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Volumn 79, Issue 18, 2009, Pages

Coexistence of two order parameters and a pseudogaplike feature in the iron-based superconductor LaFeAsO1-x Fx

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EID: 67649412017     PISSN: 10980121     EISSN: 1550235X     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.184526     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (64)

References (45)
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    • As a matter of fact, the polycrystal nature of the sample prevents us from controlling the direction of current injection in the crystallites and, if the gap had d -wave symmetry, small deviations from the antinodal directions (even of an angle as small as π/12) would lead to the appearance of the zero-bias peak. This is more true if one takes into account that, in PCS, the current injection is not highly directional as in tunnel spectroscopy but occurs in the whole half space, although with an angle-dependent probability (Ref.) (see Appendix).
    • As a matter of fact, the polycrystal nature of the sample prevents us from controlling the direction of current injection in the crystallites and, if the gap had d -wave symmetry, small deviations from the antinodal directions (even of an angle as small as π/12) would lead to the appearance of the zero-bias peak. This is more true if one takes into account that, in PCS, the current injection is not highly directional as in tunnel spectroscopy but occurs in the whole half space, although with an angle-dependent probability (Ref.) (see Appendix).
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