Al-Ghanim: Nu'arid al-Jur'a al-Siyasiyya al-Mufarrita fi al-Qarar al-Iqtisadi
Al-Ghanim: We Oppose an Overdose of Politics in Economic Decisions, 13 March, 52
"Al-Ghanim: Nu'arid al-Jur'a al-Siyasiyya al-Mufarrita fi al-Qarar al-Iqtisadi" (Al-Ghanim: We Oppose an Overdose of Politics in Economic Decisions), Al-Qabas, 13 March 2007, 52.
Albany, N.Y, State University of New York Press
Michael Herb, All in the Family: Absolutism, Revolution, and Democracy in the Middle Eastern Monarchies (Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 1999).
All in the Family: Absolutism, Revolution, and Democracy in the Middle Eastern Monarchies
Herb, M.1
Some earlier work argued that rents tended to replace economic divisions with divisions based on religion and culture. More recent work discusses various aspects of competition for rents in rentier societies. Jacques Delacroix, The Distributive State in the World System, Studies in Comparative International Development 15 Fall 1980, 3-21
Some earlier work argued that rents tended to replace economic divisions with divisions based on religion and culture. More recent work discusses various aspects of competition for rents in rentier societies. Jacques Delacroix, "The Distributive State in the World System," Studies in Comparative International Development 15 (Fall 1980): 3-21
Benjamin Smith and Joseph Kraus, Democracy Despite Oil: Transition and Consolidation in Latin America and Africa, Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., 1-4 September 2005.
Benjamin Smith and Joseph Kraus, "Democracy Despite Oil: Transition and Consolidation in Latin America and Africa," Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., 1-4 September 2005.
accessed 29 July 2008
World Trade Organization, Statistics Database, http://stat.wto.org (accessed 29 July 2008).
Statistics Database
accessed 29 July 2008
World Bank, World Development Indicators, http://www.worldbank.org (accessed 29 July 2008).
World Development Indicators
United Arab Emirates: Statistical Appendix,
International Monetary Fund, no. 06/256 , 28
International Monetary Fund, "United Arab Emirates: Statistical Appendix," Country Report no. 06/256 (2006), 28
Country Report
High Time to Pay Housing Fee,
14 April, accessed 17 December
Ashfaq Ahmed and Jay B. Hilotin, "High Time to Pay Housing Fee," Gulf News, 14 April 2006, http://archive.gulfnews.com (accessed 17 December 2007).
Gulf News
Ahmed, A.1
Hilotin, J.B.2
The National Assembly cannot remove confidence in the prime minister, but, following an interpellation, it can declare that it cannot work with the prime minister. The emir can then either dismiss the prime minister or call new elections
The National Assembly cannot remove confidence in the prime minister, but, following an interpellation, it can declare that it cannot work with the prime minister. The emir can then either dismiss the prime minister or call new elections.
'Abd al-Rahim 'Abd al-Latif al-Shahin, Nizam al-Hukm wa-l-Idarah fi al-Imarat al-'Arabiyya al-Muttahida (The System of Government and Administration in the United Arab Emirates), 1st ed. (Ras al-Khaimah, UAE: Matba'at Jalfar, 1997), 281-82.
'Abd al-Rahim 'Abd al-Latif al-Shahin, Nizam al-Hukm wa-l-Idarah fi al-Imarat al-'Arabiyya al-Muttahida (The System of Government and Administration in the United Arab Emirates), 1st ed. (Ras al-Khaimah, UAE: Matba'at Jalfar, 1997), 281-82.
United Arab Emirates: A Toe in the Water of Political Reform
accessed 16 November 2007
Amal Hashim, "United Arab Emirates: A Toe in the Water of Political Reform," Arab Reform Bulletin 4 (2006), http://carnegieendowment.org/arb (accessed 16 November 2007).
Arab Reform Bulletin
, vol.4
Hashim, A.1
Interview with FNC deputy name withheld, April 2007
Interview with FNC deputy (name withheld), April 2007.
Interview with a member of the Kuwaiti ruling family, Kuwait, spring 2007
Interview with a member of the Kuwaiti ruling family, Kuwait, spring 2007.
Hendrik Van der Meulen, The Role of Tribal and Kinship Ties in the Politics of the United Arab Emirates (PhD diss., Tufts University, 1997), 279. Van der Meulen directed the political-affairs section of the United States embassy in Abu Dhabi in the mid-1990s and wrote an underappreciated dissertation on tribes and politics in the UAE.
Hendrik Van der Meulen, "The Role of Tribal and Kinship Ties in the Politics of the United Arab Emirates" (PhD diss., Tufts University, 1997), 279. Van der Meulen directed the political-affairs section of the United States embassy in Abu Dhabi in the mid-1990s and wrote an underappreciated dissertation on tribes and politics in the UAE.
Global Citizen: OBG Talks to Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan
Oxford Business Group
Oxford Business Group, "Global Citizen: OBG Talks to Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan," Emerging Abu Dhabi, 2006, 19.
Emerging Abu Dhabi
, pp. 19
Sijal al-Wuzara' wa-l-Nuwwab ... Tab'a Qadima Manqaha (Controversies Between Ministers and Deputies ... An Old Story Revised), Al-Rai, 14 March 2007, http://www.alraialaam.com (accessed 29 May 2007).
"Sijal al-Wuzara' wa-l-Nuwwab ... Tab'a Qadima Manqaha" (Controversies Between Ministers and Deputies ... An Old Story Revised), Al-Rai, 14 March 2007, http://www.alraialaam.com (accessed 29 May 2007).
Al-Bahr: 'Al-Dira' Ta'kul Iyalaha' wa-Majlis al-Umma asra' Tariq li-l-Thara' (Al-Bahr: Dira Eats Its Subsidiary and the National Assembly Is the Fastest Road to Riches), Al-Rai, 27 May 2007, http://www.alraialaam.com (accessed 27 May 2007).
"Al-Bahr: 'Al-Dira' Ta'kul "Iyalaha' wa-Majlis al-Umma asra' Tariq li-l-Thara'" (Al-Bahr: Dira Eats Its Subsidiary and the National Assembly Is the Fastest Road to Riches), Al-Rai, 27 May 2007, http://www.alraialaam.com (accessed 27 May 2007).
Al-Tariqa al-Kuwaytiyya fi Mumarasat al-Dimuqratiya Ta'atal al-Tanmiya (The Kuwaiti Way of Practicing Democracy Hinders Economic Development), Al-Qabas, 19 May 2007, 1.
"Al-Tariqa al-Kuwaytiyya fi Mumarasat al-Dimuqratiya Ta'atal al-Tanmiya" (The Kuwaiti Way of Practicing Democracy Hinders Economic Development), Al-Qabas, 19 May 2007, 1.
States also provide stipends for students, sizable grants, or interest-free loans for housing, marriage bonuses, and other benefits
States also provide stipends for students, sizable grants, or interest-free loans for housing, marriage bonuses, and other benefits.
International Monetary Fund, Kuwait: Statistical Appendix, Country Report no. 08/192 (2008), 15; International Monetary Fund, United Arab Emirates: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix, Country Report no. 05/268 (2005), 35. Compare with Michael L. Ross, Oil, Islam, and Women, American Political Science Review 102 (2008), esp. 117, figure 3. The data point for Kuwait used in this figure is female citizens as a percentage of all workers.
International Monetary Fund, "Kuwait: Statistical Appendix," Country Report no. 08/192 (2008), 15; International Monetary Fund, "United Arab Emirates: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix," Country Report no. 05/268 (2005), 35. Compare with Michael L. Ross, "Oil, Islam, and Women," American Political Science Review 102 (2008), esp. 117, figure 3. The data point for Kuwait used in this figure is female citizens as a percentage of all workers.
Nationalism in Pre-modern Guise: The Discourse on Hadhar and Badu in Kuwait
Anh Nga Longva, "Nationalism in Pre-modern Guise: The Discourse on Hadhar and Badu in Kuwait," International Journal of Middle East Studies 38 (2006): 171-87.
International Journal of Middle East Studies
, vol.38
, pp. 171-187
Nga Longva, A.1
National Assembly of Kuwait: Research and Studies Administration, Istitla' Ra 'y hawl Awlawiyat al-Mawatin al-Kuwayti (Public Opinion Survey on the Priorities of the Kuwaiti Citizen) (unpublished manuscript, 2006), 36.
National Assembly of Kuwait: Research and Studies Administration, "Istitla' Ra 'y hawl Awlawiyat al-Mawatin al-Kuwayti" (Public Opinion Survey on the Priorities of the Kuwaiti Citizen) (unpublished manuscript, 2006), 36.
Ajwa' al-Tabayun al-Mustamira hawla Mashru' al-Hukuma Da'm al-Sharikat al-Istithmariya (Continuing Crosswinds Around the Government Plan to Support Investment Companies [note: The first two words are not commonly found together as a phrase]), Al-Qabas, 10 February 2009, 16.
"Ajwa' al-Tabayun al-Mustamira hawla Mashru' al-Hukuma Da'm al-Sharikat al-Istithmariya" (Continuing Crosswinds Around the Government Plan to Support Investment Companies [note: The first two words are not commonly found together as a phrase]), Al-Qabas, 10 February 2009, 16.
United States Energy Information Administration, 27 August 2008, accessed 2 March 2009
United States Energy Information Administration, "World Proved Estimates of Oil and Natural Gas," 27 August 2008, www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/international/reserves.html (accessed 2 March 2009).
World Proved Estimates of Oil and Natural Gas
This is according to the prime minister. Al-Muhammad: Al-Naft Sayabqi al-Kuwayt Mumtali'a Maliyan hata 2050, ala al-Aqall Al-Muhammad: Oil Will Keep Kuwait's Coffers Full Until 2050, At Least, Al-Qabas, 19 December 2007, 26
This is according to the prime minister. "Al-Muhammad: Al-Naft Sayabqi al-Kuwayt Mumtali'a Maliyan hata 2050 ... 'ala al-Aqall" (Al-Muhammad: Oil Will Keep Kuwait's Coffers Full Until 2050 ... At Least), Al-Qabas, 19 December 2007, 26.
Santa Monica, Calif, Rand-Qatar Policy Institute
Cathleen Stasz, Eric R. Eide, and Francisco Martorell, Post-Secondary Education in Qatar: Employer Demand, Student Choice, and Options for Policy (Santa Monica, Calif.: Rand-Qatar Policy Institute, 2007).
Post-Secondary Education in Qatar: Employer Demand, Student Choice, and Options for Policy
Stasz, C.1
Eide, E.R.2
Martorell, F.3
Ghazi al-Gosaibi (minister of labor), Saudi television, 14 June 2007, transcript and translation in Lexis-Nexis.
Ghazi al-Gosaibi (minister of labor), Saudi television, 14 June 2007, transcript and translation in Lexis-Nexis.
United Arab Emirates: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix,
International Monetary Fund, no. 03/67 , 27
International Monetary Fund, "United Arab Emirates: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix," Country Report no. 03/67 (2003), 27.
Country Report
accessed 8 July 2008
Zawya, http://zawya.com (accessed 8 July 2008)
accessed 29 July 2008
Emaar, "Investor Relations," http://emaar.com/Faqs/investor_relations (accessed 29 July 2008).
Investor Relations
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"Dubai Properties' Dh110b Business Bay Sold Out," Khaleej Times, 3 March 2007.
Khaleej Times
Islands Will Host 210 Hotels
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Palm Islands Will Host 210 Hotels," Gulf News, 2 May 2007.
Gulf News
Inside Dubai Inc
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Daren Fonda, Scott MacLeod, Eric Roston, and Coco Masters, "Inside Dubai Inc.," Time 167 (13 March 2006).
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Fonda, D.1
MacLeod, S.2
Roston, E.3
Masters, C.4
1 March 2007, accessed 9 April 2007
UAE Interact, "Dubai Population Makes Big Surge," 1 March 2007, http://uaeinteract.com/docs/ Dubai_population_makes_big_surge/24196.htm (accessed 9 April 2007).
Dubai Population Makes Big Surge
Or so the sale price of leases suggests. Kuwait Financial Centre-Markaz, Kuwait Real Estate: Commentary and Analysis, February 2008, 30.
Or so the sale price of leases suggests. Kuwait Financial Centre-Markaz, "Kuwait Real Estate: Commentary and Analysis," February 2008, 30.
MathaYurid Mujtama'al-'Amal min Majlis al-Umma al-Muqbil?
What Does the Business Community Want from the Upcoming National Assembly, 30 March, 45
"MathaYurid Mujtama'al-'Amal min Majlis al-Umma al-Muqbil?" (What Does the Business Community Want from the Upcoming National Assembly?), Al-Qabas, 30 March 2008, 45.
Ba'd Qisas Najah Mashari' al-Tanmiya fi al-Khalij ... tibq al-Kuwayt Sahiba Safqat al-Maghbun (Following Stories of the Success of Development Projects in the Gulf ... Kuwait Holds a Losing Hand), Al-Qabas, 19 May 2007, 48.
"Ba'd Qisas Najah Mashari' al-Tanmiya fi al-Khalij ... tibq al-Kuwayt Sahiba Safqat al-Maghbun" (Following Stories of the Success of Development Projects in the Gulf ... Kuwait Holds a Losing Hand), Al-Qabas, 19 May 2007, 48.
Demand Drives Up Land Prices
See also, 9 November
See also Gregor McClenaghan, "Demand Drives Up Land Prices," MEED: Middle East Economic Digest 51 (9 November 2007): 57-61.
MEED: Middle East Economic Digest
, vol.51
, pp. 57-61
McClenaghan, G.1
Christopher Sell, A Welcome Development, MEED:MIddle East Economic Digest 52 (28March 2008): 37-40.
Christopher Sell, "A Welcome Development," MEED:MIddle East Economic Digest 52 (28March 2008): 37-40.
MPs Maul Marina Mall
6 December
"MPs Maul Marina Mall," Kuwait Times, 6 December 2006
Kuwait Times
Al-Qabas Tuhawir al-Na'ib al-Awal li-Ra'is Ghurfat al-Tijara wa-l-Sina'a (Al-Qabas Interviews the First Deputy President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Al-Qabas, 27 April 2007, 57.
"Al-Qabas Tuhawir al-Na'ib al-Awal li-Ra'is Ghurfat al-Tijara wa-l-Sina'a" (Al-Qabas Interviews the First Deputy President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Al-Qabas, 27 April 2007, 57.
The Market as Prison
Charles E. Lindblom, "The Market as Prison," Journal of Politics 44 (1982): 324-36.
Journal of Politics
, vol.44
, pp. 324-336
Lindblom, C.E.1
Al-Amala al-Wafida wa-Tahdiyat al-Huwiya al-Thiqafiya fi Duwal al-Khalij al-'Arabi (Foreign Labor and the Threat to Cultural Identity in the Arab Gulf Countries)
Ali Asad Watfa, "Al-Amala al-Wafida wa-Tahdiyat al-Huwiya al-Thiqafiya fi Duwal al-Khalij al-'Arabi" (Foreign Labor and the Threat to Cultural Identity in the Arab Gulf Countries), Al-Mustaqbal al-'Arabi 344 (October 2007): 78-79.
Al-Mustaqbal al-'Arabi 344
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Foreign Matter: The Place of Strangers in Gulf Society
ed. John W. Fox, Nada Mourtada-Sabbah, and Mohammed al-Mutawa London: Routledge
Paul Dresch, "Foreign Matter: The Place of Strangers in Gulf Society," in Globalization and the Gulf, ed. John W. Fox, Nada Mourtada-Sabbah, and Mohammed al-Mutawa (London: Routledge, 2006), 205-206
Globalization and the Gulf
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Dresch, P.1
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"Dubai Natives Protect Identity in Fast-Changing Land," Agence France Presse, 31 May 2006.
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The Emirates of Abu Dhabi and Dubai: Contrasting Roles in the International System
Christopher M. Davidson, "The Emirates of Abu Dhabi and Dubai: Contrasting Roles in the International System," Asian Affairs 38 (2007): 42.
Asian Affairs
, vol.38
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Yusuf Hashim al-Rifa'i, Al-Azma al-Dusturiyya al-Ula fi Hayat Majlis al-Umma al-Kuwayti (The First Constitutional Crisis of the Kuwaiti National Assembly) (Kuwait: Al-Rabiyan, 1996), 10-11.
Yusuf Hashim al-Rifa'i, Al-Azma al-Dusturiyya al-Ula fi Hayat Majlis al-Umma al-Kuwayti (The First Constitutional Crisis of the Kuwaiti National Assembly) (Kuwait: Al-Rabiyan, 1996), 10-11.
Al-Muslim: Man Yurid Tahwil al-Balad ila Juzur wa-Khumur Fasanadribuh 'ala Ra'sihi (Al-Muslim: We Will Strike on the Head He Who Wishes to Turn the County Toward Islands and Alcohol), Al-Qabas, 23 May 2008, 8.
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Post-9/11 Changes in the Gulf: The Case of the UAE
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