Marc Le Pape and Pierre Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire: Humanitarian Practices in the Congo Republic 1998-2000 (Brussels: Médecins Sans Frontières).
Marc Le Pape and Pierre Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire: Humanitarian Practices in the Congo Republic 1998-2000 (Brussels: Médecins Sans Frontières, 2003).
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire.
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire, p. 10
Only Paradoxes to Offer: French Feminists and the Rights of Man (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
Joan Scott, Only Paradoxes to Offer: French Feminists and the Rights of Man (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996).
Joan, S.1
Scott, Only Paradoxes to Offer; Joan Scott, 'Deconstructing Equality-versus-Difference; or, The Uses of Poststructuralist Theory for Feminism', in Anne Hermann and Abigail Stewart (eds), Theorizing Feminism: Parallel Trends in the Humanities and Social Sciences (Boulder, CO: Westview)
Scott, Only Paradoxes to Offer; Joan Scott, 'Deconstructing Equality-versus-Difference; or, The Uses of Poststructuralist Theory for Feminism', in Anne Hermann and Abigail Stewart (eds), Theorizing Feminism: Parallel Trends in the Humanities and Social Sciences (Boulder, CO: Westview, 1991), pp. 254-67;
, pp. 254-67
and the Politics of Difference (Oxford: Blackwell)
Chris Weedon, Feminism, Theory, and the Politics of Difference (Oxford: Blackwell, 2001); Denise Riley, Am I That Name? Feminism and the Category of 'Women' in History (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988)
Chris, W.1
Feminism, T.2
Am I That Name? Feminism and the Category of 'Women' in History (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press)
Denise Riley, Am I That Name? Feminism and the Category of 'Women' in History (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988);
Denise, R.1
'I'm a Feminist But... "Other" Women and Postnational Feminism', in Kum-Kum Bhavnani (ed.), Feminism and 'Race' (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
Ien Ang, 'I'm a Feminist But... "Other" Women and Postnational Feminism', in Kum-Kum Bhavnani (ed.), Feminism and 'Race' (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), pp. 394-409.
, pp. 394-409
Ien, A.1
E.g., The International Rescue Committee, Médecins Sans Frontières, Médecins du Monde, International Committee of the Red Cross, Physicians forHuman Rights, InternationalMedical Corps, theUnitedNations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), CARE and Oxfam.
E.g., The International Rescue Committee, Médecins Sans Frontières, Médecins du Monde, International Committee of the Red Cross, Physicians forHuman Rights, InternationalMedical Corps, theUnitedNations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), CARE and Oxfam.
Médecins Sans Frontières, Shattered Lives: Immediate Medical Care Vital for Sexual Violence Victims (Brussels: Médecins Sans Frontières)
Médecins Sans Frontières, Shattered Lives: Immediate Medical Care Vital for Sexual Violence Victims (Brussels: Médecins Sans Frontières, 2009), p. 8.
, pp. 8
See Resolution 1820 from 2008, 1888 from 2009 and, most recently, Resolution 1960 from.
See Resolution 1820 from 2008, 1888 from 2009 and, most recently, Resolution 1960 from 2010.
'Liberal Strategies of Exclusion'
On the exclusions of liberal universalism,
On the exclusions of liberal universalism, see e.g., Uday Mehta, 'Liberal Strategies of Exclusion', Politics and Society 18 (1990), pp. 427-54.
Politics and Society
, vol.18
, pp. 427-54
Uday, M.1
Chantal Mouffe also uses this distinction, but for her, the political is the dimension of antagonism which is constitutive of human societies. Chantal Mouffe, On the Political: Thinking in Action (NewYork: Routledge, 2005).Rancière's idea of 'dissensus' offers one interpretation of the political - i.e. the opposite of consensus, a process where an interval opens up. See Michel Agier's discussion of 'le politique' and 'la politique' where he draws on Rancière. Jacques Rancière, 'Who is the Subject of the Rights of Man?'
Chantal Mouffe also uses this distinction, but for her, the political is the dimension of antagonism which is constitutive of human societies. Chantal Mouffe, On the Political: Thinking in Action (NewYork: Routledge, 2005).Rancière's idea of 'dissensus' offers one interpretation of the political - i.e. the opposite of consensus, a process where an interval opens up. See Michel Agier's discussion of 'le politique' and 'la politique' where he draws on Rancière. Jacques Rancière, 'Who is the Subject of the Rights of Man?' South Atlantic Quarterly 103 (2004), pp. 297-310;
South Atlantic Quarterly
, vol.103
, pp. 297-310
Rancière, Dissensus: On Politics and Aesthetics (London: Continuum)
Rancière, Dissensus: On Politics and Aesthetics (London: Continuum,2010); Michel Agier, Gérer les indésirables: Des camps de réfugiés au gouvernement humanitaire (Paris: Flammarion, 2008).
Gérer les indésirables: Des camps de réfugiés au gouvernement humanitaire (Paris: Flammarion).
Michel Agier, Gérer les indésirables: Des camps de réfugiés au gouvernement humanitaire (Paris: Flammarion, 2008).
Michel, A.1
On the politics of the human, see Ilana Feldman and Miriam Ticktin (eds), In the Name of Humanity: The Government of Threat and Care (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010). On the politics of care, see Miriam Ticktin, Casualties of Care: Immigration and the Politics of Humanitarianism in France (Berkeley: University of California Press).
On the politics of the human, see Ilana Feldman and Miriam Ticktin (eds), In the Name of Humanity: The Government of Threat and Care (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010). On the politics of care, see Miriam Ticktin, Casualties of Care: Immigration and the Politics of Humanitarianism in France (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011).
'Vital Mobility and the Humanitarian Kit'
in Stephen J. Collier and Andrew Lakoff (eds), Biosecurity Interventions (New York: Columbia University Press/SSRC
Peter Redfield, 'Vital Mobility and the Humanitarian Kit', in Stephen J. Collier and Andrew Lakoff (eds), Biosecurity Interventions (New York: Columbia University Press/SSRC, 2008), pp. 147-72.
, pp. 147-72
Peter, R.1
'Where Ethics and Politics Meet: The Violence of Humanitarianism in France'
Casualties of Care; Miriam Ticktin,
Miriam Ticktin, Casualties of Care; Miriam Ticktin, 'Where Ethics and Politics Meet: The Violence of Humanitarianism in France', American Ethnologist 33 (2006), pp. 33-49;
American Ethnologist
, vol.33
, pp. 33-49
Miriam, T.1
'From Redundancy to Recognition: Transnational Humanitarianism and the Production of Non-Moderns'
Erica Bornstein and Peter Redfield (eds), Forces of Compassion: Humanitarianism between Ethics and Politics (Santa Fe, NM: SAR Press)
Miriam Ticktin, 'From Redundancy to Recognition: Transnational Humanitarianism and the Production of Non-Moderns', in Erica Bornstein and Peter Redfield (eds), Forces of Compassion: Humanitarianism between Ethics and Politics (Santa Fe, NM: SAR Press, 2011), pp. 175-98.
, pp. 175-98
Miriam, T.1
'From Philanthropy to Humanitarianism: Remarks and an Interview'
On the way in which people expect humanitarianism to do the work of politics, yet without the corruption of politics, see Rony Brauman,
On the way in which people expect humanitarianism to do the work of politics, yet without the corruption of politics, see Rony Brauman, 'From Philanthropy to Humanitarianism: Remarks and an Interview', South Atlantic Quarterly 103 (2004), pp. 397-417.
South Atlantic Quarterly
, vol.103
, pp. 397-417
'The Imperative to Reduce Suffering: Charity, Progress and Emergencies in the Field of Humanitarian Action'
Michael Barnett and Thomas Weiss (eds), Humanitarianism in Question: Politics, Power, Ethics (Ithaca: Cornell University Press)
Craig Calhoun, 'The Imperative to Reduce Suffering: Charity, Progress and Emergencies in the Field of Humanitarian Action', in Michael Barnett and Thomas Weiss (eds), Humanitarianism in Question: Politics, Power, Ethics (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2008), pp. 73-97.
, pp. 73-97
Craig, C.1
'Sexuality, Violence against Women, and Human Rights: Women Make Demands and Ladies Get Protection'
Alice M. Miller, 'Sexuality, Violence against Women, and Human Rights: Women Make Demands and Ladies Get Protection', Health and Human Rights 7/2 (2004), pp. 17-47.
Health and Human Rights
, vol.7
, Issue.2
, pp. 17-47
Alice, M.M.1
Miller, 'Sexuality, Violence against Women, and Human Rights'.
Miller, 'Sexuality, Violence against Women, and Human Rights', p. 23.
Human Rights and Gender Violence (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)
Sally Engle Merry, Human Rights and Gender Violence (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006)
Merry, S.E.1
Miller, 'Sexuality, Violence against Women, and Human Rights'; Margaret Keck and Kathryn Sikkink, Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics (Ithaca: Cornell University Press).
Miller, 'Sexuality, Violence against Women, and Human Rights'; Margaret Keck and Kathryn Sikkink, Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1998).
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 17 July U.N. Doc. A/CONF.183/9.
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 17 July 1998. U.N. Doc. A/CONF.183/9.
Are Women Human? (Cambridge: Harvard University Press
Catharine Mackinnon, Are Women Human? (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006), p. 345.
, pp. 345
Catharine, M.1
'The Sexual Politics of the New Abolitionism'
Elizabeth Bernstein, 'The Sexual Politics of the New Abolitionism', Differences 18 (2007), pp. 128-43.
, vol.18
, pp. 128-43
Elizabeth, B.1
Calhoun, 'Imperative to Reduce Suffering'; Alex DeWaal, 'Humanitarianism Reconfigured: Philanthropic Globalization and the New Solidarity', in Michel Feher (ed.), Nongovernmental Politics (Boston: MIT Press
Calhoun, 'Imperative to Reduce Suffering'; Alex DeWaal, 'Humanitarianism Reconfigured: Philanthropic Globalization and the New Solidarity', in Michel Feher (ed.), Nongovernmental Politics (Boston: MIT Press, 2007), pp. 183-95.
, pp. 183-95
Formore on this perspective, see Luc Boltanski, Distant Suffering: Morality, Media and Politics, tr. Graham D. Burchell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
Formore on this perspective, see Luc Boltanski, Distant Suffering: Morality, Media and Politics, tr. Graham D. Burchell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), p. 190;
, pp. 190
'Capitalism and the Origins of Humanitarian Sensibility'
Thomas Bender (ed.), The Antislavery Debate: Capitalism and Abolitionism as a Problem in Historical Interpretation (Berkeley: University of California Press)
Thomas Haskell, 'Capitalism and the Origins of Humanitarian Sensibility', in Thomas Bender (ed.), The Antislavery Debate: Capitalism and Abolitionism as a Problem in Historical Interpretation (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992), pp. 107-60.
, pp. 107-60
Thomas, H.1
For a map of different perspectives on humanitarianism, (eds), Humanitarianism and Suffering: The Mobilization of Empathy (New York: Cambridge University Press).
For a map of different perspectives on humanitarianism, Richard A. Wilson and Richard D. Brown (eds), Humanitarianism and Suffering: The Mobilization of Empathy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009).
Richard, A.W.1
Richard, D.B.2
'The Quaker Way: Ethical Labor and Humanitarian Relief'
Ilana Feldman, 'The Quaker Way: Ethical Labor and Humanitarian Relief', American Ethnologist 34 (2007), pp. 689-705.
American Ethnologist
, vol.34
, pp. 689-705
Ilana, F.1
May '68 and Its Afterlives (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)
Kristin Ross, May '68 and Its Afterlives (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002);
Kristin, R.1
Médecins Sans Frontières: La biographie (Paris: Fayard).
Anne Vallaeys, Médecins Sans Frontières: La biographie (Paris: Fayard, 2004).
Anne, V.1
'Humanitarian Action Under Attack: Reflections on the Iraq War'
Nicolas de Torrente, 'Humanitarian Action Under Attack: Reflections on the Iraq War', Harvard Human Rights Journal 17 (2004), pp. 1-29.
Harvard Human Rights Journal
, vol.17
, pp. 1-29
de Torrente, N.1
For critiques of development, The Anti-Politics Machine: 'Development', Depoliticization, and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press)
For critiques of development, James Ferguson, The Anti-Politics Machine: 'Development', Depoliticization, and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994);
James, F.1
Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World (Princeton: Princeton University Press)
Arturo Escobar, Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995);
Arturo, E.1
Postcolonial Developments: Agriculture in the Making of Modern India (Durham: Duke University Press).
Akhil Gupta, Postcolonial Developments: Agriculture in the Making of Modern India (Durham: Duke University Press, 1998).
Akhil, G.1
'The Humanitarian Politics of Testimony: Subjectification through Trauma in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict'
See Ticktin, 'Where Ethics and Politics Meet'. See also Didier Fassin,
See Ticktin, 'Where Ethics and Politics Meet'. See also Didier Fassin, 'The Humanitarian Politics of Testimony: Subjectification through Trauma in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict', Cultural Anthropology: Journal of the Society for Cultural Anthropology 23 (2008), pp. 531-58.
Cultural Anthropology: Journal of the Society for Cultural Anthropology
, vol.23
, pp. 531-58
Brauman, 'From Philanthropy to Humanitarianism'
Brauman, 'From Philanthropy to Humanitarianism'.
'Laboratory of Intervention: The Humanitarian Governance of the Postcommunist Balkan Territories'
Mary-Jo DelVecchio Good, Sandra Teresa Hyde, Sandra Pinto and Byron J. Good (eds), Postcolonial Disorders (Berkeley: University of California Press
Mariella Pandolfi, 'Laboratory of Intervention: The Humanitarian Governance of the Postcommunist Balkan Territories', in Mary-Jo DelVecchio Good, Sandra Teresa Hyde, Sandra Pinto and Byron J. Good (eds), Postcolonial Disorders (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008), pp. 157-86.
, pp. 157-86
Mariella, P.1
'Humanitarianism: A Nongovernmental Government'
On Chumanitarianism as a form of government, see also Didier Fassin,, in Feher (ed.)
On Chumanitarianism as a form of government, see also Didier Fassin, 'Humanitarianism: A Nongovernmental Government', in Feher (ed.), Nongovernmental Politics, pp. 149-59.
The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World (New York: Oxford University Press).
Elaine Scarry, The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987).
Elaine, S.1
Brauman, 'From Philanthropy to Humanitarianism'.
Brauman, 'From Philanthropy to Humanitarianism', p. 399.
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire.
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire, p. 11.
In the United States, domestic violence began to be incorporated into the medical system in the late 1970s and early 1980s, starting with the category of battered women's syndrome. This medicalisation was structured to be interdependent with the criminalisation of domestic violence, in which criminal charges could be laid even without the survivor's consent, leading to incarceration or, for some, detention and deportation. In other words, medicalisation relates to many things, but it cannot be understood without taking into account the ties between the medical system and pharmaceutical industries, new forms of capital and an expanding prison industrial complex. See Ana Clarissa Rojas Durazo, 'The Medicalization of Domestic Violence', in Color of Violence: The Incite! Anthology (Cambridge, MA: South End Press),
In the United States, domestic violence began to be incorporated into the medical system in the late 1970s and early 1980s, starting with the category of battered women's syndrome. This medicalisation was structured to be interdependent with the criminalisation of domestic violence, in which criminal charges could be laid even without the survivor's consent, leading to incarceration or, for some, detention and deportation. In other words, medicalisation relates to many things, but it cannot be understood without taking into account the ties between the medical system and pharmaceutical industries, new forms of capital and an expanding prison industrial complex. See Ana Clarissa Rojas Durazo, 'The Medicalization of Domestic Violence', in Color of Violence: The Incite! Anthology (Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 2006), pp. 179-88.
, pp. 179-88
'"sex" refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women'
As WHO's website states,, while '"gender" refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women'. World Health Organization (accessed 27 April 2011).
As WHO's website states, '"sex" refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women', while '"gender" refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women'. World Health Organization (2011), http://www.who.int/gender/whatisgender/en/index.html (accessed 27 April 2011).
'Epidemic of Inequality: Women's Rights and HIV/AIDS in Botswana and Swaziland. An Evidence-Based Report on the Effects of Gender Inequity, Stigma and Discrimination'
Physicians for Human Rights, (accessed 27 April 2011);
Physicians for Human Rights, 'Epidemic of Inequality: Women's Rights and HIV/AIDS in Botswana and Swaziland. An Evidence-Based Report on the Effects of Gender Inequity, Stigma and Discrimination' (2007), http://physiciansforhumanrights.org/library/documents/reports/botswana-swazilandreport. pdf (accessed 27 April 2011);
'Legacy ofWar: An Epidemic of Sexual Violence in the DRC'
26 November (accessed 27 April 2011);
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 'Legacy ofWar: An Epidemic of Sexual Violence in the DRC' 26 November 2008, http://www.unfpa.org/public/News/pid/1399 (accessed 27 April 2011);
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
On the International Medical Corps's use of the term, see (accessed 27 April).
On the International Medical Corps's use of the term, see http://www.internationalmedicalcorps.org/Page.aspx?pid=1885 (accessed 27 April 2011).
I thank Jenny Prewo for her assistance in putting together this survey.
I thank Jenny Prewo for her assistance in putting together this survey.
See the UNIFEM (US National Committee, Metropolitan NY chapter) event, 'Half the World Deserves a Whole Voice: The Pandemic of Violence against Women', 16 November I thank Habiba Jaffe for bringing this to my attention.
See the UNIFEM (US National Committee, Metropolitan NY chapter) event, 'Half the World Deserves a Whole Voice: The Pandemic of Violence against Women', 16 November 2009. I thank Habiba Jaffe for bringing this to my attention.
'Rape, Trauma and the Politics of Representation', paper presented at 'Gender Violence and Gender Justice: Critical Perspectives on Post-Conflict Societies' conference, held at Emory University, Emory, GA, 8-9 May 2009.
Nicolas Gavey, 'Rape, Trauma and the Politics of Representation', paper presented at 'Gender Violence and Gender Justice: Critical Perspectives on Post-Conflict Societies' conference, held at Emory University, Emory, GA, 8-9 May 2009.
Nicolas, G.1
The images on the cover of MSF, Shattered Lives; Physicians for Human Rights and Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, Nowhere to Turn: Failure to Protect, Support, and Assure Access to Justice for Darfuri Women (Cambridge, MA: Physicians for Human Rights)
The images on the cover of MSF, Shattered Lives; Physicians for Human Rights and Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, Nowhere to Turn: Failure to Protect, Support, and Assure Access to Justice for Darfuri Women (Cambridge, MA: Physicians for Human Rights, 2009);
CARE International UK, Rape as a Weapon (London: CARE International).
CARE International UK, Rape as a Weapon (London: CARE International, 2009).
Médecins Sans Frontières, Shattered Lives.
Médecins Sans Frontières, Shattered Lives, p. 9.
Dark Threats and White Knights: The Somalia Affair, Peacekeeping and the New Imperialism (Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Sherene Razack, Dark Threats and White Knights: The Somalia Affair, Peacekeeping and the New Imperialism (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004).
Sherene, R.1
'A Right to Interfere? Bernard Kouchner and the New Humanitarianism'
Interview with Tim Allen, April 1999. See Tim Allen and David Styan,
Interview with Tim Allen, April 1999. See Tim Allen and David Styan, 'A Right to Interfere? Bernard Kouchner and the New Humanitarianism', Journal of International Development 12 (2000), pp. 825-42.
Journal of International Development
, vol.12
, pp. 825-42
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire.
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire, p. 75.
Médecins Sans Frontières, 'The Crushing Burden of Rape: Sexual Violence in Darfur', briefing paper, Amsterdam, 8 March, (accessed 27 April 2011).
Médecins Sans Frontières, 'The Crushing Burden of Rape: Sexual Violence in Darfur', briefing paper, Amsterdam, 8 March 2005, http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/publications/reports/2005/sudan03.pdf, p. 1 (accessed 27 April 2011).
, pp. 1
Médecins Sans Frontières, 'Crushing Burden of Rape'.
Médecins Sans Frontières, 'Crushing Burden of Rape', p. 6.
'MSF shocked by arrest of Head of Mission in Sudan - charged with crimes against the state'
Médecins Sans Frontières, 30 May (accessed 27 April 2011).
Médecins Sans Frontières, 'MSF shocked by arrest of Head of Mission in Sudan - charged with crimes against the state', 30 May 2005, http://www.msf.org.uk/articledetailaspx?fId=Arrest_of_Paul_ Foreman__Statement_by_Jan_Egeland_Emergency_Relief_Coordinator_an (accessed 27 April 2011).
'Second MSF aid worker arrested over Sudan rape report'
Sudanese Online, 'Second MSF aid worker arrested over Sudan rape report' (2005), http:// www.sudaneseonline.com/enews2005/jun1-60862.shtml
Sudanese, O.1
Redfield, 'Doctors, Borders and Life in Crisis'.
Redfield, 'Doctors, Borders and Life in Crisis', p. 343.
It should be noted that this tension is not an issue for the 'Anglo-Saxon' or British tradition of humanitarianism exemplified by CARE or Oxfam, who choose to combine humanitarianism with development, taking a more utilitarian, multi-pronged approach, and who do not therefore always shy away from political engagement. See Karl Blanchet and Boris Martin (eds), Critique de la raison humanitaire (Paris: Le Cavalier bleu,). For instance, CARE's programme to address gender-based violence encompasses forms of post-conflict development. However, such multi-pronged approaches bring their own sets of problems, such as dependence on the state for funding, and the well-known challenges of development and their own forms of antipolitics.
It should be noted that this tension is not an issue for the 'Anglo-Saxon' or British tradition of humanitarianism exemplified by CARE or Oxfam, who choose to combine humanitarianism with development, taking a more utilitarian, multi-pronged approach, and who do not therefore always shy away from political engagement. See Karl Blanchet and Boris Martin (eds), Critique de la raison humanitaire (Paris: Le Cavalier bleu, 2005). For instance, CARE's programme to address gender-based violence encompasses forms of post-conflict development. However, such multi-pronged approaches bring their own sets of problems, such as dependence on the state for funding, and the well-known challenges of development and their own forms of antipolitics.
In particular, Stoler sees a resurgence of interest in sexual politics as part of a dispositif of biosecurity, where intimate contact in various forms has been intensified in the name of security. Ann Stoler, 'Beyond Sex: Bodily Exposures of the Colonial and Postcolonial Present', in Anne Berger and Eleni Varikas (eds), Genre et Postcolonialismes: Dialogues Transcontinentaux (Paris: Editions des Archives Contemporaines),
In particular, Stoler sees a resurgence of interest in sexual politics as part of a dispositif of biosecurity, where intimate contact in various forms has been intensified in the name of security. Ann Stoler, 'Beyond Sex: Bodily Exposures of the Colonial and Postcolonial Present', in Anne Berger and Eleni Varikas (eds), Genre et Postcolonialismes: Dialogues Transcontinentaux (Paris: Editions des Archives Contemporaines, 2010), pp. 191-220.
, pp. 191-220
Miller, 'Sexuality, Violence against Women, and Human Rights'.
Miller, 'Sexuality, Violence against Women, and Human Rights'.
Boltanski, Distant Suffering.
Boltanski, Distant Suffering, p. 190.
'Children, Humanity and the Infantilization of Peace'
in Feldman and Ticktin (eds), In the Name of Humanity.
Liisa Malkki, 'Children, Humanity and the Infantilization of Peace', in Feldman and Ticktin (eds), In the Name of Humanity, pp. 58-85.
Liisa, M.1
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire.
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire, p. 10.
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire.
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire, p. 11.
Origins of Totalitarianism (New York: Meridian Books)
Hannah Arendt, Origins of Totalitarianism (New York: Meridian Books, 1951), p. 295.
, pp. 295
Hannah, A.1
Miller, 'Sexuality, Violence against Women and Human Rights'.
Miller, 'Sexuality, Violence against Women and Human Rights', p. 29.
'UnderWestern Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses'
For an example of how powerlessness is required for legal recognition, see Razack, 'Domestic Violence as Gender Persecution'
Chandra Mohanty, 'UnderWestern Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses', Feminist Review 30 (1988), pp. 61-88. For an example of how powerlessness is required for legal recognition, see Razack, 'Domestic Violence as Gender Persecution'
Feminist Review
, vol.30
, pp. 61-88
Chandra, M.1
'Sexual Violence as the Language of Border Control: Where French Feminist and Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Meet'
Miriam Ticktin, 'Sexual Violence as the Language of Border Control: Where French Feminist and Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Meet', SIGNS: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society 33 (2008), pp. 863-89.
SIGNS: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society
, vol.33
, pp. 863-89
Miriam, T.1
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire.
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire, pp. 65-6.
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire.
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire, p. 66.
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire.
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire, p. 67.
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire.
Le Pape and Salignon (eds), Civilians Under Fire, p. 10.
'Sexuality, Violence against Women, and Human Rights'
On the belief that a woman's chastity is her most precious possession, see Miller.
On the belief that a woman's chastity is her most precious possession, see Miller, 'Sexuality, Violence against Women, and Human Rights'.
'Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality'
in Carole S. Vance (ed.), Pleasure and Danger: Exploring Female Sexuality (Boston and London: Routledge and Kegan Paul), here p. 279.
Gayle Rubin, 'Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality', in Carole S. Vance (ed.), Pleasure and Danger: Exploring Female Sexuality (Boston and London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984), pp. 267-319, here p. 279.
, pp. 267-319
Gayle, R.1
'The Neoliberalization of Compassion: Darfur and theMediation of American Faith, Fear, and Terror'
in Jane L. Collins, Micaela Di Leonardo and Brett Williams (eds), New Landscapes of Inequality: Neoliberalism and the Erosion of Democracy in America (Santa Fe, NM: SAR Press), here p. 218.
Amal Hassan Fadlalla, 'The Neoliberalization of Compassion: Darfur and theMediation of American Faith, Fear, and Terror', in Jane L. Collins, Micaela Di Leonardo and Brett Williams (eds), New Landscapes of Inequality: Neoliberalism and the Erosion of Democracy in America (Santa Fe, NM: SAR Press, 2007), pp. 209-28, here p. 218.
, pp. 209-28
Fadlalla, A.H.1
On the question of using sexual violence to bring political struggle to a head, see also Paromita Chakravarti and her discussion of the Indian army's rape and murder of Thangjam Manorama Devi, after which twelve middle-aged Meira Paibi women stormed the western gate of the Kangla Fort, a symbol of state power in Manipur, with their clothes off, daring the Indian army to rape them, and demanding the withdrawal of the Armed Forces Special Protection Act. Chakravarti argues that this was the most powerful form of protest issued, levelling a challenge both to the Indian army, and to other Indian feminists, to reevaluate their own languages of activism and engagement with a patriarchal state. Paromita Chakravarti, 'Reading Women's Protests: Questioning National Feminist Frames', paper presented at 'Gender Violence and Gender Justice: Critical Perspectives on Post-Conflict Societies' conference, held at Emory University, Emory, GA, 8-9 May.
On the question of using sexual violence to bring political struggle to a head, see also Paromita Chakravarti and her discussion of the Indian army's rape and murder of Thangjam Manorama Devi, after which twelve middle-aged Meira Paibi women stormed the western gate of the Kangla Fort, a symbol of state power in Manipur, with their clothes off, daring the Indian army to rape them, and demanding the withdrawal of the Armed Forces Special Protection Act. Chakravarti argues that this was the most powerful form of protest issued, levelling a challenge both to the Indian army, and to other Indian feminists, to reevaluate their own languages of activism and engagement with a patriarchal state. Paromita Chakravarti, 'Reading Women's Protests: Questioning National Feminist Frames', paper presented at 'Gender Violence and Gender Justice: Critical Perspectives on Post-Conflict Societies' conference, held at Emory University, Emory, GA, 8-9 May 2009.
On the inequality of lives at the heart of humanitarianism, seeDidier Fassin, 'Inequality of Lives, Hierarchies of Humanity: Moral Commitments and Ethical Dilemmas of Humanitarianism', in Feldman and Ticktin (eds), In the Name of Humanity.
On the inequality of lives at the heart of humanitarianism, seeDidier Fassin, 'Inequality of Lives, Hierarchies of Humanity: Moral Commitments and Ethical Dilemmas of Humanitarianism', in Feldman and Ticktin (eds), In the Name of Humanity, pp. 238-55.
Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence (London: Verso)
Judith Butler, Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence (London: Verso, 2004);
Judith, B.1
Frames of War: When is Life Grievable? (London: Verso)
Judith Butler, Frames of War: When is Life Grievable? (London: Verso, 2009).
Judith, B.1