More precisely, the riskier lower-rated tranches of subprime securitizations were them- selves used as the raw material (in place of the original mortgage loans) to create second- and third-generation resecuritizations. Many of the biggest problems in the crisis arose from the fact that large fractions of these resecuritized vehicles were also rated aaa, in spite of the dubious collateral supporting them. This is where the most extreme alchemy can be said to have taken place.
The data in the figure come from Thompson sdc. While the "nontraditional" category includes securitizations based on subprime mortgage loans, it does not include securitizations based on prime mortgage loans, such as mortgage-backed securities guaranteed by the government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. I am grateful to Sam Hanson, who put together the data and shared it with me.
For a detailed study of this phenomenon, NBER working paper 15730 (National Bureau of Economic Research, 2010)
For a detailed study of this phenomenon, See Viral Acharya, Phillip Schnabl, and Gustavo Suarez, Securitization without Risk Transfer, NBER working paper 15730 (National Bureau of Economic Research, 2010).
Securitization without Risk Transfer
Acharya, V.1
Schnabl, P.2
Suarez, G.3
The bank-run hypothesis is articulated in Gorton and Metrick, "Securitized Banking and the Run on Repo," as well as in Daniel Covitz, Nellie Liang, and Gustavo Suarez, "The Anatomy of a Financial Crisis: The Evolution of Panic-Driven Runs in the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Market," working paper (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, 2009).
For more detail on the evolution of repo-market haircuts during the crisis period
For more detail on the evolution of repo-market haircuts during the crisis period, Gorton and Metrick, Securitized Banking and the Run on Repo.
Securitized Banking and The Run On Repo
discussion paper 1715R (Cowles Foundation, 2010); and in Jeremy Stein, "Monetary Policy as Financial-Stability Regulation," working paper (Harvard University, 2010)
John Geanakoplos, The Leverage Cycle,discus- sion paper 1715R (Cowles Foundation, 2010); and in Jeremy Stein, "Monetary Policy as Financial-Stability Regulation," working paper (Harvard University, 2010).
The Leverage Cycle
Geanakoplos, J.1
This scale is used by both Standard and Poor's and Fitch. The other major rating agency, Moody's, has a somewhat different alphanumeric convention, albeit with similarly finegrained categories: Aaa, Aa1, Aa2, Aa3, A1, A2, etc.