Funding for the 2006 enrollment survey was provided by American Society of Newspaper Editors, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication, Cox Newspapers Inc., Gannett, Hearst Corporation, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, National Association of Broadcasters, Newspaper Association of America, Sigma Delta Chi Foundation of the Society of Professional Journalists, The Newspaper Guild Freedom Award Fund, Scripps Howard Foundation, Specialized Information Publishers Foundation, and the Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication, The University of Georgia
Funding for the 2006 enrollment survey was provided by American Society of Newspaper Editors, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication, Cox Newspapers Inc., Gannett, Hearst Corporation, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, National Association of Broadcasters, Newspaper Association of America, Sigma Delta Chi Foundation of the Society of Professional Journalists, The Newspaper Guild Freedom Award Fund, Scripps Howard Foundation, Specialized Information Publishers Foundation, and the Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication, The University of Georgia.
The URL is http://djnewspaperfund.dowjones.com/fund/pubcareerguide.asp.
The number of programs in the 2005 survey had been 458
The number of programs in the 2005 survey had been 458.
This was the University of Louisville
This was the University of Louisville.
The accrediting listing was verified against the listing for the Accrediting Council on its Web site, and the ASJMC listing was verified against records at the organization’s headquarters in Columbia, S.C
The accrediting listing was verified against the listing for the Accrediting Council on its Web site, and the ASJMC listing was verified against records at the organization’s headquarters in Columbia, S.C.
Indiana University’s School of Journalism and the journalism program at the Indianapolis Campus of IU are treated as separate programs in this analysis, though they share accreditation
Indiana University’s School of Journalism and the journalism program at the Indianapolis Campus of IU are treated as separate programs in this analysis, though they share accreditation.
Special thanks are given to the following University of Georgia students who worked as research assistants or research clerks in the Cox Center in 2006-2007: Josh Copenhaver, David Dye, Virginia Evans, Dale Hackler, Matthew Hunt, Katie Kosciolek, Tiffany Little, Yannick Morgan, Elizabeth Morison, Hyo Jung Park, Renee Pelton, Ali Sooudi, Karen Sines, and Oana Vlad
Special thanks are given to the following University of Georgia students who worked as research assistants or research clerks in the Cox Center in 2006-2007: Josh Copenhaver, David Dye, Virginia Evans, Dale Hackler, Matthew Hunt, Katie Kosciolek, Tiffany Little, Yannick Morgan, Elizabeth Morison, Hyo Jung Park, Renee Pelton, Ali Sooudi, Karen Sines, and Oana Vlad.
Counting doctoral programs is complex. Three journalism and mass communication programs that reported having doctoral programs associated with them in 2005 did not include those programs in 2006. Those schools are Indiana State University, Temple University, and Regent University. In all three cases, the doctoral programs still existed, but the administrator returning the enrollment report did not include them as part of the reporting unit’s students. For example, at Temple, the enrollment report in 2006 is based on data from the Journalism Department, while the doctoral program is housed in the larger School of Communications and Theater. Two new doctoral programs were included in the 2006 enrollment returns, for the University of Hawaii at Manoa and for the University of Illinois at Chicago. The University of Hawaii program has existed for many years and is interdisciplinary, located in the School of Communication and Information Sciences. The University of Illinois at Chicago program is new. The field of Communication, including Mass Communication, has 107 doctoral programs
Counting doctoral programs is complex. Three journalism and mass communication programs that reported having doctoral programs associated with them in 2005 did not include those programs in 2006. Those schools are Indiana State University, Temple University, and Regent University. In all three cases, the doctoral programs still existed, but the administrator returning the enrollment report did not include them as part of the reporting unit’s students. For example, at Temple, the enrollment report in 2006 is based on data from the Journalism Department, while the doctoral program is housed in the larger School of Communications and Theater. Two new doctoral programs were included in the 2006 enrollment returns, for the University of Hawaii at Manoa and for the University of Illinois at Chicago. The University of Hawaii program has existed for many years and is interdisciplinary, located in the School of Communication and Information Sciences. The University of Illinois at Chicago program is new. The field of Communication, including Mass Communication, has 107 doctoral programs.
National Center for Education Statistics (2006). Projections of Education Statistics to 2015. Retrieved July 19, 2007 from http://nces.ed.gov/programs/projections/tables/table-19. asp (for undergraduate enrollments) and from http://nces.ed.gov/programs/projections/tables/table-20.asp (for graduate enrollments).
Projections of Education Statistics to 2015
The completion of all IPEDS surveys is mandatory for all institutions that participate in or are applicants for participation in any federal financial assistance program authorized by Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. The completion of the surveys is mandated by 20 U.S.C. 1094, Section 487(a)(17). Title IV covers the administration of the federal student financial aid programs
The completion of all IPEDS surveys is mandatory for all institutions that participate in or are applicants for participation in any federal financial assistance program authorized by Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. The completion of the surveys is mandated by 20 U.S.C. 1094, Section 487(a)(17). Title IV covers the administration of the federal student financial aid programs.
Institutions make their own decisions on how to use the codes
Institutions make their own decisions on how to use the codes.
For a list of the CIP Codes both for 1990 and 2000
For a list of the CIP Codes both for 1990 and 2000
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office
See also U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Classification of lnstructional Programs--2000 (NCES 2002-165), Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office (2002).