Allman, Eric, The State of Spam, https://db. usenix.org/events/usenix04/audio/allman.mp3, June 2004.
The State of Spam
Allman, Eric1
January, 2003 this talk Raymond explained his rationale for developing Bogofilter; he was primarily interested in putting a tool in the hands of end users since it was believed that Bayesian methods would not work in a centralized fashion. This point was summarized by Chris Devers in the June, 2003 of ;login magazine as follows: "As good as Graham's Bayesian algorithm is, ESR felt as did many of the other speakers that the nature of your spam/ham corpus is much more significant than the relative difference among any handful of reasonably good algorithms. (Back to the oft-repeated point about how corpus effectiveness falls apart when used for a group of users, as opposed to individuals)
Raymond, Eric S., 2003 MIT Spam Conference: Lessons from Bogofilter, http://www.usenix.org/ publications/login/2003-06/openpdfs/spam.pdf, January, 2003. In this talk Raymond explained his rationale for developing Bogofilter; he was primarily interested in putting a tool in the hands of end users since it was believed that Bayesian methods would not work in a centralized fashion. This point was summarized by Chris Devers in the June, 2003 issue of ;login magazine as follows: "As good as Graham's Bayesian algorithm is, ESR felt - as did many of the other speakers - that the nature of your spam/ham corpus is much more significant than the relative difference among any handful of reasonably good algorithms. (Back to the oft-repeated point about how corpus effectiveness falls apart when used for a group of users, as opposed to individuals.)"
MIT Spam Conference: Lessons from Bogofilter
Raymond, Eric S.1
Knowles, Brad, Considered Harmful: SPF . . ., http://bradknowles.typepad.com/considered_ harmful/2004/05/spf.html, May 2004.
Considered Harmful: SPF
Knowles, Brad1
Paganini, Marco, ASK: Active Spam Killer http:// www.usenix.org/events/usenix03/tech/freenix03/ full_papers/paganini/paganini_html/node2.html# SECTION00022000000000000000, April 2003.
ASK: Active Spam Killer
Paganini, Marco1
Robinson, Gary, Spam Detection, http://radio. weblogs.com/0101454/stories/2002/09/16/spam Detection.html, September 2002.
Spam Detection
Robinson, Gary1
February 2004. This article references John Graham-Cumming's work in defeating Bayesian filters using other Bayesian filters. While Graham Cumming found this method can work, his conclusion was that it is very costly and quickly blocked. Nevertheless, many administrators and weblogs continue to point to this experiment (and specifically this article) as "proof that Bayesian filters can be easily defeated
Ward, Mark, How to Make Spam Unstoppable, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3458457. stm, February 2004. This article references John Graham-Cumming's work in defeating Bayesian filters using other Bayesian filters. While Graham- Cumming found this method can work, his conclusion was that it is very costly and quickly blocked. Nevertheless, many administrators and weblogs continue to point to this experiment (and specifically this article) as "proof " that Bayesian filters can be easily defeated.
How to Make Spam Unstoppable
Ward, Mark1