Translators' note: We have chosen to use the expression 'de-stituent' as a translation of the Spanish word 'destituyente', which makes reference to the power that unseats a regime, in order to preserve the resonances that indicate a power opposite to that which institutes or that which is part of a constitutive process. We use the hyphen to avoid confusion with the English word 'destitute'. which carries connotations of impoverishment.
From the French gouvernementalité, a term coined by Foucauld to emphasise the close link between forms of power and processes of subjectification
From the French 'gouvernementalité', a term coined by Foucauld to emphasise the close link between forms of power and processes of subjectification.
Colectivo Situaciones (2002), Apuntes para el nuevo protagonismo social, no. 1920, Buenos Aires: Ediciones de mano en mano
Colectivo Situaciones (2002), Apuntes para el nuevo protagonismo social, no. 19/20, Buenos Aires: Ediciones de mano en mano.
The Spanish slang word escrache refers to a particular kind of demonstration often involving public shaming
The Spanish slang word 'escrache' refers to a particular kind of demonstration often involving public shaming.
Members of organisations of unemployed workers whose main form of protest was the piquete, or road block
Members of organisations of unemployed workers whose main form of protest was the piquete, or road block.
for a fuller analysis, Colectivo Situaciones, ¿La vuelta de la politica
See, for a fuller analysis, Colectivo Situaciones, '¿La vuelta de la politica?', www.situaciones.org
We use the concept of biopolitics in a broader sense and without discriminating here between the interpretations that have emerged since the work of Foucault (particularly, in current Italian political philosophy: Agamben, Espósito, Hardt and Negri, Virno, etc.). We propose instead a conceptual image that we take from López Petit and that could be useful for our purpose: the fact that capital has become indistinguishable from existence, from life itself, and that to undertake a reconquest of emancipatory activity it is impossible to think from an external space about capital and its power mechanisms. In this context, all resistance, all counter-actions are immediately political, bioresistant.
A different thesis is the one Negri proposes concerning the power of movements that are passing through at a distance (atravesamiento con distanciamiento). See interview with Toni Negri, 'Cambio de paradigmas', by Veronica Gago, Página/12, Buenos Aires, 4 December 2007
A different thesis is the one Negri proposes concerning the power of movements that are 'passing through at a distance' (atravesamiento con distanciamiento). See interview with Toni Negri, 'Cambio de paradigmas', by Veronica Gago, Página/12, Buenos Aires, 4 December 2007.
This idea of a neoliberalism of the left is elborated on by Raúl Zibechi. See interview with him by M. Laura Carpinetta: 'Seguimos bajo un modelo neoliberal', Página/12, Buenos Aires, 23 September 2008
This idea of a 'neoliberalism of the left' is elborated on by Raúl Zibechi. See interview with him by M. Laura Carpinetta: 'Seguimos bajo un modelo neoliberal', Página/12, Buenos Aires, 23 September 2008.