Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, Second Edition, 1988 Revision. Chicago: American Library Association, 1988
Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, Second Edition, 1988 Revision. Chicago:American Library Association, 1988.
Caplan, Priscilla. “Cataloging Internet Resources.” The Public-Access Computer Systems Review 4, no. 2 (1993): 61-66. Accessed: Sept. 10, 2003
Caplan, Priscilla. “Cataloging Internet Resources.” The Public-Access Computer Systems Review 4, no. 2 (1993):61-66. Accessed:Sept. 10, 2003. http://info.lib.uh.edu/pr/v4/n2/caplan.4n2
Coleman, Anita. 2003. Knowledge Structures Toolbox. Accessed: Sept. 10, 2003
Coleman, Anita. 2003. Knowledge Structures Toolbox. Accessed:Sept. 10, 2003. http://radio.weblogs.com/0109575/stories/2003/01/17/toolbox.html
This document is updated regularly and provides a list of digital libraries and tools useful for metadata creation. It also points to resources such as the Metadata Resources page maintained by IFLA
This document is updated regularly and provides a list of digital libraries and tools useful for metadata creation. It also points to resources such as the Metadata Resources page maintained by IFLA.
DCMI Bibliography. 2003. Corey A. Harper and Eric Sharfe DCMI Type Vocabulary. Accessed: Dec. 3, 2003
DCMI Bibliography. 2003. Corey A. Harper and Eric Sharfe DCMI Type Vocabulary. Accessed:Dec. 3, 2003. http://dublincore. org/documents/dcmi-terms/#H5
This WWW document is a small controlled vocabulary for the DC element Type. It lists the names of the vocabulary terms used for this element and provides a brief definition. These controlled vocabulary terms have all been approved by the DCMI Usage Board. A new vocabulary term, Physical Object was added in the last year
This WWW document is a small controlled vocabulary for the DC element Type. It lists the names of the vocabulary terms used for this element and provides a brief definition. These controlled vocabulary terms have all been approved by the DCMI Usage Board. A new vocabulary term, Physical Object was added in the last year.
Hillmann, Diane. 2003. Using Dublin Core. Accessed: Sept. 10, 2003
Hillmann, Diane. 2003. Using Dublin Core. Accessed:Sept. 10, 2003. http://dublincore.org/documents/usageguide
The new version provides more examples for the elements. It also streamlines the distinctions between using DC in one of two levels: Simple and qualified. The Bibliography covers the years 1994 through mid-2003 and lists more than 100 entries and is arranged by year
But, in the tradition of WWW resources, which seldom have one creator, others have contributed sections, The whole document is available by following hyperlinks in the Table of Contents
This is the most recent (published August 26, 2003), newly revised, official guide to using the DC elements, available freely via the WWW. The previous version of this document was published in 2001. The new version provides more examples for the elements. It also streamlines the distinctions between using DC in one of two levels:simple and qualified. The Bibliography covers the years 1994 through mid-2003 and lists more than 100 entries and is arranged by year. Diane Hillman is the author of the base document titled Using Dublin Core. But, in the tradition of WWW resources, which seldom have one creator, others have contributed sections. The whole document is available by following hyperlinks in the Table of Contents.
Diane Hillman is the author of the base document titled Using Dublin Core
The title and creators of the section and direct URLs for each of the sections are as follows: introduction—Diane Hillman, Syntax, Storage and Maintenance Issues—Diane Hillman, Element Content and Controlled Vocabularies—Diane Hillmann
The title and creators of the section and direct URLs for each of the sections are as follows:introduction—Diane Hillman, Syntax, Storage and Maintenance Issues—Diane Hillman, Element Content and Controlled Vocabularies—Diane Hillmann
The Elements—Diane Hillman
The Elements—Diane Hillman http://dublincore.org/documents/usageguide
Dublin Core Qualifiers—Diane Hillmann
Dublin Core Qualifiers—Diane Hillmann http://dublincore.org/documents/usageguide/elements.shtml
Glossary—Mary S. Woodley, Gail Clement, and Peter Winn
Glossary—Mary S. Woodley, Gail Clement, and Peter Winn http://dublincore.org/usageguide/qualifiers.shtml
IEEE LTSC. 2002. Draft Standard for Learning Object Metadata. Accessed: Sept. 10, 2003
IEEE LTSC. 2002. Draft Standard for Learning Object Metadata. Accessed:Sept. 10, 2003. http://ltsc.ieee.org/doc/wg12/LOM_1484_12_1_v1_Final_Draft.pdf
This document is an Adobe PDF file (needs the Adobe Acrobat reader). The Learning Technologies Standards Committee has been working on Learning Object metadata for a long time and it is now a fully approved IEEE standard. A joint memorandum was signed in 2001 by IEEE and Dublin Core agreeing to work together on the development of the educational elements of the metadata
This document is an Adobe PDF file (needs the Adobe Acrobat reader). The Learning Technologies Standards Committee has been working on Learning Object metadata for a long time and it is now a fully approved IEEE standard. A joint memorandum was signed in 2001 by IEEE and Dublin Core agreeing to work together on the development of the educational elements of the metadata.
OCLC. 2003. Cataloging Electronic Resources: OCLC-MARC Coding Guidelines. Accessed: Sept. 10, 2003
OCLC. 2003. Cataloging Electronic Resources:OCLC-MARC Coding Guidelines. Accessed:Sept. 10, 2003. http://www.oclc.org/support/documentation/worldcat/cataloging/electronicresources/
This document provides detailed help on the definition of electronic resources, how to determine form and type and on 'integrating resources.' It is a good background document to read although it is a guide for using MARC in electronic resources cataloging
This document provides detailed help on the definition of electronic resources, how to determine form and type and on 'integrating resources.' It is a good background document to read although it is a guide for using MARC in electronic resources cataloging.
Olson, Nancy. Editor. Cataloging Internet Resources. Accessed: Sept. 10, 2003
Olson, Nancy. Editor. Cataloging Internet Resources. Accessed:Sept. 10, 2003. http://www.oclc.org/support/documentation/worldcat/cataloging/internetguide/
Request to catalog an internet resource: UCSD Library bibliographers only. 2003. Accessed: Sept. 10, 2003
Request to catalog an internet resource:UCSD Library bibliographers only. 2003. Accessed:Sept. 10, 2003. http://tpot.ucsd.edu/Cataloging/coldev.html
This site shows how electronic government documents and other genres of electronic resources are fast becoming standard items for description in the library catalog. The related websites cataloging practice section is an especially good one to read
This online form is part of the University of San Diego's TPOT, Technical Processing Online Tools website, which has been serving the libraries since 1994. This site shows how electronic government documents and other genres of electronic resources are fast becoming standard items for description in the library catalog. The related websites cataloging practice section is an especially good one to read. Common bibliographic relationships among web documents are described.
Common bibliographic relationships among web documents are described
Web Resources on “Cataloging Internet Resources”—the following two guides were written in the 1990s. They are thus not about cataloging using DC but, they are excellent guides, although outdated, for cataloging electronic resources using MARC/AACR2R
Web Resources on “Cataloging Internet Resources”—the following two guides were written in the 1990s. They are thus not about cataloging using DC but, they are excellent guides, although outdated, for cataloging electronic resources using MARC/AACR2R.