Observation versus philosophical commitment in the eighteenthcentury ideas of regeneration and generation
Dinsmore CE, editor New York: Cambridge University Press
Benson KR. 1991. Observation versus philosophical commitment in the eighteenthcentury ideas of regeneration and generation. In: Dinsmore CE, editor. History of regeneration research. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Dawson VP. 1987. Nature's enigma. The problem of the polyp in the letters of Bonnet, Trembley and Réaumur. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society.
(Florence, Stella) and the version in Amsterdam (1671)
Redi F. 1668. Esperienze intorno alla generazione degl'insetti (Florence, Stella) and the version in Latin: De generatonis insectorium, Amsterdam (1671).
Giovanni Montanari, Modena. Translated in English by Maty M. 1769. An essay on animal reproduction. London: T. Becket & DeHondt
Spallanzani L. 1768. Prodromo di un opera da imprimersi sopra la riproduzioni anamali. Giovanni Montanari, Modena. Translated in English by Maty M. 1769. An essay on animal reproduction. London: T. Becket & DeHondt.