Aleksandr Lukashenka's press conference for Belarusian and Russian journalists in Zhlobin, Belarus, 29 Dec. 2006, accessed 2 Jan
Aleksandr Lukashenka's press conference for Belarusian and Russian journalists in Zhlobin, Belarus, 29 Dec. 2006, available at, http://www.president.gov.by/press35846.print.html., accessed 2 Jan. 2007.
Svyatochnyi Rasskaz
Izvestiya, 12 Dec. 2007, accessed 8 March 2010
Maxim Sokolov, 'Svyatochnyi rasskaz' [A Christmas tale], Izvestiya, 12 Dec. 2007, available at, http://www.izvestia.ru/sokolov/article3100087., accessed 8 March 2010.
A Christmas Tale
Sokolov, M.1
In addition, relieved from the export tariff is oil delivered to Belarus through barter schemes under which no cash is paid for crude oil: Belarusian refineries process oil that belongs to their Russian partners and are paid by appropriating a fraction of that crude. A half of all Russian oil makes it to Belarus through such schemes. Also relieved from export duties is oil used to make products to be sold in Russia. Finally, to compensate Belarus partially for export duties on remaining oil purchases, a tariff for transporting 60 million tons of oil through Belarus to the West is increased by 11 per cent from its 2009 level.
Missiya IMF Otsenit Novye Usloviya Postavki Nefti S Tochki Zreniya Ekonomiki Belarusi
Beloruskie novosti, 28 Jan. 2010, accessed 8 March 2010
'Missiya IMF otsenit novye usloviya postavki nefti s tochki zreniya ekonomiki Belarusi' (The IMF mission will evaluate new terms of oil supply from the perspective of the Belarusian economy), Beloruskie novosti, 28 Jan. 2010, available at, http://naviny.by/rubrics/ economic/2010/01/28/ic_news_113_325087., accessed 8 March 2010.
The IMF Mission Will Evaluate New Terms of Oil Supply From the Perspective of the Belarusian Economy
Alexander Lukashenka: We cannot be a closed country
18 Nov. 2008, accessed 28 Jan. 2011
Stefan Wagstyl, 'Alexander Lukashenka: "We cannot be a closed country"', Financial Times, 18 Nov. 2008, available at, http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/525e1c14-b431-11dd-8e35-0000779fd18c.html., accessed 28 Jan. 2011.
Financial Times
Wagstyl, S.1
The European Commission's Belarus Strategy, Brussels, Nov. 2006, accessed 25 Jan. 2008
The European Commission's Belarus Strategy, Brussels, Nov. 2006, available at, http://ec. europa.eu/external_relations/belarus/intro/non_paper_1106.pdf., accessed 25 Jan. 2008.
Alexander Lukashenka: press conference of 14 Jan. 2007, BELTA, 15 Jan. 2007, accessed 17 Jan. 2007
Alexander Lukashenka: press conference of 14 Jan. 2007, BELTA, 15 Jan. 2007, available at, http://www.belta.by., accessed 17 Jan. 2007.
Statement by Valery Voronetsky, deputy minister of foreign affairs of the Republic of Belarus, at the Conference, Brussels, 3 Sept. 2007, accessed 15 Nov. 2007
Statement by Valery Voronetsky, deputy minister of foreign affairs of the Republic of Belarus, at the Conference 'Working Together - Strengthening the European Neighborhood Policy', Brussels, 3 Sept. 2007, available at, http://www.mfa.gov.by/en/press/official-releases/fa1aad88b52f8cdf.html., accessed 15 Nov. 2007.
Working Together - Strengthening the European Neighborhood Policy
Ne Slishkom Li Bystro Zapad Menyaet Knut Na Pryanik?
Belorusskie novosti, 10 Sept. 2008, accessed 28 Jan. 2011
Marina Rakhley, 'Ne slishkom li bystro Zapad menyaet knut na pryanik?' [Isn't the West replacing a stick by a carrot all too fast?], Belorusskie novosti, 10 Sept. 2008, available at, http://naviny.by/rubrics/politic/2008/09/10/ic_articles_112_158892., accessed 28 Jan. 2011.
Isn't the West Replacing a Stick By a Carrot All Too Fast?
Rakhley, M.1
Excerpts from Alexander Lukashenka's interview to France Presse, Belorusskie novosti, 27 Nov. 2008, accessed 8 March 2010
Excerpts from Alexander Lukashenka's interview to France Presse, Belorusskie novosti, 27 Nov. 2008, available at, http://naviny.by/rubrics/politic/2008/11/27/ic_articles_112_ 160104., accessed 8 March 2010.
Will Lukashenka Be Welcomed in Prague?
(9 Feb. 2009), accessed 8 March 2010
David Marples, 'Will Lukashenka Be Welcomed in Prague?', The Jamestown Foundation: Eurasia Daily Monitor, Vol.6, No.26 (9 Feb. 2009), available at, http://www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=34482., accessed 8 March 2010.
The Jamestown Foundation: Eurasia Daily Monitor
, vol.6
, Issue.26
Marples, D.1
Diyalog Ye S I Belarusi Idze Na Umovakh Lukashenki
Nasha Niva, 7 Aug. 2009, accessed 8 March 2010
'Diyalog Ye S i Belarusi idze na umovakh Lukashenki' [The dialogue between the EU and Belarus is occurring on Lukashenka's terms], Nasha Niva, 7 Aug. 2009, available at, http://www.nn.by/index.php?c=ar&i=29254., accessed 8 March 2010.
The Dialogue Between the EU and Belarus is Occurring On Lukashenka's Terms
Clinton Hails Belarus for Arms Policy - Europe: President stops in former soviet republic to commend it for giving up its nuclear weapons. But he also reprimands lawmakers for their resistance to political and economic reforms
16 Jan. 1994, accessed 15 Nov. 2008
Doyle McManus, 'Clinton Hails Belarus for Arms Policy - Europe: President stops in former soviet republic to commend it for giving up its nuclear weapons. But he also reprimands lawmakers for their resistance to political and economic reforms', The Los Angeles Times, 16 Jan. 1994, available at, http://article.latimes.com/1994-01-16/news/mn-12511_1_nuclear-weapons., accessed 15 Nov. 2008.
The Los Angeles Times
McManus, D.1
It was last extended in Jan. 2007 for two years. The Belarus Democracy Reauthorization Act of 2008 was referred to the House Foreign Affairs Committee on 5 May 2008, but no action has been taken since then and until Feb. 2011.
More details are provided in Grigory Ioffe, Understanding Belarus and How the Western Foreign Policy Misses the Mark (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2008), Ch.6.
Associated Press report, 1 May 2007, accessed 8 March 2010
'US orders Belarus embassy closed', Associated Press report, 1 May 2007, available at, http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/2008/05/01/2008-05-01_us_orders_belarus_ embassy_closed_.html#ixzz0UDf1gvVE., accessed 8 March 2010.
US Orders Belarus Embassy Closed
It is noteworthy that Silitsky's research site in Minsk has a 'European' web address
It is noteworthy that Silitsky's research site in Minsk has a 'European' web address,http:// www.belinstitute.eu.
To whup (colloquial for beat, or defeat convincingly) Americans has become a Russian obsession. Aware of that, Alexander Lukashenka thus described Russia's conflict with Georgia just a month after its end: 'This is no war between Russia and Georgia. This is Americans getting a knock in the teeth for the first time in years, and this is so preciously important', accessed 8 March 2010
To whup (colloquial for beat, or defeat convincingly) Americans has become a Russian obsession. Aware of that, Alexander Lukashenka thus described Russia's conflict with Georgia just a month after its end: 'This is no war between Russia and Georgia. This is Americans getting a knock in the teeth for the first time in years, and this is so preciously important': available at, http://www.izvestia.ru/politic/article3120312/index.html., accessed 8 March 2010.
Radio Liberty Belarusian Service, 5 Sept. 2008, accessed 8 March 2010
Yuri Drakakhrust, 'Kavalachek pernika', Radio Liberty Belarusian Service, 5 Sept. 2008, available at, http://www.svaboda.org/content/article/1196637.html., accessed 8 March 2010.
Kavalachek Pernika
Drakakhrust, Y.1
Kak Ya Posporil S Bushem
Belorusskiye novsosti, 16 Dec. 2008, accessed 8 March 2010
Aleksandr Klaskovskii, 'Kak ya posporil s Bushem' [How I argued with Bush], Belorusskiye novsosti, 16 Dec. 2008, available at, http://naviny.by/rubrics/opinion/2008/12/16/ic_ articles_410_160369/., accessed 8 March 2010.
How I Argued With Bush
Klaskovskii, A.1
Belarus After its Post-Georgia Elections
26 Oct. 2008, accessed 8 March 2010
Andrew Wilson, 'Belarus After its Post-Georgia Elections', European Council on Foreign Relations, 26 Oct. 2008, available at, http://ecfr.eu/content/entry/commentary_wilson_on_ belarus., accessed 8 March 2010.
European Council On Foreign Relations
Wilson, A.1
A Seasonal Chill
11 Jan. 2010, accessed 8 March 2010
'A Seasonal Chill', The Washington Post, 11 Jan. 2010, available at, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/10/AR2010011002262.html., accessed 8 March 2010.
The Washington Post
Don't Throw Flames on Russia-Belarus Oil Talks
(Letters to the Editor), 16 Jan. 2010, accessed 8 March 2010
Dmitry Peskov, 'Don't Throw Flames on Russia-Belarus Oil Talks', The Washington Post (Letters to the Editor), 16 Jan. 2010, available at, http://www.washingtonpost.com/ wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/15/AR2010011503897.html?nav=rss_opinion/columns., accessed 8 March 2010.
The Washington Post
Peskov, D.1
For detailed analysis of that model and its formational identity, see Ioffe, Understanding Belarus, Ch.4
For detailed analysis of that model and its formational identity, see Ioffe, Understanding Belarus, Ch.4.
Understanding Belarus: Economy and Political Landscape
Grigory Ioffe, 'Understanding Belarus: Economy and Political Landscape', Europe-Asia Studies, Vol.56, No.1 (2004), pp.85-118.
Europe-Asia Studies
, vol.56
, Issue.1
, pp. 85-118
Ioffe, G.1
Belarus and Chernobyl: Separating Seeds from Chaff
Grigory Ioffe, 'Belarus and Chernobyl: Separating Seeds from Chaff', Post-Soviet Affairs, Vol.23, No.4 (2007), pp.353-6.
Post-Soviet Affairs
, vol.23
, Issue.4
, pp. 353-356
Ioffe, G.1
Less Bizarre Than It Seems: The Landslide in Belarus Reflects Its Demonized Leader's Refusal to Back Market Fundamentalism
21 March 2006
Mark Almond, 'Less Bizarre Than It Seems: The Landslide in Belarus Reflects Its Demonized Leader's Refusal to Back Market Fundamentalism', The Guardian, 21 March 2006.
The Guardian
Almond, M.1
Pochemu Menyaetsya Kurs?
Nashe mnenie, 18 Nov. 2008, accessed 8 March 2010
Valerii Karbalevich, 'Pochemu menyaetsya kurs?' [Why is the course changing?], Nashe mnenie, 18 Nov. 2008, available at, http://nmnby.eu/news/analytics/1582.html., accessed 8 March 2010.
Why is The Course Changing?
Karbalevich, V.1
The rule allowed the government to interfere in the management of any company in order, for example, to demand that the company did not cut back on personnel or finance the development of a local sporting or fitness facility, and so forth: see Norcous & Partners, Exploring New Markets: Doing Business in Belarus, March 2008, accessed 8 March 2010
The rule allowed the government to interfere in the management of any company in order, for example, to demand that the company did not cut back on personnel or finance the development of a local sporting or fitness facility, and so forth: see Norcous & Partners, Exploring New Markets: Doing Business in Belarus, March 2008, available at, http://www.rln.lt/ download.php/fileid/270., accessed 8 March 2010.
Belarus: Country Brief 2009 (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2009), accessed 8 March 2010
Belarus: Country Brief 2009 (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2009), available at, http://web. worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/COUNTRIES/ECAEXT/BELARUSEXTN/0,content MDK:20629010~menuPK:328439~pagePK:141137~piPK:141127~theSitePK:328431,00.html., accessed 8 March 2010.
Doing Business in 2010 (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2009), accessed 8 March 2010
Doing Business in 2010 (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2009), available at, http://www. doingbusiness.org/Documents/DB10_Overview.pdf., accessed 8 March 2010.
Belarus: Country Brief 2009
Belarus: Country Brief 2009.
(London: Federal Trust of Education and Research, 2002), p.61 (emphasis added)
Ann Lewis (ed.), The EU and Belarus: Between Moscow and Brussels (London: Federal Trust of Education and Research, 2002), p.61 (emphasis added).
The EU and Belarus: Between Moscow and Brussels
Lewis, A.1
Spasitelnaya Lozh
Yezhednevnyi zhurnal, 22 April 2009, both accessed 8 March 2010
Irina Khalip, 'Spasitelnaya lozh' [A white lie], Yezhednevnyi zhurnal, 22 April 2009, available at, http://ej.ru/?a=note&id=9001., both accessed 8 March 2010.
A White Lie
Khalip, I.1
Chym Zaniatstsa Appazytsiy?
Radio Liberty Belarusian Service, 26 May 2009, accessed 8 March 2010
Yan Maksymyuk, 'Chym zaniatstsa appazytsiy?' [What is the opposition doing?], Radio Liberty Belarusian Service, 26 May 2009, available at, http://www.svaboda.org/content/ transcript/1740088.html., accessed 8 March 2010.
What is The Opposition Doing?
Maksymyuk, Y.1
(Madrid: FRIDE, a European Think Tank for Global Action, 3 March 2009), accessed 8 March 2010
Balasz Jarabik, Belarus: Are the Scales Tipping? (Madrid: FRIDE, a European Think Tank for Global Action, 3 March 2009), available at, http://www.fride.org/publication/576/belarus-are-the-scales-tipping., accessed 8 March 2010.
Belarus: Are the Scales Tipping?
Jarabik, B.1
European Council on Foreign Relations, 26 Oct. 2008, accessed 8 March 2010
Andrew Wilson, 'A New Paradigm Or the Old Balancing Act?', European Council on Foreign Relations, 26 Oct. 2008, available at, http://ecfr.eu/content/entry/commentary_wilson_on_ belarus., accessed 8 March 2010.
A New Paradigm Or the Old Balancing Act?
Wilson, A.1
Understanding Belarus: Questions of Language
Grigory Ioffe, 'Understanding Belarus: Questions of Language', Europe-Asia Studies, Vol.55, No.7 (2003), pp.1009-47 (p.1011).
Europe-Asia Studies
, vol.55
, Issue.7
, pp. 1009-1047
Ioffe, G.1
Uroki Maldovy Dlya Belarusi
Radio Liberty Belarusian Service, 14 April 2009, accessed 8 March 2010
Yurii Drakakhrust, 'Uroki Maldovy dlya Belarusi' [Moldovan lessons for Belarus], Radio Liberty Belarusian Service, 14 April 2009, available at, http://www.svaboda.org/content/ transcript/1608696.html., accessed 8 March 2010.
Moldovan Lessons For Belarus
Drakakhrust, Y.1
Diktator Naraskhvat
Gazeta.RU, 26 March 2009, accessed 8 March 2010; emphasis added
Fedor Lukyanov, 'Diktator naraskhvat' [A dictator in high demand], Gazeta.RU, 26 March 2009, available at, http://www.gazeta.ru/column/lukyanov/2964341.shtml., accessed 8 March 2010; emphasis added.
A Dictator In High Demand
Lukyanov, F.1
Vyartannye Gazet Chy Vyartannye Svabody?
Radio Liberty Belarusian Service, 2 Dec. 2008, accessed 8 March 2010
Yurii Drakakhrust, 'Vyartannye gazet chy vyartannye svabody?' [A return of newspapers or a return of freedom?], Radio Liberty Belarusian Service, 2 Dec. 2008, available at, http:// www.svaboda.org/content/transcript/1355300.html., accessed 8 March 2010.
A Return of Newspapers Or a Return of Freedom?
Drakakhrust, Y.1
10 Oct. 2007, accessed 24 Jan 2011
'Vilnius Unveils Caspian Pipe Pact', 10 Oct. 2007, available at, http://www.upstreamonline. com/live/article142128.ece., accessed 24 Jan 2011.
Vilnius Unveils Caspian Pipe Pact
(European Council on Foreign Relations, June 2009), p.5; emphasis added, accessed 28 Jan. 2011
Nicu Popescu and Andrew Wilson, 'The Limits of Enlargement-lite: European and Russian Power in the Troubled Neighborhood' (European Council on Foreign Relations, June 2009), p.5; emphasis added; available at, http://ecfr.eu/page/-/documents/ECFR_eastern_ neighbourhood_report.pdf., accessed 28 Jan. 2011.
The Limits of Enlargement-lite: European and Russian Power In the Troubled Neighborhood
Popescu, N.1
Wilson, A.2
An identical reasoning might be applied to George W. Bush's declaration that Georgia is a beacon of liberty on the same day (10 May 2005) that the first oil was pumped from the Baku end of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline.
Will Lukashenka Be Welcomed in Prague?
accessed 8 March 2010; emphasis added
David Marples, 'Will Lukashenka Be Welcomed in Prague?', The Jamestown Foundation: Eurasia Daily Monitor, Vol.6, No.26 (2009), available at, http://www.jamestown.org/ single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=34482., accessed 8 March 2010; emphasis added.
The Jamestown Foundation: Eurasia Daily Monitor
, vol.6
, Issue.26
Marples, D.1
Praski Accent, Talk Show of the Belarusian service of Radio Liberty, 24 Feb. 2009, accessed 8 March 2010; the River Bug marks the border between Poland and Belarus
Yurii Drakakhrust, 'Europa i apazitsiya: shto i kamu rabit?' [Europe and the opposition: what to do and to whom?], Praski Accent, Talk Show of the Belarusian service of Radio Liberty, 24 Feb. 2009, available at, http://www.svaboda.org/content/transcript/1498724. html., accessed 8 March 2010; the River Bug marks the border between Poland and Belarus.
Europa I Apazitsiya: Shto I Kamu Rabit?' [Europe and The Opposition: What to Do and To Whom?]
Drakakhrust, Y.1
Oppozitsiya Dolzhna Sotrudnichat' S Politicheskoi Sistemoi a Ne Stavit Yei Palki V Kolyosa
Belarus segodnya, 16 April 2009, accessed 8 March 2010
'Oppozitsiya dolzhna sotrudnichat' s politicheskoi sistemoi a ne stavit yei palki v kolyosa' [The opposition has to collaborate with the political system and not put a spoke in the wheell], Belarus segodnya, 16 April 2009, available at, http://www.sb.by/post/83978., accessed 8 March 2010.
The Opposition Has to Collaborate With the Political System and Not Put a Spoke In the Wheell
Dlya Sistemnoi Oppozitsii Gotovyat Mesta V Poslednem Vagone
Belorusskiye novosti, 21 April 2009, accessed 8 March 2010
Aleksandr Zaitsev, 'Dlya sistemnoi oppozitsii gotovyat mesta v poslednem vagone' [For the systemic opposition seats in the bandwagon are prepared], Belorusskiye novosti, 21 April 2009, available at, http://naviny.by/rubrics/politic/2009/04/21/ic_articles_112_162263., accessed 8 March 2010.
For the Systemic Opposition Seats In the Bandwagon Are Prepared
Zaitsev, A.1
Viachorka: Adbyusya Reidersky Zakhop
Radio Liberty Belarusian Service, 5 Sept. 2009, accessed 28 Jan. 2011
Ales Dashchynskii, 'Viachorka: Adbyusya reidersky zakhop' [Viachorka: This was a a hostile takeover], Radio Liberty Belarusian Service, 5 Sept. 2009, available at, http://www. svaboda.org/content/article/1815595.html., accessed 28 Jan. 2011.
Viachorka: This Was a A Hostile Takeover
Dashchynskii, A.1
Izbrannye Mesta Iz Perepiski S Druzyami
8 Sept. 2009, accessed 28 Jan. 2011
Alekander Feduta, 'Izbrannye mesta iz perepiski s druzyami' [Excerpts from correspondence with friends], 8 Sept. 2009, available at, http://feduta.livejournal.com/2009/09/08., accessed 28 Jan. 2011.
Excerpts From Correspondence With Friends
Feduta, A.1
Kazaniecki has long been known to the Belarusian authorities as the major distributor of grants to the Belarusian opposition and a coach of subversive activities. When in March 2006 a group of Orange Revolution imitators set up a tent camp on one of the main squares of Minsk protesting at the official outcome of the presidential elections, Belarus segodnya, the government daily, reported that the attempt was directed by Kazaniecki over a mobile phone. Lengthy excerpts from his allegedly intercepted conversations (from his base in Warsaw) with Viktor Korneyenko, his point-man in Minsk, were broadcasted by the Belarusian state TV and published by Belarus segodnya.
Liudi I Kukly
Belarus segodnya, 23 March 2006, accessed 28 Jan. 2011
Pavel Starodub, 'Liudi i kukly' [People and puppets], Belarus segodnya, 23 March 2006, available at, http://pda.sb.by/ post/50508/., accessed 28 Jan. 2011.
People and Puppets
Starodub, P.1
'Vazhneishiye rezultaty natsional'nogo oprosa v sentyabre 2009 goda', press release, Nashe mneniye, 6 Oct. 2009, accessed 8 March 2010
'Vazhneishiye rezultaty natsional'nogo oprosa v sentyabre 2009 goda' [Main results of the September 2009 national poll], press release, Nashe mneniye, 6 Oct. 2009; available at, http://nmnby.eu/pub/0910/06a.html., accessed 8 March 2010.
Main Results of the September 2009 National Poll
Speech delivered in Washington DC, May 2009, accessed 8 March 2010
Andrew Wilson, 'From Orange Revolution to Failed State?', Speech delivered in Washington DC, May 2009, available at, http://ecfr.3cdn.net/6715d63db63156c9b8_9xm6bhd8j.pdf., accessed 8 March 2010.
From Orange Revolution to Failed State?
Wilson, A.1
Prezidentskie Vybory-2010: Peizazh posle bitvy, Results of the December 2010 national public opinion poll by the IISEPS, accessed 28 Jan. 2011
Prezidentskie Vybory-2010: Peizazh posle bitvy' [Presidential election 2010: the Landscape after the battle], Results of the December 2010 national public opinion poll by the IISEPS, available at, http://www.iiseps.org/press1.html., accessed 28 Jan. 2011.
Presidential Election 2010: The Landscape After the Battle
Alexander Lukashenko: Politicheskii Portret
(Moscow: Partizan, 2010)
Valerii Karbalevich, Alexander Lukashenko: Politicheskii portret [Aleksandr Lukashenko: A political portrait] (Moscow: Partizan, 2010), p.381.
Aleksandr Lukashenko: A Political Portrait
, pp. 381
Valerii, K.1
21 Dec. 2010, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, accessed 28 Jan. 2011
Olga Shumylo-Tapiola, 'Causes and Consequences of Belarus's Post-Election Violence', 21 Dec. 2010, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, available at, http:// carnegieendowment.org/publications/index.cfm?fa=view&id=42168., accessed 28 Jan. 2011.
Causes and Consequences of Belarus's Post-Election Violence
Shumylo-Tapiola, O.1
12 Jan. 2011, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, accessed 28 Jan. 2011
Matthew Rojansky and Ambassador James F. Collins, 'A Post-Election Agenda for Belarus', 12 Jan. 2011, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, available at, http://www. carnegie.ru/publications/?fa=42282., accessed 28 Jan. 2011.
A Post-Election Agenda For Belarus
Rojansky, M.1
Collins, A.J.F.2
Glavnoye - Pomeshat' Rossii Proniknut' V Belarus
Delfi, 16 Jan. 2011, accessed 28 Jan. 2011
Vladimir Sokor, 'Glavnoye - pomeshat' Rossii proniknut' v Belarus' [The Main thing is to prevent Russia from penetrating Belarus], Delfi, 16 Jan. 2011, available at, http://ru.delfi.lt/ archive/article.php?id=40887083., accessed 28 Jan. 2011.
The Main Thing is To Prevent Russia From Penetrating Belarus
Sokor, V.1
S Protyanutoi Truboi
Belarus segodnya, 25 Jan. 2011, accessed 25 Jan. 2011
Nina Romanova, 'S protyanutoi truboi' [With an extended pipe], Belarus segodnya, 25 Jan. 2011, available at, http://www.sb.by/post/111520/., accessed 25 Jan. 2011.
With An Extended Pipe
Romanova, N.1