of Urban Growth, New York
G. Dupeux, Atlas historique de l'urbanisation de la France, 1811-1975 (1981), in: P.M. Hohenberg and L.H. Lees, The Making of Urban Europe 1000-1994, Cambridge and London, 1995, 222. In France, the percentage of the population decreased from 17.5 percent in 1851 to 10 percent in 1911 in municipalities between 3000 and 5000 inhabitants, from 23.4 to 11 percent in municipalities between 5000 and 10,000 inhabitants, from 14.6 to 12.1 percent between 10,000 and 20,000, and from 15.3 to 11.3 percent between 20,000 and 50,000.For a comparative analysis of population in European cities, see T. Chandler and G. Fox, 3000 Years of Urban Growth, New York, 1974
Dupeux, G.1
The evolution of cities, Contemporary Review 67 (1895) 246-264. On European cities in the industrial age, see Hohenberg and Lees, The Making of Urban Europe (note 10)
E. Reclus, The evolution of cities, Contemporary Review 67 (1895) 246-264. On European cities in the industrial age, see Hohenberg and Lees, The Making of Urban Europe (note 10), 172-289.
Reclus, E.1
Vanthemsche, Les paradoxes de l'état (note 60)
Vanthemsche, Les paradoxes de l'état (note 60).
Graux, in: Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1883-84 (13 May
Graux, in: Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1883-84 (13 May 1884), 1256.
, pp. 1256
Constitution d'une Société nationale pour la construction et l'exploitation de chemins de fer vicinaux. Rapport fait, au nom de la section centrale, par Le Hardy de Beaulieu, Documents parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1883-84 (22 January
Constitution d'une Société nationale pour la construction et l'exploitation de chemins de fer vicinaux. Rapport fait, au nom de la section centrale, par Le Hardy de Beaulieu, Documents parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1883-84 (22 January 1884), 14-15.
, pp. 14-15
De Bruyn, in: Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1883-84 (9 May
De Bruyn, in: Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1883-84 (9 May 1884), 1204.
, pp. 1204
quoted in De Meulder, Dehaene, Atlas, 38. The term tram usually refers to local railways in cities, but in this case the tram refers to a light railway within a rural setting
C. Buysse, Kerels (1927) quoted in De Meulder, Dehaene, Atlas, 38. The term tram usually refers to local railways in cities, but in this case the tram refers to a light railway within a rural setting.
Buysse, C.1
On the tension between abstract networks and local materialization, see Picon, L'art de l'ingénieur; Graham and Marvin, Splintering Urbanism (note 38); and B. Verschaffel, De verpulverde stad. Over wonen en de logica van het netwerk, in: De beschikbare ruimte: reflecties over bouwen, Tielt
On the tension between abstract networks and local materialization, see Picon, L'art de l'ingénieur; Graham and Marvin, Splintering Urbanism (note 38); and B. Verschaffel, De verpulverde stad. Over wonen en de logica van het netwerk, in: De beschikbare ruimte: reflecties over bouwen, Tielt, 1990.
The design was the 'improved version' of the 1866 law allowing secondary railways in Eastern Flanders (31 Mai 1866-Loi qui autorise la concession de chemins de fer secondaires dans la Flandre oriëntale)
The design was the 'improved version' of the 1866 law allowing secondary railways in Eastern Flanders (31 Mai 1866-Loi qui autorise la concession de chemins de fer secondaires dans la Flandre oriëntale).
Société nationale des chemins de fer vicinaux. Province de la Flandre orientale, Notice sur les lignes projetées par la Société nationale et soumise à l'examen du Conseil provincial pendant la session ordinaire de 1885, Brussels
Société nationale des chemins de fer vicinaux. Province de la Flandre orientale, Notice sur les lignes projetées par la Société nationale et soumise à l'examen du Conseil provincial pendant la session ordinaire de 1885, Brussels, 1885, 14.
, pp. 14
Chemins de fer vicinaux, tramways, subsides, enseignement, promenades publiques et autres notes, Collection Vliegende bladen, second half of the nineteenth century
P. Voituron, Chemins de fer vicinaux, tramways, subsides, enseignement, promenades publiques et autres notes, Collection Vliegende bladen, second half of the nineteenth century.
Voituron, P.1
Société nationale des chemins de fer vicinaux. Province de la Flandre orientale, Notice sur les lignes projetées, (note 99)
Société nationale des chemins de fer vicinaux. Province de la Flandre orientale, Notice sur les lignes projetées, (note 99), 15.
Antwerpsche maatschappij voor den dienst van buurtspoorwegen. 1885-1910, Antwerp
Antwerpsche maatschappij voor den dienst van buurtspoorwegen. 1885-1910, Antwerp, 1910.
Mahaim, Les abonnements d'ouvriers (note 16)
Mahaim, Les abonnements d'ouvriers (note 16), 140.
Belgian reconstruction after World War I: a transition from civic art to urban planning
See M. Smets, Belgian reconstruction after World War I: a transition from civic art to urban planning, Planning Perspectives 2 (1987) 1-26.
Planning Perspectives
, vol.2
, pp. 1-26
Smets, M.1
See the conclusion (chapter 17) in Smets, L'avènement de la cité-jardin en Belgique (note 11)
See the conclusion (chapter 17) in Smets, L'avènement de la cité-jardin en Belgique (note 11).
See chapters about the ideas of Edouard Ducpétiaux and conferences on sanitation during the (mid) nineteenth century in Smets, L'avènement de la cité-jardin en Belgique (note 11)
See chapters about the ideas of Edouard Ducpétiaux and conferences on sanitation during the (mid) nineteenth century in Smets, L'avènement de la cité-jardin en Belgique (note 11).
Les efforts internationaux pour une Belgique moderne, in: Marcel Smets (Ed.), Resurgam
See P. Uyttenhove, Les efforts internationaux pour une Belgique moderne, in: Marcel Smets (Ed.), Resurgam, 33-68.
Uyttenhove, P.1
Smets, L'avènement de la cité-jardin en Belgique (note 11)
Smets, L'avènement de la cité-jardin en Belgique (note 11).
Land and Labour: Lessons from Belgium, London
B.S. Rowntree, Land and Labour: Lessons from Belgium, London, 1911, 108.
, pp. 108
Rowntree, B.S.1
L'avènement de la cité-jardin en Belgique. Histoire de l'habitat social en Belgique de 1830 à 1930, Brussels
M. Smets, L'avènement de la cité-jardin en Belgique. Histoire de l'habitat social en Belgique de 1830 à 1930, Brussels, 1976, 9.
, pp. 9
Smets, M.1
Belgian reformers such as Emile Vandervelde interpreted the poems of Verhaeren about the villes tentaculaires negatively, as an argument to urbanize the country and to turn Belgium into one giant Garden City. Conversely, the English town planner Sir Patrick Abercrombie, as David Matless pointed out in Landscape and Englishness, extracted 'the motto of town planners' from Verhaeren's poems; an argument 'to lead the energies of the city into the right channels', to structure the city and make sure the distinction between town and country is guaranteed. See D. Matless, Landscape and Englishness, London, 1998, 36-38; and D. Matless, Appropriate geography: Patrick Abercrombie and the energy of the world, Journal of Design History 6 (1993) 167-178. For the original text, see P. Abercrombie, The many-tentacled town: the vision of Emile Verhaeren, Town Planning Review
Belgian reformers such as Emile Vandervelde interpreted the poems of Verhaeren about the villes tentaculaires negatively, as an argument to urbanize the country and to turn Belgium into one giant Garden City. Conversely, the English town planner Sir Patrick Abercrombie, as David Matless pointed out in Landscape and Englishness, extracted 'the motto of town planners' from Verhaeren's poems; an argument 'to lead the energies of the city into the right channels', to structure the city and make sure the distinction between town and country is guaranteed. See D. Matless, Landscape and Englishness, London, 1998, 36-38; and D. Matless, Appropriate geography: Patrick Abercrombie and the energy of the world, Journal of Design History 6 (1993) 167-178. For the original text, see P. Abercrombie, The many-tentacled town: the vision of Emile Verhaeren, Town Planning Review 3 (1912) 133-149.
, vol.3
, pp. 133-149
Of course there are other regions of which the landscape differs from this archetypal composition. Comparable regions with fertile agricultural land and dense settlement patterns are, for example, the Veneto and Milano region
Of course there are other regions of which the landscape differs from this archetypal composition. Comparable regions with fertile agricultural land and dense settlement patterns are, for example, the Veneto and Milano region.
Vandervelde, L'exode rurale (note 4)
Vandervelde, L'exode rurale (note 4), 138-139.
For a historical study on the implementation and development of the Garden City concept in Belgium, see Smets, L'avènement de la cité-jardin en Belgique (note 11)
For a historical study on the implementation and development of the Garden City concept in Belgium, see Smets, L'avènement de la cité-jardin en Belgique (note 11).
Les abonnements d'ouvriers sur les chemins de fer belges et leurs effets sociaux, Brussels, 1910. For a survey and mapping of commuting population in 1947, see O.Tulippe, La population active en Belgique. Localisation et mouvements. Etude préliminaire, Les cahiers d'urbanisme 17 (1954). For a comparative analysis of commuting in the Netherlands and Belgium in 1947, see R. E. Dickinson, The geography of commuting: the Netherlands and Belgium, Geographical Review
E. Mahaim, Les abonnements d'ouvriers sur les chemins de fer belges et leurs effets sociaux, Brussels, 1910. For a survey and mapping of commuting population in 1947, see O.Tulippe, La population active en Belgique. Localisation et mouvements. Etude préliminaire, Les cahiers d'urbanisme 17 (1954). For a comparative analysis of commuting in the Netherlands and Belgium in 1947, see R. E. Dickinson, The geography of commuting: the Netherlands and Belgium, Geographical Review 47 (1957) 521-538.
, vol.47
, pp. 521-538
Mahaim, E.1
Mahaim, Les abonnements d'ouvriers (note 16)
Mahaim, Les abonnements d'ouvriers (note 16), 77.
Mahaim, Les abonnements d'ouvriers (note 16)
Mahaim, Les abonnements d'ouvriers (note 16), 63.
Dickinson, The geography of commuting (note 16)
Dickinson, The geography of commuting (note 16), 531.
A travers les Flandres, Gent
A. De Winne, A travers les Flandres, Gent, 1902.
De Winne, A.1
Rowntree, Land and Labour
Rowntree, Land and Labour.
Comte d'Aviella, in: Annales parlementaires: Senat, 1902-03 (22 January
Comte d'Aviella, in: Annales parlementaires: Senat, 1902-03 A., 130.
, pp. 130
Les migrations ouvrières à travers la Belgique, Louvain
H. Demain, Les migrations ouvrières à travers la Belgique, Louvain, 1919, 132.
, pp. 132
Demain, H.1
Vandervelde, L'exode rural (note 4), 233. E.C. Vollans has studied this combination of agricultural with other forms of employment. See E.C. Vollans, Urban development in Belgium since 1830, in: R.P. Beckinsale and J.M. Houston (Eds), Urbanization and its Problems, New York
Vandervelde, L'exode rural (note 4), 233. E.C. Vollans has studied this combination of agricultural with other forms of employment. See E.C. Vollans, Urban development in Belgium since 1830, in: R.P. Beckinsale and J.M. Houston (Eds), Urbanization and its Problems, New York, 1968, 171-198.
, pp. 171-198
The common reading of spatial development starts from concepts on city development and city renovation: see introduction of Hohenberg and Lees, The Making of Urban Europe (note 10). A few recent studies have analyzed the historical relation between rails and urbanization in Belgium. However, they are limited to specific regions and approach infrastructure and space phenomenologically. For morphological analyses of light railways and urbanization in Brabant, see B. Grosjean, Urbanisation sans urbanisme. Une histoire de la 'ville diffuse', Wavre, 2010; of South West Flanders, see B. De Meulder and M. Dehaene, Atlas. Fascikel 1, Zuid-West-Vlaanderen, Kortrijk
The common reading of spatial development starts from concepts on city development and city renovation: see introduction of Hohenberg and Lees, The Making of Urban Europe (note 10). A few recent studies have analyzed the historical relation between rails and urbanization in Belgium. However, they are limited to specific regions and approach infrastructure and space phenomenologically. For morphological analyses of light railways and urbanization in Brabant, see B. Grosjean, Urbanisation sans urbanisme. Une histoire de la 'ville diffuse', Wavre, 2010; of South West Flanders, see B. De Meulder and M. Dehaene, Atlas. Fascikel 1, Zuid-West-Vlaanderen, Kortrijk, 2001.
Ghent Urban Studies Team (Ed.), Post Ex Sub Dis: Urban Fragmentations and Constructions, Rotterdam, 2002, 8. For an elaboration of the term hyperville, see A. Corboz, La Suisse comme hyperville, Le Visiteur
Ghent Urban Studies Team (Ed.), Post Ex Sub Dis: Urban Fragmentations and Constructions, Rotterdam, 2002, 8. For an elaboration of the term hyperville, see A. Corboz, La Suisse comme hyperville, Le Visiteur 6 (2000) 112-129
, vol.6
, pp. 112-129
Zwischenstadt. Zwischen Ort und Welt, Raum und Zeit, Stadt und Land, Basel
Zwischenstadt, see T. Sieverts, Zwischenstadt. Zwischen Ort und Welt, Raum und Zeit, Stadt und Land, Basel, 1999
Sieverts, T.1
città diffusa, see F. Indovina, La città diffusa, Venezia, 1990; rurbanisation, see G. Bauer and J.-M. Roux, La rurbanisation ou la ville éparpillée, Paris, 1976. Henri Lefebvre also refers to the concept of the rurban to describe the invalidity of 'the old opposition between town and country', see H. Lefebvre, Writings on Cities, Oxford
città diffusa, see F. Indovina, La città diffusa, Venezia, 1990; rurbanisation, see G. Bauer and J.-M. Roux, La rurbanisation ou la ville éparpillée, Paris, 1976. Henri Lefebvre also refers to the concept of the rurban to describe the invalidity of 'the old opposition between town and country', see H. Lefebvre, Writings on Cities, Oxford, 1996, 120.
, pp. 120
For a reference work on urban history in Belgium, see R. De Meyer and M. Smets, De recente stedebouwkundige geschiedschrijving in België omtrent negentiende en begin twintigste eeuw, Belgisch tijdschrift voor nieuwste geschiedenis
For a reference work on urban history in Belgium, see R. De Meyer and M. Smets, De recente stedebouwkundige geschiedschrijving in België omtrent negentiende en begin twintigste eeuw, Belgisch tijdschrift voor nieuwste geschiedenis 13 (1982) 467-517.
, vol.13
, pp. 467-517
La reconstruction belge ou le passage de l'art urbain à l'urbanisme, in: M. Smets (Ed.), Resurgam. La reconstruction en Belgique après 1914, Brussels
M. Smets, La reconstruction belge ou le passage de l'art urbain à l'urbanisme, in: M. Smets (Ed.), Resurgam. La reconstruction en Belgique après 1914, Brussels, 1985, 74.
, pp. 74
Smets, M.1
Patching up the Belgian landscape
B. De Meulder, J. Schreurs, A. Cock, B. Notteboom, Patching up the Belgian landscape, Oase: Tijdschrift voor Architectuur 52 (1999) 86.
Oase: Tijdschrift voor Architectuur
, vol.52
, pp. 86
De Meulder, B.1
Schreurs, J.2
Cock, A.3
Notteboom, B.4
As early as 1864, Belgian urbanism and urbanity was weighed and found wanting by Charles Baudelaire. A hundred years later, the prominent urbanist Renaat Braem wrote the influential pamphlet The ugliest country in the world: C. Baudelaire, Pauvre Belgique, Brussels
As early as 1864, Belgian urbanism and urbanity was weighed and found wanting by Charles Baudelaire. A hundred years later, the prominent urbanist Renaat Braem wrote the influential pamphlet The ugliest country in the world: C. Baudelaire, Pauvre Belgique, Brussels, 1864
Het lelijkste land ter wereld, Leuven, 1968. See also: F. Strauven, Hoe Belgie zijn huidige aanblik kreeg (The history of Belgian town and spatial planning), Wonen-TA/BK
R. Braem, Het lelijkste land ter wereld, Leuven, 1968. See also: F. Strauven, Hoe Belgie zijn huidige aanblik kreeg (The history of Belgian town and spatial planning), Wonen-TA/BK 12 (1980) 7-20
, vol.12
, pp. 7-20
Braem, R.1
Het lelijkste land?, in: R. Gobyn, M. Hürrig and M. Roquet (Eds), De fifties in België, Brussels, 1988, 268-281. On the difference between planned Holland and 'non-planned' Belgium, see A. Faludi, A. van der Valk, Rule and order. Dutch planning doctrine in the twentieth century, Geojournal Library
F. Strauven, Het lelijkste land?, in: R. Gobyn, M. Hürrig and M. Roquet (Eds), De fifties in België, Brussels, 1988, 268-281. On the difference between planned Holland and 'non-planned' Belgium, see A. Faludi, A. van der Valk, Rule and order. Dutch planning doctrine in the twentieth century, Geojournal Library 28 (1994)
, vol.28
Strauven, F.1
De moeizame adoptie van de 'ruimtelijke planning' in Vlaanderen
R. Houthave, De moeizame adoptie van de 'ruimtelijke planning' in Vlaanderen, Stedenbouw en ruimtelijke ordening 86 (2005) 10-24.
Stedenbouw en ruimtelijke ordening
, vol.86
, pp. 10-24
Houthave, R.1
Flanders' urbanity: an outline
P. de Decker, E. Lammens, P. van der Sluys, L. van der Vliet, P.J. Van Severen, Flanders' urbanity: an outline, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 30 (1987) 98.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
, vol.30
, pp. 98
de Decker, P.1
Lammens, E.2
van der Sluys, P.3
van der Vliet, L.4
Van Severen, P.J.5
L'exode rural et le retour aux champs, Paris
E. Vandervelde, L'exode rural et le retour aux champs, Paris, 1903.
Vandervelde, E.1
Informal plans and informal agencies; On methodological challenges for peri-urban planning history in Sweden (ca 1930-1970), in: Gülersoy, Ayataç, Önem, Koramaz, Günay, Arslanli, Ayranci (Eds), Urban Transformation: Controversies, Contrasts and Challenges, Istanbul
See M. Qviström, Informal plans and informal agencies; On methodological challenges for peri-urban planning history in Sweden (ca 1930-1970), in: Gülersoy, Ayataç, Önem, Koramaz, Günay, Arslanli, Ayranci (Eds), Urban Transformation: Controversies, Contrasts and Challenges, Istanbul, 2010, 318.
, pp. 318
Qviström, M.1
On the spatiality of modernity, see D. Gilbert, D. Matless and B. Short (Eds), Geographies of British Modernity: Space and Society in the Twentieth Century, Oxford
On the spatiality of modernity, see D. Gilbert, D. Matless and B. Short (Eds), Geographies of British Modernity: Space and Society in the Twentieth Century, Oxford, 2003.
On motorways and landscape, see C. Mauch and T. Zeller (Eds), The World Beyond the Windshield. Roads and Landscapes in the United States and Europe, Athens (Ohio), 2008. For a transdisciplinary study on the design, landscaping and construction of the M1 motorway in Britain, see P. Merriman, Driving Spaces: A Cultural-historical Geography of England's M1 Motorway, Oxford
On motorways and landscape, see C. Mauch and T. Zeller (Eds), The World Beyond the Windshield. Roads and Landscapes in the United States and Europe, Athens (Ohio), 2008. For a transdisciplinary study on the design, landscaping and construction of the M1 motorway in Britain, see P. Merriman, Driving Spaces: A Cultural-historical Geography of England's M1 Motorway, Oxford, 2007
'Operation motorway': landscapes of construction on England's M1 motorway, Journal of Historical Geography 31 (2005) 113-133. For a historical study on the German Autobahnen and landscape, see T. Zeller, Driving Germany: The Landscape of the German Autobahn, New York
P. Merriman, 'Operation motorway': landscapes of construction on England's M1 motorway, Journal of Historical Geography 31 (2005) 113-133. For a historical study on the German Autobahnen and landscape, see T. Zeller, Driving Germany: The Landscape of the German Autobahn, New York, 2007.
Merriman, P.1
For more theoretical work on infrastructure systems and space, see G. Dupuy (Ed.), Réseaux territoriaux, Caen
For more theoretical work on infrastructure systems and space, see G. Dupuy (Ed.), Réseaux territoriaux, Caen, 1988
J.A. Tarr and G. Dupuy (Eds), Technology and the Rise of the Networked City in Europe and America, Philadelphia
J.A. Tarr and G. Dupuy (Eds), Technology and the Rise of the Networked City in Europe and America, Philadelphia, 1988
L'urbanisme des réseaux, Paris, 1991; J.-M. Offner (Ed.), Réseaux, territoires et organisation sociale, Problèmes politiques et sociaux
G. Dupuy, L'urbanisme des réseaux, Paris, 1991; J.-M. Offner (Ed.), Réseaux, territoires et organisation sociale, Problèmes politiques et sociaux 740 (1994)
, vol.740
Dupuy, G.1
P. Bélanger, Landscape as infrastructure, Landscape Journal 28 (2009) 79-95; chapter on 'infrastructural urbanism' in S. Allen, Points+Lines: Diagrams and Projects for the City, New York
P. Bélanger, Landscape as infrastructure, Landscape Journal 28 (2009) 79-95; chapter on 'infrastructural urbanism' in S. Allen, Points+Lines: Diagrams and Projects for the City, New York, 1999, 46-59.
, pp. 46-59
For studies on automobilization and landscape in France and the United States, see D. Mangin, La ville franchisée. Formes et structures de la ville contemporaine, Paris, 2004; O.D. Gutfreund, Twentieth Century Sprawl. How Highways Transformed America, New York
For studies on automobilization and landscape in France and the United States, see D. Mangin, La ville franchisée. Formes et structures de la ville contemporaine, Paris, 2004; O.D. Gutfreund, Twentieth Century Sprawl. How Highways Transformed America, New York, 2004
Planned Sprawl. Private and Public Interest in Suburbia, Londen and Beverly Hills, 1977. For an international overview of recent infrastructure landscapes, see M. Smets and K. Shannon, The Landscape of Contemporary Infrastructure, Rotterdam
M. Gottdiener, Planned Sprawl. Private and Public Interest in Suburbia, Londen and Beverly Hills, 1977. For an international overview of recent infrastructure landscapes, see M. Smets and K. Shannon, The Landscape of Contemporary Infrastructure, Rotterdam, 2010.
Gottdiener, M.1
For an excellent review of the history of urbanization, see G. Fields, City systems, urban history, and economic modernity: urbanisation and the transition from agrarian to industrial Society, Berkeley Planning Journal
For an excellent review of the history of urbanization, see G. Fields, City systems, urban history, and economic modernity: urbanisation and the transition from agrarian to industrial Society, Berkeley Planning Journal 13 (1999) 102-128
, vol.13
, pp. 102-128
A. van der Woude, A. Hayami, J. de Vries (Eds), Urbanization in History, Oxford
A. van der Woude, A. Hayami, J. de Vries (Eds), Urbanization in History, Oxford, 1990s.
See for example the special section on 'Railways and Political Economy in Britain, France, and the United States, 1840-1950' in Social Science History 34 (2010). The articles illustrate the effects of railway networks on demography and urbanization by means of quantitative methodologies such as the Geographic Information System (GIS), spatial statistics and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). See J. Atack, F. Bateman, M.Haines and R. A. Margo, Did railroads induce or follow economic growth? Urbanization and population growth in the American Midwest, 1850-1860, Social Science History
See for example the special section on 'Railways and Political Economy in Britain, France, and the United States, 1840-1950' in Social Science History 34 (2010). The articles illustrate the effects of railway networks on demography and urbanization by means of quantitative methodologies such as the Geographic Information System (GIS), spatial statistics and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). See J. Atack, F. Bateman, M.Haines and R. A. Margo, Did railroads induce or follow economic growth? Urbanization and population growth in the American Midwest, 1850-1860, Social Science History 34 (2010) 171-197
, vol.34
, pp. 171-197
The railways, urbanization, and local demography in England and Wales, 1825-1911
I.N. Gregory and J. Martí Henneberg, The railways, urbanization, and local demography in England and Wales, 1825-1911, Social Science History 34 (2010) 199-228.
Social Science History
, vol.34
, pp. 199-228
Gregory, I.N.1
Martí, J.2
Rail transport, agrarian crisis, and the restructuring of agriculture: France and Great Britain confront globalization, 1860-1900
R.M. Schwartz, Rail transport, agrarian crisis, and the restructuring of agriculture: France and Great Britain confront globalization, 1860-1900, Social Science History 34 (2010) 229-255.
Social Science History
, vol.34
, pp. 229-255
Schwartz, R.M.1
Foucault's notion of the bio-technico-political is the driver of the debate. For the last publications of Michel Foucault on biopolitics, see his lectures: M. Foucault, M. Senellart (Eds), Sécurité, territoire, population: Cours au Collège de France (1977-1978), Paris
Foucault's notion of the bio-technico-political is the driver of the debate. For the last publications of Michel Foucault on biopolitics, see his lectures: M. Foucault, M. Senellart (Eds), Sécurité, territoire, population: Cours au Collège de France (1977-1978), Paris, 2004
M. Foucault, M. Senellart (Eds), Naissance de la biopolitique: Cours au Collège de France (1978-1979), Paris, 2004. See also P. Rabinow, French Modern. Norms and Forms of the Social Environment, Cambridge
M. Foucault, M. Senellart (Eds), Naissance de la biopolitique: Cours au Collège de France (1978-1979), Paris, 2004. See also P. Rabinow, French Modern. Norms and Forms of the Social Environment, Cambridge, 1989
French Architects and Engineers in the Age of Enlightenment, Cambridge, 1992; B. Latour, Aramis, or the Love of Technology, Cambridge
A. Picon, French Architects and Engineers in the Age of Enlightenment, Cambridge, 1992; B. Latour, Aramis, or the Love of Technology, Cambridge, 1996
Picon, A.1
Electrifying America. Social Meanings of a New Technology, 1880-1940, Cambridge
D. Nye, Electrifying America. Social Meanings of a New Technology, 1880-1940, Cambridge, 1992
Nye, D.1
Splintering Urbanism: Networked Infrastructures, Technological Mobilities and the Urban Condition, London
S. Graham and S. Marvin, Splintering Urbanism: Networked Infrastructures, Technological Mobilities and the Urban Condition, London, 2001, 8-12.
, pp. 8-12
Graham, S.1
Marvin, S.2
Les saint-simonians: raison, imaginaire et utopie, Paris
A. Picon, Les saint-simonians: raison, imaginaire et utopie, Paris, 2002, 9.
, pp. 9
Picon, A.1
The list of publications on the relation between the construction of railways and urbanization is very limited. Most studies focus on the urbanization of 'virgin land', for example, J.W. Reps, Cities of the American West. A History of Urban Planning, Princeton, 1979; D.H. Bain, The Old Iron Road. An Epic of Rails, Roads, and the Urge to Go West, New York, 2004; C. Purcar, Railway and Landscape Interaction: A History of the First Transylvanian Railway (1868-2000), Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Leuven
The list of publications on the relation between the construction of railways and urbanization is very limited. Most studies focus on the urbanization of 'virgin land', for example, J.W. Reps, Cities of the American West. A History of Urban Planning, Princeton, 1979; D.H. Bain, The Old Iron Road. An Epic of Rails, Roads, and the Urge to Go West, New York, 2004; C. Purcar, Railway and Landscape Interaction: A History of the First Transylvanian Railway (1868-2000), Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Leuven, 2009.
On the Belgian agricultural crisis and its effects on rural economy and regional poverty, see D.A.G. Vanneste, Rural economy and indigence in mid-nineteenth-century Belgium, Journal of Historical Geography 23 (1997) 3-15; G. Jacquemyns, Histoire de la crise économique des Flandres, Brussels, 1928; Camille Jacquart, Mouvement de l'état civil et de la population, Brussels, 1906; and Emile Jottrand, Le dépeuplement des campagnes, Mons
On the Belgian agricultural crisis and its effects on rural economy and regional poverty, see D.A.G. Vanneste, Rural economy and indigence in mid-nineteenth-century Belgium, Journal of Historical Geography 23 (1997) 3-15; G. Jacquemyns, Histoire de la crise économique des Flandres, Brussels, 1928; Camille Jacquart, Mouvement de l'état civil et de la population, Brussels, 1906; and Emile Jottrand, Le dépeuplement des campagnes, Mons, 1895.
For example, the work of Bart Van der Herten on transport in Belgium during the nineteenth century is written from the perspective of transport economy. Although it gives an excellent overview of the evolution of different transport modes in Belgium, space, or the intended organization of the territory or society, is absent in this narrative. The impact of transport is illustrated by databanks describing the financial return. (Bart Van de Herten, België onder stoom. Transport en communicatie tijdens de 19de eeuw, Leuven
For example, the work of Bart Van der Herten on transport in Belgium during the nineteenth century is written from the perspective of transport economy. Although it gives an excellent overview of the evolution of different transport modes in Belgium, space, or the intended organization of the territory or society, is absent in this narrative. The impact of transport is illustrated by databanks describing the financial return. (Bart Van de Herten, België onder stoom. Transport en communicatie tijdens de 19de eeuw, Leuven, 2004).
On railways and cities, see R. Roth and M.-N. Polino (Eds), The City and the Railway in Europe, Aldershot
On railways and cities, see R. Roth and M.-N. Polino (Eds), The City and the Railway in Europe, Aldershot, 2003
the 4th International Railway History Conference. Cities, Users and their Railways, 27-29th of May 2010, Mechelen, Belgium. On the interaction between light railways and town-planning, see L. Bigon, Tracking ethno-cultural differences: the Lagos steam tramway, 1902-1933, Journal of Historical Geography 33 (2007) 596-618.On steam and national landscapes, see W. Schivelbusch, The Railway Journey: Trains and Travel in the Nineteenth Century, Oxford
the 4th International Railway History Conference. Cities, Users and their Railways, 27-29th of May 2010, Mechelen, Belgium. On the interaction between light railways and town-planning, see L. Bigon, Tracking ethno-cultural differences: the Lagos steam tramway, 1902-1933, Journal of Historical Geography 33 (2007) 596-618.On steam and national landscapes, see W. Schivelbusch, The Railway Journey: Trains and Travel in the Nineteenth Century, Oxford, 1980
Railways and the Victorian Imagination, New Haven and London, 1999; S. Kern, The Culture of Time and Space, 1880-1918, Cambridge
M. Freeman, Railways and the Victorian Imagination, New Haven and London, 1999; S. Kern, The Culture of Time and Space, 1880-1918, Cambridge, 1983
Freeman, M.1
On the Move: Mobility in the Modern World, London
T. Cresswell, On the Move: Mobility in the Modern World, London, 2006.
Cresswell, T.1
Liora Bigon's research on the Lagos steam tramway has a similar approach. Relating infrastructure and colonial town-planning policy, she showed that 'the tramway was used by British colonial authorities to reinforce a pre-existent informal residential segregation in Lagos'. Bigon, Tracking ethno-cultural differences (note 42)
Liora Bigon's research on the Lagos steam tramway has a similar approach. Relating infrastructure and colonial town-planning policy, she showed that 'the tramway was used by British colonial authorities to reinforce a pre-existent informal residential segregation in Lagos'. Bigon, Tracking ethno-cultural differences (note 42).
For example, France is 18 times the size of Belgium, but three times less populated. The United Kingdom is 8 times bigger but only two-thirds times less densely populated. (See Eurostat website)
For example, France is 18 times the size of Belgium, but three times less populated. The United Kingdom is 8 times bigger but only two-thirds times less densely populated. (See Eurostat website).
Designing the nation: the Belgian railway project, 1830-1837, Technology and Culture, forthcoming
G. De Block, Designing the nation: the Belgian railway project, 1830-1837, Technology and Culture, forthcoming.
De Block, G.1
C. Rogier in Chambre des Représentans [sic]. Suite de la discussion du chemin en fer, Moniteur belge (12 and 18 March
C. Rogier in Chambre des Représentans [sic]. Suite de la discussion du chemin en fer, Moniteur belge (12 and 18 March 1834).
On the ideas of territory and infrastructure of French Saint-Simonian engineers, see Picon, Les saint-simoniens (note 39)
On the ideas of territory and infrastructure of French Saint-Simonian engineers, see Picon, Les saint-simoniens (note 39).
Mai 1866-Loi qui autorise la concession de chemins de fer vicinaux dans le Brabant, Pasinomie
Mai 1866-Loi qui autorise la concession de chemins de fer vicinaux dans le Brabant, Pasinomie (1866) 183-184
, pp. 183-184
Mai 1866-Loi qui autorise la concession de chemins de fer secondaires dans la Flandre orientale, Pasinomie (1866) 184; 31 Mai 1866-Loi qui autorise la concession de chemins de fer secondaires dans le Hainaut, Pasinomie
Mai 1866-Loi qui autorise la concession de chemins de fer secondaires dans la Flandre orientale, Pasinomie (1866) 184; 31 Mai 1866-Loi qui autorise la concession de chemins de fer secondaires dans le Hainaut, Pasinomie (1866) 185-186.
, pp. 185-186
Splingard, Chemins de fer secondaires. Réseau du Brabant, Brussels
Splingard, Chemins de fer secondaires. Réseau du Brabant, Brussels, 1864, 8-9.
, pp. 8-9
Vanderstichelen, in: Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1865-66 (17 May
Vanderstichelen, in: Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1865-66 (17 May 1866), 842-843.
, pp. 842-843
Rowntree, Land and Labour (note 2)
Rowntree, Land and Labour (note 2), 544.
Vanderstichelen, in: Annales parlementaires: Sénat, 1865-66 (25 May
Vanderstichelen, in: Annales parlementaires: Sénat, 1865-66 (25 May 1866), 620.
, pp. 620
Belgique industrielle: vues des établissements industriels de la Belgique, Brussels
Belgique industrielle: vues des établissements industriels de la Belgique, Brussels, 1852-1855
B. Van der Herten, M. Oris and J. Roegiers (Eds), La Belgique industrielle en 1850: deux cents images d'un monde nouveau, Deurne, 1995 (republished in
B. Van der Herten, M. Oris and J. Roegiers (Eds), La Belgique industrielle en 1850: deux cents images d'un monde nouveau, Deurne, 1995 (republished in 1995).
For a discourse on the picturesque as a representational and discursive unifier of the premodern and the modern, see D. Cosgrove, Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape, London
For a discourse on the picturesque as a representational and discursive unifier of the premodern and the modern, see D. Cosgrove, Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape, London, 1984
chapter on the picturesque and appropriation in J. Macarthur, The Picturesque: Architecture, Disgust and other Irregularities, London and New York, On the picturesque in a Belgian context, see L. Pil, 'Pour le plaisir des yeux'. Het pittoreske landschap in de Belgische kunst; 19de-eeuwse retoriek en beeldvorming, Leuven, 1993; and the essay of L. Pil in Van der Herten, Oris, Roegiers (Eds), La Belgique industrielle en 1850 (note 52)
chapter on the picturesque and appropriation in J. Macarthur, The Picturesque: Architecture, Disgust and other Irregularities, London and New York, On the picturesque in a Belgian context, see L. Pil, 'Pour le plaisir des yeux'. Het pittoreske landschap in de Belgische kunst; 19de-eeuwse retoriek en beeldvorming, Leuven, 1993; and the essay of L. Pil in Van der Herten, Oris, Roegiers (Eds), La Belgique industrielle en 1850 (note 52).2007, 176-233.
, pp. 176-233
Jamar, in: Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1868-69 (22 April
Jamar, in: Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1868-69 (22 April 1869), 763.
, pp. 763
Jamar, in: Annales parlementaires (note 54), 1868-69 (22 April
Jamar, in: Annales parlementaires (note 54), 1868-69 (22 April 1869), 765.
, pp. 765
Septembre 1869 - Arrêté du ministre des travaux publics. Chemin de fer de l'Etat. Trains spéciaux pour le transport, par abonnement, des ouvriers, Pasinomie
Septembre 1869 - Arrêté du ministre des travaux publics. Chemin de fer de l'Etat. Trains spéciaux pour le transport, par abonnement, des ouvriers, Pasinomie (1869) 368.
, pp. 368
Jamar, Chemins de fer de l'Etat. Tarifs pour le transport des voyageurs, Documents Parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1869-1870 (10 December
Jamar, Chemins de fer de l'Etat. Tarifs pour le transport des voyageurs, Documents Parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1869-1870 (10 December 1869).
Vandervelde, L'exode rurale (note 4)
Vandervelde, L'exode rurale (note 4), 131.
Mahaim, Les abonnements ouvriers (note 16)
Mahaim, Les abonnements ouvriers (note 16), 39.
Les paradoxes de l'état, Brussels
G. Vanthemsche, Les paradoxes de l'état, Brussels, 1997.
Vanthemsche, G.1
The rural urban continuum
See R.E. Pahl, The rural urban continuum, Sociologia Ruralis 6 (1966) 301.
Sociologia Ruralis
, vol.6
, pp. 301
Pahl, R.E.1
Vandervelde, L'exode rurale (note 4)
Vandervelde, L'exode rurale (note 4), 142.
On trains and suburbanization in Europe, see P. Capuzzo, Between politics and technology: transport as a factor of mass suburbanization in Europe, 1890-1939, in: C. Divall and W. Bond (Eds), Suburbanizing the Masses. Public Transport and Urban Development in Historical Perspective, Aldershot
On trains and suburbanization in Europe, see P. Capuzzo, Between politics and technology: transport as a factor of mass suburbanization in Europe, 1890-1939, in: C. Divall and W. Bond (Eds), Suburbanizing the Masses. Public Transport and Urban Development in Historical Perspective, Aldershot, 2003, 23-48.
, pp. 23-48
For a comparative analysis of social reform in nineteenth-century London and Brussels, see J. Polasky, Reforming Urban Labour: Routes to the City, Roots in the Country, Ithaca
For a comparative analysis of social reform in nineteenth-century London and Brussels, see J. Polasky, Reforming Urban Labour: Routes to the City, Roots in the Country, Ithaca, 2010.
Jamar, in: Annales parlementaires (note 54), 1868-69 (22 April
Jamar, in: Annales parlementaires (note 54), 1868-69 (22 April 1869), 765.
, pp. 765
On the social effects of the workmen's trains, from the poorly accommodated mass transport of the lower class to a democratic mobility, see D. Weber, The Birth of a Commuter Society. Workingmen's Trains in Belgium, 1870-1914, paper presented at the 4th International Railway History Conference (note 42), 27-29th of May, Mechelen, Belgium
On the social effects of the workmen's trains, from the poorly accommodated mass transport of the lower class to a democratic mobility, see D. Weber, The Birth of a Commuter Society. Workingmen's Trains in Belgium, 1870-1914, paper presented at the 4th International Railway History Conference (note 42), 27-29th of May, Mechelen, Belgium.2010
Demain, Les migrations ouvrières (note 22)
Demain, Les migrations ouvrières (note 22), 205.
De landeliljke Bevolking der Kempen gedurende de 19e eeuw, Brussels
E. Vliebergh, De landeliljke Bevolking der Kempen gedurende de 19e eeuw, Brussels, 1906, 27.
, pp. 27
Vliebergh, E.1
Budget de Ministère des Travaux publics pour l'exercice 1876. Rapport fait, au nom de la section centrale, par M. T'Serstevens, Documents parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1875-1876 (6 April
Budget de Ministère des Travaux publics pour l'exercice 1876. Rapport fait, au nom de la section centrale, par M. T'Serstevens, Documents parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1875-1876 (6 April 1876), 2.
, pp. 2
Budget de Ministère des Travaux publics (note 68)
Budget de Ministère des Travaux publics (note 68), 1876, 36.
, pp. 36
de Naeyer, in: Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1852-53 (16 February
de Naeyer, in: Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1852-53 (16 February 1853), 636-637.
, pp. 636-637
On population changes in Belgium between 1846 and 1935, with special attention to local variations of density, see H. M. Kendall, A survey of population changes in Belgium, Annals of the Association of American Geographers
On population changes in Belgium between 1846 and 1935, with special attention to local variations of density, see H. M. Kendall, A survey of population changes in Belgium, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 28 (1938) 145-164
, vol.28
, pp. 145-164
Densité de la population en 1846, 1880, 1900, et 1930, Brussels
Omer Tulippe, Densité de la population en 1846, 1880, 1900, et 1930, Brussels, 1962.
Tulippe, O.1
de Lexhy, in: Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1874-75 (29 April
de Lexhy, in: Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1874-75 (29 April 1875), 749-750.
, pp. 749-750
Budget de Ministère des Travaux publics pour l'exercice 1875. Rapport fait, au nom de la section centrale, par M. T'Serstevens, Documents parlementaires: Chambre des représentants 1874-1875 (1 January
Budget de Ministère des Travaux publics pour l'exercice 1875. Rapport fait, au nom de la section centrale, par M. T'Serstevens, Documents parlementaires: Chambre des représentants 1874-1875 (1 January 1875), 11.
, pp. 11
Juillet 1875 - Loi sur les tramways, Pasinomie
Juillet 1875 - Loi sur les tramways, Pasinomie (1875) 158-169.
, pp. 158-169
Beernaert, Tramways et raccordements industriels par chemins de fer. Exposé des motifs, Documents parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1874-1875 (21 April
Beernaert, Tramways et raccordements industriels par chemins de fer. Exposé des motifs, Documents parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1874-1875 (21 April 1875), 1.
, pp. 1
Beernaert, Tramways et raccordements industriels (note 74)
Beernaert, Tramways et raccordements industriels (note 74), 4.
Beernaert, Tramways et raccordements industriels (note 74), 5 and Tramways et raccordements industriels (note 74). Rapport fait, au nom de la section centrale, par M.A. Nothomb, Documents parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1875-1876 (22 June
Beernaert, Tramways et raccordements industriels (note 74), 5 and Tramways et raccordements industriels (note 74). Rapport fait, au nom de la section centrale, par M.A. Nothomb, Documents parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1875-1876 (22 June 1875), 7.
, pp. 7
Beernaert, Tramways et raccordements industriels (note 74)
Beernaert, Tramways et raccordements industriels (note 74), 2-3.
Beernaert, in: Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1874-75 (30 June
Beernaert, in: Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1874-75 (30 June 1875), 1125.
, pp. 1125
References were made during important speeches advocating a revision of the tramway law. For example, Minister of Public Works Beernaert stated that the practical solutions of the brochure of senator Bischoffsheim and engineer Wellens allowing tramways in the countryside deserved the attention of the government: Annales parlementaires: Sénat, 1876-77 (3 May 1877), 101. Representative Delcour referred to the brochures of de Laveleye and Pousset during the discussion about the budget of Public Works in the session of 6 April 1880. Also in 1884 many members of Parliament were inspired by these publications, for example, in the opening speech, De Bruyn refers to Bischoffsheim and Wellens, to engineers such as Frédérix and Pousset, and to de Laveleye (Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1883-84 (9 May
References were made during important speeches advocating a revision of the tramway law. For example, Minister of Public Works Beernaert stated that the practical solutions of the brochure of senator Bischoffsheim and engineer Wellens allowing tramways in the countryside deserved the attention of the government: Annales parlementaires: Sénat, 1876-77 (3 May 1877), 101. Representative Delcour referred to the brochures of de Laveleye and Pousset during the discussion about the budget of Public Works in the session of 6 April 1880. Also in 1884 many members of Parliament were inspired by these publications, for example, in the opening speech, De Bruyn refers to Bischoffsheim and Wellens, to engineers such as Frédérix and Pousset, and to de Laveleye (Annales parlementaires: Chambre des représentants, 1883-84 (9 May 1884), 1205-1206).
, pp. 1205-1206
Bischoffsheim and Wellens, Institution d'une société nationale des chemins de fer vicinaux, Brussels, October 1875. In 1877 a review of the brochure was published in the official journal Moniteur des Intérêts Matériels 50 (16 December 1877) and in Revue de Belgique (Mars
Bischoffsheim and Wellens, Institution d'une société nationale des chemins de fer vicinaux, Brussels, October 1875. In 1877 a review of the brochure was published in the official journal Moniteur des Intérêts Matériels 50 (16 December 1877) and in Revue de Belgique (Mars 1878).
Vandervelde, L'exode rural (note 4), 130. Historical studies on patterns of population change, rural out-migration and socio-economic forces underlying rural transformation in France include: H. Mendras, The Vanishing Peasant, Cambridge (Mass.)
Vandervelde, L'exode rural (note 4), 130. Historical studies on patterns of population change, rural out-migration and socio-economic forces underlying rural transformation in France include: H. Mendras, The Vanishing Peasant, Cambridge (Mass.), 1970
Exode rural et migrations intérieurs en France, Poitiers
Jean Pitie, Exode rural et migrations intérieurs en France, Poitiers, 1971
Pitie, J.1
Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernization of Rural France 1870-1914, Stanford (Calif.)
E. Weber, Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernization of Rural France 1870-1914, Stanford (Calif.), 1979
Weber, E.1
The Modernization of Rural France: Communications Networks and Agricultural Market Structures in Nineteenth-century France, London
R. Price, The Modernization of Rural France: Communications Networks and Agricultural Market Structures in Nineteenth-century France, London, 1983
Price, R.1
P.E. Ogden and P.E. White (Eds), Migrants in Modern France: Population Mobility in the Later Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, London
P.E. Ogden and P.E. White (Eds), Migrants in Modern France: Population Mobility in the Later Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, London, 1989
La géographie rurale française: quelques jalons, Sociétés Contemporaines
F. Plet, La géographie rurale française: quelques jalons, Sociétés Contemporaines 49-50 (2003).
, pp. 49-50
Plet, F.1
Bischoffsheim and Wellens, Institution d'une société nationale des chemins de fer vicinaux (note 80)
Bischoffsheim and Wellens, Institution d'une société nationale des chemins de fer vicinaux (note 80), 2.
Bischoffsheim and Wellens, Institution d'une société nationale des chemins de fer vicinaux (note 80)
Bischoffsheim and Wellens, Institution d'une société nationale des chemins de fer vicinaux (note 80), 3.
For an elaboration on the financial structure of the Société nationale des chemins de fer vicinaux, see Bart Van der Herten, België onder stoom (note 41)
For an elaboration on the financial structure of the Société nationale des chemins de fer vicinaux, see Bart Van der Herten, België onder stoom (note 41), 387-393.
E. De Laveleye (professeur à l'université de Liège) and E. De Laveleye (ingénieur des mines), La crise économique et les chemins de fer vicinaux, Brussels, 1879. The theoretical part of the brochure, i.e. the part by Emile De Laveleye, was also published in Moniteur des Intérêts Matériels (4 May
E. De Laveleye (professeur à l'université de Liège) and E. De Laveleye (ingénieur des mines), La crise économique et les chemins de fer vicinaux, Brussels, 1879. The theoretical part of the brochure, i.e. the part by Emile De Laveleye, was also published in Moniteur des Intérêts Matériels (4 May 1880).
De Laveleye attributes the economic crisis, which affected agriculture, industry and the world of finance, to multiple causes: overproduction after 1871, an increased import of cheap goods from the United States, inflation, and the lack of government investments in public works. See De Laveleye and De Laveleye, La crise économique (note 84)
De Laveleye attributes the economic crisis, which affected agriculture, industry and the world of finance, to multiple causes: overproduction after 1871, an increased import of cheap goods from the United States, inflation, and the lack of government investments in public works. See De Laveleye and De Laveleye, La crise économique (note 84), 11-12.
De Laveleye and De Laveleye, La crise économique (note 84)
De Laveleye and De Laveleye, La crise économique (note 84), 18.
De Laveleye and De Laveleye, La crise économique (note 84)
De Laveleye and De Laveleye, La crise économique (note 84), 8.
Chemins de fer vicinaux. Réseau du Limbourg, Liège
J.J. Pousset, Chemins de fer vicinaux. Réseau du Limbourg, Liège, 1880.
Pousset, J.J.1
Politicians referred often to: E. Frédérix, La question des chemins de fer vicinaux et industriels à voie étroite, Brussels, 1880; and E. Houba, Notice sur le projet d'un réseau de chemins de fer à voie réduite dans la partie oreintale du Luxembourg, Brussels
Politicians referred often to: E. Frédérix, La question des chemins de fer vicinaux et industriels à voie étroite, Brussels, 1880; and E. Houba, Notice sur le projet d'un réseau de chemins de fer à voie réduite dans la partie oreintale du Luxembourg, Brussels, 1881.
Edmond Frédérix, La Belgique industrielle et commerciale, Brussels
Edmond Frédérix, La Belgique industrielle et commerciale, Brussels, 1880, 305.
, pp. 305