For more information on this work, please see The Chicago Principles emerged as a joint project of the International Human Rights Law Institute, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, the Istituto Superiore Internazionale di Scienze Criminali and the Association Internationale de Droit Penal
For more information on this work, please see http://www.isisc.org/ public/chicago%20principles %20-%20final%20-%20may%209%202007.pdf. The Chicago Principles emerged as a joint project of the International Human Rights Law Institute, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, the Istituto Superiore Internazionale di Scienze Criminali and the Association Internationale de Droit Penal, 2007.
The United States Institute of Peace, Special Report, No 163 "History education should be understood as an integral but underutilized part of transitional justice and social reconstruction. It can support or undermine the goals of tribunals, truth commissions and memorials, and other transitional justice mechanisms."
See the United States Institute of Peace, Unite or Divide? The challenges of teaching history in societies emerging from violent conflict, Judy Barsalou and Elizabeth Cole (2006). Special Report, No.163. "History education should be understood as an integral but underutilized part of transitional justice and social reconstruction. It can support or undermine the goals of tribunals, truth commissions and memorials, and other transitional justice mechanisms." http://www.usip.org/pubs/specialreports/srl63.html
Unite or Divide? the Challenges of Teaching History in Societies Emerging from Violent Conflict
Barsalou, J.1
Cole, E.2
for example, Rowman & Littlefield. Cole offers a range of case studies that allow the reader to explore history education through the lens of textbooks. Cole takes up the issue of professional development (or how teachers learn to use these texts) in other writing
See, for example, Teaching the violent past: History education and reconciliation, Elizabeth Cole (2007). Rowman & Littlefield. Cole offers a range of case studies that allow the reader to explore history education through the lens of textbooks. Cole takes up the issue of professional development (or how teachers learn to use these texts) in other writing.
Teaching the Violent Past: History Education and Reconciliation
Cole, E.1