Some-partially-countervailing evidence: when a leading sponsor of Zuma's Durban partying life, businessman Roy Moodley, tried to improve his seating at the May 9 inauguration with a $12 bribe, the police locked him up in jail overnight until he paid $240 bail Zuma's people still allowed him his seat at Union Buildings
Some-partially-countervailing evidence: when a leading sponsor of Zuma's Durban partying life, businessman Roy Moodley, tried to improve his seating at the May 9 inauguration with a $12 bribe, the police locked him up in jail overnight until he paid $240 bail Zuma's people still allowed him his seat at Union Buildings.
Cited in Joseph Hanlon Colin Stoneman, ed., Zimbabwe's Prospects, London
Cited in Joseph Hanlon, 'Destabilization and the Battle to Reduce Dependence', in Colin Stoneman, ed., Zimbabwe's Prospects, London 1988, p. 35.
Destabilization and the Battle to Reduce Dependence
, pp. 35
Jabu Moleketi and Josiah Jele, 'Two Strategies of the National Liberation Movement in the Struggle for the Victory of the National Democratic Revolution', ANC discussion document, Johannesburg, October 2002, p. 1. The hoary fetish of the 'National Democratic Revolution' is itself an obstacle to coherent thinking-as if a perspective coined in 1920 for the premodern tribal orders of Soviet Central Asia could have any relevance for South Africa's urbanized mass capitalist democracy
Jabu Moleketi and Josiah Jele, 'Two Strategies of the National Liberation Movement in the Struggle for the Victory of the National Democratic Revolution', ANC discussion document, Johannesburg, October 2002, p. 1. The hoary fetish of the 'National Democratic Revolution' is itself an obstacle to coherent thinking-as if a perspective coined in 1920 for the premodern tribal orders of Soviet Central Asia could have any relevance for South Africa's urbanized mass capitalist democracy.
A large group of loyalists departed with him, including Trade Minister Alec Erwin, the brothers Essop and Aziz Pahad (close confidants and hatchetmen of Mbeki in exile), Intelligence Minister Ronnie Kasrils, Local Government Minister Sydney Mufamadi, Public Service Minister Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi and her husband. Deputy Finance Minister Jabu Moleketi. The new Mbeki-ite electoral machine, Congress of the People (COPE), is led by former Defence Minister and ANC Chairman Terror Lekota, former Cosatu General Secretary Mbhazima Shilowa, Mbeki's former Chief of Staff Smuts Ngonyama, former anti-apartheid church leader Alan Boesak, former NEPAD head Wiseman Nkhulu, former SACP treasurer Phillip Dexter and former Cosatu President Willie Madisha
A large group of loyalists departed with him, including Trade Minister Alec Erwin, the brothers Essop and Aziz Pahad (close confidants and hatchetmen of Mbeki in exile), Intelligence Minister Ronnie Kasrils, Local Government Minister Sydney Mufamadi, Public Service Minister Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi and her husband. Deputy Finance Minister Jabu Moleketi. The new Mbeki-ite electoral machine, Congress of the People (COPE), is led by former Defence Minister and ANC Chairman Terror Lekota, former Cosatu General Secretary Mbhazima Shilowa, Mbeki's former Chief of Staff Smuts Ngonyama, former anti-apartheid church leader Alan Boesak, former NEPAD head Wiseman Nkhulu, former SACP treasurer Phillip Dexter and former Cosatu President Willie Madisha.
Allegations by former SACP treasurer Phillip Dexter and Cosatu's ex-president Willie Madisha about abuse of credit cards and business donations-including a tycoon's purported $50,000 donation in a black plastic bag to Nzimande in 2002- have so far failed to stick, though both Dexter and Madisha, now in COPE, continue to use their insider knowledge to slate the SACP and Cosatu for what they decry as unethical financing
Allegations by former SACP treasurer Phillip Dexter and Cosatu's ex-president Willie Madisha about abuse of credit cards and business donations-including a tycoon's purported $50,000 donation in a black plastic bag to Nzimande in 2002- have so far failed to stick, though both Dexter and Madisha, now in COPE, continue to use their insider knowledge to slate the SACP and Cosatu for what they decry as unethical financing.
Democracy, power and patronage: debate and opposition within the anc and the tripartite alliance since 1994
Eastern Cape, June
Dale McKinley, 'Democracy, Power and Patronage: Debate and Opposition within the ANC and the Tripartite Alliance since 1994', Opposition in South Africa's New Democracy conference papers, Eastern Cape, June 2000.
Opposition in South Africa's New Democracy Conference Papers
McKinley, D.1
The role of the SACP in the alliance
1 January quoted in McKinley
Blade Nzimande., 'The Role of the SACP in the Alliance'., The African Communist 150., 1 January 1999., quoted in McKinley., p. 74.
The African Communist 150.
, pp. 74
Nzimande, B.1
Writing in the SACP e-journal Umsebenzi Online on 7 May 2009., Nzimande dismissed the growing left critique of university commercialization and repression as merely a 'strident voice on asserting of academic freedom in institutions of higher education., but silent on the need to transform the colonial type production and reproduction of knowledge in those institutions'
Writing in the SACP e-journal Umsebenzi Online on 7 May 2009., Nzimande dismissed the growing left critique of university commercialization and repression as merely a 'strident voice on asserting of academic freedom in institutions of higher education., but silent on the need to transform the colonial type production and reproduction of knowledge in those institutions'.
The alleged order of riskiness is South Africa., Hungary., Poland., South Korea., Mexico., Pakistan., Brazil., Turkey., Russia., Argentina., Venezuela., Indonesia., Thailand., India., Taiwan., Malaysia and China. 'Domino Theory'., Economist., 26 Feb 2009
The alleged order of riskiness is South Africa., Hungary., Poland., South Korea., Mexico., Pakistan., Brazil., Turkey., Russia., Argentina., Venezuela., Indonesia., Thailand., India., Taiwan., Malaysia and China. 'Domino Theory'., Economist., 26 Feb 2009.
Freedom of Expression Institute and University of Johannesburg Centre for Sociological Research. February
Freedom of Expression Institute and University of Johannesburg Centre for Sociological Research., 'National Trends around Protest Action'., February 2009.
National Trends Around Protest Action
SACP., Bua Komanisi,!. vol. 5., no. 1., May 2006.
Bua Komanisi
, vol.5
, Issue.1