It should be obvious from my description that the instability to which I refer is not the disturbance to civic peace attendant upon so cial and political contestation. In such cases, in cluding those involving widespread civil dis obedience, a structure of laws and accountabili ty is in place - and it is precisely this structure that becomes a target for protesters to the ex tent that they believe the law encodes specific injustices. I am referring to law-less situations of cruelty, arbitrariness, violence, and caprice - and these abound at present. 1 It should be obvious from my description that the instability to which I refer is not the disturbance to civic peace attendant upon so cial and political contestation. In such cases, in cluding those involving widespread civil dis obedience, a structure of laws and accountabili ty is in place - and it is precisely this structure that becomes a target for protesters to the ex tent that they believe the law encodes specific injustices. I am referring to law-less situations of cruelty, arbitrariness, violence, and caprice - and these abound at present.
Thucydides, it must be noted, did not pres ent the Melian dialogue as a depiction of exem plary behavior on the part of the Athenian gen erals; indeed, it presaged disaster for Athens. Oddly enough, however, contemporary realists often identify this extreme instance of the use of force as a case in point for their perspective
Thucydides, it must be noted, did not pres ent the Melian dialogue as a depiction of exem plary behavior on the part of the Athenian gen erals; indeed, it presaged disaster for Athens. Oddly enough, however, contemporary realists often identify this extreme instance of the use of force as a case in point for their perspective.
I would not use U.S. military personnel to re spond to authentic natural disasters, like flood relief. International humanitarian relief agen cies, including non-military U.S. personnel and NGOs, should be deployed in such instances. In light of the current war on terror, deploying our military to respond to the aftermath of hurricanes and the like will stretch us too thin. Humanitarian relief and coercive force must be kept distinct, in part to limit coercive force rather than bury it under the humanitarian rubric
I would not use U.S. military personnel to re spond to authentic natural disasters, like flood relief. International humanitarian relief agen cies, including non-military U.S. personnel and NGOs, should be deployed in such instances. In light of the current war on terror, deploying our military to respond to the aftermath of hurricanes and the like will stretch us too thin. Humanitarian relief and coercive force must be kept distinct, in part to limit coercive force rather than bury it under the humanitarian rubric.
Here precision-guided weaponry has rolled back many arguments that modern war and the just war tradition are by definition incompatible. This is surely true of a total war absent restraint. It is not true of a limited war fought, with restraint, in order to punish egregious aggression, to interdict terrible violence, and to prevent further harm
Here precision-guided weaponry has rolled back many arguments that modern war and the just war tradition are by definition incompatible. This is surely true of a total war absent restraint. It is not true of a limited war fought, with restraint, in order to punish egregious aggression, to interdict terrible violence, and to prevent further harm.