'Iterative Functionalism and Climate Management Organizations: From Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee'
See in R.V. Bartlett et al. (eds) (Policy Studies Organization)
See D.L. Feldman, 'Iterative Functionalism and Climate Management Organizations: From Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee', in R.V. Bartlett et al. (eds), International Organizations & Environmental Policy (Policy Studies Organization, 1995), 1195-1196.
International Organizations & Environmental Policy
, pp. 1195-1196
Feldman, D.L.1
'Technical Summary'
in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), available at Atmospheric temperatures have been rising at a rate of approximately 0.2°C per decade over the past 30 years. See James E. Hansen, Green Mountain Chrysler-Plymouth-Dodge-Jeep v. Thomas W. Torti, Case Nos. 2:05-CV-302 & 2:05-CV-304 (Consolidated), Declaration of James E. Hansen (Vt., 2007), available at 〈http://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/ case_for_vermont.pdf〉
S. Solomon et al., 'Technical Summary', in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis 5 (IPCC, 2007), available at 〈http://www.ipcc.ch/ ipccreports.ar4-wg1.htm〉. Atmospheric temperatures have been rising at a rate of approximately 0.2°C per decade over the past 30 years. See James E. Hansen, Green Mountain Chrysler-Plymouth-Dodge-Jeep v. Thomas W. Torti, Case Nos. 2:05-CV-302 & 2:05-CV-304 (Consolidated), Declaration of James E. Hansen (Vt., 2007), available at 〈http://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/case_for_vermont.pdf〉.
Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis 5
Solomon, S.1
'Can International Law Improve the Climate? An Analysis of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Signed at the Rio Summit in 1992'
R.K.L. Panjabi, 'Can International Law Improve the Climate? An Analysis of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Signed at the Rio Summit in 1992', 18 N.C. J. Int'l L & Comm. Reg. (1993), 491
N.C. J. Int'l L & Comm. Reg.
, vol.18
, pp. 491
Panjabi, R.K.L.1
See UNFCCC, n. 3 above, Article 4(2)(b)
See UNFCCC, n. 3 above, Article 4(2)(b).
'Buenos Aires and Kyoto Targets Do Little to Reduce Climate Change Impacts'
Overall, climate researchers have estimated that full implementation of Kyoto would reduce projected warming in 2050 by only about one twentieth of one degree and projected sea-level rise by a mere 5 millimeters. See See also M.H. Babiker, 'The Evolution of a Climate Regime: Kyoto to Marrakech and Beyond', 5 Envtl. Sci. & Pol'y (2002), 195, at 202
Overall, climate researchers have estimated that full implementation of Kyoto would reduce projected warming in 2050 by only about one twentieth of one degree and projected sea-level rise by a mere 5 millimeters. See M. Parry et al., 'Buenos Aires and Kyoto Targets Do Little to Reduce Climate Change Impacts', 8:4 Global Envtl. Change (1998), 285. See also M.H. Babiker, 'The Evolution of a Climate Regime: Kyoto to Marrakech and Beyond', 5 Envtl. Sci. & Pol'y (2002), 195, at 202.
Global Envtl. Change
, vol.8
, Issue.4
, pp. 285
Parry, M.1
Decision 1/CP.13 found in Report of the Conference of the Parties, Thirteenth Session (FCCC/CP/2007/6/Add.1, 14 March), available at
Decision 1/CP.13, Bali Action Plan, found in Report of the Conference of the Parties, Thirteenth Session (FCCC/CP/2007/6/Add.1, 14 March 2008), available at 〈http://unfccc.int/files/meetings/cop_13/application/ pdf/cp_bali_action.pdf〉.
Bali Action Plan
'U.S. Balks at Bali Carbon Targets'
(10 December), available at J. Gupta, 'Developed Countries Declarations on Climate Change "Make No Sense,":India', India eNews (2 July 2008), available at 〈http://www.indiaenews.com/business/20080702/ 129150.htm〉. The Obama Administration in the USA has pledged to 'engage vigorously' in climate change negotiations and, at the domestic level, has called for implementing a cap-and-trade programme to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the USA back to 1990 levels by 2020, and by 80% by 2050. See K. Chipman and C. Dodge, 'Obama Plan Has $79 Billion From Cap-and-Trade in 2012', Bloomberg News (26 February 2009), available at 〈http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid= 20601087&sid=aDT1Ybl.PccE&refer=home〉 Change.gov, The Obama-Biden Plan, available at 〈http://change.gov/agenda/ energy_and_environment_agenda/〉 J. Mason, 'Obama Vows Climate Action Despite Financial Crisis', Reuters (18 November 2008)
D. Adam, 'U.S. Balks at Bali Carbon Targets', Guardian Unlimited (10 December 2007), available at 〈http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/ 2007/dec/10/climatechange.usnews〉 J. Gupta, 'Developed Countries Declarations on Climate Change "Make No Sense,":India', India eNews (2 July 2008), available at 〈http://www.indiaenews.com/ business/20080702/129150.htm〉. The Obama Administration in the USA has pledged to 'engage vigorously' in climate change negotiations and, at the domestic level, has called for implementing a cap-and-trade programme to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the USA back to 1990 levels by 2020, and by 80% by 2050. See K. Chipman and C. Dodge, 'Obama Plan Has $79 Billion From Cap-and-Trade in 2012', Bloomberg News (26 February 2009), available at 〈http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/ news?pid=20601087&sid=aDT1Ybl.PccE&refer=home〉 Change.gov, The Obama-Biden Plan, available at 〈http://change.gov/agenda/ energy_and_environment_agenda/〉 J. Mason, 'Obama Vows Climate Action Despite Financial Crisis', Reuters (18 November 2008), available at 〈 http://www.reuters.com/article/vcCandidateFeed2/ idUSN18276285〉. Moreover, the Senate may begin debate on climate change legislation this summer. See I. Talley, 'Sen. Reid: Aiming to Debate Climate Bill by Summer', Wall Street Journal (20 February 2009), available at 〈http://online.wsj.com/article/ SB123516532284336065.html?mod=dist_smartbrief〉. However, given substantial opposition to such initiatives, especially in the midst of a deep recession, the fate of such efforts is highly uncertain. See ibid.
Guardian Unlimited
Adam, D.1
'Reframing the Climate Change Challenge in Light of Post-2000'
(29 August), at 15
K. Anderson and A. Bows, 'Reframing the Climate Change Challenge in Light of Post-2000', Philosophical Transactions Royal Soc'y A (29 August 2008), at 15.
Philosophical Transactions Royal Soc'y A
Anderson, K.1
Bows, A.2
'Carbon is Building Up in the Atmosphere Faster than Predicted'
(Washington Post, 26 September), available at 〈http://www.washingtonpost.com/〉
J. Eilperin, 'Carbon is Building Up in the Atmosphere Faster than Predicted', Washingtonpost.com (Washington Post, 26 September 2008), available at 〈http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/ 2008/09/25/AR2008092503989.html?hpid=moreheadlines http://www.washingtonpost.com/〉.
Eilperin, J.1
See n. 10 above, at 18. See also A.P. Sokolov et al., Probabilistic Forecast for Twenty-First Century Climate Based on Uncertainties in Emissions (Without Policy) and Climate Parameters, MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Changes, Rep. No. 169 (January 2009), at 24, available at 〈http://globalchange.mit.edu/files/document/ MITJPSPGC_Rpt169.pdf〉 (latest MIT assessment projects median surface warming in 2091-2100 of 5.1°C)
See K. Anderson and A. Bows, n. 10 above, at 18. See also A.P. Sokolov et al., Probabilistic Forecast for Twenty-First Century Climate Based on Uncertainties in Emissions (Without Policy) and Climate Parameters, MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Changes, Rep. No. 169 (January 2009), at 24, available at 〈http://globalchange.mit.edu/ files/document/MITJPSPGC_Rpt169.pdf〉 (latest MIT assessment projects median surface warming in 2091-2100 of 5.1°C).
Anderson, K.1
Bows, A.2
Many climatologists and policy makers have identified temperature increases of 1-2°C above pre-industrial levels as the threshold for dangerous anthropogenic interference with the atmosphere. See German Advisory Council for Global Change WBGU Policy Paper 5 (Germany Advisory Council on Global Change); Commission of European Communities, Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, Limiting Global Climate Change to 2°C the Way Ahead for 2020 and Beyond COM (2007) 002 final; J. Hansen et al., 'Dangerous Human-Made Interference with Climate: A GISS Model Study', 7 Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics (2007), 2287, available at
Many climatologists and policy makers have identified temperature increases of 1-2°C above pre-industrial levels as the threshold for dangerous anthropogenic interference with the atmosphere. See German Advisory Council for Global Change, New Impetus for Climate Policy: Making the Most of Germany's Dual Presidency, WBGU Policy Paper 5 (Germany Advisory Council on Global Change, 2007); Commission of European Communities, Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, Limiting Global Climate Change to 2°C the Way Ahead for 2020 and Beyond COM (2007) 002 final; J. Hansen et al., 'Dangerous Human-Made Interference with Climate: A GISS Model Study', 7 Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics (2007), 2287, available at 〈http://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/docs/2007/2007_Hansen_etal_1.pdf〉.
New Impetus for Climate Policy: Making the Most of Germany's Dual Presidency
'The Geography of Climate Change Litigation: Implications for Transnational Regulatory Governance'
See H.M. Osofsky, 'The Geography of Climate Change Litigation: Implications for Transnational Regulatory Governance', 83 Wash. U. L.Q. (2005), 1789
Wash. U. L.Q.
, vol.83
, pp. 1789
Osofsky, H.M.1
'Lawyers Preparing for Explosion of Climate-Related Work'
See Business Section (24 June); J. Peel, 'The Role of Climate Change Litigation in Australia's Response to Global Warming', 24 EPLJ (2007), 90, at 103-104; M. Mukerjee, 'Greenhouse Suits', ScientificAmerican.com (3 February 2003), available at
See E. Torbenson, 'Lawyers Preparing for Explosion of Climate-Related Work', The Dallas Morning News, Business Section (24 June 2007); J. Peel, 'The Role of Climate Change Litigation in Australia's Response to Global Warming', 24 EPLJ (2007), 90, at 103-104; M. Mukerjee, 'Greenhouse Suits', ScientificAmerican.com (3 February 2003), available at 〈http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id= greenhouse-suits-2003-02-03〉.
The Dallas Morning News
Torbenson, E.1
127 S. Ct. at 1438
Massachusetts v. EPA, 127 S. Ct. at 1438 (2007).
Massachusetts V. EPA
08-CV-1138 (ND Cal., February); California v. General Motors Corp., No. 3:06-CV-05755 (ND Cal., 2006) (dismissed August 2007, appeal pending); Comer v. Murphy Oil USA, Inc., No. 1:05-CV-436 (SD Miss., 2006); State of Connecticut v. Am. Elec. Power Co., 406 F. Supp. 2d 265, 273 (SDNY, 2005)
Native Village of Kivalina v. ExxonMobil Corp., 08-CV-1138 (ND Cal., February 2008); California v. General Motors Corp., No. 3:06-CV-05755 (ND Cal., 2006) (dismissed August 2007, appeal pending); Comer v. Murphy Oil USA, Inc., No. 1:05-CV-436 (SD Miss., 2006); State of Connecticut v. Am. Elec. Power Co., 406 F. Supp. 2d 265, 273 (SDNY, 2005).
Native Village of Kivalina V. ExxonMobil Corp.
Centre for Biological Diversity, Petition to List Acropora Palmata (Elkhorn Coral), Acropora Cervicornis (Staghorn Coral), and Acropora Prolifera (Fused-Staghorn Coral) as Endangered Species Under the Endangered Species Act (Centre for Biological Diversity, 2004), available at
Centre for Biological Diversity, Petition to List Acropora Palmata (Elkhorn Coral), Acropora Cervicornis (Staghorn Coral), and Acropora Prolifera (Fused-Staghorn Coral) as Endangered Species Under the Endangered Species Act (Centre for Biological Diversity, 2004), available at 〈http://www.biologicaldiversity.org/swcbd/SPECIES/ coral/petition.pdf〉.
488 F. Supp.2d 889 (ND Cal.) (case settled in February 2009)
Friends of the Earth, Inc. v. Mosbacher, 488 F. Supp.2d 889 (ND Cal., 2007) (case settled in February 2009).
Friends of the Earth, Inc. V. Mosbacher
(16 November), available at The response from the Commission stated that 'the information provided does not enable us to determine whether the alleged facts would tend to characterize a violation of the rights protected by the American Declaration'. See ibid
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Letter to Paul Crowley (16 November 2006), available at 〈http://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/ pdf/science/16commissionletter.pdf〉. The response from the Commission stated that 'the information provided does not enable us to determine whether the alleged facts would tend to characterize a violation of the rights protected by the American Declaration'. See ibid.
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Letter to Paul Crowley
Earthjustice (Earthjustice, 1 March), available at
Earthjustice, Nobel Prize Nominee Testifies About Global Warming (Earthjustice, 1 March 2007), available at 〈http://www.earthjustice.org/news/press/007/ nobel-prize-nominee-testifies-about-global-warming.html〉.
Nobel Prize Nominee Testifies About Global Warming
'The Inuit Petition as a Bridge? Beyond Dialectics of Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples' Rights'
H.M. Osofsky, 'The Inuit Petition as a Bridge? Beyond Dialectics of Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples' Rights', 31:2 Am. Indian L. Rev. (2007), 675
Am. Indian L. Rev.
, vol.31
, Issue.2
, pp. 675
Osofsky, H.M.1
UNESCO, World Heritage Centre (UNESCO), available at
UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, World Heritage Information Kit 7 (UNESCO, 2008), available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/documents/ publi_infokit_en.pdf〉.
World Heritage Information Kit 7
Ibid., at 7
Ibid., at 7.
See UNESCO (UNESCO, undated), available at (detailing history of the World Heritage Convention)
See UNESCO, World Heritage, History of the Convention (UNESCO, undated), available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/en/169/〉 (detailing history of the World Heritage Convention).
World Heritage, History of the Convention
See World Heritage Convention n. 26 above, Preamble
See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Preamble.
Ibid., Articles 1-3
Ibid., Articles 1-3.
Ibid., Article 1
Ibid., Article 1.
Ibid., Article 2
Ibid., Article 2.
UNESCO, Intergovernmental Commission for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (UN Doc. WHC Doc. 08/01, January), at para. 49, available at (Operational Guidelines)
UNESCO, Intergovernmental Commission for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (UN Doc. WHC Doc. 08/01, January 2008), at para. 49, available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/ archive/opguide08-en.pdf〉 (Operational Guidelines).
Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention
See World Heritage Convention n. 26 above, Article 11(1). For a description of the World Heritage Committee's responsibilities see n. 50 below and accompanying text
See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Article 11(1). For a description of the World Heritage Committee's responsibilities see n. 50 below and accompanying text.
See World Heritage Convention ibid., Article 11(2); UNESCO, The Criteria for Selection (UNESCO, undated), available at
See World Heritage Convention, ibid., Article 11(2); UNESCO, The Criteria for Selection (UNESCO, undated), available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/en/criteria/〉.
UNESCO, World Heritage Convention (UNESCO, undated), available at
UNESCO, World Heritage Convention, World Heritage List (UNESCO, undated), available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/〉.
World Heritage List
See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Article 4. See also Budapest Declaration on World Heritage, Twenty Sixth Session of the World Heritage Committee, WC-02/CONF.202/25, 9 (28 June 2002), at para. 2, which states that 'The properties on the World Heritage List are assets held in trust to pass on to generations of the future as their rightful inheritance', available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/en/ budapestdeclaration/〉.
See World Heritage Convention, ibid., Articles 4-5
See World Heritage Convention, ibid., Articles 4-5.
Ibid., Article 13(1)
Ibid., Article 13(1).
Ibid., Article 15
Ibid., Article 15.
'The Origin and Evolution of the World Heritage Convention'
Ibid., Article 6(1). In the words of the former Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee, Ralph Slayter: 'There are some parts of the world's natural and cultural heritage which are so unique and scientifically important to the world as a whole that their conservation and protection for present and future generations is not only a matter of concern for individual nations but for the international community as well'. See
Ibid., Article 6(1). In the words of the former Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee, Ralph Slayter: 'There are some parts of the world's natural and cultural heritage which are so unique and scientifically important to the world as a whole that their conservation and protection for present and future generations is not only a matter of concern for individual nations but for the international community as well'. See R. Slatyer, 'The Origin and Evolution of the World Heritage Convention', 12 Ambio (1983), 138
, vol.12
, pp. 138
Slatyer, R.1
See World Heritage Convention, ibid., Article 6(2)
See World Heritage Convention, ibid., Article 6(2).
Ibid., Article 6(3)
Ibid., Article 6(3).
Ibid., Article 7. See the Preamble, emphasizing the need for 'an effective system of collective protection of the cultural and natural heritage of outstanding universal value, organized on a permanent basis...'
Ibid., Article 7. See the Preamble, emphasizing the need for 'an effective system of collective protection of the cultural and natural heritage of outstanding universal value, organized on a permanent basis...'.
Ibid., Article 8(1). While the Convention provides for 6-year terms for Committee members, most parties have chosen to only serve 4-year terms to facilitate participation by other parties. See UNESCO (UNESCO, undated), available at
Ibid., Article 8(1). While the Convention provides for 6-year terms for Committee members, most parties have chosen to only serve 4-year terms to facilitate participation by other parties. See UNESCO, World Heritage Committee, 2007-2009 (UNESCO, undated), available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/en/committeemembers/〉.
World Heritage Committee, 2007-2009
See World Heritage Convention, ibid., Articles 8-14
See World Heritage Convention, ibid., Articles 8-14.
Ibid., Article 11(4)
Ibid., Article 11(4).
Ibid., Article 11(4)
Ibid., Article 11(4).
See n. 39 above, para. 181
See Operational Guidelines, n. 39 above, para. 181.
Operational Guidelines
Ibid., paras 178-180
Ibid., paras 178-180.
See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Article 11(4)
See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Article 11(4).
See n. 39 above, para. 186
See Operational Guidelines, n. 39 above, para. 186.
Operational Guidelines
See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Article 13(1); Operational Guidelines, n. 39 above, para. 189
See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Article 13(1); Operational Guidelines, n. 39 above, para. 189.
Ibid., Article 191(a)
Ibid., Article 191(a).
Ibid., Article 191(b)
Ibid., Article 191(b).
Ibid., Article 191(c). Only one property has ever been deleted from the World Heritage List, the Oryx Sanctuary in Oman, in 2007. See World Heritage Committee, Decision 31 COM 7B
Ibid., Article 191(c). Only one property has ever been deleted from the World Heritage List, the Oryx Sanctuary in Oman, in 2007. See World Heritage Committee, Decision 31 COM 7B (2007).
For a full list of the petitioners, see Climate Justice Programme, Briefing for the UNESCO, World Heritage Committee, Thirty-First Session, in at 5, available at
For a full list of the petitioners, see Climate Justice Programme, Briefing for the UNESCO, World Heritage Committee, Thirty-First Session, in World Heritage and Climate Change: Complying with International Law (2007), at 5, available at 〈http://www.climatelaw.org/cases/country/ intl/case-documents/unesco/unozblmtns/report.june.2007.pdf〉.
World Heritage and Climate Change: Complying With International Law
Technically, one of the filings with the World Heritage Committee was a report (Sydney Centre for International & Global Law (SCIGL, 21 September), available at), which analysed the potential impacts of climate change on a natural heritage site in Australia, the Great Barrier Reef, and the legal obligations of parties to the Convention to prevent harm to the site. However, the report was classified by the Committee as an In Danger listing petition. See Climate Justice, UNESCO: World Heritage Committee Debate and Decision (ClimateJustice, July 2005), available at 〈http://www.climatelaw.org/cases/country/intl/ unescoglacier/2005Jul13/〉
Technically, one of the filings with the World Heritage Committee was a report (Sydney Centre for International & Global Law, Global Climate Change and the Great Barrier Reef: Australia's Obligations under the World Heritage Convention (SCIGL, 21 September, 2004), available at 〈http://www.law.usyd.edu.au/scigl/ SCIGLFinalReport21_09_04.pdf〉), which analysed the potential impacts of climate change on a natural heritage site in Australia, the Great Barrier Reef, and the legal obligations of parties to the Convention to prevent harm to the site. However, the report was classified by the Committee as an In Danger listing petition. See Climate Justice, UNESCO: World Heritage Committee Debate and Decision (ClimateJustice, July 2005), available at 〈http://www.climatelaw.org/cases/country/intl/unescoglacier/ 2005Jul13/〉.
Global Climate Change and the Great Barrier Reef: Australia's Obligations Under the World Heritage Convention
The USA in its position paper on the climate change petitions contended that non-States were not authorized under the Convention to file In Danger petitions. See USA (undated), at 4, available at While the World Heritage Convention does not expressly authorize petitions of this nature by non-governmental organizations and individuals, one of the climate change petitions cited a UNESCO, World Heritage Centre publication, The World Heritage Information Kit (UNESCO, undated), available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/documents/ publi_infokit_en.pdf〉. The publication indicates that private individuals, non-governmental organizations and other groups may draw the Committee's attention to existing threats. See ibid., at 18. Petition to the World Heritage Committee Requesting Inclusion of the Huascaran National Park in the List of World Heritage in Danger (17 November 2004), at 17-37, available at 〈http://www.climatelaw.org/ cases/country/intl/unescoperu/〉.
The USA in its position paper on the climate change petitions contended that non-States were not authorized under the Convention to file In Danger petitions. See USA, Position of the United State [sic] of America on Climate Change with Respect to the World Heritage Convention and World Heritage Sites (undated), at 4, available at 〈http://www.elaw.org/assets/word/u.s.climate.US%20paper.doc〉. While the World Heritage Convention does not expressly authorize petitions of this nature by non-governmental organizations and individuals, one of the climate change petitions cited a UNESCO, World Heritage Centre publication, The World Heritage Information Kit (UNESCO, undated), available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/documents/ publi_infokit_en.pdf〉. The publication indicates that private individuals, non-governmental organizations and other groups may draw the Committee's attention to existing threats. See ibid., at 18. Petition to the World Heritage Committee Requesting Inclusion of the Huascaran National Park in the List of World Heritage in Danger (17 November 2004), at 17-37, available at 〈http://www.climatelaw.org/ cases/country/intl/unescoperu/〉.
Position of the United State [sic] of America on Climate Change With Respect to the World Heritage Convention and World Heritage Sites
Ibid., at 3-4
Ibid., at 3-4.
See Sydney Centre for International & Global Law, n. 66 above
See Sydney Centre for International & Global Law, n. 66 above.
See Sydney Centre for International & Global Law, n. 66 above, at 10
See Sydney Centre for International & Global Law, n. 66 above, at 10.
Ibid., at 11
Ibid., at 11.
Ibid., at 3-4
Ibid., at 3-4.
Ibid., at 9. The petition stated that the number of glaciers in the park had been reduced to less than one-fifth of those that existed within the park's boundaries in 1850. See ibid.
Ibid., at 7
Ibid., at 7.
Ibid., at 13-14
Ibid., at 13-14.
Ibid., at 20
Ibid., at 20.
Ibid., at 26-29
Ibid., at 26-29.
Ibid., at 29
Ibid., at 29.
Ibid., at 30
Ibid., at 30.
See (15 November), at 40, available at Petition to the World Heritage Committee Requesting Inclusion of the Huascaran National Park in the List of World Heritage in Danger, n. 67 above, at 40; Petition to the World Heritage Committee Requesting Inclusion of Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, n. 77 above, at 17-26; and Sydney Centre for International & Global Law, n. 66 above, at 20-30
See Petition to the World Heritage Committee Requesting Inclusion of Sagarmatha National Park in the List of World Heritage in Danger as a Result of Climate Change and for Protective Measures and Actions (15 November 2004), at 40, available at 〈http://www.climatelaw.org/ cases/country/intl/unesconepal/〉 Petition to the World Heritage Committee Requesting Inclusion of the Huascaran National Park in the List of World Heritage in Danger, n. 67 above, at 40; Petition to the World Heritage Committee Requesting Inclusion of Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, n. 77 above, at 17-26; and Sydney Centre for International & Global Law, n. 66 above, at 20-30.
Petition to the World Heritage Committee Requesting Inclusion of Sagarmatha National Park in the List of World Heritage in Danger As a Result of Climate Change and for Protective Measures and Actions
See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Article 4
See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Article 4.
China's aggregate emissions exceeded those of the USA in 2006. See Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency Press Release (22 June), available at
China's aggregate emissions exceeded those of the USA in 2006. See Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 'Chinese CO2 Emissions in Perspective', Press Release (22 June 2007), available at 〈http://www.mnp.nl/en/service/pressreleases/2007/ 20070622ChineseCO2emissionsinperspective.html〉.
'Chinese CO2 Emissions in Perspective'
Ibid., at 20
Ibid., at 20.
Ibid., at 21-26
Ibid., at 21-26.
See Sydney Centre for International & Global Law, n. 66 above, at 4
See Sydney Centre for International & Global Law, n. 66 above, at 4.
Ibid., at 5
Ibid., at 5.
At the Committee's thirty-third meeting, held in June of 2009, the Committee did place the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System on the In Danger list. However, the Committee stated that the primary threats to the site were mangrove cutting and excessive development. See UNESCO, World Heritage Convention (28 June), available at This finding strains credulity in the face of the solid evidence presented by the petitioners in the 2005 Belize petition that climate change was a serious, if not most serious, threat to the site's integrity
At the Committee's thirty-third meeting, held in June of 2009, the Committee did place the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System on the In Danger list. However, the Committee stated that the primary threats to the site were mangrove cutting and excessive development. See UNESCO, World Heritage Convention, '13 New Sites have been Added to UNESCO's World Heritage List which Lost One Site While Three were Placed on the Danger List' (28 June 2009), available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/en/ news/536〉. This finding strains credulity in the face of the solid evidence presented by the petitioners in the 2005 Belize petition that climate change was a serious, if not most serious, threat to the site's integrity.
'13 New Sites Have Been Added to UNESCO's World Heritage List Which Lost One Site While Three Were Placed on the Danger List'
UNESCO, World Heritage Convention (UNESCO, undated), available at
UNESCO, World Heritage Convention, World Heritage Committee, 2007-2009 (UNESCO, undated), available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/en/ committeemembers/〉.
World Heritage Committee, 2007-2009
Ibid., at 1-6
Ibid., at 1-6.
Ibid., at 3
Ibid., at 3.
Ibid., at 4-5
Ibid., at 4-5.
See UNESCO, World Heritage Committee, n. 100 above, Annex 4
See UNESCO, World Heritage Committee, n. 100 above, Annex 4.
Ibid., at 20-33
Ibid., at 20-33.
Ibid., at 34-55
Ibid., at 34-55.
The World Heritage Centre was established in 1992 as the focal point and coordinator for world heritage issues in UNESCO. Among its responsibilities are organizing annual sessions of the World Heritage Committee and its Bureau, providing advice to the parties in preparation of site nominations, and reporting on the condition of sites and emergency action that is undertaken when a site becomes threatened. See UNESCO (UNESCO, undated), available at
The World Heritage Centre was established in 1992 as the focal point and coordinator for world heritage issues in UNESCO. Among its responsibilities are organizing annual sessions of the World Heritage Committee and its Bureau, providing advice to the parties in preparation of site nominations, and reporting on the condition of sites and emergency action that is undertaken when a site becomes threatened. See UNESCO, World Heritage Centre (UNESCO, undated), available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/en/134/〉.
World Heritage Centre
The General Assembly of State parties to the Convention meets during the sessions of the General Conference of UNESCO. See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Article 8(1).
UNESCO, World Heritage Centre (UNESCO, undated), available at and 〈http://whc.unesco.org/uploads/activities/documents/ activity-397-2.pdf〉
UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, Policy Document on the Impacts of Climate Change on World Heritage Properties (UNESCO, undated), available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/uploads/activities/documents/ activity-393-2.pdf〉 and 〈http://whc.unesco.org/uploads/ activities/documents/activity-397-2.pdf〉.
Policy Document on the Impacts of Climate Change on World Heritage Properties
Ibid., at 4
Ibid., at 4.
Ibid., at 7
Ibid., at 7.
Ibid., at Annex 1
Ibid., at Annex 1.
This interpretation is bolstered by the Committee's decision in 2003 to reject a proposal by Australia that would have amended the Operational Guidelines to give parties a veto over inscription of sites within their jurisdiction on the In Danger list. See World Heritage Committee (WHC-03/ 6 EXT.COM/8, 27 May)
This interpretation is bolstered by the Committee's decision in 2003 to reject a proposal by Australia that would have amended the Operational Guidelines to give parties a veto over inscription of sites within their jurisdiction on the In Danger list. See World Heritage Committee, Decisions Adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its Sixth Extraordinary Session (WHC-03/6 EXT.COM/8, 27 May 2003).
Decisions Adopted By the World Heritage Committee at Its Sixth Extraordinary Session
See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Preamble
See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Preamble.
Ibid., Article 11(3)
Ibid., Article 11(3).
Ibid., Article 11(4)
Ibid., Article 11(4).
'On Thin Ice: The Failure of the United States and the World Heritage Committee to Take Climate Change Mitigation Pursuant to the World Heritage Convention Seriously'
at 173. For a contrary view, see N. Affolder, 'Democratising or Demonising the World Heritage Convention?', 38:2 Victoria U. Wellington L. Rev. (2007), 341, at 355
E.J. Thorson, 'On Thin Ice: The Failure of the United States and the World Heritage Committee to Take Climate Change Mitigation Pursuant to the World Heritage Convention Seriously', 38 Envtl. L. (2008), 139, at 173. For a contrary view, see N. Affolder, 'Democratising or Demonising the World Heritage Convention?', 38:2 Victoria U. Wellington L. Rev. (2007), 341, at 355.
Envtl. L.
, vol.38
, pp. 139
Thorson, E.J.1
UNESCO, World Heritage Centre (UNESCO), available at
UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, Case Studies on Climate Change and World Heritage (UNESCO, 2007), available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/ documents/publi_climatechange.pdf〉.
Case Studies on Climate Change and World Heritage
See UNFCCC, n. 3 above, Article 2
See UNFCCC, n. 3 above, Article 2.
'Achieving Adequate Adaptation in Agriculture'
at 191; R.J.T. Klein et al., Portfolio Screening to Support the Mainstreaming of Adaptation to Climate Change into Development Assistance, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Working Paper 102 (2007), at 1, available at
I. Burton and B. Lim, 'Achieving Adequate Adaptation in Agriculture', 70:1-2 Climatic Change (2005), 191, at 191; R.J.T. Klein et al., Portfolio Screening to Support the Mainstreaming of Adaptation to Climate Change into Development Assistance, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Working Paper 102 (2007), at 1, available at 〈http://www.tyndall.ac.uk/publications/working_papers/ twp102.pdf〉.
Climatic Change
, vol.70
, Issue.1-2
, pp. 191
Burton, I.1
Lim, B.2
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development Climate Change and Sustainable Development: A Workshop to Strengthen Research and Understanding (7-8 April), at 1
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development, Adaptation to Climate Change in the Context of Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Sustainable Development: A Workshop to Strengthen Research and Understanding (7-8 April 2007), at 1.
Adaptation to Climate Change in the Context of Sustainable Development
See n. 12 above and accompanying text
See n. 12 above and accompanying text.
'Lifting the Taboo on Adaptation'
at 597, available at
R. Pielke Jr et al., 'Lifting the Taboo on Adaptation', 445 Nature (2007), 597, at 597, available at 〈http://www.nature.com/nature/ journal/v445/n7128/pdf/445597a.pdf〉.
, vol.445
, pp. 597
Pielke, R.1
'On Avoiding Dangerous Anthropogenic Interference With the Climate System: Formidable Challenges Ahead'
V. Ramanathan and Y. Feng, 'On Avoiding Dangerous Anthropogenic Interference With the Climate System: Formidable Challenges Ahead', 105:38 Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci. (2008), 14245, at 14246
Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci.
, vol.105
, Issue.38
, pp. 14246
Ramanathan, V.1
Feng, Y.2
See n. 13 above and accompanying text
See n. 13 above and accompanying text.
'Adaptation to Climate Change - Where Do We Go From Bali?'
(20 October), available at
S. Harmeling, 'Adaptation to Climate Change - Where Do We Go From Bali?', Tiempo Climate Newswatch (20 October 2008), available at 〈http://www.tiempocyberclimate.org/newswatch/ comment080321.htm〉.
Tiempo Climate Newswatch
Harmeling, S.1
'Adapt or Die'
Economist.com (11 September), available at
Economist.com, 'Adapt or Die', Economist (11 September 2008), available at 〈http://www.economist.com/world/international/ displaystory.cfm?story_id=12208005〉.
Australian Government, Department of the Environmental and Heritage, Australian Greenhouse Office (Australian Government) See also United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, n. 122 above, at 2; Global Environment Facility, Financing Adaptation Action (GEF, 2007), at 8, available at
Australian Government, Department of the Environmental and Heritage, Australian Greenhouse Office, Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability (Australian Government, 2005), 107. See also United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, n. 122 above, at 2; Global Environment Facility, Financing Adaptation Action (GEF, 2007), at 8, available at 〈http://www.energyandenvironment.undp.org/undp/ indexAction.cfm?module=Library&action= GetFile&DocumentAttachmentID=2366〉.
Climate Change Risk and Vulnerability
, pp. 107
See UNESCO, World Heritage Committee, n. 106 above, at 54
See UNESCO, World Heritage Committee, n. 106 above, at 54.
See UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, n. 110 above, at 6
See UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, n. 110 above, at 6.
'Climate Change and World Heritage'
UNESCO at 27, available at
UNESCO, 'Climate Change and World Heritage', 22 World Heritage Rep. (2007), at 27, available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/documents/ publi_wh_papers_22_en.pdf〉.
World Heritage Rep.
, vol.22
See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Article 11(4)
See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Article 11(4).
(Vienna, 23 May), Article 53 (entered into force 27 January 1980)
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Vienna, 23 May 1969), Article 53 (entered into force 27 January 1980).
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
UNESCO, World Heritage Convention (UNESCO, undated), available at
UNESCO, World Heritage Convention, List of World Heritage in Danger (UNESCO, undated), available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/en/ danger/〉.
List of World Heritage in Danger
See UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, n. 110 above, at 3. See also UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, n. 119 above ('As far as natural heritage is concerned, the vast majority of biomes may be adversely impacted by the effects of climate change'). See also 'World Heritage Sites Threatened by Climate Change', ABC News (21 June 2008) ('over 120 world heritage sites are threatened by climate change around the world'), available at 〈http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/06/21/2281633.htm〉.
See UNESCO, World Heritage Committee, n. 100 above, Annex 4, at 16. See also Convention on Biological Diversity, Proposals for the Integration of Climate Change Activities within the Programmes of Work of the Convention, Options for Mutually Supportive Actions Addressing Climate Change within the Rio Conventions and a Summary of the Findings of the Global Assessment on Peatlands, Biodiversity and Climate Change (UNEP/ CBD/SBSTTA/12/7, 7 July 2007), available at 〈http://www.cbd.int/doc/ meetings/sbstta/sbstta-12/official/sbstta-12-07-en.doc〉 ('the negative impacts of climate change on protected areas are manifested within at least 79 Natural and Mixed World Heritage Sites identified as being threatened by climate change'). Climate change is likely to pose a threat to both natural and cultural sites. The World Monuments Fund recently included climate change among the threats considered in its 2008 List of Most Endangered Sites. See Shearing, n. 72 above, at 9.
See n. 102 above; see also see also UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, 'Climate Change and World Heritage', 22 World Heritage Rep. (2007), 37, available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/documents/ publi_wh_papers_22_en.pdf〉.
(Cambridge University Press), at 388. See also E. de Vattel, The Law of Nations: Or Principles of the Law of Nature Applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns, Book II (T. & J.W. Johnson & Co., 1867), chapter XVII, paras 311, and 316
J. Pauwelyn, Conflict of Norms in Public International Law: How the WTO Law Relates to Other Rules of International Law (Cambridge University Press, 2003), at 388. See also E. de Vattel, The Law of Nations: Or Principles of the Law of Nature Applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns, Book II (T. & J.W. Johnson & Co., 1867), chapter XVII, paras 311, and 316.
Conflict of Norms in Public International Law: How the WTO Law Relates to Other Rules of International Law
Pauwelyn, J.1
While the principle was not incorporated into the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, it was acknowledged during the drafting process that a treaty might be 'special' in relation to another treaty. See Statement of the Expert Consultant (Waldock), United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, Second Session, Vienna, 9-22 April
While the principle was not incorporated into the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, it was acknowledged during the drafting process that a treaty might be 'special' in relation to another treaty. See Statement of the Expert Consultant (Waldock), United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, Second Session, Vienna, 9-22 April, Official Records (1970), 270.
Official Records
, pp. 270
'Lex Specialis: Oversimplifying a More Complex and Multifaceted Relationship?'
at 368; Southern Bluefin Tuna (New Zealand-Japan, Australia-Japan), XXIII Rep. Int'l Arbitral Awards (4 August 2000), at 22-23, available at (Southern Bluefin Tuna)
N. Prud'homme, 'Lex Specialis: Oversimplifying a More Complex and Multifaceted Relationship?', 40:2 Isr. L. Rev. (2007), 355, at 368; Southern Bluefin Tuna (New Zealand-Japan, Australia-Japan), XXIII Rep. Int'l Arbitral Awards (4 August 2000), at 22-23, available at 〈http://untreaty.un.org/cod/riaa/cases/vol_XXIII/1-57.pdf〉 (Southern Bluefin Tuna).
Isr. L. Rev.
, vol.40
, Issue.2
, pp. 355
Prud'homme, N.1
'Lex Specialis? Belt and Suspenders? The Parallel Operation of Human Rights Law and the Law of Armed Conflict and the Conundrum of Jus Ad Bellum'
at 597 see Southern Bluefin Tuna, n. 145 above, at 35 ('only where there is actual inconsistency between two treaties do questions of exclusion arise...')
W.A. Schabas, 'Lex Specialis? Belt and Suspenders? The Parallel Operation of Human Rights Law and the Law of Armed Conflict and the Conundrum of Jus Ad Bellum', 40:2 Isr. L. Rev. (2007), 592, at 597; see Southern Bluefin Tuna, n. 145 above, at 35 ('only where there is actual inconsistency between two treaties do questions of exclusion arise...').
Isr. L. Rev.
, vol.40
, Issue.2
, pp. 592
Schabas, W.A.1
See United Nations General Assembly, n. 142 above, at 26. See also ICJ Rep. 142 ('It is a rule of interpretation that a text emanating from a government must, in principle, be interpreted as producing and is intended to produce effects in accordance with existing law and not in violation of it'); J. Pauwelyn, 'The Role of Public International Law in the WTO: How Far Can We Go?', 95 Am. J. Int'l L. (2001), 535, at 550; R. Jennings and A. Watts (eds), Oppenheim's International Law, 9th edn (Oxford University Press, 1992), at 1275
See United Nations General Assembly, n. 142 above, at 26. See also In the Case Concerning the Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India) (Preliminary Objections), [1957] ICJ Rep. 142 ('It is a rule of interpretation that a text emanating from a government must, in principle, be interpreted as producing and is intended to produce effects in accordance with existing law and not in violation of it'); J. Pauwelyn, 'The Role of Public International Law in the WTO: How Far Can We Go?', 95 Am. J. Int'l L. (2001), 535, at 550; R. Jennings and A. Watts (eds), Oppenheim's International Law, 9th edn (Oxford University Press, 1992), at 1275.
In the Case Concerning the Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal V. India) (Preliminary Objections)
International Law Commission (UN Doc. A/60/10, 3 August 2005), at 457. See especially chapter XI, 'Fragmentation of International Law: Difficulties arising from the Diversification and Expansion of International Law'
International Law Commission, Report on the Work of its Fifty-Seventh Session (UN Doc. A/60/10, 3 August 2005), at 457. See especially chapter XI, 'Fragmentation of International Law: Difficulties arising from the Diversification and Expansion of International Law'.
Report on the Work of Its Fifty-Seventh Session
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Arbitral Tribunal Memorial of Ireland paras 1.65-169, available at 〈
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Arbitral Tribunal, In the Dispute Concerning the MOX Plant, International Movements of Radioactive Materials, and the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Irish Sea, Ireland v. United Kingdom, Memorial of Ireland, Vol. 1 (2002), paras 1.65-169, available at 〈http://www.pca-cpa.org/upload/ files/Ireland%20Memorial%20Part%20I.pdf〉.
In the Dispute Concerning the MOX Plant, International Movements of Radioactive Materials, and the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Irish Sea, Ireland V. United Kingdom
, vol.1
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea'
'MOX Plant Case, Request for Provisional Measures Order (Ireland v. the United Kingdom) (3 December 2001) para. 50. See also Southern Bluefin Tuna, n. 145 above, at 23 ('possible that a given act may violate more than one treaty')
'MOX Plant Case, Request for Provisional Measures Order (Ireland v. the United Kingdom) (3 December 2001), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea', 126 Int'l L. Rev. (2005), 273, para. 50. See also Southern Bluefin Tuna, n. 145 above, at 23 ('possible that a given act may violate more than one treaty').
Int'l L. Rev.
, vol.126
, pp. 273
ibid., at 40. See also ibid., at 35 ('the presumption of parallelism of jurisdictional clauses is of long standing')
Southern Bluefin Tuna, ibid., at 40. See also ibid., at 35 ('the presumption of parallelism of jurisdictional clauses is of long standing').
Southern Bluefin Tuna
(Montreal, 29 January), Articles 20, 22 and Preamble, available at
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, Convention on Biological Diversity (Montreal, 29 January 2000), Articles 20, 22 and Preamble, available at 〈http://www.biodiv.org/biosafety/protocol.asp〉.
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, Convention on Biological Diversity
See n. 137 above, Article 30(2): 'When a treaty specifies that it is subject to, or that it is not to be considered as incompatible with, an earlier or later treaty, the provisions of that other treaty prevail'
See Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, n. 137 above, Article 30(2): 'When a treaty specifies that it is subject to, or that it is not to be considered as incompatible with, an earlier or later treaty, the provisions of that other treaty prevail'.
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
See n. 146 above, at 13. See also G. Arangio-Ruiz, Fourth Report on State Responsibility, Doc. A/CN.4/444', II:1 Y.B. Int'l L. Comm'n (1992), 40-41, available at
See United Nations, General Assembly, n. 146 above, at 13. See also G. Arangio-Ruiz, Fourth Report on State Responsibility, Doc. A/CN.4/444', II:1 Y.B. Int'l L. Comm'n (1992), 40-41, available at 〈http://untreaty.un.org/ilc/publications/yearbooks/Ybkvolumes(e)/ ILC_1992_v2_p1_e.pdf〉.
United Nations, General Assembly
See UNFCCC, n. 3 above, Article 3(3)
See UNFCCC, n. 3 above, Article 3(3).
Ibid., Article 3(1)
Ibid., Article 3(1).
Ibid., Article 2
Ibid., Article 2.
See UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, n. 141 above
See UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, n. 141 above.
See n. 147 above, at 598
See W.A. Schabas, n. 147 above, at 598.
Schabas, W.A.1
'Regime-Collisions: The Vain Search for Legal Unity in the Fragmentation of Global Law'
A. Fischer-Lescano and G. Teubner, 'Regime-Collisions: The Vain Search for Legal Unity in the Fragmentation of Global Law', 25:4 Mich. J. Int'l L. (2004), 999
Mich. J. Int'l L.
, vol.25
, Issue.4
, pp. 999
Fischer-Lescano, A.1
Teubner, G.2
See UNESCO, World Heritage Committee, n. 95 above, at 4
See UNESCO, World Heritage Committee, n. 95 above, at 4.
See UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, n. 110 above, at 9
See UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, n. 110 above, at 9.
See n. 118 above, at 13
See E.J. Thorson, n. 118 above, at 13.
Thorson, E.J.1
See n. 72 above, at 17-18
See S. Shearing, n. 72 above, at 17-18.
Shearing, S.1
See n. 137 above
See n. 137 above.
UNESCO, Background Document, Prepared for Working Group Meeting to Develop the Policy Paper on Impacts of Climate Change on World Heritage Properties, Contribution from the IUCN's Academy of Environmental Law Environmental Law Programme (5-7 January 2007), at 20 and 40, available at
UNESCO, Background Document, Prepared for Working Group Meeting to Develop the Policy Paper on Impacts of Climate Change on World Heritage Properties, Contribution from the IUCN's Academy of Environmental Law Environmental Law Programme (5-7 January 2007), at 20 and 40, available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/uploads/activities/documents/ activity-471-1.doc〉.
See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Preamble
See World Heritage Convention, n. 26 above, Preamble.
Ibid., Article 5(1) (emphasis added)
Ibid., Article 5(1) (emphasis added).
Ibid., Article 6(3)
Ibid., Article 6(3).
'Toward an International Law of Climate Change: Utilizing a Model of International Tribunals as Law-Makers'
in W.C.G. Burns and H. Osofsky (eds) (in press), at 107
A. Strauss, 'Toward an International Law of Climate Change: Utilizing a Model of International Tribunals as Law-Makers', in W.C.G. Burns and H. Osofsky (eds), Adjudicating Climate Change: Sub-National, National, and Supra-National Approaches (2009) (in press), at 107.
Adjudicating Climate Change: Sub-National, National, and Supra-National Approaches
Strauss, A.1
The Catch of Poseidon's Trident: The Fate of High Seas Fisheries in the Southern Bluefin Tuna Case', 26 Melbourne U. L. Rev., available at
D. Horowitz, 'S outhern Bluefin Tuna Case (Australia And New Zealand v. Japan) (Jurisdiction and Admissibility); The Catch of Poseidon's Trident: The Fate of High Seas Fisheries in the Southern Bluefin Tuna Case', 26 Melbourne U. L. Rev., available at 〈http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/journals/MULR/2001/26.html〉.
'Southern Bluefin Tuna Case (Australia And New Zealand V. Japan) (Jurisdiction and Admissibility)
Horowitz, D.1
'Nonbinding Dispute Resolution Processes in Fisheries Conflicts: Fish Out of Water?'
at 800-801
R.J. Silk Jr, 'Nonbinding Dispute Resolution Processes in Fisheries Conflicts: Fish Out of Water?', 16 Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol. (2001), 791, at 800-801.
Ohio St. J. on Disp. Resol.
, vol.16
, pp. 791
Silk Jr., R.J.1
See n. 140 above and accompanying text
See n. 140 above and accompanying text.
Petition to the Thirty-First Session of the World Heritage Committee, Requesting Inscription of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area in the List of World Heritage in Danger and for Protective Measures and Actions (2007), available at
Petition to the Thirty-First Session of the World Heritage Committee, Requesting Inscription of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area in the List of World Heritage in Danger and for Protective Measures and Actions (2007), available at 〈http://climatelaw.org/cases/country/ intl/cases/case-documents/unesco/unozblmtns/body.pdf〉.
Ibid., at 15-16
Ibid., at 15-16.
Ibid., at 17
Ibid., at 17.
Ibid., at 27-41
Ibid., at 27-41.
EarthJustice and Australian Climate Justice Programme, Petition to the World Heritage Committee (29 January), available at
EarthJustice and Australian Climate Justice Programme, Petition to the World Heritage Committee, The Role of Black Carbon in Endangering World Heritage Sites Threatened by Glacial Melt and Sea Level Rise (29 January 2009), available at 〈http://whc.unesco.org/uploads/activities/ documents/activity-393-4.pdf〉.
The Role of Black Carbon in Endangering World Heritage Sites Threatened By Glacial Melt and Sea Level Rise
'Global and Regional Climate Changes Due to Black Carbon'
V. Ramanathan and G. Carmichael, 'Global and Regional Climate Changes Due to Black Carbon', 1 Nature Geosci. (2008), 221
Nature Geosci
, vol.1
, pp. 221
Ramanathan, V.1
Carmichael, G.2
'Black Carbon an Easy Target for Climate Change'
(Carnegie Council, 2 February 2009), available at By contrast, long-lived greenhouse gases have atmospheric lifetimes ranging from 10 years for methane to 100 years or more for nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide. See EarthJustice and Australian Climate Justice Programme, n. 185, at 4
J. Lash, 'Black Carbon an Easy Target for Climate Change', Policy Innovations (Carnegie Council, 2 February 2009), available at 〈http://www.policyinnovations.org/ideas/innovations/data/ 000084〉. By contrast, long-lived greenhouse gases have atmospheric lifetimes ranging from 10 years for methane to 100 years or more for nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide. See EarthJustice and Australian Climate Justice Programme, n. 185, at 4.
Policy Innovations
Lash, J.1
Black carbon particulates directly absorb sunlight, heating the atmosphere. Moreover, black carbon increases cloud droplet concentrations and thicker lower-level clouds, which also traps the Earth's radiated heat. See EarthJustice and Australian Climate Justice Programme, n. 185 above, at 5.
See n. 186 above, at 222; World Resources Institute, EarthTrends, Black Carbon Emerges as a Main Contributor to Global Warming (30 March 2008), available at. Black carbon can circulate from the equator to the poles prior to deposition by precipitation. See C.S. Zender, Arctic Climate Effects of Black Carbon, Testimony to the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, United States House of Representatives (17 October 2007)
See V. Ramanathan and G. Carmichael, n. 186 above, at 222; World Resources Institute, EarthTrends, Black Carbon Emerges as a Main Contributor to Global Warming (30 March 2008), available at 〈http://earthtrends.wri.org/updates/node/295〉. Black carbon can circulate from the equator to the poles prior to deposition by precipitation. See C.S. Zender, Arctic Climate Effects of Black Carbon, Testimony to the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, United States House of Representatives (17 October 2007).
Ramanathan, V.1
Carmichael, G.2
Ibid., at 7
Ibid., at 7.
'Soot Climate Forcing Via Snow and Ice Albedos'
J. Hansen and L. Nazarenko, 'Soot Climate Forcing Via Snow and Ice Albedos', 101:2 Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci. (2004), 423
Proc. Nat'l Acad. Sci.
, vol.101
, pp. 423
Hansen, J.1
Nazarenko, L.2
See n. 187 above
See J. Lash, n. 187 above.
Lash, J.1
Ibid., at 38-41
Ibid., at 38-41.
Ibid., at 41-42. Unlike in the case of many of the other climate-focused petitions where on-site efforts to mitigate greenhouse gases would do little to address the threat, 'measures to reduce emissions of black carbon emissions at or near to threatened World Heritage sites can be particularly effective': ibid., at 40
Ibid., at 41-42. Unlike in the case of many of the other climate-focused petitions where on-site efforts to mitigate greenhouse gases would do little to address the threat, 'measures to reduce emissions of black carbon emissions at or near to threatened World Heritage sites can be particularly effective': Ibid., at 40.
Ibid., at 42
Ibid., at 42.
Ibid., at 43
Ibid., at 43.
Ibid., at 36
Ibid., at 36.
See UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, n. 110 above, at 7
See UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, n. 110 above, at 7.
See UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, n. 27 above, at 5
See UNESCO, World Heritage Centre, n. 27 above, at 5.