Multi-disciplinary clinical study of Smith-Magenis syndrome (deletion 17p11.2)
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RAI1 is a novel polyglutamine encoding gene that is deleted in Smith-Magenis syndrome patients
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Inversion of the circadian rhythm of melatonin in the Smith-Magenis syndrome
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Molecular analysis of the Smith-Magenis syndrome: A possible contiguous gene syndrome associated with del (17)(p11.2)
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Epilepsy and chromosomal rearrangements in Smith-Magenis syndrome (del(17)(p11.2p11.2)
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Diagnostic FISH probes for del (17)(p11.2p11.2) associated with Smith-Magenis syndrome should contain the RAI1 gene
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Refinement of the Smith-Magenis syndrome cirtical region to approximately 950 kb and assessment of 17p11.2 deletions. Are all deletions created equally?
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