Data are for 2006 and are from Population of California and the United States, 1940 to 2006. Table B1, in California Department of Finance, California Statistical Abstract (Sacramento, January 2007), http://www.dof.ca.gov/html/fs-data/stat-abs/sec-B.htm (accessed 25 June 2007).
Data are for 2006 and are from "Population of California and the United States, 1940 to 2006. Table B1," in California Department of Finance, California Statistical Abstract (Sacramento, January 2007), http://www.dof.ca.gov/html/fs-data/stat-abs/sec-B.htm (accessed 25 June 2007).
Washington, DC: World Bank, 1 July 2007, accessed 21 July 2007
World Bank, World Development Indicators Database: Total GDP 2006 (Washington, DC: World Bank, 1 July 2007), http://siteresources.worldbank.org/ DATASTATISTICS/Resources/GDP.pdf (accessed 21 July 2007);
World Development Indicators Database: Total GDP 2006
and U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Gross Domestic Product by State, [Gross Domestic Product by State (millions of current dollars)], [2006], http://www.bea.gov/regional/gsp/ (accessed 21 July 2007).
and U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Gross Domestic Product by State, [Gross Domestic Product by State (millions of current dollars)], [2006], http://www.bea.gov/regional/gsp/ (accessed 21 July 2007).
2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion: 1990-2003, http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/emissions/state-energyco2inv .html (accessed 25 February, 2007).
2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Combustion: 1990-2003, http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/emissions/state-energyco2inv .html (accessed 25 February, 2007).
2 Total without LULUCF, http://unfccc.int/ghg-emissions-data/ predefined-queries/items/3843.php (accessed 30 June 2007).
2 Total without LULUCF, http://unfccc.int/ghg-emissions-data/ predefined-queries/items/3843.php (accessed 30 June 2007).
Washington, DC, October, emissions/downloads/StSummary-Oct01.pdf accessed 21 July
U.S. EPA, Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks by State and Sector (1990) (Washington, DC, October 2001), http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/ emissions/downloads/StSummary-Oct01.pdf (accessed 21 July 2007).
Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks by State and Sector (1990)
EPA, U.S.1
2E) (Sacramento, 23 January 2007), http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/ccei/ emsinv/cec-ghg-ei.pdf (accessed 25 June 2007).
2E) (Sacramento, 23 January 2007), http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/ccei/ emsinv/cec-ghg-ei.pdf (accessed 25 June 2007).
California population for 1990 is from Population of California and the United States, 1940 to 2006. Table B1, in California Department of Finance, January 2007, California Statistical Abstract, http://www.dof .ca.gov/html/fs-data/stat-abs/sec-B.htm (accessed 25 June 2007).
California population for 1990 is from "Population of California and the United States, 1940 to 2006. Table B1," in California Department of Finance, January 2007, California Statistical Abstract, http://www.dof .ca.gov/html/fs-data/stat-abs/sec-B.htm (accessed 25 June 2007).
Greenhouse gas emissions for 1990 as reported in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, GHG Emission Profiles for Annex I Parties: United States of America, http://unfccc.int/ghg-emissions-data/items/3954. php (accessed 30 June 2007). U.S. population for 1990 is from Population of California and the United States, 1940 to 2006, Table B1, note 1 above.
Greenhouse gas emissions for 1990 as reported in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, GHG Emission Profiles for Annex I Parties: United States of America, http://unfccc.int/ghg-emissions-data/items/3954. php (accessed 30 June 2007). U.S. population for 1990 is from "Population of California and the United States, 1940 to 2006, Table B1," note 1 above.
Gross domestic product data are from World Bank, note 2 above; and U.S. Department of Commerce, note 2 above. Population data are from the Population Reference Bureau, 2006 World Population Data Sheet (Washington, DC, 2006), http://www.prb.org/pdf06/06WorldDataSheet.pdf (accessed 25 June 2007).
Gross domestic product data are from World Bank, note 2 above; and U.S. Department of Commerce, note 2 above. Population data are from the Population Reference Bureau, 2006 World Population Data Sheet (Washington, DC, 2006), http://www.prb.org/pdf06/06WorldDataSheet.pdf (accessed 25 June 2007).
Greenhouse gas emissions for 1990 as reported in UNFCCC, GHG Emission Profiles for Annex I Parties, Poland (29 March 2007) and Italy (26 January 2007), http://unfccc.int/ghg-emissions-data/items/3954.php (accessed 25 June 2007).
Greenhouse gas emissions for 1990 as reported in UNFCCC, GHG Emission Profiles for Annex I Parties, Poland (29 March 2007) and Italy (26 January 2007), http://unfccc.int/ghg-emissions-data/items/3954.php (accessed 25 June 2007).
2O, http://www.climatechange.ca.gov/documents/2007-06-29-MAC-FINAL-REPORT.PDF (accessed 15 July 2007), 108-9.
2O, http://www.climatechange.ca.gov/documents/2007-06-29-MAC-FINAL-REPORT.PDF (accessed 15 July 2007), 108-9.
Section 38551
Ibid., Section 38551.
California Office of the Governor, Executive Order S-3-05, 1 June, accessed 14 July 2007
California Office of the Governor, Executive Order S-3-05, 1 June 2005, http://gov.ca.gov/index.php?/ executive-order/1861/ (accessed 14 July 2007).
California Energy Commission, December 2006, Inventory of California Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990 to 2004, Staff Final Report, CEC-600-2006-013-SF, http://www.energy.ca.gov/2006publications/ CEC-600-2006-013/CEC-600-2006-013-SF.PDF (accessed 14 July 2007), as revised by R. Shapiro, 23 January 2007,
California Energy Commission, December 2006, Inventory of California Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990 to 2004, Staff Final Report, CEC-600-2006-013-SF, http://www.energy.ca.gov/2006publications/ CEC-600-2006-013/CEC-600-2006-013-SF.PDF (accessed 14 July 2007), as revised by R. Shapiro, 23 January 2007,
Planning and Technical Support Division, Air Resources Board, accessed 14 July 2007
Memorandum to Linda C. Murchison, Ph.D. Division Chief, Planning and Technical Support Division, Air Resources Board, http://www.energy.ca.gov/ 2006publications/CEC-600-2006-013/2007-01-23-GHG-INVENTORY-REVISIONS.PDF (accessed 14 July 2007).
Division Chief
Memorandum to Linda, C.1
Murchison, P.D.2
State of California, Department of Finance, Demographic Research Unit, Sacramento, accessed 26 June 2007
State of California, Department of Finance, Demographic Research Unit, Population Projections by Race/Ethnicity for California and Its Counties 2000-2050 (Sacramento, 2004), http://www.dof.ca.gov/ HTML/DEMOGRAP/Data/ RaceEthnic/Population-00-50/RaceData-2000-2050.asp (accessed 26 June 2007).
Population Projections by Race/Ethnicity for California and Its Counties 2000-2050
Washington, DC: World Resources Institute, accessed 14 July 2007, Chapter 4, 22
K. Baumert, T. Herzog, and J. Pershing, Navigating the Numbers: Greenhouse Gas Data and International Climate Policy (Washington, DC: World Resources Institute, 2005), http://pdf.wri.org/navigating-numbers-chapter4.pdf (accessed 14 July 2007), Chapter 4, 22.
Navigating the Numbers: Greenhouse Gas Data and International Climate Policy
Baumert, K.1
Herzog, T.2
Pershing, J.3
By 1 January 2009, the Air Resources Board (ARB) must prepare a scoping plan for achieving the maximum technologically feasible and cost-effective reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from sources or categories of sources of greenhouse gases by 2020. California Health and Safety Code Section 38561 paragraph a and b, added by AB 32 (Nuñez), Chapter 488, Statutes of 2006, http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/05-06/bill/asm/ ab-0001-0050/ab-32-bill-20060927- chaptered.pdf (accessed 26 June 2007).
By 1 January 2009, the Air Resources Board (ARB) must prepare a scoping plan "for achieving the maximum technologically feasible and cost-effective reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from sources or categories of sources of greenhouse gases by 2020." California Health and Safety Code Section 38561 paragraph a and b, added by AB 32 (Nuñez), Chapter 488, Statutes of 2006, http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/05-06/bill/asm/ ab-0001-0050/ab-32-bill-20060927- chaptered.pdf (accessed 26 June 2007).
California Environmental Protection Agency CAL EPA, 23 April 2007, accessed 26 June 2007
California Environmental Protection Agency (CAL EPA), Climate Action Team and Climate Action Initiative, 23 April 2007, http://www.climatechange. ca.gov/climate-action-team/index.html (accessed 26 June 2007).
Climate Action Team and Climate Action Initiative
as cited in CAL EPA, Climate Action Team Report to Governor Schwarzenegger and the Legislature, 3 April 2006, http:// www.climatechange.ca.gov/climate-action-team/index .html (accessed 26 June 2007), 37.
as cited in CAL EPA, Climate Action Team Report to Governor Schwarzenegger and the Legislature, 3 April 2006, http:// www.climatechange.ca.gov/climate-action-team/index .html (accessed 26 June 2007), 37.
California Office of the Governor, press release, 31 July 2006, accessed 14 July 2007
California Office of the Governor, "Gov. Schwarzenegger, British Prime Minister Tony Blair Sign Historic Agreement to Collaborate on Climate Change, Clean Energy," press release, 31 July 2006, http://gov .ca.gov/index.php/press-release/2770/ (accessed 14 July 2007);
Gov. Schwarzenegger, British Prime Minister Tony Blair Sign Historic Agreement to Collaborate on Climate Change, Clean Energy
California Office of the Governor, press release, 14 December 2006, accessed 14 July 2007
California Office of the Governor, "Gov. Schwarzenegger, Premier of Manitoba, Canada Sign Agreement to Explore Linking of Future Carbon Trading Markets and Reduce Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions," press release, 14 December 2006, http://gov.ca.gov/index .php?/press-release/4920/ (accessed 14 July 2007);
Gov. Schwarzenegger, Premier of Manitoba, Canada Sign Agreement to Explore Linking of Future Carbon Trading Markets and Reduce Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions
California Office of the Governor, fact sheet, 31 May, accessed 14 July 2007
California Office of the Governor, "Ontario to Adopt Low Carbon Fuel Standard," fact sheet, 31 May 2007, http://gov.ca.gov/index.php?/fact- sheet/6505/ (accessed 14 July 2007);
Ontario to Adopt Low Carbon Fuel Standard
and California Office of the Governor, Governor Schwarzenegger Signs Agreement with British Columbia Premier Campbell to Fight Global Warming, press release, 31 May 2007, http://gov.ca.gov/index .php?/press-release/6521/, (accessed 14 July 2007).
and California Office of the Governor, "Governor Schwarzenegger Signs Agreement with British Columbia Premier Campbell to Fight Global Warming," press release, 31 May 2007, http://gov.ca.gov/index .php?/press-release/6521/, (accessed 14 July 2007).
California Office of the Governor, Executive Order S-20-06, 18 October, accessed 14 July 2007
California Office of the Governor, Executive Order S-20-06, 18 October 2006, http://gov.ca.gov/index .php?/executive-order/4484/ (accessed 14 July 2007).
accessed 4 June 2007
Western Regional Climate Action Initiative, http://www. climatechange.ca.gov/documents/2007-02-26-WesternClimateAgreementFinal.pdf (accessed 4 June 2007).
Western Regional Climate Action Initiative
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Working Group II, accessed 21 July 2007
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Working Group II, Summary for Policy Makers, http:// www.ipcc-wg2.org/index.html (accessed 21 July 2007), 15.
Summary for Policy Makers
, pp. 15
See also Pew Center on Global Climate Change, updated July 2007; accessed 21 July 2007
See also Pew Center on Global Climate Change, States with Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets, http://www.pewclimate.org/what-s-being-done/in-the- states/emissionstargets-map.cfm (updated July 2007; accessed 21 July 2007).
States with Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets
California Office of the Governor, press release, 31 May 2007, accessed 30 June 2007
California Office of the Governor, "Ontario to Adopt Low Carbon Fuel Standard," press release, 31 May 2007, http://gov.ca.gov/index.php?/issue/ env-lcfs/ (accessed 30 June 2007).
Ontario to Adopt Low Carbon Fuel Standard
California Energy Commissioner Recommends Investing in Efficiency
2 February 2006, accessed 18 June 2007
D. Du Bois, "California Energy Commissioner Recommends Investing in Efficiency," Energy Priorities, 2 February 2006, http://energypriorities.com/ entries/2006/02/california-energy-commissioner.php (accessed 18 June 2007).
Energy Priorities
Du Bois, D.1
and A. Rosenfeld, P. McAuliffe, and J. Wilson, California Energy Commission, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change, originally published in the Encyclopedia of Energy, 2 (Amsterdam: Elsevier Press, 2004): 373-82, http://www.fypower.org/pdf/CEC-EE-and-Climate-Change.pdf (accessed 18 June 2007): 375-76.
and A. Rosenfeld, P. McAuliffe, and J. Wilson, California Energy Commission, "Energy Efficiency and Climate Change," originally published in the Encyclopedia of Energy, Vol. 2 (Amsterdam: Elsevier Press, 2004): 373-82, http://www.fypower.org/pdf/CEC-EE-and-Climate-Change.pdf (accessed 18 June 2007): 375-76.
The State Energy Efficiency Scorecard for 2006
Report Number E075 Washington, DC: American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, 2007, accessed 30 June
M. Eldridge, B. Prindle, D. York, and S. Nadel, The State Energy Efficiency Scorecard for 2006, Report Number E075 (Washington, DC: American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, 2007), http://aceee.org/ pubs/e075.pdf?CFID=3030667&CFTOKEN=55888392 (accessed 30 June 2007).
Eldridge, M.1
Prindle, B.2
York, D.3
Nadel, S.4
MAC, note 10 above
MAC, note 10 above.
Also, California Energy Commission, Amount (MW) of Grid-Connected Solar Pho-tovoltaics (PV) in California, 1981 to Present (Updated Quarterly) (Sacramento, 18 April 2007), http://www .energy.ca.gov/renewables/emerging- renewables/index .html (accessed 30 June 2007).
Also, California Energy Commission, Amount (MW) of Grid-Connected Solar Pho-tovoltaics (PV) in California, 1981 to Present (Updated Quarterly) (Sacramento, 18 April 2007), http://www .energy.ca.gov/renewables/emerging- renewables/index .html (accessed 30 June 2007).
Photovoltaic (PV) panels have an expected lifetime of 20-30 years. Because the bulk of California's installed PV capacity is less than 10 years old, there state does not yet have a large quantity of spent PV panels. During the next 5-10 years, the state should work with industry to establish an easy way for residents and businesses to recycle old PV panels. Some PV panels may leach cadmium or lead if buried in landfills, making them classifiable as hazardous waste. See Brookhaven National Laboratory and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Workshop Summary: Photovoltaics and the Environment, Keystone, CO, 23-24 July 1998, http:// www.pv.bnl.gov/keystone.htm (accessed 30 June 2007).
Photovoltaic (PV) panels have an expected lifetime of 20-30 years. Because the bulk of California's installed PV capacity is less than 10 years old, there state does not yet have a large quantity of spent PV panels. During the next 5-10 years, the state should work with industry to establish an easy way for residents and businesses to recycle old PV panels. Some PV panels may leach cadmium or lead if buried in landfills, making them classifiable as hazardous waste. See Brookhaven National Laboratory and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Workshop Summary: Photovoltaics and the Environment, Keystone, CO, 23-24 July 1998, http:// www.pv.bnl.gov/keystone.htm (accessed 30 June 2007).
Assuming a 3 kW system, costing between $6 and $10 per watt, with a rebate of $2.50 per watt and a $2,000 federal tax credit. In California, the 'average' residential customer uses 6,500 kWh per year . . . a two-kilowatt system would supply about 62 percent of the average customer's total demand. . . . [A] three-kilowatt system might supply almost all of an average customer's needs. California Energy Commission, Buying a Photovoltaic Solar Electric System: A Consumer Guide, 2003 Edition, P500-03-014F, http://www.energy .ca.gov/reports/2003-03-11-500-03-014F. PDF (accessed 30 June 2007), 5.
Assuming a 3 kW system, costing between $6 and $10 per watt, with a rebate of $2.50 per watt and a $2,000 federal tax credit. "In California, the 'average' residential customer uses 6,500 kWh per year . . . a two-kilowatt system would supply about 62 percent of the average customer's total demand. . . . [A] three-kilowatt system might supply almost all of an average customer's needs." California Energy Commission, Buying a Photovoltaic Solar Electric System: A Consumer Guide, 2003 Edition, P500-03-014F, http://www.energy .ca.gov/reports/2003-03-11-500-03-014F. PDF (accessed 30 June 2007), 5.
Cost range is from Southern California Edison, California Solar Initiative: CSI FAQs, http:// www.sce.com/ (accessed 30 June 2007).
Cost range is from Southern California Edison, California Solar Initiative: CSI FAQs, http:// www.sce.com/ (accessed 30 June 2007).
Rebate level is from Southern California Edison, 2007 California Solar Initiative Fact Sheet, http://www.sce.com/Rebates andSavings/ CaliforniaSolarInitiative2007Handbook.htm (accessed 30 June 2007).
Rebate level is from Southern California Edison, 2007 California Solar Initiative Fact Sheet, http://www.sce.com/Rebates andSavings/ CaliforniaSolarInitiative2007Handbook.htm (accessed 30 June 2007).
For further information on state and federal incentives and tax credits, see the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency, http:// www.dsireusa.org/.
For further information on state and federal incentives and tax credits, see the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency, http:// www.dsireusa.org/.
2 only.
2 only
fact sheet Sacramento, 10 December
ARB, "Climate Change Emission Control Regulations," fact sheet (Sacramento, 10 December 2004), http://www.arb.ca.gov/cc/factsheets/cc-newfs. pdf.
Climate Change Emission Control Regulations
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, accessed 14 July 2007
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, http://www.rggi.org/ (accessed 14 July 2007);
and Schwarzenegger Says Tailpipe Emissions Lawsuit Inevitable, Environment News Service, 13 June 2007, http://www.ens- newswire.com/ens/jun2007/2007-06-13-01.asp (accessed 14 July 2007).
and "Schwarzenegger Says Tailpipe Emissions Lawsuit Inevitable," Environment News Service, 13 June 2007, http://www.ens- newswire.com/ens/jun2007/2007-06-13-01.asp (accessed 14 July 2007).
Schwarzenegger Says Tailpipe Emissions Lawsuit Inevitable,
"Schwarzenegger Says Tailpipe Emissions Lawsuit Inevitable," ibid.
42 USC Sec. 7543, Title 42: The Public Health and Welfare, Chapter 85: Air Pollution Prevention and Control, Subchapter II: Emission Standards for Moving Sources, Part A: Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards, Section 7543: State Standards, from the U.S. Code Online via GPO Access, http://frwebgate4.access .gpo.gov/cgi-bin/waisgate.cgi?WAISdocID=4731395 206+0+0+0&WAISaction=retrieve (accessed 14 July 2007), cite 42USC7543, laws in effect as of 3 January 2005.
42 USC Sec. 7543, Title 42: The Public Health and Welfare, Chapter 85: Air Pollution Prevention and Control, Subchapter II: Emission Standards for Moving Sources, Part A: Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards, Section 7543: State Standards, from the U.S. Code Online via GPO Access, http://frwebgate4.access .gpo.gov/cgi-bin/waisgate.cgi?WAISdocID=4731395 206+0+0+0&WAISaction=retrieve (accessed 14 July 2007), cite 42USC7543, laws in effect as of 3 January 2005.
accessed 14 July 2007
AB 1493 (Pavley), Chapter 200, Statutes of 2002, http://www.leginfo.ca. gov/pub/01-02/bill/asm/ab-1451-1500/ab-1493-bill-20020722-chaptered.pdf (accessed 14 July 2007).
AB 1493 (Pavley), Chapter 200, Statutes of 2002
Drivers Race for Carpool Permits for Hybrids
8 August 2005, accessed 17 June 2007
L. Gledhill, "Drivers Race for Carpool Permits for Hybrids," San Francisco Chronicle, 8 August 2005, http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/ article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/ 08/20/HYBRID.TMP (accessed 17 June 2007).
San Francisco Chronicle
Gledhill, L.1
Associated Press, California Issues 85,000 Hybrid Car Pool Passes, San Jose Mercury News, 3 February 2007, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article .cgi?file=/news/archive/2007/02/03/state/ n160010S18 .DTL (accessed 17 June 2007).
Associated Press, "California Issues 85,000 Hybrid Car Pool Passes," San Jose Mercury News, 3 February 2007, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article .cgi?file=/news/archive/2007/02/03/state/ n160010S18 .DTL (accessed 17 June 2007).
Also, in directing state agencies to implement a low-carbon fuel standard, the governor noted the dependence of California on motor vehicles and gasoline: [T]here were more than 24 million motor vehicles registered in California in 2005 which is more than one per licensed driver; statewide gasoline consumption was almost 16 billion gallons in 2005 which is second only to the United States and slightly more than that of Japan a country with four times the population, and there are only 80,000 hybrids and 240,000 flex-fuel vehicles on our roads today, together composing only 1.3% of all cars in California, California's dependence on a single type of transportation fuel whose price is highly volatile imperils our economic security, endangers our jobs, and jeopardizes our industries, California Office of the Governor, Executive Order S-01-07, accessed 30 June 2007
Also, in directing state agencies to implement a low-carbon fuel standard, the governor noted the dependence of California on motor vehicles and gasoline: "[T]here were more than 24 million motor vehicles registered in California in 2005 which is more than one per licensed driver; statewide gasoline consumption was almost 16 billion gallons in 2005 which is second only to the United States and slightly more than that of Japan (a country with four times the population); and there are only 80,000 hybrids and 240,000 flex-fuel vehicles on our roads today, together composing only 1.3% of all cars in California . . . California's dependence on a single type of transportation fuel whose price is highly volatile imperils our economic security, endangers our jobs, and jeopardizes our industries . . . " California Office of the Governor, Executive Order S-01-07, http:// gov.ca.gov (accessed 30 June 2007).
Oakland, CA:, 29 May 2007, accessed 25 June 2007
A. Farrell et al., A Low-Carbon Fuel Standard for California, Part 1: Technical Analysis (Oakland, CA: University of California, 29 May 2007), http://www .energy.ca.gov/2007publications/UC-1000-2007-002/ UC-1000-2007-002.PDF (accessed 25 June 2007), 8.
A Low-Carbon Fuel Standard for California, Part 1: Technical Analysis
, pp. 8
Farrell, A.1
California Energy Commission, accessed 25 June 1007
California Energy Commission, Low Carbon Fuel Standard, http://www.energy.ca.gov/low-carbon-fuel-standard (accessed 25 June 1007), 10-11.
Low Carbon Fuel Standard
, pp. 10-11
Farrell et al, note 45 above, page 15
Farrell et al., note 45 above, page 15.
Farrell et al, note 45 above, page 12
Farrell et al., note 45 above, page 12.
Farrell et al, note 45 above, page 21
Farrell et al., note 45 above, page 21.
Farrell et al., note 45 above, page vi. There is a two-year transition phase allowing fuel producers to use an Alternative Emissions Reduction Plan if they cannot meet the standard by 31 December 2009. ARB, Proposed 2007 Amendments to Phase 3 California Reformulated Gasoline Regulations, Staff Report: Initial Statement of Reasons (Sacramento, 2007), http://www .arb.ca.gov/regact/2007/carfg07/isor.pdf (accessed 25 June 2007), xii.
Farrell et al., note 45 above, page vi. There is a two-year transition phase allowing fuel producers to use an Alternative Emissions Reduction Plan if they cannot meet the standard by 31 December 2009. ARB, Proposed 2007 Amendments to Phase 3 California Reformulated Gasoline Regulations, Staff Report: Initial Statement of Reasons (Sacramento, 2007), http://www .arb.ca.gov/regact/2007/carfg07/isor.pdf (accessed 25 June 2007), xii.
Farrell et al, note 45 above, pages iv-vii
Farrell et al., note 45 above, pages iv-vii.
Farrell et al, note 45 above, page v
Farrell et al., note 45 above, page v.
Farrell et al., note 45 above, pages i and xi. The changes also reduce the allowable sulfur content of gasoline sold in California to accommodate the introduction of lean-burn gasoline technology. This technology has the potential to reduce the rate of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from gasoline engines. ARB, note 50 above, pages ix-x.
Farrell et al., note 45 above, pages i and xi. The changes also reduce the allowable sulfur content of gasoline sold in California to accommodate the introduction of lean-burn gasoline technology. This technology has the potential to reduce the rate of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from gasoline engines. ARB, note 50 above, pages ix-x.
AB 1007 (Pavley), Chapter 371, Statutes of 2005, see http://www.leginfo. ca.gov/pub/05-06/bill/asm/ ab-1001-1050/ab-1007-bill-20050929-chaptered.pdf
AB 1007 (Pavley), Chapter 371, Statutes of 2005, see http://www.leginfo. ca.gov/pub/05-06/bill/asm/ ab-1001-1050/ab-1007-bill-20050929-chaptered.pdf
Full Fuel Cycle Assessment: Well-to-Wheels Energy Inputs, Emissions, and Water Impacts
CEC-600-2007-004-F Sacramento, accessed 15 July 2007, Table 3-5, Table 3-6, Table 3-15, and Table 3-19
Tiax LLC., Full Fuel Cycle Assessment: Well-to-Wheels Energy Inputs, Emissions, and Water Impacts, Consultant Report prepared for the California Energy Commission, CEC-600-2007-004-F (Sacramento, 2007), http://www.energy.ca. gov/2007publications/CEC-600-2007-004/CEC-600-2007-004-F.PDF (accessed 15 July 2007), Table 3-5, Table 3-6, Table 3-15, and Table 3-19.
Consultant Report prepared for the California Energy Commission
Tiax, L.L.C.1
California Energy Commission, 1983-2005 California Electricity Generation, Spreadsheet, Microsoft Excel, http://www.energy.ca.gov/ electricity/index .html#generation accessed 7 June 2007, Note: The GHG emissions from electricity from facilities physically located in California is lower, but two coal-fired plants, Intermountain and Mohave, which are located outside of California, but inside LADWP and CAISO [California Independent System Operator, a not-for-profit corporation that operates power grids in the state] control areas, respectively, are still treated as utility-owned generation. Recognizing the impact of California on electricity demand in the western region of the United States, AB 32 applies a load-based approach to reducing GHGs from electricity delivered and consumed in California, whether it is generated in the state or imported
California Energy Commission, 1983-2005 California Electricity Generation - (Spreadsheet, Microsoft Excel), http://www.energy.ca.gov/ electricity/index .html#generation (accessed 7 June 2007). Note: The GHG emissions from electricity from facilities physically located in California is lower, but "two coal-fired plants, Intermountain and Mohave, which are located outside of California, but inside LADWP and CAISO [California Independent System Operator, a not-for-profit corporation that operates power grids in the state] control areas, respectively, are still treated as utility-owned generation." Recognizing the impact of California on electricity demand in the western region of the United States, AB 32 applies a load-based approach to reducing GHGs from electricity delivered and consumed in California, whether it is generated in the state or imported.
California Energy Commission, Integrated Energy Policy Report: 2006 Update, CEC-100-2006-001-CMF (Sacramento, 2007), http://www.energy .ca.gov/2006publications/CEC-100-2006-001/CEC-100-2006-001-CMF.PDF (accessed 30 June 2007), 4.
California Energy Commission, Integrated Energy Policy Report: 2006 Update, CEC-100-2006-001-CMF (Sacramento, 2007), http://www.energy .ca.gov/2006publications/CEC-100-2006-001/CEC-100-2006-001-CMF.PDF (accessed 30 June 2007), 4.
California Energy Commission, Integrated Energy Policy Report Committee Workshop on 'Feed-In' Tariffs, transcript, 21 May 2007 http://www .energy.ca.gov/2007-energypolicy/documents/index .html#052107 (accessed 30 June 2007).
California Energy Commission, "Integrated Energy Policy Report Committee Workshop on 'Feed-In' Tariffs," transcript, 21 May 2007 http://www .energy.ca.gov/2007-energypolicy/documents/index .html#052107 (accessed 30 June 2007).
MAC, note 10 above, page 54.
note 10 above
, pp. 54
MAC, note 10 above, page 56.
note 10 above
, pp. 56
MAC, note 10 above, footnote 57 on pages 61-62.
MAC, note 10 above, footnote 57 on pages 61-62.
MAC, note 10 above, page 68.
note 10 above
, pp. 68
L. Berkman, Riverside to Offer Incentives to Home Builders Who Go Green, The Press-Enterprise, 12 June 2007, http://www.pe.com/ business/local/stories/ PE-Biz-D-green13.37f6ea1.html# (accessed 30 June 2007).
L. Berkman, "Riverside to Offer Incentives to Home Builders Who Go Green," The Press-Enterprise, 12 June 2007, http://www.pe.com/ business/local/stories/ PE-Biz-D-green13.37f6ea1.html# (accessed 30 June 2007).
See also California Green Builder, accessed 30 June 2007
See also California Green Builder, http://www .cagreenbuilder.org/ (accessed 30 June 2007).
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and U.S. EPA, Hybrid Links: Hybrid Vehciles and Manufacturers, http://www .fueleconomy.gov/feg/hybrid-links.shtml (accessed 30 June 2007).
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and U.S. EPA, Hybrid Links: Hybrid Vehciles and Manufacturers, http://www .fueleconomy.gov/feg/hybrid-links.shtml (accessed 30 June 2007).
Associated Press, Hertz, Avis to Boost Hybrid Fleets: Increased Demand for 'Green' Cars Spills over to Rental Car Counter, MSNBC, 14 June 2007, http://www .msnbc.msn.com/id/19234921/ (accessed 30 June 2007).
Associated Press, "Hertz, Avis to Boost Hybrid Fleets: Increased Demand for 'Green' Cars Spills over to Rental Car Counter," MSNBC, 14 June 2007, http://www .msnbc.msn.com/id/19234921/ (accessed 30 June 2007).
Because the fleets of these companies are so large and visible, these companies have the potential to lead others to reduce GHG-emissions, provided they use low-carbon vehicles in a large portion of their fleet and the benefits are well known to the public. Sarah McKearnan (Strategic Policy Advisor, Seattle Public Utilities), personal opinion in discussion with the author, 7 June 2007.
Because the fleets of these companies are so large and visible, these companies have the potential to lead others to reduce GHG-emissions, provided they use low-carbon vehicles in a large portion of their fleet and the benefits are well known to the public. Sarah McKearnan (Strategic Policy Advisor, Seattle Public Utilities), personal opinion in discussion with the author, 7 June 2007.
accessed 30 June 2007
FedEx, About FedEx: Hybrid Electric Vehicle, http://www.fedex.com/ us/about/responsibility/environment/hybridelectricvehicle.html (accessed 30 June 2007);
About FedEx: Hybrid Electric Vehicle
and Environmental Defense, Sacramento Becomes First U.S. City to Utilize FedEx Hybrid Electric Powered Truck Innovative Alliance Leads to Low-Emission, High-Efficiency Vehicle Designed to Dramatically Reduce Emissions, Save Fuel, press release, 30 March 2004, http://www.environmentaldefense. org/pressre-lease.cfm?ContentID=3620 (accessed 30 June 2007).
and Environmental Defense, "Sacramento Becomes First U.S. City to Utilize FedEx Hybrid Electric Powered Truck Innovative Alliance Leads to Low-Emission, High-Efficiency Vehicle Designed to Dramatically Reduce Emissions, Save Fuel," press release, 30 March 2004, http://www.environmentaldefense. org/pressre-lease.cfm?ContentID=3620 (accessed 30 June 2007).
FedEx Express, Azure Dynamics Enter Agreement for E-450 Hybrid-Electric Delivery Vehicles
15 May, accessed 30 June 30
"FedEx Express, Azure Dynamics Enter Agreement for E-450 Hybrid-Electric Delivery Vehicles," Green Car Congress: Energy Technologies, Issues and Policies for Sustainable Mobility, 15 May 2007, http://www.greencarcongress.com/2007/05/fedex-express-a.html (accessed 30 June 30, 2007).
Green Car Congress: Energy Technologies, Issues and Policies for Sustainable Mobility
Alternative Fuels Drive UPS to Innovative Solutions
fact sheet, 2305,879,00. html accessed 30 June
United Parcel Service, "Alternative Fuels Drive UPS to Innovative Solutions," fact sheet, http:// pressroom.ups.com/mediakits/factsheet/0, 2305,879,00. html (accessed 30 June 2007).
United States, The White House, Twenty in Ten: Powering Large Vehicle Fleets with Alternative Fuels, fact sheet, 27 March 2007 http://www.whitehouse.gov/ news/releases/2007/03/20070327-3.html (accessed 30 June 2007).
United States, The White House, "Twenty in Ten: Powering Large Vehicle Fleets with Alternative Fuels," fact sheet, 27 March 2007 http://www.whitehouse.gov/ news/releases/2007/03/20070327-3.html (accessed 30 June 2007).
California Energy Commission, Integrated Energy Policy Report: 2006 Update, CEC-100-2006-001-CMF (Sacramento, January 2007), http://www.energy.ca.gov/2006 publications/CEC-100-2006-001/CEC-100-2006-001- CMF.PDF (accessed June 30, 2007), 7-8 and 39.
California Energy Commission, Integrated Energy Policy Report: 2006 Update, CEC-100-2006-001-CMF (Sacramento, January 2007), http://www.energy.ca.gov/2006 publications/CEC-100-2006-001/CEC-100-2006-001- CMF.PDF (accessed June 30, 2007), 7-8 and 39.
Renewables Portfolio Standard Update
LADWP, 20 February 2007, accessed 30 June 2007
LADWP, Renewables Portfolio Standard Update, presentation, 20 February 2007, http://www.ladwp.com/ ladwp/cms/ladwp009030.pdf (accessed 30 June 2007).
Annual Sierra Nevada Snowmelt Runoff
Sacramento: CAL EPA, accessed 18 June, 57
"Annual Sierra Nevada Snowmelt Runoff," in CAL EPA, Environmental Protection Indicators for California: 2004 Update (Sacramento: CAL EPA, 2004), http://www. oehha.ca.gov/multimedia/epic/pdf/ EPICupdate2004a. pdf ( accessed 18 June 2007), 57.
Environmental Protection Indicators for California: 2004 Update
Estimated Impacts of Climate Warming on California Water Availability under Twelve Future-Climate Scenarios
See also, PIER Project, CEC-500-2006-040 Sacramento, April, 10;
See also T. Zhu, M. W. Jenkins, and J. R. Lund, Estimated Impacts of Climate Warming on California Water Availability under Twelve Future-Climate Scenarios, PIER Project Report prepared for California Energy Commission, CEC-500-2006-040 (Sacramento, April 2006), http://www .climatechange.ca.gov/ research/impacts/estimated.html, 10;
Report prepared for California Energy Commission
Zhu, T.1
Jenkins, M.W.2
Lund, J.R.3
and California Department of Water Resources, Climate Change in California, fact sheet (Sacramento, May 2007), http://www.climatechange. water.ca.gov/docs/ fact-sheet-5-17-07.pdf.
and California Department of Water Resources, "Climate Change in California," fact sheet (Sacramento, May 2007), http://www.climatechange. water.ca.gov/docs/ fact-sheet-5-17-07.pdf.
In addition, see California Department of Water Resources, Progress on Incorporating Climate Change into Management of California's Water Resources, Technical Memorandum Report Sacramento, July 2006, accessed June 18, 2007, I-VII
In addition, see California Department of Water Resources, Progress on Incorporating Climate Change into Management of California's Water Resources, Technical Memorandum Report (Sacramento, July 2006), http://baydeltaoffice.water .ca.gov/climatechange/DWRClimateChangeJuly06.pdf (accessed June 18, 2007), I-VII.
Mayors Adopt AIA Position on Sustainability
American Institute of Architects, 15 June 2006, accessed 30 June 2007
American Institute of Architects, "Mayors Adopt AIA Position on Sustainability," The Angle, 15 June 2006, http://www.aia.org/nwsltr- angle.cfm?pagename=a ngle%5Fnwsltr%5F20060615#Mayors (accessed 30 June 2007).
The Angle
See also U.S. Green Building Council, accessed 30 June 2007
See also U.S. Green Building Council, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, http://www.usgbc.org/DisplayPage.aspx?CategoryID=19 (accessed 30 June 2007).
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
T. Gray, American Wind Energy Association, Wind Power Technology and Siting Issues, presented at the U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Wind Powering America 2005 State Wind Working Group Summit, Evergreen, CO, 19 May 2005, http://www.eere.energy.gov/ windandhydro/ windpoweringamerica/pdfs/workshops/2005-summit/ gray.pdf (accessed 14 July 2007).
T. Gray, American Wind Energy Association, "Wind Power Technology and Siting Issues," presented at the U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Wind Powering America 2005 State Wind Working Group Summit, Evergreen, CO, 19 May 2005, http://www.eere.energy.gov/ windandhydro/ windpoweringamerica/pdfs/workshops/2005-summit/ gray.pdf (accessed 14 July 2007).