It is acknowledged that the recent financial crisis broke out in 2007. Hence reference will be made to 2007 in relation to incidences prior to the financial crisis.
It is acknowledged that the recent financial crisis broke out in 2007. Hence reference will be made to 2007 in relation to incidences prior to the financial crisis.
Report of the High Level Group on Financial Supervision (February 2009), available at and particularly Brief Summary of the De Larosiere Report, available at , at 3.
http://www.iasplus.com/restruct/euro2009.htm,http://ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/president/pdf/statement_20090225.pdf Report of the High Level Group on Financial Supervision (February 2009), available at and particularly Brief Summary of the De Larosiere Report, available at , at 3.
Brief Summary, ibid, at 2
Brief Summary, ibid, at 2.
This is the tendency for periods of financial and economic downturns or booms to be further exacerbated. Certain economic or financial policies could also be pro-cyclical; eg Basel II's pro-cyclical effects have been criticised.
This is the tendency for periods of financial and economic downturns or booms to be further exacerbated. Certain economic or financial policies could also be pro-cyclical; eg Basel II's pro-cyclical effects have been criticised.
EU Supervision Report Criticises IASB, available at
EU Supervision Report Criticises IASB, available at http://www.iasplus.com/restruct/euro2009.htm.
A situation which arises where disparity exists between the duration of maturity of assets and liabilities. It could occur where the duration of maturity for liabilities exceeds that of assets (short term) and also where the duration of term for assets exceeds that of liabilities (medium and long term). For example, where an undertaking possesses more short-term liabilities than short-term assets or more assets than liabilities for medium- and long-term obligations. The disparity between the periods of maturity for assets and liabilities could determine the state of the company's liquidity.
A situation which arises where disparity exists between the duration of maturity of assets and liabilities. It could occur where the duration of maturity for liabilities exceeds that of assets (short term) and also where the duration of term for assets exceeds that of liabilities (medium and long term). For example, where an undertaking possesses more short-term liabilities than short-term assets or more assets than liabilities for medium- and long-term obligations. The disparity between the periods of maturity for assets and liabilities could determine the state of the company's liquidity.
Report, at 43, available at The High Level Group proposed, a fundamental review of the Basel II rules' with the Basel Committee of Banking Supervisors being called upon to make amendments to such rules for the purpose of increasing minimum capital requirements in a gradual manner, reducing pro-cyclicality through the facilitation of dynamic provisioning or capital buffers, introducing more stringent requirements for off balance sheet items, introducing stricter rules for the management of liquidity, and consolidating rules for banks' internal control and risk management; see Report of the High Level, op cit n 2 supra
http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/finances/docs/de_larosiere_report_en.pdf. Report, at 43, available at The High Level Group proposed, a fundamental review of the Basel II rules' with the Basel Committee of Banking Supervisors being called upon to make amendments to such rules for the purpose of increasing minimum capital requirements in a gradual manner, reducing pro-cyclicality through the facilitation of dynamic provisioning or capital buffers, introducing more stringent requirements for off balance sheet items, introducing stricter rules for the management of liquidity, and consolidating rules for banks' internal control and risk management; see Report of the High Level, op cit n 2 supra.
A First EU Response to Enron Related Policy Issues, available at at 3.
http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/company/docs/enron/ecofin_2004_04_enron_en.pdfA First EU Response to Enron Related Policy Issues, available at at 3.
http://www.iasplus.com/europe/0906mccreevy.pdf International Financial Reporting Standards in Europe: Commissioner McCreevy Comments on Accounting and Financial Crisis' Seeks Loss Provisioning Reforms, available at and Speech by C McCreevy, Some Aspects of Economic and Financial Crisis, available at
http://www.iasplus.com/restruct/euro2009.htm,http://www.iasplus.com/europe/0906mccreevy.pdf.International Financial Reporting Standards in Europe: Commissioner McCreevy Comments on Accounting and Financial Crisis' Seeks Loss Provisioning Reforms, available at and Speech by C McCreevy, Some Aspects of Economic and Financial Crisis, available at.
International Financial Reporting Standards in Europe: McCreevy Seeks Loss Provisioning Reforms, available at
International Financial Reporting Standards in Europe: McCreevy Seeks Loss Provisioning Reforms, available at http://www.iasplus.com/restruct/euro2009.htm
Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 on the application of international accounting standards, [2002] OJ L243/1, Recital 5
Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 on the application of international accounting standards, [2002] OJ L243/1, Recital 5.
The difference between what users of financial statements, the general public perceive an audit to be and what the audit profession claim is expected of them in conducting an audit
The difference between what users of financial statements, the general public perceive an audit to be and what the audit profession claim is expected of them in conducting an audit.
Ball, op cit n 10 supra, at 6 and 17
Ball, op cit n 10 supra, at 6 and 17.
Regulation 1606/2002, n 14 supra, Recital 7
Regulation 1606/2002, n 14 supra, Recital 7.
Collectively referred to as the 'Founding Fathers' or member body organisations. See the website available at
Collectively referred to as the 'Founding Fathers' or member body organisations. See the website available at http://www.efrag.org/content/default.asp?id=4103.
the website available at
the website available at http://www.efrag.org/content/default.asp?id=4103.
Working Arrangement Between European Commission and EFRAG, available at at 1
Working Arrangement Between European Commission and EFRAG, available at at 1http://www.efrag.org/images/Efrag/EFRAG-EC%20Working%20Arrangement.pdf.
the website available at
the website available at http://www.efrag.org/content/default.asp?id=4104.
The inability of the reporting requirements to guarantee the required level of transparency and comparability
The inability of the reporting requirements to guarantee the required level of transparency and comparability.
On the annual accounts of certain types of companies
On the annual accounts of certain types of companies.
On consolidated accounts
On consolidated accounts.
On the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of banks and other financial institutions
On the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of banks and other financial institutions.
On the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of insurance companies
On the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of insurance companies.
Recitals 1-3 of Regulation 1606/2002, n 14 supra
Recitals 1-3 of Regulation 1606/2002, n 14 supra.
Regulation 1606/2002, See ibid, Recital 4
Regulation 1606/2002, See ibid, Recital 4.
IASB/IASC Foundation Response to April 2009 G20 Recommendations, available at
IASB/IASC Foundation Response to April 2009 G20 Recommendations, available at http://www.iasb.org/NR/rdonlyres/3E1B44D3-DE0C-4684-905F-51CD0C70BDB5/0/UpdatedAprilG20Matrix21April.pdf.
Under this Regulation, which mandates the application of IFRSs by all European listed companies, in their consolidated financial statements, as from 2005, the European Commission is to obtain advice from a technical committee before it endorses standards. See the website available at
Under this Regulation, which mandates the application of IFRSs by all European listed companies, in their consolidated financial statements, as from 2005, the European Commission is to obtain advice from a technical committee before it endorses standards. See the website available at http://www.efrag.org/content/default.asp?id=4103.
Implementation of International Accounting and Auditing Standards: lessons learned from the World Bank's Accounting and Auditing ROSC (Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes) Program, 2004 (World Bank publications, at 5, available at
Implementation of International Accounting and Auditing Standards: lessons learned from the World Bank's Accounting and Auditing ROSC (Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes) Program, 2004 (World Bank publications, at 5, available at http://www.worldbank.org/ifa/LessonsLearned_ROSC_AA.pdf.
A First EU Response, op cit n 9 supra, at 3
A First EU Response, op cit n 9 supra, at 3.
This Standard is aimed at 'establishing principles for recognising and measuring financial assets, financial liabilities and some contracts to buy or sell non-financial items'. See IAS 39 Financial Instruments, Recognition and Measurement, available at
This Standard is aimed at 'establishing principles for recognising and measuring financial assets, financial liabilities and some contracts to buy or sell non-financial items'. See IAS 39 Financial Instruments, Recognition and Measurement, available at http://www.iasb.org/NR/rdonlyres/1D9CBD62-F0A8-4401-A90D-483C63800CAA/0/IAS39.pdf.
Conference on Financial Reporting in a Changing World (7-8 May 2009), at 2
P. Ebling, Conference on Financial Reporting in a Changing World (7-8 May 2009), at 2.
Ebling, P.1
IFRS requirements are not only considered to be complex for users and those who prepare such rules, but are considered not to be fully inconsistent with other IFRS requirements. These issues are currently being addressed by the IASB and it has published two exposure drafts, with final drafts being expected by mid-2010
IFRS requirements are not only considered to be complex for users and those who prepare such rules, but are considered not to be fully inconsistent with other IFRS requirements. These issues are currently being addressed by the IASB and it has published two exposure drafts, with final drafts being expected by mid-2010.
Overview of Accounting Issues Raised by the Crisis, Conference on Financial Reporting in a Changing World, n 44 supra, at 2
P. Ebling, Overview of Accounting Issues Raised by the Crisis, Conference on Financial Reporting in a Changing World, n 44 supra, at 2.
Ebling, P.1
Accounting and Procyclicality, Conference on Financial Reporting in a Changing World, n 44 supra, at 2
M. Grande, Accounting and Procyclicality, Conference on Financial Reporting in a Changing World, n 44 supra, at 2.
Grande, M.1
Brief Summary of the De Larosiere Report, op cit n 2 supra, at 9
Brief Summary of the De Larosiere Report, op cit n 2 supra, at 9.
IASB/IASC Foundation Response, op cit n 34 supra
IASB/IASC Foundation Response, op cit n 34 supra.
Communication from the European Commission on European Financial Supervision, available at,at 4
Communication from the European Commission on European Financial Supervision, available at,at 4.http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/insurance/docs/2009-markt-docs/communication-2009-252_en.pdf
Basel II: Revised International Capital Framework, available at
Basel II: Revised International Capital Framework, available at http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbsca.htm.
Enhancements to Basel II Framework, July 2009, available at
Enhancements to Basel II Framework, July 2009, available at http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs157.htm.
Report of the High Level Group, op cit n 2 supra and particularly Brief Summary, op cit n 2 supra, at 8
Report of the High Level Group, op cit n 2 supra and particularly Brief Summary, op cit n 2 supra, at 8.
Global Plan Annex - Declaration on Strengthening the Financial System, available at
Global Plan Annex - Declaration on Strengthening the Financial System, available at http://www.number10.gov.uk/Page18929.
Advanced Financial Accounting (Pearsons Education, 7th edn, 2004), at 53 and also B. Epstein and E. Jermakowicz, Interpretation and Application of International Financial Reporting Standards (John Wiley and Sons, 2008), at 12
R. Lewis , D. Pendrill, Advanced Financial Accounting (Pearsons Education, 7th edn, 2004), at 53 and also B. Epstein and E. Jermakowicz, Interpretation and Application of International Financial Reporting Standards (John Wiley and Sons, 2008), at 12.
Lewis, R.1
Pendrill, D.2
CESR Standard No 1 (Enforcement of Standards on Financial Information in Europe), at 9, available at
CESR Standard No 1 (Enforcement of Standards on Financial Information in Europe), at 9, available at http://www.iasplus.com/europe/0303cesrstandard1.pdf.
Brief Summary, op cit n 2 supra, at 9
Brief Summary, op cit n 2 supra, at 9.
Strengthening CESR, CEBS and CEIOPS and Funding IASB/IASCF, EFRAG, PIOB, and CESR, available at
Strengthening CESR, CEBS and CEIOPS and Funding IASB/IASCF, EFRAG, PIOB, and CESR, available at http://www.iasplus.com/restruct/euro2009.htm.
Brief Summary, op cit n 2 supra, at 13-16 for Recommendations 16-24; at 8-12 for Recommendations 1-15 (Policy and Regulation Repair); at 17-18 for Recommendations 25-31
Brief Summary, op cit n 2 supra, at 13-16 for Recommendations 16-24; at 8-12 for Recommendations 1-15 (Policy and Regulation Repair); at 17-18 for Recommendations 25-31.
Ball, op cit n 10 supra, at 17
Ball, op cit n 10 supra, at 17.
Report of the High Level Group, op cit n 2 supra and particularly Brief Summary, op cit n 2 supra, at 8
Report of the High Level Group, op cit n 2 supra and particularly Brief Summary, op cit n 2 supra, at 8.
The IASB Chairman addresses the European Parliament, available at
The IASB Chairman addresses the European Parliament, available at http://www.iasb.org/News/Announcements+and+Speeches/The+IASB+Chairman+Addresses+European+Parliament+-+read+the+full+address.htm.
op cit n 83 supra, at 50
Lewis and Pendrill, op cit n 83 supra, at 50.
La Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens, Audit Liability in the EU (Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens Publications,
La Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens, Audit Liability in the EU (Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens Publications, 2001).
at 2 and 3 of the document available at
at 2 and 3 of the document available at http://www.cmvm.pt/NR/rdonlyres/542657CE-77E4-47A2-BF28-2A18F392C8C7/1559/norma1_inf_financeira.pdf.
CESR Standard No 1, n 85 supra, at 3
CESR Standard No 1, n 85 supra, at 3.
Principle one states that 'the purpose of enforcement of standards on financial information provided by the issuers mentioned by principle 9 is to protect investors and promote market confidence by contributing to the transparency of financial information relevant to the investors' decision making process. With regard to financial statements, the above implies that enforcement contributes to a consistent application of the IFRSs in the EU financial regulated markets'. See Standard No 1, ibid, at 4
Principle one states that 'the purpose of enforcement of standards on financial information provided by the issuers mentioned by principle 9 is to protect investors and promote market confidence by contributing to the transparency of financial information relevant to the investors' decision making process. With regard to financial statements, the above implies that enforcement contributes to a consistent application of the IFRSs in the EU financial regulated markets'. See Standard No 1, ibid, at 4.
The reporting framework includes the accounting and disclosure standards adopted by the EU'; see See the website available at
The reporting framework includes the accounting and disclosure standards adopted by the EU'; see See the website available at http://www.cesr-eu.org/popup2.php?id=5788.
The Interaction between FSA Enforcement Action and Compliance: A Help or a Hindrance?
R. Turner, 'The Interaction between FSA Enforcement Action and Compliance: A Help or a Hindrance?', 2005 132 Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 142.
Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 142
, vol.13
, Issue.2
Turner, R.1
Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens, Enforcement Mechanisms in Europe: A Preliminary Investigation of Oversight Systems (Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens Publications, April 2001), at 4, available at
Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens, Enforcement Mechanisms in Europe: A Preliminary Investigation of Oversight Systems (Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens Publications, April 2001), at 4, available at http://www.fee.be/publications/default.asp?library_ref=4&content_ref=108.
Harmonization of International Accounting Standards in Europe, paper presented at the 3rd FCM Conference, Challenge Facing the Profession (Bucharest, 26-27 May 2003), at 3
A. Dutescu, Harmonization of International Accounting Standards in Europe, paper presented at the 3rd FCM Conference, Challenge Facing the Profession (Bucharest, 26-27 May 2003), at 3.
Dutescu, A.1
furthermore, Principle 17 of CESR Standard No 1 states that 'Actions taken by enforcers should be distinguished from sanctions imposed by the national legislation'
furthermore, Principle 17 of CESR Standard No 1 states that 'Actions taken by enforcers should be distinguished from sanctions imposed by the national legislation'.
CESR Standard No 1, n 85 supra, Principle 18
CESR Standard No 1, n 85 supra, Principle 18.
Enforcement of Accounting Standards in Europe: Empirical Evidence for the Two-Tier Mechanism in Germany, Working Paper, Tilburg University, Working Paper Series WP2009-132, INTACCT Research Network,at 14
J. Ernstberger, J. Hitz and M. Stich, Enforcement of Accounting Standards in Europe: Empirical Evidence for the Two-Tier Mechanism in Germany, Working Paper, Tilburg University, Working Paper Series WP2009-132, INTACCT Research Network,at 14. 2009.
Ernstberger, J.1
Hitz, J.2
Stich, M.3
CESR Standard No 1, n 85 supra, at 7
CESR Standard No 1, n 85 supra, at 7.
Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens, op cit n 108 supra, at 8
Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens, op cit n 108 supra, at 8.
Will Harmonizing Accounting Standards Really Harmonize Accounting? Evidence from Non US Firms adopting US GAAP, Working Paper
M. T. Bradshaw and G. S. Miller, Will Harmonizing Accounting Standards Really Harmonize Accounting? Evidence from Non US Firms adopting US GAAP, Working Paper 2007
Bradshaw, M.T.1
Miller, G.S.2
Ernstberger et al, op cit n 113 supra, at 2
Ernstberger et al, op cit n 113 supra, at 2.
the website available at, at 12 and 13
the website available at, at 12 and 13. http://www.frc.org.uk/about/annual.cfm
CESR Standard No 1, n 85 supra, at 8.
Summary of CESR's Self Assessment of the Implementation of Standard No 2 on Financial Information - Coordination of Enforcement Activities' and Final Report on CESR's Peer Review of the Implemenatation of Standard No 2 on Financial Information, available at
Summary of CESR's Self Assessment of the Implementation of Standard No 2 on Financial Information - Coordination of Enforcement Activities' and Final Report on CESR's Peer Review of the Implemenatation of Standard No 2 on Financial Information, available at http://www.cesr-eu.org/data/document/09_188.pdf.
For greater in-depth analysis on how external auditor's expertise could be harnessed more effectively in proactive monitoring processes undertaken by regulators and standard setters, see M. Ojo, The Need For Greater Pro Active Involvement by Regulators in Financial Regulation and Supervision: Lessons From the Legal and General Case', Munich Personal RePEcArchive Working Paper, available at
For greater in-depth analysis on how external auditor's expertise could be harnessed more effectively in proactive monitoring processes undertaken by regulators and standard setters, see M. Ojo, The Need For Greater Pro Active Involvement by Regulators in Financial Regulation and Supervision: Lessons From the Legal and General Case', Munich Personal RePEcArchive Working Paper, available at http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/13688/.
European Financial Reporting Advisory Group website, available at European Financial Reporting Advisory Group website, available at
European Financial Reporting Advisory Group website, available at http://www.efrag.org/content/default.asp?id=4103.
Summary of CESR's Self Assessment and Final Report on CESR's Peer Review, op cit n 130 supra.
Ball, op cit n 10 supra, at 6 and 17.
FEE's statement 'A New Approach to Setting Global Financial Reporting Standards', at 2, available at,Of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 July 2002 on the application of international accounting standards; see Recital 16 of the Regulation
FEE's statement 'A New Approach to Setting Global Financial Reporting Standards', at 2, available at,Of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 July 2002 on the application of international accounting standards; see Recital 16 of the Regulation.http://www.iasplus.com/europe/0907feepolicy.pdf.
Also see CESR Standard No 1, n 85 supra, at 3
Also see CESR Standard No 1, n 85 supra, at 3.
For information on all the principles, see Also see Presentation by H. van Damme, FEE President, EC Conference, Financial Reporting in a Changing World, How to Keep Financial Reporting Relevant
For information on all the principles, see Also see Presentation by H. van Damme, FEE President, EC Conference, Financial Reporting in a Changing World, How to Keep Financial Reporting Relevant.
A full adoption of such IFRSs is recommended; see Need for Global and Principle Based Standards, available at
A full adoption of such IFRSs is recommended; see Need for Global and Principle Based Standards, available at http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/accounting/docs/conference_052009/van_damme_en.pdf.