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Volumn 11, Issue 4, 2009, Pages 327-345

EU mobility partnerships: A model of policy coordination?

Author keywords

Comprehensive approach; European Neighbourhood Policy; Illegal immigration; Mobility

Indexed keywords

EID: 70450265330     PISSN: 1388364X     EISSN: 15718166     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1163/138836409X12501577630623     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (38)

References (53)
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    • 70450281645 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • An earlier version of this article was presented at the conference 'A New Partnership for the Eastern Neighbours: German and Polish Perspectives', Berlin, 24-25 November 2008 and is available from the website of the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik under the title: Mobility Partnerships: Valuable Addition to the ENP Repertoire?. The present article expands the focus of analysis beyond the relationship between the Partnerships and ENP, and has benefited from subsequent interviews and expert comments for which the author expresses his gratitude. I am also most grateful to the anonymous reviewer of this article
    • An earlier version of this article was presented at the conference 'A New Partnership for the Eastern Neighbours: German and Polish Perspectives', Berlin, 24-25 November 2008 and is available from the website of the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik under the title: Mobility Partnerships: Valuable Addition to the ENP Repertoire?. The present article expands the focus of analysis beyond the relationship between the Partnerships and ENP, and has benefited from subsequent interviews and expert comments for which the author expresses his gratitude. I am also most grateful to the anonymous reviewer of this article.
  • 2
    • 70450282472 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Council of the European Union (2008), Joint Declaration on a Mobility Partnership between the Euro pean Union and the Republic of Cape Verde, 9460/08 ADD 2, 21 May 2008
    • Council of the European Union (2008), Joint Declaration on a Mobility Partnership between the Euro pean Union and the Republic of Cape Verde, 9460/08 ADD 2, 21 May 2008.
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    • For useful analysis of this and other migration routes from Africa to the EU: Haas, Hein de, Irregular Migration from West Africa to the Maghreb and the European Union: An Overview of Recent Trends, Paper 32, prepared for the IOM, 2008
    • For useful analysis of this and other migration routes from Africa to the EU: Haas, Hein de, Irregular Migration from West Africa to the Maghreb and the European Union: An Overview of Recent Trends, Paper 32, prepared for the IOM, 2008;
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    • Council of the European Union (2008), Joint Declaration on the Signature of a Mobility Partnership between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova, 9460/08 ADD 1, 21st May 2008. On facilitated illegal immigration via this route, see for example: Europol, 'Facilitated illegal immigration into the European Union', Factsheet
    • Council of the European Union (2008), Joint Declaration on the Signature of a Mobility Partnership between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova, 9460/08 ADD 1, 21st May 2008. On facilitated illegal immigration via this route, see for example: Europol, 'Facilitated illegal immigration into the European Union', Factsheet, 2008, http://www.europol.europa.eu/publications/ Serious-Crime-Over-views/Facilitated-illegal-immigration-2008.pdf.
    • (2008)
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    • On this co-opting see: Lavenex, Sandra, 'Shifting Up and Out: The Foreign Policy of European Immigration Control
    • On this co-opting see: Lavenex, Sandra, 'Shifting Up and Out: the Foreign Policy of European Immigration Control', West European Politics, 29(2), 2006, pp. 329-350.
    • (2006) West European Politics , vol.29 , Issue.2 , pp. 329-350
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    • The use of the term 'roadmap' may risk imputing too high a degree of clarity and planning in these agendas. All three of these agendas are fluid and still being formulated
    • The use of the term 'roadmap' may risk imputing too high a degree of clarity and planning in these agendas. All three of these agendas are fluid and still being formulated.
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    • 70450258793 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Confidential interview, July 2009. It would also be interesting to examine the compatibility of the Partnerships with other core migration-policy agendas such as the desire to create a common European migration policy. Practitioners note, for example, that the Mobility Partnerships diminish the pressure for a common approach to legal migration. This is because they permit EU Member States to opt into the Partnerships as they see fit, rather than demanding an EU-wide approach to migration relations with the chosen third country
    • Confidential interview, July 2009. It would also be interesting to examine the compatibility of the Partnerships with other core migration-policy agendas such as the desire to create a common European migration policy. Practitioners note, for example, that the Mobility Partnerships diminish the pressure for a common approach to legal migration. This is because they permit EU Member States to opt into the Partnerships as they see fit, rather than demanding an EU-wide approach to migration relations with the chosen third country.
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    • 70450249532 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • It should be acknowledged that the Mobility Partnership with Moldova is not necessarily representa tive of other Mobility Partnerships, either existent or putative: those actors involved in the conception of the first round of Partnerships state that it was far more difficult to formulate the development policy- related aspects of the Partnership with Moldova than it was with Cape Verde. A number of initiatives with Moldova foundered on that country's disinclination to think of itself as a 'developing state'. Many of the eastern EU Member States pushing for the Moldovan Partnership have less experience of development policy than their partners to the South
    • It should be acknowledged that the Mobility Partnership with Moldova is not necessarily representa tive of other Mobility Partnerships, either existent or putative: those actors involved in the conception of the first round of Partnerships state that it was far more difficult to formulate the development policy- related aspects of the Partnership with Moldova than it was with Cape Verde. A number of initiatives with Moldova foundered on that country's disinclination to think of itself as a 'developing state'. Many of the eastern EU Member States pushing for the Moldovan Partnership have less experience of development policy than their partners to the South.
  • 10
    • 70450271798 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Asylum and immigration policy: Efficient realisation of a modest agenda
    • See: Daniela Kietz and Volker Perthes (eds.), Research Paper 2008/1
    • See: Parkes, Roderick, 'Asylum and Immigration Policy: Efficient Realisation of a Modest Agenda', in: Daniela Kietz and Volker Perthes (eds.), The Potential of the Council Presidency: An Analysis of Germany's Chairmanship of the EU, 2007, Research Paper 2008/1, pp. 49-55.
    • (2007) The Potential of the Council Presidency: An Analysis of Germany's Chairmanship of the EU , pp. 49-55
    • Parkes, R.1
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    • In cases where many Member States would like to be involved in a certain project with the chosen third country (the project of border management for example), the Commission seeks to bundle the their activities and avoid overlap. Where the third country would like to see the EU make greater concessions (the issue of its nationals' social security benefits was a particular concern for the Moldovan government), the Commission seeks to cajole the Member States to take action
    • In cases where many Member States would like to be involved in a certain project with the chosen third country (the project of border management for example), the Commission seeks to bundle the their activities and avoid overlap. Where the third country would like to see the EU make greater concessions (the issue of its nationals' social security benefits was a particular concern for the Moldovan government), the Commission seeks to cajole the Member States to take action.
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    • European Council, Presidency Conclusions, Brussels, 17th July, The Council's aspiration to ex tend the scheme to Senegal appears to have been scuppered by the resistance of the Senegalese
    • European Council, Presidency Conclusions, Brussels, 17th July 2008, http://www.consilium.eu ropa. eu/ueDocs/cms-Data/docs/pressData/en/ec/101346. pdf. The Council's aspiration to ex tend the scheme to Senegal appears to have been scuppered by the resistance of the Senegalese.
    • (2008)
  • 13
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    • For a flavour of this: Afrolnews, 'EU, Senegal to negotiate mobility agreement', 17th June
    • For a flavour of this: Afrolnews, 'EU, Senegal to negotiate mobility agreement', 17th June 2008, http://www.afrol.com/articles/29411.
    • (2008)
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    • Analysis of the Preamble to the Mobility Partnership with Moldova, for example, suggests the follow ing goals: to combat irregular migration; to take account of social, economic and foreign policy consid erations; and to act within the framework of the ENP. See: Council of the European Union (2008), 9460/08 ADD 1. The Mobility Partnership with Cape Verde lists similar goals, the major difference being that the partnership is to work within the framework of the Cotonou Agreement rather than ENP. See: Council of the European Union (2008), 9460/08 ADD 2
    • Analysis of the Preamble to the Mobility Partnership with Moldova, for example, suggests the follow ing goals: to combat irregular migration; to take account of social, economic and foreign policy consid erations; and to act within the framework of the ENP. See: Council of the European Union (2008), 9460/08 ADD 1. The Mobility Partnership with Cape Verde lists similar goals, the major difference being that the partnership is to work within the framework of the Cotonou Agreement rather than ENP. See: Council of the European Union (2008), 9460/08 ADD 2.
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    • European integration and migration policy: Vertical Policy- making as Venue Shopping
    • This was the logic of the 'compensatory measures' introduced to off set the removal of borders between the Member States: Guiraudon, Virginie
    • This was the logic of the 'compensatory measures' introduced to off set the removal of borders between the Member States: Guiraudon, Virginie, 'European Integration and Migration Policy: Vertical Policy- making as Venue Shopping', Journal of Common Market Studies, 38(2) 2000, pp. 251-271.
    • (2000) Journal of Common Market Studies , vol.38 , Issue.2 , pp. 251-271
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    • European Commission, Circular Migration and Mobility Partnerships between the European Union and Third Countries, Memo 07/197, 2007
    • European Commission, Circular Migration and Mobility Partnerships between the European Union and Third Countries, Memo 07/197, 2007.
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    • For analysis: Angenendt Steffen and Roderick Parkes, May
    • For analysis: Angenendt Steffen and Roderick Parkes, EU Perspectives on Legal Migration and Asylum, TGAE Briefing, May 2008, http://www.energie-cites. eu/IMG/pdf/think-glo bal-act-european-table-of-contents.pdf.
    • (2008) EU Perspectives on Legal Migration and Asylum, TGAE Briefing
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    • 85050322607 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • European Union initiatives in tackling migration and organized crime at its new eastern border
    • On this issue:
    • On this issue: Pop, Adrian, 'European Union initiatives in tackling migration and organized crime at its new eastern border', Romanian Journal of European Aff airs, 8/1, 2008, pp. 45-59.
    • (2008) Romanian Journal of European Aff Airs , vol.8 , Issue.1 , pp. 45-59
    • Pop, A.1
  • 19
    • 70450240675 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See also the work of the 'Friendly EU Border' project:
    • See also the work of the 'Friendly EU Border' project: http://www.batory.org.pl/english/intl/monitor.htm.
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    • 70450287325 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Of course, ENP also comprises the goal of restricting certain forms of movement including illegal immigration: Wich-mann, Nicole, The Intersection between Justice and Home Aff airs and the European Neighbourhood Policy: Taking Stock of the Logic, Objectives and Practices, CEPS Working Document
    • Of course, ENP also comprises the goal of restricting certain forms of movement including illegal immigration: Wich-mann, Nicole, The Intersection between Justice and Home Aff airs and the European Neighbourhood Policy: Taking Stock of the Logic, Objectives and Practices, CEPS Working Document 2007, http://shop.ceps.eu/ BookDetail.php?item-id=1546.
    • (2007)
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    • 70450269381 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • A Strong European Neighbourhood Policy
    • European Commission
    • European Commission, 'A Strong European Neighbourhood Policy', Communication from the Com mission, COM(2007) 774 final, http://ec.europa.eu/ world/enp/pdf/com07-774-en.pdf.
    • (2007) Communication from the Com Mission COM(2007) 774 Final
  • 22
    • 70450244385 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Global Commission on International Migration
    • Geneva: International Organization for Migration
    • Global Commission on International Migration, Migration in an Interconnected World: New Directions for Action, Geneva: International Organization for Migration 2005;
    • (2005) Migration in An Interconnected World: New Directions for Action
  • 25
    • 35548938214 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Circular Migration: The way forward in global policy?
    • For useful critical analysis of these ideas:
    • For useful critical analysis of these ideas: Vertovec, Steve, Circular Migration: the way forward in global policy?, International Migration Institute Working Paper 2007/4, http://www.imi.ox.ac.uk/pdfs/wp4- circular-migration- policy.pdf.
    • (2007) International Migration Institute Working Paper , vol.4
    • Vertovec, S.1
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    • 69949175045 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Keeping them in their place: The ambivalent relationship between development and migration in Africa
    • For discussion in a different context:
    • For discussion in a different context: Bakewell, Oliver, Keeping them in their place: the ambivalent relationship between development and migration in Africa, IMI Working Paper 8, 2007, http://www.imi. ox.ac.uk/pdfs/WP8%20- %20Migration%20and%20Development%20-%20OB.pdf.
    • (2007) IMI Working Paper , vol.8
    • Bakewell, O.1
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    • 70450269383 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The redrawing of the EU's borders had the potential to disrupt established relations between the Union's new members and their neighbours
    • The redrawing of the EU's borders had the potential to disrupt established relations between the Union's new members and their neighbours.
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    • 70450283229 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Under the terms of the Readmission Agreement that Moldova has signed with the EU - a precondi tion if it was to benefit from ENP - Moldova has undertaken to accept nationals of other countries, as well as stateless persons, irregularly in the EU who entered illegally through Moldova or were in posses sion of a Moldovan resident permit or visa at time of entry. See Article 3 of the Council Decision concern ing the signing of the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Moldova on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation. On the problems associated with this commitment: Pop 2008, p.58
    • Under the terms of the Readmission Agreement that Moldova has signed with the EU - a precondi tion if it was to benefit from ENP - Moldova has undertaken to accept nationals of other countries, as well as stateless persons, irregularly in the EU who entered illegally through Moldova or were in posses sion of a Moldovan resident permit or visa at time of entry. See Article 3 of the Council Decision concern ing the signing of the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Moldova on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation (http://register.consili um.europa.eu/pdf/ en/07/st12/st12752.en07.pdf). On the problems associated with this commitment: Pop 2008, p. 58.
  • 31
    • 70450281644 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For useful analysis:
    • For useful analysis: International Crisis Group, Moldova's Uncertain Future, Europe Report 175, 2006, www.crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm?id= 4340&l=1;
    • (2006) Moldova's Uncertain Future, Europe Report , vol.175
  • 34
    • 70450240674 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • European Council, 14th-15th December
    • European Council, Presidency Conclusions on a Comprehensive Migration Policy, 14th-15th December 2006 http://www.consilium.europa.eu/ueDocs/cms-Data/ docs/press Data/en/ ec/92202.pdf;
    • (2006) Presidency Conclusions on A Comprehensive Migration Policy
  • 37
    • 0000629025 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • European Integration and Migration Policy: Vertical Policy-making as Venue Shopping
    • For a definitive analysis of this repertoire of policy tools:
    • For a definitive analysis of this repertoire of policy tools: Guiraudon, Virginie, 'European Integration and Migration Policy: Vertical Policy-making as Venue Shopping', Journal of Common Market Studies, 38(2), 2000, pp. 251-271.
    • (2000) Journal of Common Market Studies , vol.38 , Issue.2 , pp. 251-271
    • Guiraudon, V.1
  • 38
    • 70450269380 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The European Union and the Fight Against Human Tr afficking: Comprehensive or Contradictory?
    • For interesting discussion of this in the context of Mobility Partnerships:
    • For interesting discussion of this in the context of Mobility Partnerships: Chou, Meng-Hsuan, 'The European Union and the Fight Against Human Tr afficking: Comprehensive or Contradictory?' St Anthony's International Review 4(1), 2008, pp. 76-95, http://www.sant.ox.ac.uk/ext/stair/4-1/chou.pdf.
    • (2008) St Anthony's International Review , vol.4 , Issue.1 , pp. 76-95
    • Chou, M.1
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    • 34248043383 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Does the ENP respond to the EU's post- enlargement challenges?
    • The term 'compliance' is used here for simplicity's sake. Strictly speaking, however, some of the mechanisms it employs do not require 'compliance' with EU demands. Instead, signatory states are conceived as working towards the realisation of common goals. For a useful analysis of the mechanisms which ENP uses for effecting change:
    • The term 'compliance' is used here for simplicity's sake. Strictly speaking, however, some of the mechanisms it employs do not require 'compliance' with EU demands. Instead, signatory states are conceived as working towards the realisation of common goals. For a useful analysis of the mechanisms which ENP uses for effecting change: Tocci, Nathalie, 'Does the ENP respond to the EU's post- enlargement challenges?', International Spectator, 1/2005, pp. 21-32, http://www.weltpolitik.net/attachment/ 0644a930ba1074b5cca2acd4809cbed5/ 9f6341e115fd7e0cf94f53fbb98e465f/2005-1-esterni-Tocci.pdf.
    • (2005) International Spectator , vol.1 , pp. 21-32
    • Tocci, N.1
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    • Beefing up the ENP: Towards a Modernisation and Stability Partnership
    • Lippert, Barbara, 'Beefing up the ENP: Towards a Modernisation and Stability Partnership', Interna tional Spectator, 4/2006, pp. 85-100.
    • (2006) Interna Tional Spectator , vol.4 , pp. 85-100
    • Barbara, L.1
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    • The ENP Tree Years On: Where From? Where Next?
    • For example:
    • For example: Missiroli, Antonio, The ENP Three Years On: Where From? Where Next?, IDDRI Paper 3/2007, http://www.iddri.org/Publications/Collections/ Idees-pour-le-debat/id-0703-missiroli-bei-ec- enp1.pdf.
    • (2007) IDDRI Paper , vol.3
    • Missiroli, A.1
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    • Is the European Neighbourhood Policy Directed at Its Mediterranean Part ners Coherent?
    • On this issue: paper prepared for 25th-26th October Nottingham
    • On this issue: Tovias, Alfred, Is the European Neighbourhood Policy Directed at Its Mediterranean Part ners Coherent?, paper prepared for the conference 'The Study of the European Neighbourhood Policy: Methodological, Theoretical and Empirical Challenges', 25th-26th October 2007, Nottingham, http:// www.nottingham.ac.uk/shared/shared-icmcr/Docs/Tovias.pdf.
    • (2007) The Conference 'the Study of the European Neighbourhood Policy: Methodological, Theoretical and Empirical Challenges'
    • Tovias, A.1
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    • Eff orts to draw up best practice on the negotiation of such agreements have, for example, stressed the need for the EU to offer equivalent terms for equivalent undertakings: Boratynski, Jakub et al., How to
    • Eff orts to draw up best practice on the negotiation of such agreements have, for example, stressed the need for the EU to offer equivalent terms for equivalent undertakings: Boratynski, Jakub et al., How to
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    • There are, however, considerable disparities between the two agreements. The Cape Verdean agree menThis an altogether more modest aff air than the Moldovan
    • There are, however, considerable disparities between the two agreements. The Cape Verdean agree menThis an altogether more modest aff air than the Moldovan.
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    • European Commission, EU deepens ties with its neighbours and supports their reforms, IP/08/509, 3rd April 2008
    • European Commission, EU deepens ties with its neighbours and supports their reforms, IP/08/509, 3rd April 2008.
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    • Confidential interview, July 2009.
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    • The Profile of the German Presidency in the ENP: Regulated Stimulation and Com plex Bargaining
    • Daniela Kietz and Volker Perthes (eds.), SWP Research Paper
    • Lang, Kai-Olaf, 'The Profile of the German Presidency in the ENP: Regulated Stimulation and Com plex Bargaining' in: Daniela Kietz and Volker Perthes (eds.), The Potential of the Council Presidency, SWP Research Paper 2008/1, pp. 64-70.
    • (2008) The Potential of the Council Presidency , vol.1 , pp. 64-70
    • Kai-Olaf, L.1

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