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Volumn 36, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 223-242

From body and home to nation and world: The varying scales of transnational urbanism in montreal and brussels at the turn of the twentieth century

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EID: 76749140500     PISSN: 09639268     EISSN: 14698706     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1017/S0963926809006269     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (7)

References (85)
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    • 76749092052 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Archives de Montréal (hereafter AM), VM45, Fonds du comité de santé (hereafter CS), S1. Letter from the Board of Health to the Finance Committee, dated 12 Aug. 1889.
    • Archives de Montréal (hereafter AM), VM45, Fonds du comité de santé (hereafter CS), S1. Letter from the Board of Health to the Finance Committee, dated 12 Aug. 1889.
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    • La toile municipale aux XIXe-XXe siècles: Un panorama transnational vu d'Europe'
    • See, in particular, the work of
    • See, in particular, the work of Pierre-Yves Saunier, 'La toile municipale aux XIXe-XXe siècles: un panorama transnational vu d'Europe', Revue d'histoire urbaine, 34 (2006), 163-76;
    • (2006) Revue d'histoire urbaine , vol.34 , pp. 163-176
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    • Pierre-Yves Saunier, 'Transatlantic connections and circulations in the 20th century: the urban variable', Informationen zur modernen Stadgeschichte, 1 (2007), 11-24.
    • (2007) Informationen zur modernen Stadgeschichte , vol.1 , pp. 11-24
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    • AM, VM21, CS, S2. Letter from J. George Adami on behalf of the Montreal League for the Prevention of Tuberculois to the city council, dated 11 Apr. 1905.
    • AM, VM21, CS, S2. Letter from J. George Adami on behalf of the Montreal League for the Prevention of Tuberculois to the city council, dated 11 Apr. 1905.
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    • Laberge's battle, it should be noted, was waged within an ongoing war between the two departments. In a time when municipal sanitation departments were increasingly organized in the growing cities of industrialized countries, Montreal's health officials frequently found themselves pleading the validity of their cause to the city's budgeters. Thus, when, 10 years later, Laberge attended the 27th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in Minneapolis, he was forced to dip into the budgets for the public baths and milk inspection service to cover the costs. AM, VM45, CS, S1. Health board departmental note, dated Oct. 1899. On Montreal's municipal health service, and Laberge's career in particular, see Benôit Gaumer, Georges Desrosiers and Othmar Keel, Histoire du Service de santé de la ville de Montréal Sainte-Foy 2002
    • Laberge's battle, it should be noted, was waged within an ongoing war between the two departments. In a time when municipal sanitation departments were increasingly organized in the growing cities of industrialized countries, Montreal's health officials frequently found themselves pleading the validity of their cause to the city's budgeters. Thus, when, 10 years later, Laberge attended the 27th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association in Minneapolis, he was forced to dip into the budgets for the public baths and milk inspection service to cover the costs. AM, VM45, CS, S1. Health board departmental note, dated Oct. 1899. On Montreal's municipal health service, and Laberge's career in particular, see Benôit Gaumer, Georges Desrosiers and Othmar Keel, Histoire du Service de santé de la ville de Montréal (Sainte-Foy 2002).
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    • AM. A.B. LaRocque, 'Rapport annuel de l'état sanitaire de la cité de Montréal pour l'année 1882', 23.
    • AM. A.B. LaRocque, 'Rapport annuel de l'état sanitaire de la cité de Montréal pour l'année 1882', 23.
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    • 6 Apr
    • 'Le tracé des villes', Tekhné, 2 (6 Apr. 1911), 17.
    • (1911) Tekhné , vol.2 , pp. 17
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    • Competing scales in transnational networks: The impossible travel of Patrick Geddes' Cities Exhibition to America, 1911-1913'
    • Pierre Chabard, 'Competing scales in transnational networks: the impossible travel of Patrick Geddes' Cities Exhibition to America, 1911-1913', Urban History, 36 (2009).
    • (2009) Urban History , vol.36
    • Chabard, P.1
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    • 1642527744 scopus 로고
    • Bruxelles, chronique d'une capitale en chantier
    • For a comprehensive examination of these projects, see, Brussels
    • For a comprehensive examination of these projects, see Thierry Demey, Bruxelles, chronique d'une capitale en chantier, vol. I: Du voûtement de la Senne à la jonction Nord-Midi (Brussels, 1990).
    • (1990) Du voûtement de la Senne à la jonction Nord-Midi , vol.1
    • Demey, T.1
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    • 84966754170 scopus 로고
    • L'Haussmannisation de Bruxelles
    • On the Parisian influence on urban development in Brussels, see, 1994
    • On the Parisian influence on urban development in Brussels, see Anne Van Loo, 'L'Haussmannisation de Bruxelles, 1865-1880', Revue de l'Art, 106 (1994), 39-49.
    • (1865) Revue de l'Art , vol.106 , pp. 39-49
    • Van Loo, A.1
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    • Isabelle Gournay and France Vanlaethem eds, Toronto
    • Isabelle Gournay and France Vanlaethem (eds.), Montreal Metropolis, 1880-1930 (Toronto, 1998);
    • (1998) Montreal Metropolis, 1880-1930
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    • 76749167194 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • As historian Alan Mayne argues, the result of nineteenth-century urbanization was that more people lived in 'constellations of urban places' than in 'the handful of metropolitan centres with populations over a million inhabitants'. These smaller cities, he continues, 'were networked components of an interactive urban world system. The exchanges amongst this hierarchy of towns and cities consisted not only of products and capital, or even of the movement of peoples. They also comprised the circulation of ideas.' Alan Mayne, The Imagined Slum: Newspaper Representation in Three Cities, 1870-1914 (London, 1993), 5-6.
    • As historian Alan Mayne argues, the result of nineteenth-century urbanization was that more people lived in 'constellations of urban places' than in 'the handful of metropolitan centres with populations over a million inhabitants'. These smaller cities, he continues, 'were networked components of an interactive urban world system. The exchanges amongst this hierarchy of towns and cities consisted not only of products and capital, or even of the movement of peoples. They also comprised the circulation of ideas.' Alan Mayne, The Imagined Slum: Newspaper Representation in Three Cities, 1870-1914 (London, 1993), 5-6.
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    • AM, VM45, S1. Report entitled 'Assainissement des villes', by Jules Thomas Emilien, addressed to the members of the Comite de sante de la Ville de Montreal. Undated, c. 1891. Original citations in French have been translated by the author throughout.
    • AM, VM45, S1. Report entitled 'Assainissement des villes', by Jules Thomas Emilien, addressed to the members of the Comite de sante de la Ville de Montreal. Undated, c. 1891. Original citations in French have been translated by the author throughout.
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    • 76749128158 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Travel diary of Charles Buls, 1903. Archives de la Ville de Bruxelles, Fonds Buls, Box 95. On the former mayor's conception of urbanism, see Charles Buls, Esthétique des villes (Brussels, 1893).
    • Travel diary of Charles Buls, 1903. Archives de la Ville de Bruxelles, Fonds Buls, Box 95. On the former mayor's conception of urbanism, see Charles Buls, Esthétique des villes (Brussels, 1893).
  • 20
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    • On culturalist approaches to urban planning, see, Paris
    • On culturalist approaches to urban planning, see Françoise Choay L'urbanisme. Utopies et realit́es (Paris, 1965), 21-30.
    • (1965) L'urbanisme. Utopies et realit́es , pp. 21-30
    • Choay, F.1
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    • 'Were we American, we would have no scruples; with a few strokes of a pencil, we would trace a series of perfectly rectilinear streets, intersecting at right angles on perfectly level ground.' Buls, Esthétique des villes, 8.
    • 'Were we American, we would have no scruples; with a few strokes of a pencil, we would trace a series of perfectly rectilinear streets, intersecting at right angles on perfectly level ground.' Buls, Esthétique des villes, 8.
  • 24
    • 65549112679 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For more on this theme, see Patrice Bourdelais ed, Paris
    • For more on this theme, see Patrice Bourdelais (ed.), Les hygiénistes: enjeux, modèles et pratiques (Paris, 2001).
    • (2001) Les hygiénistes: Enjeux, modèles et pratiques
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    • Anne Rasmussen, 'L'hygiène en congrès (1858-1912): circulation et configurations internationales', in ibid., 220.
    • Anne Rasmussen, 'L'hygiène en congrès (1858-1912): circulation et configurations internationales', in ibid., 220.
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    • 76749129055 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Du Limousin aux cultures sensibles
    • inJean-Pierre Rioux and, eds, Paris
    • Alain Corbin, 'Du Limousin aux cultures sensibles',inJean-Pierre Rioux and Jean-François Sirinelli (eds.), Pour une histoire culturelle (Paris, 1997);
    • (1997) Pour une histoire culturelle
    • Corbin, A.1
  • 31
    • 76749103493 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In Montreal and its immediate suburbs, the population increased from 170,000 to 530,000 between censuses in 1881 and 1911. Linteau, Histoire de Montréal depuis la Confédération. In the same period, Brussels' population swelled from 437,000 to 757,000.
    • In Montreal and its immediate suburbs, the population increased from 170,000 to 530,000 between censuses in 1881 and 1911. Linteau, Histoire de Montréal depuis la Confédération. In the same period, Brussels' population swelled from 437,000 to 757,000.
  • 33
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    • Le logement de la famille ouvrière. Ce qu'il doit être, ce qu'il est, comment l'améliorer'
    • The word 'prosperous' is in quotes in the original, to denote irony
    • E.E.M. Gouin, 'Le logement de la famille ouvrière. Ce qu'il doit être, ce qu'il est, comment l'améliorer', L'école sociale populaire, 9-11 (1912), 18. The word 'prosperous' is in quotes in the original, to denote irony.
    • (1912) L'école sociale populaire , vol.9-11 , pp. 18
    • Gouin, E.E.M.1
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    • 84941266668 scopus 로고
    • La ville "congestionnée": Acteurs et langage de la réforme urbaine à New York au début du XXe siècle
    • Christian Topalov, 'La ville "congestionnée": acteurs et langage de la réforme urbaine à New York au début du XXe siècle', Genèses, 1 (1990), 90.
    • (1990) Genèses , vol.1 , pp. 90
    • Topalov, C.1
  • 36
    • 76749098989 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For the international context, see Sally Sheard and Helen Power eds, Aldershot
    • For the international context, see Sally Sheard and Helen Power (eds.), Body and City: Histories of Urban Public Health (Aldershot, 2000), 6;
    • (2000) Body and City: Histories of Urban Public Health , pp. 6
  • 38
    • 76749162463 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On Montreal in particular, refer to Michèle Dagenais, Des pouvoirs et des hommes: l'administration municipale de Montréal, 1900-1950 (Montreal, 2000), 21-5;
    • On Montreal in particular, refer to Michèle Dagenais, Des pouvoirs et des hommes: l'administration municipale de Montréal, 1900-1950 (Montreal, 2000), 21-5;
  • 40
    • 76749149664 scopus 로고
    • Association pour l'amélioration du logement ouvrier
    • Association pour l'amélioration du logement ouvrier, Annual Report (1896), 25.
    • (1896) Annual Report , pp. 25
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    • Emile Hellemans, 'Rapport sur les bains populaires en Allemagne', in Comite de Patronage des Habitations Ouvrieres et des Institutions de Prevoyance, Rapport sur l'exercice 1897 (Brussels, 1898), 32-43.
    • Emile Hellemans, 'Rapport sur les bains populaires en Allemagne', in Comite de Patronage des Habitations Ouvrieres et des Institutions de Prevoyance, Rapport sur l'exercice 1897 (Brussels, 1898), 32-43.
  • 43
    • 0004254362 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On the evolution of western norms of cleanliness and bodily deportment, see
    • On the evolution of western norms of cleanliness and bodily deportment, see Elias, The Civilizing Process.
    • The Civilizing Process
    • Elias1
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    • 76749099440 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AM. Louis Laberge, 'Rapport annuel de l'état sanitaire de la cité de Montréal pour l'année 1885', 99.
    • AM. Louis Laberge, 'Rapport annuel de l'état sanitaire de la cité de Montréal pour l'année 1885', 99.
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    • 34347261394 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • From hygeia to the garden city: Bodies, houses and the rediscovery of the slum in Manchester, 1875-1910
    • Harold Platt, 'From hygeia to the garden city: bodies, houses and the rediscovery of the slum in Manchester, 1875-1910', Journal of Urban History, 33 (2007), 756-62.
    • (2007) Journal of Urban History , vol.33 , pp. 756-762
    • Platt, H.1
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    • 76749114484 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On the links between health and home, see Adams, Architecture in the Family Way. On the medical discourse shaping understandings of the home environment in this period, see also Platt, 'From hygeia to the garden city'.
    • On the links between health and home, see Adams, Architecture in the Family Way. On the medical discourse shaping understandings of the home environment in this period, see also Platt, 'From hygeia to the garden city'.
  • 53
    • 76749128157 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • These were sparked, in particular, by the discoveries of Robert Koch in the 1870s and 1880s. See Jean-Pierre Goubert, La conquête de l'eau: l'avènement de la santé à l'âge industriel (Paris, 1986), 50. When it came to ensuring the health of a house, 'ce qu'on ne voit pas est plus essentiel que ce qui est exposé à la vue', warned hygiene professor, and Brussels water-service engineer, Félix and E. Putzeijs.
    • These were sparked, in particular, by the discoveries of Robert Koch in the 1870s and 1880s. See Jean-Pierre Goubert, La conquête de l'eau: l'avènement de la santé à l'âge industriel (Paris, 1986), 50. When it came to ensuring the health of a house, 'ce qu'on ne voit pas est plus essentiel que ce qui est exposé à la vue', warned hygiene professor, and Brussels water-service engineer, Félix and E. Putzeijs.
  • 55
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    • Cleansing, draining and sanitizing the city: Conceptions and uses of water in the Montreal region
    • Michèle Dagenais and Caroline Durand, 'Cleansing, draining and sanitizing the city: conceptions and uses of water in the Montreal region', Canadian Historical Review, 87 (2006), 650.
    • (2006) Canadian Historical Review , vol.87 , pp. 650
    • Dagenais, M.1    Durand, C.2
  • 57
    • 76749124084 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • One of the most meticulous examinations of the evolution of this distinction is Elias, The Civilizing Process. The following address the public and private divide within a specifically urban context: Viviane Claude, Faire la ville: les métiers de l'urbanisme au XXe siècle (Marseilles, 2006);
    • One of the most meticulous examinations of the evolution of this distinction is Elias, The Civilizing Process. The following address the public and private divide within a specifically urban context: Viviane Claude, Faire la ville: les métiers de l'urbanisme au XXe siècle (Marseilles, 2006);
  • 60
    • 76749139149 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Platt, 'From hygeia to the garden city'. On the way it evolved in Montreal, see Michèle Dagenais, Faire et fuir la ville: espaces publics de culture et de loisirs à Montréal et Toronto au 19e et 20e siècles (Quebec, 2006).
    • Platt, 'From hygeia to the garden city'. On the way it evolved in Montreal, see Michèle Dagenais, Faire et fuir la ville: espaces publics de culture et de loisirs à Montréal et Toronto au 19e et 20e siècles (Quebec, 2006).
  • 66
    • 76749143103 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Elzéar Pelletier, Nos logis insalubres. Our Unhealthy Dwellings (Conseil d'hygiène de la province de Québec, 1910), 16. Without enough fresh air and light, cautioned one doctor, 'we inevitably see the appearance of a series of morbid symptoms caused by alteration of the blood'. Inadequate hygiene led to higher death rates, preceded in all cases by 'a chronic degeneration of the organism'. Report by Dr Lantsheere, in Ville de Bruxelles. Comité de patronage des habitations ouvrières et des institutions de prévoyance. 'Rapport sur l'exercise de 1899', 23.
    • Elzéar Pelletier, Nos logis insalubres. Our Unhealthy Dwellings (Conseil d'hygiène de la province de Québec, 1910), 16. Without enough fresh air and light, cautioned one doctor, 'we inevitably see the appearance of a series of morbid symptoms caused by alteration of the blood'. Inadequate hygiene led to higher death rates, preceded in all cases by 'a chronic degeneration of the organism'. Report by Dr Lantsheere, in Ville de Bruxelles. Comité de patronage des habitations ouvrières et des institutions de prévoyance. 'Rapport sur l'exercise de 1899', 23.
  • 69
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    • 'Urinating or defecating anywhere but in the home, outside in the streets or public places, is socially proscribed.' This dynamic, explains Goubert, had a definite sensorial imperative, the priority being 'épargner la vue et supprimer l'odeur.' Goubert, La conquête de l'eau, 88- 90. Emphasis in the original. The Belgian housing specialist Maurice Falloise noted that buildings with several apartments, as many workers lived in, should be designed such that each household had access to its own balcony on which all water-related facilities were located, thus reducing the possibilities for people to come into contact in the context of henceforth highly private activity. Maurice Falloise, De la construction d'habitations ouvrières (Liège, 1906), 41.
    • 'Urinating or defecating anywhere but in the home, outside in the streets or public places, is socially proscribed.' This dynamic, explains Goubert, had a definite sensorial imperative, the priority being 'épargner la vue et supprimer l'odeur.' Goubert, La conquête de l'eau, 88- 90. Emphasis in the original. The Belgian housing specialist Maurice Falloise noted that buildings with several apartments, as many workers lived in, should be designed such that each household had access to its own balcony on which all water-related facilities were located, thus reducing the possibilities for people to come into contact in the context of henceforth highly private activity. Maurice Falloise, De la construction d'habitations ouvrières (Liège, 1906), 41.
  • 70
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    • AM. Louis Laberge, 'Rapport de l'état sanitaire de la cité de Montréal pour l'année 1885', 12.
    • AM. Louis Laberge, 'Rapport de l'état sanitaire de la cité de Montréal pour l'année 1885', 12.
  • 71
    • 76749106254 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • AM. Louis Laberge, 'Rapport de l'état sanitaire de la cité de Montréal pour l'année 1899', 10.
    • AM. Louis Laberge, 'Rapport de l'état sanitaire de la cité de Montréal pour l'année 1899', 10.
  • 72
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    • 28 Aug
    • AM, CS, VM 45, 28 Aug. 1882.
    • (1882) , vol.VM 45
    • AM, C.S.1
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    • Province de Québec, Rapport de la Commission Royale de la Tuberculose (Province de Québec, 1910), 78.
    • Province de Québec, Rapport de la Commission Royale de la Tuberculose (Province de Québec, 1910), 78.
  • 77
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    • On the moralizing discourse in Brussels specifically, see Patricia Van Den Eekhout, 'Brussels', in Daunton (ed.), Housing the Workers, 67-106, as well as Peter Scholliers, 'Construire le bon et le mauvais. Les ouvriers à Bruxelles vers 1900', and Janet Polasky, 'L'approche moralisante de la question sociale. Le modèle du bon ouvrier', in Cahiers de la Fonderie, 36 (2007), 12-19 and 25-30.
    • On the moralizing discourse in Brussels specifically, see Patricia Van Den Eekhout, 'Brussels', in Daunton (ed.), Housing the Workers, 67-106, as well as Peter Scholliers, 'Construire le bon et le mauvais. Les ouvriers à Bruxelles vers 1900', and Janet Polasky, 'L'approche moralisante de la question sociale. Le modèle du bon ouvrier', in Cahiers de la Fonderie, 36 (2007), 12-19 and 25-30.
  • 81
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    • Maurice van der Bruggen,inVilledeBruxelles. Comité officiel de patronage des habitations ouvrières et des institutions de prévoyance. Rapport sur l'exercice 1905 (Brussels, 1906), 178.
    • Maurice van der Bruggen,inVilledeBruxelles. Comité officiel de patronage des habitations ouvrières et des institutions de prévoyance. Rapport sur l'exercice 1905 (Brussels, 1906), 178.
  • 82
    • 76749115850 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Gouin, 'Le logement de la famille ouvrière', 7. Such references to incest were often veiled and hushed, at other times explicit and direct, but in all cases expressed with a sense of profound discomfort. Commission du travail instituée par arrêté royal du 15 avril 1886, R éponses au questionnaire concernant le travail industriel, I (Brussels, 1887),
    • Gouin, 'Le logement de la famille ouvrière', 7. Such references to incest were often veiled and hushed, at other times explicit and direct, but in all cases expressed with a sense of profound discomfort. Commission du travail instituée par arrêté royal du 15 avril 1886, R éponses au questionnaire concernant le travail industriel, vol. I (Brussels, 1887),

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