p. 205
The law of February 1939 was specifically designed to include all those workers who had participated in the 1934 October revolution in the mining region of Asturias. In theory, the agricultural day laborers' uprising in June 1934 was excluded from the reach of the retroactive bill, but in practice the bill simply opened the door - in the usual vague terms - to retroactive political responsibility of any on the left or even just liberal republicans before 1936. However, the Law of Political Responsibilities was particularly aimed at the politically organized (and united) working class that predated the 1936 revolution. See also below, p. 205.
Dictatorship from below: Local politics in the making of the francoist state, 1937-1948
Antonio Cazorla-Sánchez, "Dictatorship from Below: Local Politics in the Making of the Francoist State, 1937-1948," The Journal of Modern History 71, no. 4 (Dec. 1999): 882-901;
The Journal of Modern History
, vol.71
, Issue.4
, pp. 882-901
Cazorla-Sánchez, A.1
Sistemas políticos, mutaciones y modelos de las relaciones de patronazgo y clientelismo en la España del siglo XX
Robles Egea, ed., 253-74, respectively
Antonio Robles Egea, "Sistemas políticos, mutaciones y modelos de las relaciones de patronazgo y clientelismo en la España del siglo XX
Política en Penumbra
, pp. 229-252
Egea, A.R.1
El régimen de Franco: élite política central y redes clientelares (1938-1957)
Robles Egea, ed., 253-74, respectively
Miguel Jerez Mir, "El régimen de Franco: élite política central y redes clientelares (1938-1957)," both in Robles Egea, ed., Política en penumbra, 229-52 and 253-74, respectively.
Política en Penumbra
, pp. 229-252
Mir, M.J.1
Most of them had been large tenants for absentee owners before the Civil War and had acquired the land just after the war, when absentee owners decided to sell their property, in part scared by the collectivization experience of the revolution during the war. See Antonio Gil Olcina and Gregorio Canales Martínez, Residuos de propiedad señorial en España (Alicante, 1988).
Residuos de Propiedad Señorial en España
Olcina, A.G.1
Martínez, G.C.2
During the revolution, Catral, originally an UGT town, organized production through a local Consejo de Administracion de las Fincas, managed by unionized workers. Some large properties were collectivized and were then managed directly by a union encargado (foreman) who decided how many workers he needed to work the land. But other large properties were parceled to small tenants and left for them to work. In general, the lands managed by the CNT tended to be collectivized, while those managed by the UGT tended to be divided into small parcels to be distributed to peasants without land. In Catral, the unions constituted a "Colectividad Cooperativa Unificada de Trabajadores Campesinos" which seems to have been extremely well managed. See Fernando Quilis Tauriz, Revolución y guerra civil: Las colectividades obreras en la provincia de Alicante, 1936-1939 (Alicante, 1992), 123.
Revolución y Guerra Civil: Las Colectividades Obreras en la Provincia de Alicante, 1936-1939
, pp. 123
Tauriz, F.Q.1
Asturias: Minas, huelgas y comisiones obreras (Transcripción de una charla de café)
In a conversation with the Asturian miners who had been on strike in 1963 and 1964, Manuel Castells reported that the Comisiones Obreras were something that concerned workers of all political leanings. A worker told him: "They are all there. There is unity (unidad). It's the comisiones [elected directly by the workers as their representatives] that count." To Castells' question: "Then the term Union Opposition (Oposición Sindical) rather than being an organization refers to action, the action of the comisiones obreras where all organizations participate?" the worker answers: "Yes, that's it. And everyone is in the comisiones. All those that are really with the worker. Because we workers are not idiots...." Jordi Blanc (Manuel Castells), "Asturias: Minas, huelgas y comisiones obreras (Transcripción de una charla de café)," Cuadernos de Ruedo Ibérico (Paris), no. 1 (June-July 1965): 70-74.
Cuadernos de Ruedo Ibérico (Paris)
, Issue.1
, pp. 70-74
Blanc, J.1
Castells, M.2
An emphasis on the religious aspect of repression and pardon was ubiquitous: during the first years after the war, prisoners recall that death sentences were executed at dawn on Sundays or on important festivities, highlighting the sacrificial aspect of the execution, its purifying function. See Ángel Suárez and Colectivo 36, Libro blanco sobre las cárceles franquistas: Ruedo Ibérico (Paris, 1976). A memorable beating of Reds that took place in Catral in 1945 occurred on the first day of Easter, Holy Thursday.
Libro Blanco Sobre Las Cárceles Franquistas: Ruedo Ibérico
Suárez, A.1
Colectivo 362
This story was recounted to us many times as an example of the repressive practices in the aftermath of the war. Hence, it was not just a personal memory but a collective memory for the local "Reds." This particular beating is reported by different informants as having taken place at different moments: (a) at the very end of the war; (b) in 1942 or 1943 simultaneously with a round-up of "communist" organizers in the village; (c) in 1947 for the previous reason. In fact the round-up of 15-20 people in Catral probably took place in 1945 when some 800 alleged communist militants were detained in the area between Crevillente, Elche and Alicante. See Antoni Furió, Historia del País Valencia (Valencia, 1995), 619.
Historia Del País Valencia
, pp. 619
Furió, A.1
Sólo dejaron los huesos: Albatera (Alicante), ensayo general para el exterminio
Cipriano Damiano and Carlos Enrique Bayo "Sólo dejaron los huesos: Albatera (Alicante), ensayo general para el exterminio," Interviú, no. 105 (May 1978): 40-42. In any case all the testimonies are agreed on the arbitrary executions, the terrible health conditions (72 people are reported to have died in one month of hunger). Typhus was so widespread that it began claiming victims among the guards so that the Albatera camp was closed in December 1939 and prisoners transferred to other detention centers.
, Issue.105
, pp. 40-42
Damiano, C.1
Enrique Bayo, C.2
In 1999, Florencio Dimas, a local historian working at the Centro de Documentación de la Guerra Civil - Lorca (Murcia) and doing research on the Francoist concentration camps, e-mailed the Socialist mayor of Albatera, suggesting that the municipality rehabilitate the memory of the camp where so many had suffered and died. He even suggested a "consumable" touristic cultural itinerary of repression linked to the Albatera camp. He received no answer (http://www.fut.es/ mllistes/gce/September-2001/ msg00241.html).
31 April
Avance, 31 April 1939.
See, for example, the sweeping formulation of Article 2 of the Decree on Banditry and Terrorism: "Will be considered convicted of the offense of military rebellion.... (1) Those who spread false or tendentious information with the object of provoking disruptions in public order, international conflicts or discrediting the State, its institutions, the government, the army or the authorities. (2) Those who in any way associate, plot or participate in reunions, conferences or demonstrations with the above-mentioned objectives. This can also apply to plans, strikes, sabotage and any such acts when they have a political aim and disrupt public order." Amnesty International, Situación actual de las cárceles españolas (n.d.[1973]).
Situación Actual de Las Cárceles Españolas
Amnesty International1
"On 22 March 1957 - that is, a month after the new government [the first technocratic government of the Opus Dei] - a law appears that ascribes collective responsibilities in case of a strike, noting that if the individuals responsible for the strike are not found, the most prominent among the culprits or ... the oldest will be considered as such." Naredo, Por una oposición que se oponga, 91.
Por Una Oposición Que Se Oponga
, pp. 91
Luisa Passerini, Torino Operaia e Fascismo (Rome, 1984), mentions an informant, Maddalena, forcefully saying: "we were born socialist. And we were born socialist! My father was like that!" (17).
Torino Operaia e Fascismo
Passerini, L.1
Franco to manuel aznar, 31 dec. 1938
Vázquez Montalbán
Franco to Manuel Aznar, 31 Dec. 1938, in Vázquez Montalbán, Los demonios familiares de Franco, 146;
Los Demonios Familiares de Franco
, pp. 146
Franco to manuel aznar, 31 dec.1938
Vázquez Montalbán
Franco to Manuel Aznar, 31 Dec.1938, in Vázquez Montalbán, Los demonios familiares de Franco, 147;
Los Demonios Familiares de Franco
, pp. 147
Psiquismo del fanatismo Marxista: Investigación psicológica en Marxistas femeninos delincuentes
Psychiatrist Antonio Vallejo-Nágera, who was appointed chief of the Psychiatric Services of Franco's Army in 1938, and whose office conducted between 1938 and 1939 a series of research projects on war prisoners under the general title of "Biopsiquismo del Fanatismo Marxista," including a "Psychological Research on Female Marxist Delinquents" - conducted in the prison of Málaga among 50 women sentenced to death (66%), life imprisonment (20%), 20 years (6%) and 12 years (8%) - concluded that the motivations impelling them to political action were (1) environmental suggestion (38%), (2) antisocial psychopathy (24%) and (3) innate revolutionary tendencies (36%). See Antonio Vallejo and Eduardo M. Martínez, "Psiquismo del fanatismo Marxista: Investigación psicológica en Marxistas femeninos delincuentes," Revista Española de Medecina y Cirurgía de Guerra 9 (1939): 398-413
Revista Española de Medecina y Cirurgía de Guerra
, vol.9
, pp. 398-413
Vallejo, A.1
Martínez, E.M.2
Psychology in franco's concentration camps
cited in Javier Bandrés and Rafael Llavona, "Psychology in Franco's Concentration Camps," Psychology in Spain 1, no. 1 (1997): 3-9.
Psychology in Spain
, vol.1
, Issue.1
, pp. 3-9
Bandrés, J.1
Llavona, R.2
Napoli 1943: Memoria individuale e memoria collettiva
For a similar situation see Gabriella Gribaudi, "Napoli 1943: Memoria individuale e memoria collettiva," Quaderni Storici 101/a.XXXIV, no. 2 (1999): 507-37. Gribaudi points to the occlusion from collective memory of the particularly violent retreat of the German troops from Naples in 1943, while a collective memory of cunning and resourcefulness in the black market with the American troops is supported by a highly visible popular culture. The memory of the massacre of Ponticelli remains an individual memory because there has been no public space for constructing a collective memory.
Quaderni Storici
, vol.101
, Issue.2
, pp. 507-537
Gribaudi, G.1
Uchronic dreams: Working class memory and possible worlds
Alessandro Portelli, "Uchronic Dreams: Working Class Memory and Possible Worlds," Oral History Journal 16, no. 2 (1988): 46-55.
Oral History Journal
, vol.16
, Issue.2
, pp. 46-55
Portelli, A.1
Nada para el pueblo, pero sin el pueblo
See also Jesús Ibáñez, "Nada para el pueblo, pero sin el pueblo," Archipiélago, no. 9 (1992): 59-67;
, Issue.9
, pp. 59-67
Ibáñez, J.1
Spanish socialism: The politics of neo-liberalism
James Kurth and James Petras, Oxford
For an excellent account of the neoliberal practices of the Socialist (PSOE) years (1982-1996), see James Petras, "Spanish Socialism: The Politics of Neo-Liberalism," in James Kurth and James Petras, Mediterranean Paradoxes: The Politics and Social Structure of Southern Europe (Oxford, 1993).
Mediterranean Paradoxes: The Politics and Social Structure of Southern Europe
Petras, J.1
'Ser cacique' y 'ser hombre' o la negación delas relaciones de patronazgo en un pueblo de la Vega Alta del Segura
Joan Prat et al., eds., Madrid
Cf. Joan Frigolé, "'Ser cacique' y 'ser hombre' o la negación delas relaciones de patronazgo en un pueblo de la Vega Alta del Segura," in Joan Prat et al., eds., Antropología de los Pueblos de España (Madrid, 1991), 556-73.
Antropología de Los Pueblos de España
, pp. 556-573
Frigolé, J.1
Velles idelogies i noves realitats corporativistes
Joan Martínez Alier, "Velles idelogies i noves realitats corporativistes," Papers. Revista de Sociologia, no. 24 (1985): 25-51.
Papers. Revista de Sociologia
, Issue.24
, pp. 25-51
Alier, J.M.1
The dark side of democracy: The modern tradition of ethnic and political cleansing
Alier defines the new political regime as "liberal paliamentary corporatism" (32-35). For a more general discussion of organic forms of "democracy," see Michael Mann, "The Dark Side of Democracy: The Modern Tradition of Ethnic and Political Cleansing," New Left Review, no. 235 (2000): 28-45;
New Left Review
, Issue.235
, pp. 28-45
Mann, M.1
Talking culture: New boundaries, new rhetorics of exclusion in europe
Verena Stolcke, "Talking Culture: New Boundaries, New Rhetorics of Exclusion in Europe," Current Anthropology 36, no. 1 (1995): 1-24.
Current Anthropology
, vol.36
, Issue.1
, pp. 1-24
Stolcke, V.1
"Moros y Cristianos" is a folk festival of the Valencia region, in which local people join "Moor" or "Christian" associations, dress up in traditional costumes and stage on the streets the medieval confrontation between Arabs and Christians at the time of the Reconquista (the seven-centuries struggle to expel the Arabs from the Iberian Peninsula ending in the conquest of Granada by the Catholic Kings in 1492). See Antoni Ariño, Temes d'Etnografia Valenciana, vol. 4, Festes Rituals i Creences (Valencia, 1988), 30-66.
Temes d'Etnografia Valenciana, Vol. 4, Festes Rituals i Creences
, pp. 30-66
Ariño, A.1
See http://europa.eu.int/comm/culture/overview-en.html.
15 Aug
It is particularly revealing to look at the 2002 call for proposals within the "Culture 2000" program. The main sectors addressed are visual arts (2002), performing arts (2003) and cultural heritage (2004). In this last sector, actions should involve the following: virtual cultural itineraries, the implementation of touring exhibitions and conservation/safeguarding of monuments or objects. See Official Journal of the European Communities, 15 Aug. 2001.
Official Journal of the European Communities
Pandora's history: Central peruvian peasants and the recovering of the past
Gerald Sider and Gavin Smith, eds., Toronto
Gavin Smith, "Pandora's History: Central Peruvian Peasants and the Recovering of the Past," in Gerald Sider and Gavin Smith, eds. Between History and Histories: The Making of Silences and Commemorations (Toronto, 1997), 86.
Between History and Histories: The Making of Silences and Commemorations
, pp. 86
Smith, G.1
Gribaudi, "Napoli 1943," 534, also voices a similar need.
Napoli 1943
, pp. 534
Raymond Williams, Keywords (London, 1983), 148 (original emphasis).
, pp. 148
Williams, R.1