Resverlogix Corp Resverlogix Corp Prediman K. Shah. 26 Jan Media Release
Resverlogix Corp. Resverlogix Corp. Announces International Research Collaboration Program With Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and Atherosclerosis Researcher Dr. Prediman K. Shah., 26 Jan 2005 Media Release
Resverlogix Corp. Breakthrough in Apo AI Research: Resverlogix Expands NEXVAS Program Into Acute Coronary Market., 11 Jul 2005 Media Release
Phase II Multi-center.Double-blind Randomized.Parallel Group
Phase II Multi-center, Double-blind, Randomized, Parallel Group, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial for Dose-finding and Safety Study of RVX000222 in Subjects With Stable Coronary Artery Disease Clinical Trial Profile
Resverlogix Corp. Resverlogix Presents ASSERT Human Clinical TrialData at the American HeartAssociation Late Breaker Session., 17 Nov 2010 Media Release
Placebo-controlled clinical trials for the assessment of lipid and coronary plaque changes with rvx000222 in patients with acute coronary syndrome events
Phase II Multi-center.Double-blind Randomized.Parallel Group
Phase II Multi-center, Double-blind, Randomized, Parallel Group, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trials for the Assessment of Lipid and Coronary Plaque Changes With RVX000222 in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome Events. Clinical Trial Profile
RVX-208 a small molecule that induces apolipoprotein A-I production progresses to phase Ib/IIa clinical trials
10 Mar from URL: Canada English
Gordon A, Jahagirdar R, Johansson J, et al. RVX-208 a small molecule that induces apolipoprotein A-I production progresses to phase Ib/IIa clinical trials. 58th Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology: 205 abstr. 1021-74, 10 Mar 2009 Available from URL: http://www.sciencedirect. com. Canada [English]
Compound RVX-208 modulates HDL-C levels and function in nonhuman primates and in early phase I human trials
8 Nov Available from URL: Canada [English]
Krimbou L, Jahagirdar R, Bailey D, et al. Compound RVX-208 modulates HDL-C levels and function in nonhuman primates and in early (phase I) human trials. 81st Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association: 371 abstr. 1696, 8 Nov 2008 Available from URL: http://scientificsessions. Canada [English]
Resverlogix Corp. Reverse Cholesterol Transport by RVX- 208 a Small Molecule for ApoA-I Production Increase Presented at American Heart Association Scientific Meeting., 05 Nov 2007 Media Release
Oral administration of compound RVX-208 increases serum levels of ApoA-I and improves high-density lipoprotein-mediated cholesterol efflux in African green monkeys
16 Oct Canada [English]
Krimbou L, Jahagirdar R, Ruel I, et al. Oral administration of compound RVX-208 increases serum levels of ApoA-I and improves high-density lipoprotein-mediated cholesterol efflux in African green monkeys. Circulation 116: 126, No. 16, 16 Oct 2007 Canada [English]
RVX-208 given orally to humans raises plasma ApoA-I and HDL in a phase 1b/2a clinical trial
14 Mar Available from URL: Canada [English] Clinical Trials Insight
Wong NC, Gordon A, Johansson J, et al. RVX-208 given orally to humans raises plasma ApoA-I and HDL in a phase 1b/2a clinical trial. 59th Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology: abstr. 1164-333, 14 Mar 2010 Available from URL: . Canada [English] Clinical Trials Insight