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Volumn 39, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 347-378

Emerging world order? from multipolarity to multilateralism in the g20, the world bank, and the imf

Author keywords

G20; global governance; IMF; multilateralism; multipolarity; World Bank

Indexed keywords

EID: 80052300315     PISSN: 00323292     EISSN: 15527514     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1177/0032329211415503     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (179)

References (62)
  • 1
    • 80052296944 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Robert Zoellick, "The End of the Third World?"(address to Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington, D.C, April 14, 2010; emphasis added)
    • Robert Zoellick, "The End of the Third World?"(address to Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington, D.C.,April 14, 2010; emphasis added).
  • 2
    • 80052291657 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Michael Wiles, "China's Censors Misfire in Abuse-of-Power Case," New York Times
    • For example
    • For example, Michael Wiles, "China's Censors Misfire in Abuse-of-Power Case," New York Times, November 17, 2010.
    • (2010) November , pp. 17
  • 3
  • 4
    • 80052277903 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The three organizations are discussed simply because they are contexts for interaction between established and emerging states, and because I have prior knowledge of them
    • The three organizations are discussed simply because they are contexts for interaction between established and emerging states, and because I have prior knowledge of them.
  • 5
    • 80052275328 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This is according to Volcker at a private lunch with the author at Princeton University, 1990 (when we were both teaching at the Woodrow Wilson School)
    • This is according to Volcker at a private lunch with the author at Princeton University, 1990 (when we were both teaching at the Woodrow Wilson School).
  • 6
    • 80052287925 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Joe Stiglitz, personal communication
    • Joe Stiglitz, personal communication.
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    • 80052298558 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Personal communication, Ciao Koch-Weser
    • Personal communication, Ciao Koch-Weser.
  • 8
    • 80052278687 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Philip Stephens, "The West Must Offer Turkey a Proper Seat at the Table," Financial Times, June 18, 2010. One indicator of the extent of Western normative dominance is the voting coincidence score, which measures the amount of support a state receives from other states in the General Assembly. In the late 1990s, the EU and the United States received around 70 percent support for their positions on human rights. By 2009-10, the score had fallen to only 40 percent to 42 percent. China and Russia increased their scores from around 40 percent and 60 percent in the late 1990s, respectively, to around 70 percent today. Richard Gowan and F. Brantner, The EU and Human Rights at the UN (London: European Council on Foreign Relations, 2010)
    • Philip Stephens, "The West Must Offer Turkey a Proper Seat at the Table," Financial Times, June 18, 2010. One indicator of the extent of Western normative dominance is the voting coincidence score, which measures the amount of support a state receives from other states in the General Assembly. In the late 1990s, the EU and the United States received around 70 percent support for their positions on human rights. By 2009-10, the score had fallen to only 40 percent to 42 percent. China and Russia increased their scores from around 40 percent and 60 percent in the late 1990s, respectively, to around 70 percent today. Richard Gowan and F. Brantner, The EU and Human Rights at the UN (London: European Council on Foreign Relations, 2010).
  • 9
    • 62449193806 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The G20 and International Economic Governance: Hegemony, Collectivism, or Both?
    • See Mark Beeson and Stephen Bell
    • See Mark Beeson and Stephen Bell, The G20 and International Economic Governance: Hegemony, Collectivism, or Both?" lobal Governance 15 (2009): 67-86.
    • (2009) Lobal Governance , vol.15 , pp. 67-86
  • 10
    • 80052297724 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Emerging powers in every region of the world," he said, "are increasingly asserting themselves," and the key to U.S. security is that the United States must deepen its cooperation with these "emerging centers of influence." Ann-Marie Slaughter, State Department policy chief, said, "We are not going to be able to solve any of these problems alone
    • President Obama previewed his government's new national security strategy in a speech at West Point military academy in
    • President Obama previewed his government's new national security strategy in a speech at West Point military academy in May 2010. "Emerging powers in every region of the world," he said, "are increasingly asserting themselves," and the key to U.S. security is that the United States must deepen its cooperation with these "emerging centers of influence." Ann-Marie Slaughter, State Department policy chief, said, "We are not going to be able to solve any of these problems alone [from nuclear arms control to financial reform]-we have to work with other nations." Daniel Dombey and Gideon Rachman, "Mapped Out: As Washington Attempts to Engage More Closely with Emerging Powers, It Finds Their Ambitions Often Conflict with Its Own," Financial Times, June 3, 2010, p. 7.
    • (2010) , vol.3 , Issue.2010 , pp. 7
  • 11
    • 80052278835 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Martin Wolf, "Basel: The Mouse That Did Not Roar," Financial Times, September 19, 2010, p. 13, emphasis added. See also World Bank, "Basel Core Principles and Bank Soundness," World Bank Research Digest 4, no. 4 (2010); M. Hojland nd J. Vestergaard, "The New Standard in Banking Regulation: From Basel 2 to Basel 3," in Governing through Standards: Origins, Drivers and Limits, ed. S. Ponte, P. Gibbon, and J. Vestergaard (Basingstoke: Palgrave, forthcoming); and R. Lall, "Reforming Global Banking Standards: Back to the Future?" in Governing through Standards: Origins, Drivers and Limits, ed. S. Ponte, P. Gibbon, and J. Vestergaard (Basingstoke: Palgrave, forthcoming)
    • Martin Wolf, "Basel: The Mouse That Did Not Roar," Financial Times, September 19, 2010, p. 13, emphasis added. See also World Bank, "Basel Core Principles and Bank Soundness," World Bank Research Digest 4, no. 4 (2010); M. Hojland nd J. Vestergaard, "The New Standard in Banking Regulation: From Basel 2 to Basel 3," in Governing through Standards: Origins, Drivers and Limits, ed. S. Ponte, P. Gibbon, and J. Vestergaard (Basingstoke: Palgrave, forthcoming); and R. Lall, "Reforming Global Banking Standards: Back to the Future?" in Governing through Standards: Origins, Drivers and Limits, ed. S. Ponte, P. Gibbon, and J. Vestergaard (Basingstoke: Palgrave, forthcoming).
  • 12
    • 80052298386 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Thomas Hale and David Held, eds., Handbook of Transnational Governance: New Institutions and Innovations (Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, forthcoming), chap. 1; emphasis added
    • Thomas Hale and David Held, eds., Handbook of Transnational Governance: New Institutions and Innovations (Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, forthcoming), chap. 1; emphasis added.
  • 13
    • 84878441220 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Report 2011:04 (Copenhagen, Denmark: Danish Institute of International Studies
    • The G20 and Beyond, Report 2011:04 (Copenhagen, Denmark: Danish Institute of International Studies, 2011).
    • (2011) The G20 and Beyond
  • 14
    • 2542637266 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Quoted in Paul Blustein, New York: Public Affairs
    • Quoted in Paul Blustein, The Chastening (New York: Public Affairs, 2001), 349.
    • (2001) The Chastening , pp. 349
  • 15
    • 57349122347 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Financial Regime Change?
    • Robert Wade, September/October
    • Robert Wade, Financial Regime Change? New Left Review 53 (September/October 2008): 5-21.
    • (2008) New Left Review , vol.53 , pp. 5-21
  • 16
    • 80052276893 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ciao Koch-Weser, personal communication
    • Ciao Koch-Weser, personal communication.
  • 17
    • 80052283797 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Argentina, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa would be excluded from a list of the top twenty countries whether by GDP (nominal), GDP (purchasing power parity [PPP]), GDP (60 percent market exchange rates, 40 percent PPP), or population
    • Argentina, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa would be excluded from a list of the top twenty countries whether by GDP (nominal), GDP (purchasing power parity [PPP]), GDP (60 percent market exchange rates, 40 percent PPP), or population.
  • 18
    • 80052302270 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • What Is the G20?" (G20, 2010), http://www.g20.org/about_what is_g20.aspx.
    • (2010) What is The G20?
  • 19
    • 80052287769 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Counting only the EU states included in the nineteen country members, the G20 covers 77 percent of world GDP and 62 percent of world population
    • Counting only the EU states included in the nineteen country members, the G20 covers 77 percent of world GDP and 62 percent of world population.
  • 20
    • 80052221205 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • A Development-Friendly Reform of the International Financial Architecture
    • On the legitimacy of the G20, see José Antonio Ocampo (p. 315)
    • On the legitimacy of the G20, see José Antonio Ocampo (p. 315), "A Development-Friendly Reform of the International Financial Architecture," Politics & Society (September 2011)
    • (2011) Politics & Society
  • 21
    • 80052275482 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 'One of the greatest setbacks since World War II,'
    • "Norway Takes Aim at G2
    • "Norway Takes Aim at G20: 'One of the greatest setbacks since World War II,' interview with Jonas Gahr Støre, Der Spigel, June 22, 2010.
    • (2010) Interview With Jonas Gahr Støre, Der Spigel, June 2
  • 22
    • 80052279911 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • These statements are based on interviews with International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank officials, summer
    • These statements are based on interviews with International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank officials, summer 2010.
    • (2010)
  • 23
    • 80052297402 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Note that the nineteen country members (plus Spain as "permanent guest") send three persons to the top tables of the summits: the head of state, the finance minister, and the senior civil servant (sherpa). The countries representing regions send only one. Vestergaard, "The G20 and Beyond."
    • Note that the nineteen country members (plus Spain as "permanent guest") send three persons to the top tables of the summits: the head of state, the finance minister, and the senior civil servant (sherpa). The countries representing regions send only one. Vestergaard, "The G20 and Beyond."
  • 24
    • 80052296619 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Koreans, chair for 2010, consulted more widely than their predecessors
    • The Koreans, chair for 2010, consulted more widely than their predecessors.
  • 26
    • 80052281774 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • As one example, see David Gruen, Terry O'Brien, and Jeremy Lawson, eds., Globalisation, Living Standards and Inequality (Sydney: Reserve Bank of Australia and Australian Treasury, 2002). My observations on the G20 are based partly on participant observation at the Sydney meeting from which this book emerged and on personal reports over the years from other participants, including informants at the World Bank and IMF in the summer of 2010. My paper at the Sydney meeting was the only one to take a critical view of the strong proglobalization argument being championed by representatives of the developed countries and the World Bank. It elicited jeers from Australian representatives, such as "You are just kicking up statistical dust" and "Your approach leads to the paralysis of policy making." Developing and transitional country (DTC) representatives sat mum, but several later said sotto voce that they were glad I had made the argument.
    • As one example, see David Gruen, Terry O'Brien, and Jeremy Lawson, eds., Globalisation, Living Standards and Inequality (Sydney: Reserve Bank of Australia and Australian Treasury, 2002). My observations on the G20 are based partly on participant observation at the Sydney meeting from which this book emerged and on personal reports over the years from other participants, including informants at the World Bank and IMF in the summer of 2010. My paper at the Sydney meeting was the only one to take a critical view of the strong proglobalization argument being championed by representatives of the developed countries and the World Bank. It elicited jeers from Australian representatives, such as "You are just kicking up statistical dust" and "Your approach leads to the paralysis of policy making." Developing and transitional country (DTC) representatives sat mum, but several later said sotto voce that they were glad I had made the argument. When asked why they had not spoken at the session, they replied, in effect, that to disagree with the developed country consensus would be courting trouble.
  • 28
    • 80052284730 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Marc Plattner says, "By deciding to make the G-20 the key body for addressing the global financial crisis, the governments of the G-8 countries effectively consigned the smaller body to obsolescence, Today the G-20 is clearly where the action is and where the real influence lies." Plattner, "From the G-8 to the G-20
    • Not all observers agree
    • Not all observers agree. Marc Plattner says, "By deciding to make the G-20 the key body for addressing the global financial crisis, the governments of the G-8 countries effectively consigned the smaller body to obsolescence, Today the G-20 is clearly where the action is and where the real influence lies." Plattner, "From the G-8 to the G-20," Journal of Democracy 22, no. 1 (2011).
    • (2011) Journal of Democracy , vol.1 , pp. 22
  • 29
    • 84866688316 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Global Governance after the Financial Crisis: A New Multilateralism or the Last Gasp of the Great Powers?
    • Ngaire Woods, "Global Governance after the Financial Crisis: A New Multilateralism or the Last Gasp of the Great Powers?" Global Policy 1, no. 1 (2010): 51-63.
    • (2010) Global Policy , vol.1 , Issue.1 , pp. 51-63
    • Woods, N.1
  • 30
    • 80052303298 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The US: Still CEO of the Free World?
    • Nancy Alexander, "The US: Still CEO of the Free World?" G20Update 6 (March 2011).
    • (2011) G20Update , pp. 6
    • Alexander, N.1
  • 31
    • 80052300809 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • "The G20 Show How Not to Run the World," Financial Times, November 12, 2010; Chris Giles and Christian Oliver, "Pledge Stirs Uneasy Sense of Déjà Vu," Financial Times, November 13-14, 2010, p. 2; Christian Oliver, Chris Giles, and Alan Beattie, "Seoul Dismisses Talk of Failure," Financial Times, November 13-14, 2010, p. 2
    • "The G20 Show How Not to Run the World," Financial Times, November 12, 2010; Chris Giles and Christian Oliver, "Pledge Stirs Uneasy Sense of Déjà Vu," Financial Times, November 13-14, 2010, p. 2; Christian Oliver, Chris Giles, and Alan Beattie, "Seoul Dismisses Talk of Failure," Financial Times, November 13-14, 2010, p. 2.
  • 32
    • 0001704140 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Greening the Bank: The Struggle over the Environment, 1970-95
    • Washington, DC: Brookings Institution
    • Robert Wade, "Greening the Bank: The Struggle over the Environment, 1970-95," in Devesh Kapur et al., The World Bank: Its First Half Century, vol. 2 (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1997), 611-734.
    • (1997) Devesh Kapur Et Al., the World Bank: Its First Half Century , vol.2 , pp. 611-6734
    • Wade, R.1
  • 33
    • 80052291656 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In the World Bank, the 187 governors delegate their governance role to the Development Committee, composed of finance or development ministers representing the countries and constituencies of countries that occupy the twenty-four seats on the board; and the latter delegate the day-to-day governance to the Board of Executive Directors, composed of civil service representatives of the same countries and constituencies, resident in Washington
    • In the World Bank, the 187 governors delegate their governance role to the Development Committee, composed of finance or development ministers representing the countries and constituencies of countries that occupy the twenty-four seats on the board; and the latter delegate the day-to-day governance to the Board of Executive Directors, composed of civil service representatives of the same countries and constituencies, resident in Washington.
  • 34
    • 80052280238 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • There were some mixed-constituency Part I states (in a constituency with developing countries) that did support the general capital increase (GCI). Austria was one
    • There were some mixed-constituency Part I states (in a constituency with developing countries) that did support the general capital increase (GCI). Austria was one.
  • 35
    • 80052288378 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Some Part I countries (United Kingdom, Germany) also opposed a GCI from a commitment to defend bilateral aid programs. As for Zoellick's reluctance, some informants noted that he is a Bush government appointee (he and James Baker were the key figures who swung the Florida recount in favor of Bush), and is unlikely to be offered a second presidential term by the Obama government, unless failure to reappoint him might jeopardize the U.S. monopoly of the position. According to these informants, he has signaled that he may see his future to lie outside of multilateral development, in circles where support for public-sector financial organizations that compete with the private sector may not be welcome
    • Some Part I countries (United Kingdom, Germany) also opposed a GCI from a commitment to defend bilateral aid programs. As for Zoellick's reluctance, some informants noted that he is a Bush government appointee (he and James Baker were the key figures who swung the Florida recount in favor of Bush), and is unlikely to be offered a second presidential term by the Obama government, unless failure to reappoint him might jeopardize the U.S. monopoly of the position. According to these informants, he has signaled that he may see his future to lie outside of multilateral development, in circles where support for public-sector financial organizations that compete with the private sector may not be welcome.
  • 36
    • 80052283798 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Expert Panel Calls for Sweeping Bank Governance Reform
    • Quoted in Bretton Woods Project
    • Quoted in Bretton Woods Project, "Expert Panel Calls for Sweeping Bank Governance Reform," Update 68 (November 20, 2009).
    • (2009) Update 68 (November 20
  • 37
    • 80052277595 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The work on the reform package built on ongoing work by a special board subcommittee. After the inglorious end of the Wolfowitz presidency in, So the board established a standing committee to propose changes in the nuts and bolts of board operations, board-staff relations, and board-president relations. But until the global financial crisis and the need for a CGI, nobody was paying much attention to its work
    • The work on the reform package built on ongoing work by a special board subcommittee. After the inglorious end of the Wolfowitz presidency in 2007, the board established an ad hoc committee to conduct an investigation of the Wolfowitz affair, which revealed flaws in management of the board and the bank going far beyond the affair. So the board established a standing committee to propose changes in the nuts and bolts of board operations, board-staff relations, and board-president relations. But until the global financial crisis and the need for a CGI, nobody was paying much attention to its work.
    • (2007) The Board Established An Ad Hoc Committee to Conduct An Investigation of the Wolfowitz Affair, Which Revealed Flaws In Management of the Board and the Bank Going Far Beyond The Affair
  • 38
    • 80052278535 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This discussion refers to voting shares in the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the near-commercial lending arm of the bank, as distinct from the International Development Association (IDA), the soft-loan arm
    • This discussion refers to voting shares in the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the near-commercial lending arm of the bank, as distinct from the International Development Association (IDA), the soft-loan arm.
  • 39
    • 0030545999 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Japan, the World Bank, and the Art of Paradigm Maintenance: The East Asian Miracle in Political Perspective
    • To make the voice shift within months was quick by the standards of Japan's rise from fifth biggest shareholder to second biggest. It took a dedicated division in Japan's Ministry of Finance several years of strategizing, in the first half of the 1980s, even though only an adjustment of shares within the G7. Until the current fallout between the United States and Europe, the whole of the G7 has tended to unite against dilution of its aggregate share
    • To make the voice shift within months was quick by the standards of Japan's rise from fifth biggest shareholder to second biggest. It took a dedicated division in Japan's Ministry of Finance several years of strategizing, in the first half of the 1980s, even though only an adjustment of shares within the G7. Until the current fallout between the United States and Europe, the whole of the G7 has tended to unite against dilution of its aggregate share. Robert Wade, "Japan, the World Bank, and the Art of Paradigm Maintenance: The East Asian Miracle in Political Perspective," New Left Review 217 (1996): 3-36.
    • (1996) New Left Review , vol.217 , pp. 3-36
    • Robert, W.1
  • 40
    • 80052297247 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On purchasing power parity and market exchange rates, and controversies around their use, see Robert Wade, Globalization, Growth, Poverty, Inequality, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press
    • On purchasing power parity and market exchange rates, and controversies around their use, see Robert Wade, Globalization, Growth, Poverty, Inequality, Resentment and Imperialism," in Global Political Economy, 3rd ed., ed. John Ravenhill (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2011).
    • (2011) Resentment and Imperialism," In Global Political Economy, 3rd Ed., Ed. John Ravenhill
  • 41
    • 80052301144 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Personal communication from an individual who requested anonymity
    • Personal communication from an individual who requested anonymity.
  • 43
    • 80052277902 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In the IDA soft-loan lending arm, the high-income countries, postreform, have 61.18 percent; in the International Finance Corporation (IFC), 66.24 percent. The low-income countries have 4.46 percent in the IBRD, 11.31 percent in the IDA, and 3.09 percent in the IFC. Bretton Woods Project, "Bank Voting Remains Unbalanced," Update 70 (April 16, 2010); and "IFI Governance Reform Freezing Over?" Update 71 (June 17, 2010)
    • In the IDA soft-loan lending arm, the high-income countries, postreform, have 61.18 percent; in the International Finance Corporation (IFC), 66.24 percent. The low-income countries have 4.46 percent in the IBRD, 11.31 percent in the IDA, and 3.09 percent in the IFC. Bretton Woods Project, "Bank Voting Remains Unbalanced," Update 70 (April 16, 2010); and "IFI Governance Reform Freezing Over?" Update 71 (June 17, 2010), http://www.brettonwoodsproject.org/gov71.
  • 44
    • 80052275016 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This statement holds when the earlier increase in "basic votes" is included
    • This statement holds when the earlier increase in "basic votes" is included.
  • 45
    • 80052281607 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Such "ad hocery" is hardly new. In a conference of state representatives in the run-up to the Bretton Woods conference in 1944, the young Raymond Mikesell was given the task of working out a formula for allocating IMF quotas on the basis of several variables whose general importance had been agreed at the conference. As he started work with his slide rule, he was informed confidentially that the U.S. president and secretary of state had agreed on the appropriate share to go to each of the "big four" wartime allies, and he was left to devise a "technical" formula to produce that predetermined result. Raymond Mikesell, The Bretton Woods Debates: A Memoir, Essays in International Finance Series, no. 192 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University, 1994)
    • Such "ad hocery" is hardly new. In a conference of state representatives in the run-up to the Bretton Woods conference in 1944, the young Raymond Mikesell was given the task of working out a formula for allocating IMF quotas on the basis of several variables whose general importance had been agreed at the conference. As he started work with his slide rule, he was informed confidentially that the U.S. president and secretary of state had agreed on the appropriate share to go to each of the "big four" wartime allies, and he was left to devise a "technical" formula to produce that predetermined result. Raymond Mikesell, The Bretton Woods Debates: A Memoir, Essays in International Finance Series, no. 192 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University, 1994).
  • 46
    • 80052301578 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Voice Reform at the World Bank
    • For an overview of the voice reforms, see Jakob Vestergaard
    • For an overview of the voice reforms, see Jakob Vestergaard, "Voice Reform at the World Bank," paper for Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, draft, February 2010.
    • (2010) Paper For Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Draft
  • 47
    • 80052289157 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The five largest gains in quota shares go to China (2.4 percentage points), Brazil (0.53), Korea (0.39), Turkey (0.37), and Mexico (0.35). The five largest decreases in quota shares go to Saudi Arabia (-0.83), Belgium (-0.59), Germany (-0.52), Canada (-0.36), and Venezuela (-0.33). The rank order of shareholders in the IMF is now (1) United States, (2) Japan, (3) China, (4) Germany, (5) France, (6) United Kingdom, (7) Italy, (8) India, (9) Russia, (10) Brazil. Previously the rank order was (1) United States, (2) Japan, (3) Germany, (4) France, (5) United Kingdom, (6) China, (7) Italy, (8) Saudi Arabia, (9) Canada, (10) Russia. With the exit from the top ten of Saudi Arabia and Canada and the entry of India and Brazil,the DTCs now have four states in the top ten, as compared with two previously (on the assumption that Saudi Arabia should not be classed as a DTC). Note that the Fund refers to "EMDCs" (emerging markets and developing countries) rather than the Bank's DTCs.
    • The five largest gains in quota shares go to China (2.4 percentage points), Brazil (0.53), Korea (0.39), Turkey (0.37), and Mexico (0.35). The five largest decreases in quota shares go to Saudi Arabia (-0.83), Belgium (-0.59), Germany (-0.52), Canada (-0.36), and Venezuela (-0.33). The rank order of shareholders in the IMF is now (1) United States, (2) Japan, (3) China, (4) Germany, (5) France, (6) United Kingdom, (7) Italy, (8) India, (9) Russia, (10) Brazil. Previously the rank order was (1) United States, (2) Japan, (3) Germany, (4) France, (5) United Kingdom, (6) China, (7) Italy, (8) Saudi Arabia, (9) Canada, (10) Russia. With the exit from the top ten of Saudi Arabia and Canada and the entry of India and Brazil,the DTCs now have four states in the top ten, as compared with two previously (on the assumption that Saudi Arabia should not be classed as a DTC). Note that the Fund refers to "EMDCs" (emerging markets and developing countries) rather than the Bank's "DTCs."
  • 48
    • 80052303917 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • "Alleged" overrepresentation because the formula used to calculate it is highly contested, and overrepresentation vanishes with small variations
    • "Alleged" overrepresentation because the formula used to calculate it is highly contested, and overrepresentation vanishes with small variations.
  • 49
    • 80052294382 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Bretton Woods Project, "IFI Governance Reform"; Bretton Woods Project, "Implementing IMF Governance Reform: Baby Steps in Slow Motion," Update 73 (November 29, 2010), See also Woods, "Global Governance."
    • Bretton Woods Project, "IFI Governance Reform"; Bretton Woods Project, "Implementing IMF Governance Reform: Baby Steps in Slow Motion," Update 73 (November 29, 2010), http://www.brettonwoodsproject.org/gov73. See also Woods, "Global Governance."
  • 50
    • 67650351888 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Global Slump: Deeper Causes and Harder Lessons
    • September/ October, 2009; Robert Wade, "From Global Imbalances to Global Reorganizations," Cambridge Robert Wade, "The Economy Has NotSolved Its Problems
    • Robert Wade, "The Global Slump: Deeper Causes and Harder Lessons," Challenge, September/ October, 2009; Robert Wade, "From Global Imbalances to Global Reorganizations," Cambridge Journal of Economics 33, no. 4 (2009): 539-62; Robert Wade, "The Economy Has NotSolved Its Problems," Challenge, March/April 2011.
    • (2009) Challenge Journal of Economics , vol.33 , Issue.4 , pp. 539-562
    • Wade, R.1
  • 51
    • 80052285208 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Quoted in Bretton Woods Project, "Bank Voting Remains Unbalanced."
    • Quoted in Bretton Woods Project, "Bank Voting Remains Unbalanced."
  • 52
    • 80052277199 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Quoted in David Bosco, "The IMF: Europe Fights Back," November 4, 2010, emphasis added
    • Quoted in David Bosco, "The IMF: Europe Fights Back," November 4, 2010, http://www.bosco.foreignpolicy.com; emphasis added.
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    • see Robert Keohane and David Victor, "The Regime Complex for Climate Change," Perspectives on Politics, March 2011. On the belief-action relationship at different "levels" of learning, see Melford piro, "Buddhism and Economic Action in Burma
    • On fragmented Regimes comprehensive
    • On fragmented and comprehensive regimes, see Robert Keohane and David Victor, "The Regime Complex for Climate Change," Perspectives on Politics, March 2011. On the belief-action relationship at different "levels" of learning, see Melford piro, "Buddhism and Economic Action in Burma," American Anthropologist 68, no. 5 (1966): 1163-73.
    • (1966) American Anthropologist , vol.68 , Issue.5 , pp. 1163-1173
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    • Wade, "From Global Imbalances."
    • Wade, "From Global Imbalances."
  • 55
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    • A Fresh Look at Global Governance: Exploring Objective Criteria for Representation
    • Center for Global Development, February
    • These criteria are proposed by E. Rueda-Sabater, V. Ramachandran, and R. Kraft, "A Fresh Look at Global Governance: Exploring Objective Criteria for Representation" (Working Paper 160, Center for Global Development, February 2009).
    • (2009) , vol.160
    • Rueda-Sabater, E.1    Ramachandran, V.2    Kraft, R.3
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    • This is best treated as a hypothesis. The United States and other Part I countries that opposed a GCI for the Bank nevertheless approved large GCIs for regional development banks (e.g., a 200 percent increase for the Asian and African development banks)
    • This is best treated as a hypothesis. The United States and other Part I countries that opposed a GCI for the Bank nevertheless approved large GCIs for regional development banks (e.g., a 200 percent increase for the Asian and African development banks).
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    • The World Bank's new information policy makes a presumption that documents should be available in the public domain after ten years. But the Board of Executive Directors insists that its documents be treated under much tighter restriction. The board decides on requests to see transcripts of board meetings more than ten years old on a case-by-case basis. If any one state objects, no grounds for refusal need be given, and other states are unlikely to argue in favor of release. There is an appeal procedure-but the rules say that no board decision can ever be changed as a result of an appeal. The Chinese government has blocked requests to see transcripts relating to China, without challenge. An information policy so circumscribed by political convenience hardly deserves the name
    • The World Bank's new information policy makes a presumption that documents should be available in the public domain after ten years. But the Board of Executive Directors insists that its documents be treated under much tighter restriction. The board decides on requests to see transcripts of board meetings more than ten years old on a case-by-case basis. If any one state objects, no grounds for refusal need be given, and other states are unlikely to argue in favor of release. There is an appeal procedure-but the rules say that no board decision can ever be changed as a result of an appeal. The Chinese government has blocked requests to see transcripts relating to China, without challenge. An information policy so circumscribed by political convenience hardly deserves the name.
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    • The issue is complicated by rumors that Zoellick is playing a double game: keeping up pressure on Bank member countries for a second term at the World Bank under the banner of "the last American president" while also lobbying the Republican Party to be appointed U.S. treasury secretary if a Republican wins the White House in 2012
    • The issue is complicated by rumors that Zoellick is playing a double game: keeping up pressure on Bank member countries for a second term at the World Bank under the banner of "the last American president" while also lobbying the Republican Party to be appointed U.S. treasury secretary if a Republican wins the White House in 2012.
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    • Wheels within Wheels: Rethinking the Asian Crisis and the Asian Model
    • Robert Wade, "Wheels within Wheels: Rethinking the Asian Crisis and the Asian Model," Annual Review of Political Science 3 (2000): 85-115.
    • (2000) Annual Review of Political Science , vol.3 , pp. 85-115
    • Wade, R.1
  • 61
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    • After the Crisis: Industrial Policy and the Developmental State in Low-Income Countries
    • Robert Wade, "After the Crisis: Industrial Policy and the Developmental State in Low-Income Countries," Global Policy 1, no. 2 (May 2010): 150-61.
    • (2010) Global Policy , vol.1 , Issue.2 , pp. 150-161
    • Wade, R.1
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    • A governance separation of IBRD and IDA would undoubtedly have costs, including diseconomies of scale, coordination costs, and adverse incentives, as newly disempowered Part I countries find bilateral aid more to their advantage. My thanks for uenther Schoenleitner of the Austrian finance ministry for useful comments
    • A governance separation of IBRD and IDA would undoubtedly have costs, including diseconomies of scale, coordination costs, and adverse incentives, as newly disempowered Part I countries find bilateral aid more to their advantage. My thanks for uenther Schoenleitner of the Austrian finance ministry for useful comments.

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