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Volumn 247, Issue 11-12, 2010, Pages 2968-2973

1D goes 2D: A Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in superconducting arrays of 4-Angstrom carbon nanotubes

Author keywords

1D to 3D crossover; Berezinskii Kosterlitz Thouless transition; Nanotubes; Superconductivity

Indexed keywords


EID: 78649707769     PISSN: 03701972     EISSN: 15213951     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1002/pssb.201000151     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (2)

References (39)
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    • The samples were prepared in the same manner as that described in [3].
    • The samples were prepared in the same manner as that described in [3].
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    • This sample differs from the one whose electrical resistance vs. temperature was shown [3], which reflects the behavior of a 1D (fluctuating) superconducting bundle that presumably acts as the critical link bridging the conducting path.
    • This sample differs from the one whose electrical resistance vs. temperature was shown [3], which reflects the behavior of a 1D (fluctuating) superconducting bundle that presumably acts as the critical link bridging the conducting path.
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    • As the occupation fraction for the superconducting nanotubes in the transverse plane must be less than 100%, it remains an open possibility that the transition temperature could be dependent on the fraction [38,39] of superconducting nanotubes in the zeolite pores.
    • As the occupation fraction for the superconducting nanotubes in the transverse plane must be less than 100%, it remains an open possibility that the transition temperature could be dependent on the fraction [38, 39] of superconducting nanotubes in the zeolite pores.
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    • In references [14-17], the mentioned BKT transition refers to the binding-unbinding transition of quantum phase slips of opposite helicities so that a zero-resistance state becomes possible even in a 1D superconducting wire. This is in contrast to the BKT transition in the transverse plane that mediates a 1D to 3D crossover.
    • In references [14-17], the mentioned BKT transition refers to the binding-unbinding transition of quantum phase slips of opposite helicities so that a zero-resistance state becomes possible even in a 1D superconducting wire. This is in contrast to the BKT transition in the transverse plane that mediates a 1D to 3D crossover.
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