Some noetico-noematic analyses of action and practical life
ed. John Drummond and Lester Embree Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Lester Embree, "Some Noetico-Noematic Analyses of Action and Practical Life", in The Phenomenology of the Noema, ed. John Drummond and Lester Embree (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992)
The Phenomenology of the Noema
Embree, L.1
Advances regarding evaluation and action in Husserl's ideas II
ed. Thomas Nenon and Lester Embree Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
and "Advances regarding Evaluation and Action in Husserl's Ideas II", in Issues in Husserl's "Ideas II", ed. Thomas Nenon and Lester Embree (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996).
Issues in Husserl's "Ideas II"
There is no naturalistic epochē, reduction, and purification
ed. Tadeshi Ogawa, Michael Lazarin, and Guido Rappe Munich: Indicum
Lester Embree, "There is no Naturalistic epochē, Reduction, and Purification", in Interculturelle Philosophie und Phänomenologie in Japan, ed. Tadeshi Ogawa, Michael Lazarin, and Guido Rappe (Munich: Indicum, 1998), 75-84.
Interculturelle Philosophie und Phänomenologie in Japan
, pp. 75-84
Embree, L.1
The problem of representational adequacy or how to evidence an ecosystem
ed. Steven Galt Crowell Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Lester Embree, "The Problem of Representational Adequacy or How to Evidence an Ecosystem", in The Prism of the Self: Philosophical Essays in Honor of Maurice Natanson, ed. Steven Galt Crowell (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995).
The Prism of the Self: Philosophical Essays in Honor of Maurice Natanson
Embree, L.1
The constitutional problematics of non-relativity or how to dump garbage in Nobody's backyard
ed. Brice R. Wachterman Evanston: Northwestern University Press
Lester Embree, "The Constitutional Problematics of Non-Relativity or How to Dump Garbage in Nobody's Backyard" in Phenomenology and Skepticism: Festschrift for James M. Edie, ed. Brice R. Wachterman (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1996).
Phenomenology and Skepticism: Festschrift for James M. Edie
Embree, L.1
A gurwitschean model of culture or how to use a spearthrower
ed. J. Claude Evans Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Lester Embree, "A Gurwitschean Model of Culture or How to Use a Spearthrower", in To Work at the Foundations: Essays in Memory of Aron Gurwitsch, ed. J. Claude Evans (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996).
To Work at the Foundations: Essays in Memory of Aron Gurwitsch
Embree, L.1
Introduction: Reflection on the cultural disciplines
ed. Mano Daniel and Lester Embree Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Lester Embree, "Introduction: Reflection on the Cultural Disciplines" in Phenomenology of the Cultural Disciplines, ed. Mano Daniel and Lester Embree (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994).
Phenomenology of the Cultural Disciplines
Embree, L.1
Critical Study of Edmund Husserl, 'Nachwort zu meinen Ideen zu einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenologischen Philosophie'
Aron Gurwitsch, "Critical Study of Edmund Husserl, 'Nachwort zu meinen Ideen zu einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenologischen Philosophie, '" Deutsche Literaturzeitung (1932).
Deutsche Literaturzeitung
Gurwitsch, A.1
The phenomenology of representational awareness
Lester Embree, "The Phenomenology of Representational Awareness", Human Studies 15 (1992).
Human Studies
, pp. 15
Embree, L.1
Problems of the value of nature in phenomenological perspective or what to do about snakes in the grass
ed. James G. Hart and Lester Embree Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers
Lester Embree, "Problems of the Value of Nature in Phenomenological Perspective or What to do about Snakes in the Grass", in Phenomenology of Values and Valuing, ed. James G. Hart and Lester Embree (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997).
Phenomenology of Values and Valuing
Embree, L.1
A perspective on the rationality of scientific technology or how to buy a car
ed. Timothy Casey and Lester Embree Washington, D. C.: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America
Lester Embree, "A Perspective on the Rationality of Scientific Technology or How to Buy a Car" in Lifeworld and Technology, ed. Timothy Casey and Lester Embree (Washington, D. C.: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America, 1989)
Lifeworld and Technology
Embree, L.1
An environmental phenomenological examination of electric vehicle technology
and "An Environmental Phenomenological Examination of Electric Vehicle Technology", in Technology and Environmental Philosophy, ed.
Technology and Environmental Philosophy
Phenomenology of action for ecosystemic health or how to tend one's own garden
ed. Don Marietta and Lester Embree Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield
Lester Embree, "Phenomenology of Action for Ecosystemic Health or How to Tend One's Own Garden" in Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Activism, ed. Don Marietta and Lester Embree (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 1995).
Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Activism
Embree, L.1
Philosophy as a striving toward universal sophia in the integral sense
ed. Lester Embree Washington, D. C.: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America
Dorion Cairns, "Philosophy as a Striving toward Universal sophia in the Integral Sense" in Essays in Memory of Aron Gurwitsch, ed. Lester Embree (Washington, D. C.: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America, 1984).
Essays in Memory of Aron Gurwitsch
Cairns, D.1