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J. Galvez Tan2005The National Nursing Crisis: 7 Strategic Solutions. Quezon City, Philippines: Philippines Center for Investigative Journalism. Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan 2010]; M. Kingma. 2006. Nurses on the Move. Migration and the Global Health Care Economy. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press: 29 ff2010
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Kingma, op. cit. note 2, p. 19; D.S. Kline. Push and Pull Factors in International Nurse Migration. J Nurs Scholarsh
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World Health Organization (WHO). 2003. International Nurse Mobility. Trends and Policy Implications. Geneva: WHO: 37. Hirschfeld notes that American nursing school have to turn away annually 150,000 qualified applicants due to understaffing. M.J. Hirschfeld. 2008. Globalisation: Good or Bad, for Whom? In The Globalisation of Nursing. V. Tschudin & C. Hancock, eds. Oxford/New York, NY: Radcliffe Publishing
World Health Organization (WHO). 2003. International Nurse Mobility. Trends and Policy Implications. Geneva: WHO: 37. Hirschfeld notes that American nursing school have to turn away annually 150,000 qualified applicants due to understaffing. M.J. Hirschfeld. 2008. Globalisation: Good or Bad, for Whom? In The Globalisation of Nursing. V. Tschudin & C. Hancock, eds. Oxford/New York, NY: Radcliffe Publishing200812-24
, pp. 12-24
WHO, op. cit. note 6
WHO, op. cit. note 642
Kingma, op. cit. note 2
Kingma, op. cit. note 231
Choy, op. cit. note 4
Choy, op. cit. note 425
Kingma, op. cit. note 2
Kingma, op. cit. note 227
Ibid: 27; Hirschfeld, op. cit. note 6
Ibid: 27; Hirschfeld, op. cit. note 617
Kingma, op. cit. note 2
Kingma, op. cit. note 2173
Brush & Sochalski, op. cit. note 1
Brush & Sochalski, op. cit. note 141
Kingma, op. cit. note 2
Kingma, op. cit. note 2173
Galvez Tan, op. cit. note 2
Galvez Tan, op. cit. note 2
Kingma, op. cit. note 2
Kingma, op. cit. note 2179
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Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA). 2006. OFW Global Presence. A Compendium of Overseas Employment Statistics 2006. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: POEA. Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan 2010]; Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA). 2007. 2007 Overseas Employment Statistics. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: POEA. Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA). 2006. OFW Global Presence. A Compendium of Overseas Employment Statistics 2006. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: POEA. Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan 2010]; Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA). 2007. 2007 Overseas Employment Statistics. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: POEA. Available at: [Accessed 11 Jan2010
Former Secretary of Health, Jaime Z. Galvez Tan points out that for example in 2001 the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) reported only 304 nurses moving to the United States. And, he continues: 'This is definitely gross underreporting since the International Union of Nurses reported that close to 10,000 Filipino nurses were directly hired by US based hospitals in 2001 through their nursing job fairs held in various parts of the Philippines.' (Galvez Tan, op. cit. note
Former Secretary of Health, Jaime Z. Galvez Tan points out that for example in 2001 the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) reported only 304 nurses moving to the United States. And, he continues: 'This is definitely gross underreporting since the International Union of Nurses reported that close to 10,000 Filipino nurses were directly hired by US based hospitals in 2001 through their nursing job fairs held in various parts of the Philippines.' (Galvez Tan, op. cit. note2001
Manila Times. 2007. Editorial: Our Nurses in Japan. The Manila Times Internet Edition 9 January. Available at: [Accessed 10 Jan 2009]; R. Tulfo. 2007. What's Wrong with Sending Nurses to Japan? Philippine Daily Inquirer 16 October. Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr
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Galvez Tan, op. cit. note 2
Galvez Tan, op. cit. note 2
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A lot of the public discussion being waged around this emigration took place in the context of nationalism. On the one hand it was considered a sell-out if the most skilled leave the country, mainly by the country's leading newspaper. On the other hand, it was pointed out that given the wretched condition of the country, to leave it is the only possibility to secure one's family a better life (P.N. Abinales & D.J. Amoroso. 2005. State and Society in the Philippines. New York, NY/ Oxford, UK: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers: 299 f.). It was later noted by the Philippine Daily Inquirer, not without a sort of delayed satisfaction, that abroad there is 'no greener pasture' as the country's 'top notcher' resigned his job due to unsatisfactory living conditions, but was quick to find a new one (G. Lirio. 2006. No Greener Pasture for Top notcher. Philippine Daily Inquirer 4 September. Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr
A lot of the public discussion being waged around this emigration took place in the context of nationalism. On the one hand it was considered a sell-out if the most skilled leave the country, mainly by the country's leading newspaper. On the other hand, it was pointed out that given the wretched condition of the country, to leave it is the only possibility to secure one's family a better life (P.N. Abinales & D.J. Amoroso. 2005. State and Society in the Philippines. New York, NY/ Oxford, UK: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers: 299 f.). It was later noted by the Philippine Daily Inquirer, not without a sort of delayed satisfaction, that abroad there is 'no greener pasture' as the country's 'top notcher' resigned his job due to unsatisfactory living conditions, but was quick to find a new one (G. Lirio. 2006. No Greener Pasture for Top notcher. Philippine Daily Inquirer 4 September. Available at: [Accessed 27 Apr 2010
Lorenzo, op. cit. note 22
Lorenzo, op. cit. note 221414
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The assumption Rawls works on is that people understand and define themselves in absolute terms rather than relative to the rest of society. In reality one might as well prefer being slightly worse off, if the rich neighbour is on the same level as oneself. However, Rawls works on the assumption that people in the original position, behind the veil of ignorance, are mutually disinterested. In defence of Rawls, one also has to point out that behind the veil of ignorance we can reasonably expect people to choose to live in a society where, absolutely speaking, all people are better off even though there is some amount of inequality, which however still allows everyone to successfully aspire for a socially and economically higher position
The assumption Rawls works on is that people understand and define themselves in absolute terms rather than relative to the rest of society. In reality one might as well prefer being slightly worse off, if the rich neighbour is on the same level as oneself. However, Rawls works on the assumption that people in the original position, behind the veil of ignorance, are mutually disinterested. In defence of Rawls, one also has to point out that behind the veil of ignorance we can reasonably expect people to choose to live in a society where, absolutely speaking, all people are better off even though there is some amount of inequality, which however still allows everyone to successfully aspire for a socially and economically higher position
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On a personal note, people in objectively wretched conditions, such as city slum-dwellers in Manila, who can access neither health care nor basic education for their children, would easily trade some of their basic liberties for the benefits of social and economic equality. Their economic and social position does not allow them to be equal members of society and so they end up being deprived not only of social participation but ultimately also of their basic rights. For a concrete account of this deprivation, this inability to articulate their demands, see: A.M.G. Rodriguez. The Mass Raises Its Ugly Head: When the Margins Speak with Their Own Voices. The Loyola Schools Review: School of Humanities
On a personal note, people in objectively wretched conditions, such as city slum-dwellers in Manila, who can access neither health care nor basic education for their children, would easily trade some of their basic liberties for the benefits of social and economic equality. Their economic and social position does not allow them to be equal members of society and so they end up being deprived not only of social participation but ultimately also of their basic rights. For a concrete account of this deprivation, this inability to articulate their demands, see: A.M.G. Rodriguez. The Mass Raises Its Ugly Head: When the Margins Speak with Their Own Voices. The Loyola Schools Review: School of Humanities200877-99
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Rawls, op. cit. note 3715
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To what extent the theoretical, postulated pluralism of Western society is indeed actualized is another question. The rhetorical commitment is not necessarily followed by a pluralistic practice, as discussions about minarets in Switzerland, about non-Christian religious instruction in Austria and gay-marriages in the United States show, to name just a few examples.
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Galvez Tan, op. cit. note 2
Rawls, op. cit. note 46
Rawls, op. cit. note 4675
Walzer, op. cit. note 56
Walzer, op. cit. note 565