IPCC, 'climate change 2007: Synthesis Report. Summary for Policymakers'
IPCC, 'Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report. Summary for Policymakers', in: Fourth Assessment Report, 2007, p. 5.
Fourth Assessment Report
, pp. 5
Environmental refugees: An emergent security issue
Session III - Environment and Migration
N. Myers, 'Environmental Refugees: An emergent security issue', 13th Economic Forum, Session III - Environment and Migration 2005.
13th Economic Forum
Myers, N.1
Environmental causes and impact of refugee movements: A critique of the current debate
G. Kibreab, 'Environmental causes and impact of refugee movements: a critique of the current debate', (1997) 21 Disasters;
, pp. 21
Kibreab, G.1
Environmental refugees: Myth or reality?
R. Black, 'Environmental refugees: myth or reality?', New Issues in Refugee Research, UNHCR, 2001.
New Issues in Refugee Research
Black, R.1
Future floods of refugees: A comment on climate change conflict and forced migration
V. Kolmannskog, 'Future floods of refugees: A comment on climate change, conflict and forced migration', Norwegian Refugee Council, 2008.
Norwegian Refugee Council
Kolmannskog, V.1
Environmental refugees: Meeting the requirements of the refugee definition
See Article 9 on Acts of persecution in the Qualification Directive and literature on 'environmental persecution', inter alia: (1997-1998)
See Article 9 on Acts of persecution in the Qualification Directive and literature on 'environmental persecution', inter alia: J. Cooper, 'Environmental Refugees: Meeting the Requirements of the Refugee Definition', (1997) (1997-1998) 6 N.Y.U. Environmetal Law Journal, 483.
N.Y.U. Environmetal Law Journal
, vol.6
, pp. 483
Cooper, J.1
Some have even argued that since climate changes are man-made and indirectly or directly force people to move, it can be perceived as a form of persecution (Conisbee and Simms, Environmental Refugees: The Case for Recognition, 2002). UNHCR has also recently stressed that the 1951 Refugee Convention will indeed be applicable in some cross-border displacement scenarios, as will UNHCR's mandate, for example in situations where the victims of natural disasters flee from their homeland because their government has consciously withheld or obstructed assistance in order to punish or marginalize them on one of the five grounds set out in the refugee definition ('Climate change, the environment, natural disasters and human displacement: a UNHCR perspective', 29.10.08. Policy Development and Evaluation Service, UNCHR)
Some have even argued that since climate changes are man-made and indirectly or directly force people to move, it can be perceived as a form of persecution (Conisbee and Simms, Environmental Refugees: The Case for Recognition, 2002). UNHCR has also recently stressed that the 1951 Refugee Convention will indeed be applicable in some cross-border displacement scenarios, as will UNHCR's mandate, for example in situations where the victims of natural disasters flee from their homeland because their government has consciously withheld or obstructed assistance in order to punish or marginalize them on one of the five grounds set out in the refugee definition ('Climate change, the environment, natural disasters and human displacement: a UNHCR perspective', 29.10.08. Policy Development and Evaluation Service, UNCHR).
Some of the information on the situation in individual European states has been gathered through a short survey. The following research question was posted on ECRE's ECRAN Discussion forum primo January 2009: 1) What does your country have of national legislation and/or practice addressing environmental displacement a. through prevention? b. through extending or denying protection? c. through extending or denying leave to stay on humanitarian grounds? d. in any other manner? This includes e.g. addressing the issue explicitly in law or through an inclusive or exclusive practice of humanitarian asylum. I would also be interested in how It is addressed as a prevention issue, e.g. through external adaptation support in other countries. Please supply me with some information about the legislation, practice, case-law etc. or let me know where to find it. The authors would like to thank ECRE and its members for information
Some of the information on the situation in individual European states has been gathered through a short survey. The following research question was posted on ECRE's ECRAN Discussion forum primo January 2009: 1) What does your country have of national legislation and/or practice addressing environmental displacement a. through prevention? b. through extending or denying protection? c. through extending or denying leave to stay on humanitarian grounds? d. in any other manner? This includes e.g. addressing the issue explicitly in law or through an inclusive or exclusive practice of humanitarian asylum. I would also be interested in how It is addressed as a prevention issue, e.g. through external adaptation support in other countries. Please supply me with some information about the legislation, practice, case-law etc. or let me know where to find it. The authors would like to thank ECRE and its members for information.
Council Directive 2001/55/EC of 20 July 2001 on minimum standards for giving temporary protec tion in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons and on measures promoting a balance of eff orts between Member States in receiving such persons and bearing the consequences thereof, hereafter 'the Temporary Protection Directive'
Council Directive 2001/55/EC of 20 July 2001 on minimum standards for giving temporary protec tion in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons and on measures promoting a balance of eff orts between Member States in receiving such persons and bearing the consequences thereof, hereafter 'the Temporary Protection Directive'.
Council Directive 2004/83/EC of 29 April 2004 on minimum standards for the qualification and status of third country nationals or stateless persons as refugees or as persons who otherwise need inter national protection and the content of the protection granted' hereafter 'the Qualification Directive'
Council Directive 2004/83/EC of 29 April 2004 on minimum standards for the qualification and status of third country nationals or stateless persons as refugees or as persons who otherwise need inter national protection and the content of the protection granted' hereafter 'the Qualification Directive'.
Dir 2001/55/EC
Dir 2001/55/EC.
Cocunil . Available at:
Cocunil (2001). 'Outcome of proceedings', 6128/01. Available at: http://register.consilium.euro pa. eu/pdf/en/01/st06/06128en1.pdf.
Outcome of Proceedings', 6128/01
'Conclusion on International Cooperation and Burden and Responsibility Sharing in Mass Influx Situations', Executive Committee No.100 (LV) 8.10.2004, UNHCR
'Conclusion on International Cooperation and Burden and Responsibility Sharing in Mass Influx Situations', Executive Committee No.100 (LV) 8.10.2004, UNHCR.
'Climate change, the environment, natural disasters and human displacement: a UNHCR perspec tive', 29.10.08. Policy Development and Evaluation Service, UNCHR
'Climate change, the environment, natural disasters and human displacement: a UNHCR perspec tive', 29.10.08. Policy Development and Evaluation Service, UNCHR.
Uk Plans In Place To Protect Victims Of Humanitarian Disasters. Press release', 1 [accessed 8 August 2008]
'Uk Plans In Place To Protect Victims Of Humanitarian Disasters. Press release', 1 UK Home Office 2004), at http://press.homeoffice.gov.uk/press- releases/Uk-Plans-In-Place-To-Pro tect-Vic? version=1 [accessed 8 August 2008]
The Finnish Aliens Act (301/2004, amendments up to 973/2007 included) (Unofficial translation, legally binding only in Finnish and Swedish). See also the Swedish Aliens Act (2005:716). Stockholm, Ministry for Foreign Aff airs Sweden: 64
The Finnish Aliens Act (301/2004, amendments up to 973/2007 included) (Unofficial translation, legally binding only in Finnish and Swedish). See also the Swedish Aliens Act (2005:716). Stockholm, Ministry for Foreign Aff airs Sweden: 64.
'Extension of the designation of Honduras for Temporary Protected Status; Automatic Extension' from Department of Homeland Security. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (2007)
'Extension of the designation of Honduras for Temporary Protected Status; Automatic Extension' from Department of Homeland Security. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (2007).
Council, Available at:
Council (1999). 'Presidency conclusions', Tampere European Council. Available at: http://www. europarl.europa.eu/summits/tam-en.htm.
Presidency Conclusions
Dir. 2004/83/EC
Dir. 2004/83/EC.
Council of Europe, Discussion paper on subsidiary protection, Asile 41. Brussels: Council of the European Union 1999, p. 6
Council of Europe, Discussion paper on subsidiary protection, Asile 41. Brussels: Council of the European Union 1999, p. 6.
Case of Budayeva and others v. Russia, 15339/02, 21166/02, 20058/02, 11673/02 and 15343/02, Judgment of 30 March 2008
Case of Budayeva and others v. Russia, 15339/02, 21166/02, 20058/02, 11673/02 and 15343/02, Judgment of 30 March 2008.
Council. Presidency note, 12148/02. Available at:
Council (2002), Presidency note, 12148/02. Available at: http://register.consilium.europa.eu/pdf/ en/02/st12/12148en2.pdf.
Council (2002), Presidency note, 12148/02. Available at: http://register.consilium.europa.eu/pdf/ en/02/st12/12148en2.pdf. Ibid.
Council (2002), Presidency note, 12148/02. Available at: http://register.consilium.europa.eu/pdf/ en/02/st12/12148en2.pdf. Ibid.
UNISDR, Report prepared for the Commission on Climate Change and Development, Sweden Available at:
UNISDR, Links between Disaster Risk Reduction, Development and Climate Change, Report prepared for the Commission on Climate Change and Development, Sweden 2008, p. 1). Available at: http:// www.ccdcommission.org/Filer/pdf/pb- disaster-risk-reduction.pdf.
Links between Disaster Risk Reduction, Development and Climate Change
, pp. 1
Dir. 2004/83/EC
Dir. 2004/83/EC.
Presidency note, 12148/02
Presidency note, 12148/02.
Case 30240/96 2007
Case 30240/96 2007.
Case 30240/96, Judgment of 2 May 1997
Case 30240/96, Judgment of 2 May 1997.
Bensaid v. United Kingdom, Judgment of 6 February 2001, Appl. No. 44599/98
Bensaid v. United Kingdom, Judgment of 6 February 2001, Appl. No. 44599/98.
See also e.g. S.C.C. v. Sweden, Decision of 15 February 2000, Appl. No. 46553/99
See also e.g. S.C.C. v. Sweden, Decision of 15 February 2000, Appl. No. 46553/99.
The proposition 'Förvaltningsutskottets betänkande 26/2008 rd, Ogranskad version 1.0 FvUB 26/2008 rd - RP 166/2007 rd, Regeringens proposition med förslag till lagar om ändring av utlännings- lagen och av vissa lagar som har samband med den, available at: http://www.eduskunta.fi /faktatmp/ utatmp/akxtmp/fvub-26-2008-p.shtml. The Finnish Aliens Act (301/2004, amendments up to 973/ 2007 included) (Unofficial translation, legally binding only in Finnish and Swedish)
The proposition 'Förvaltningsutskottets betänkande 26/2008 rd, Ogranskad version 1.0 FvUB 26/2008 rd - RP 166/2007 rd, Regeringens proposition med förslag till lagar om ändring av utlännings- lagen och av vissa lagar som har samband med den, available at: http://www.eduskunta.fi /faktatmp/ utatmp/akxtmp/fvub-26-2008-p.shtml. The Finnish Aliens Act (301/2004, amendments up to 973/ 2007 included) (Unofficial translation, legally binding only in Finnish and Swedish).
Sweden, M.f.F.A. (2005), Aliens Act (2005:716), Stockholm: Ministry for Foreign Aff airs Sweden, p. 64
Sweden, M.f.F.A. (2005), Aliens Act (2005:716), Stockholm: Ministry for Foreign Aff airs Sweden, p. 64.
See SOU 1995:75, p. 147
See SOU 1995:75, p. 147.
See Prop. 1996/97:25. pp. 100-101
See Prop. 1996/97:25. pp. 100-101.
See Prop. 1996/97:25. pp. 102-103
See Prop. 1996/97:25. pp. 102-103.
Future floods of refugees: A comment on climate change, conflict and forced migra tion Vikram Odedra Kolmannskog (ed)
V. Kolmannskog, 'Future floods of refugees: A comment on climate change, conflict and forced migra tion', in Vikram Odedra Kolmannskog (ed), title, Norwegian Refugee Council 2008.
Title, Norwegian Refugee Council
Kolmannskog, V.1
See also the landmark judgments Soering v. the United Kingdom, application no. 14038/88, 7 July 1989, and Chahal v. the United Kingdom, application no. 22414/93, 15 November 1996
See also the landmark judgments Soering v. the United Kingdom, application no. 14038/88, 7 July 1989, and Chahal v. the United Kingdom, application no. 22414/93, 15 November 1996.
Providing international protection including through complementary forms of protec tion
ExCom, 'Providing International Protection Including Through Complementary Forms of Protec tion.' Refugee Survey Quarterly 25(1), 2005.
Refugee Survey Quarterly
, vol.25
, Issue.1
Aliens Act § 9 b, 1, Udlændingeloven, law nr. 826 of 24. august 2005
Aliens Act § 9 b, 1, Udlændingeloven, law nr. 826 of 24. august 2005.
Der kan i helt særlige tilfælde gives humanitær opholdstilladelse til enlige kvinder og familier med mindre børn fra områder, hvor der efter ministeriets opfattelse hersker ekstremt vanskelige levevilkår, f.eks. som følge af hungersnød eller som følge af helt uforudsigelige forhold (overlevelseskriteriet).'
'Der kan i helt særlige tilfælde gives humanitær opholdstilladelse til enlige kvinder og familier med mindre børn fra områder, hvor der efter ministeriets opfattelse hersker ekstremt vanskelige levevilkår, f.eks. som følge af hungersnød eller som følge af helt uforudsigelige forhold (overlevelseskriteriet).'
- referring to § 38(2) c). Available at:
Odelstingsproposisjon 75, 2006-2007, p. 157, referring to § 38(2) c). Available at: http:// www.regjeringen.no/nb/dep/aid/dok/regpubl/otprp/ 20062007/otprp-nr-75-2006-2007-/23.html? id=474600.
, vol.75
, pp. 157
Kiribati - Relocation and adaptation
31 October Available at:
M. Loughry and J. McAdam, 'Kiribati - relocation and adaptation', Forced Migration Review 31 Octo ber 2008. Available at: http://www.fmreview.org/ FMRpdfs/FMR31/FMR31.pdf
Forced Migration Review
Loughry, M.1
McAdam, J.2
D. Wilson, Climate Change: Nobody is immune, (2008), available at: http://www.islands business. com/islands-business/index-dynamic/ containerNameToReplace=MiddleMiddle/focus ModuleID=18087/ overideSkinName= issueArticle-full.tpl.
Climate Change: Nobody Is Immune
Wilson, D.1
Retrieved 1 August 2008, from
European Commission (2007), A Comprehensive European Migration Policy. Retrieved 1 August, 2008, from http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do? reference=MEMO/07/188.
A Comprehensive European Migration Policy
Commission Communication to the Council and the European Parliament of 1 September 2005 on regional protection programmes. avail able at: Project website: http://www.caribbeanclimate.bz/news.php
Commission Communication to the Council and the European Parliament of 1 September 2005 on regional protection programmes. [COM(2005) 388 final - Not published in the Official Journal], avail able at: http://europa.eu/scadplus/ leg/en/lvb/l33222.htm. Project website: http://www.caribbeanclimate.bz/news.php.
COM(2005) 388 Final - Not Published in the Official Journal
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Eco nomic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Towards a comprehensive climate change agreement in Copenhagen, available at:
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Eco nomic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Towards a comprehensive climate change agreement in Copenhagen, available at: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/Lex UriServ/Lex UriServ.do?uri= COM:2009:0039:FIN:EN:HTML.