Financial Action Task Force, Web site, October
Financial Action Task Force, "40 Recommendations," Web site, October 2003, http://www.fatf-gafi.org/document/28/0,3343,en_32250379_32236930_33658140_1_1_1_1,00.html.
40 Recommendations
Executive Order 13224, Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S. Department of Treasury, September 23, 2001
Executive Order 13224, Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S. Department of Treasury, September 23, 2001, http://www.treasury.gov/offices/enforcement/ofac/programs/terror/terror.pdf.
See UN Security Council Resolution 1267, S/RES/1267 (1999), October 15, 1999
See UN Security Council Resolution 1267, S/RES/1267 (1999), October 15, 1999, http://www.treas.gov/offices/enforcement/pdf/unscr1267.pdf.
Executive Order 13382, Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S. Department of Treasury, June 29, 2005
Executive Order 13382, Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S. Department of Treasury, June 29, 2005, http://www.treas.gov/offices/enforcement/ofac/programs/wmd/wmd.pdf.
UN Security Council Resolution 1874, S/RES/1874 (2009), June 12, 2009
UN Security Council Resolution 1874, S/RES/1874 (2009), June 12, 2009, http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N09/368/49/PDF/N0936849.pdf?OpenElement.
"Since 2007, Hong Kong Electronics has transferred millions of dollars of proliferation- related funds on behalf of Tanchon and KOMID. Hong Kong Electronics has also facilitated the movement of money from Iran to North Korea on behalf of KOMID. Tanchon, a commercial bank based in Pyongyang, North Korea, is the financial arm for KOMID - North Korea's premier arms dealer and main exporter of goods and equipment related to ballistic missiles and conventional weapons." See U.S. Department of Treasury, June 30, (press release)
"Since 2007, Hong Kong Electronics has transferred millions of dollars of proliferation- related funds on behalf of Tanchon and KOMID. Hong Kong Electronics has also facilitated the movement of money from Iran to North Korea on behalf of KOMID. Tanchon, a commercial bank based in Pyongyang, North Korea, is the financial arm for KOMID - North Korea's premier arms dealer and main exporter of goods and equipment related to ballistic missiles and conventional weapons." See U.S. Department of Treasury, "Treasury Targets North Korea's Missile Proliferation Network," June 30, 2009, http://www.ustreas.gov/press/releases/tg191.htm (press release).
Treasury Targets North Korea's Missile Proliferation Network