"Revealing geological features through seismic attributes extracted from the wavelet transform Teager-Kaiser energy"
(SEG 2007 Expanded Abstracts)
"Revealing geological features through seismic attributes extracted from the wavelet transform Teager-Kaiser energy" by de Matos and Johann (SEG 2007 Expanded Abstracts).
"Characterization of thin beds through joint time-frequency analysis applied to a turbidite reservoir in Campos Basin, Brazil"
(SEG 2005 Expanded Abstracts)
"Characterization of thin beds through joint time-frequency analysis applied to a turbidite reservoir in Campos Basin, Brazilo" by de Matos et al. (SEG 2005 Expanded Abstracts).
"Three-dimensional seismic attributes help defi ne controls on reservoir development: Case study from the Red River formation, Williston Basin"
"Three-dimensional seismic attributes help defi ne controls on reservoir development: Case study from the Red River formation, Williston Basin" by Pearson and Hart (in AAPG Memoir 81, 2004).
"Interpretation of incised valleys using new 3D seismic techniques: A case history using spectral decomposition and coherency"
"Interpretation of incised valleys using new 3D seismic techniques: A case history using spectral decomposition and coherency" by Peyton et al. (TLE, 1998).
"Application of spectral decomposition to the defi nition of carbonate bodies in the middle member of Quintuco Formation (lower cretaceous), central Neuquen Basin, Argentina"
(AAPG 2004 Expanded Abstracts)
"Application of spectral decomposition to the defi nition of carbonate bodies in the middle member of Quintuco Formation (lower cretaceous), central Neuquen Basin, Argentina" by Verzi and Suarez (AAPG 2004 Expanded Abstracts).