Summary of the 8th and 9th Interim Reports of Investigation Commission on Sick House Syndrome
Ministry of Health, February 8, in Japanese
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare; "Summary of the 8th and 9th Interim Reports of Investigation Commission on Sick House Syndrome," February 8, 2002. (in Japanese).
Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; Paragraph 7, Article 20 of the Ordinance of Building Standard Law
Ministry of Land, in Japanese
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; Paragraph 7, Article 20 of the Ordinance of Building Standard Law, "Technical Standard for Formaldehyde in Construction Materials for Buildings with Living Space." (in Japanese).
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; "Examination Standard for Formaldehyde Emitting Construction Materials," June 26, 2003. (in Japanese).
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; "Standards of School Environmental Sanitation: Atmosphere in the Class Rooms," February 10, 2004. (in Japanese).
JIS A 1901:2003; Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds and aldehydes for building products-Small chamber method.
JIS A 1901:2003; Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds and aldehydes for building products-Small chamber method.
JIS C 9913:2008; Measuring method of volatile organic compounds and carbonyl compounds emissions for electronic equipment-Chamber method.
JIS C 9913:2008; Measuring method of volatile organic compounds and carbonyl compounds emissions for electronic equipment-Chamber method.
JASO Standards No. M902-07; Road vehicles-Interior parts and materials-Measurement methods of diffused volatile organic compounds (VOC).
JASO Standards No. M902-07; "Road vehicles-Interior parts and materials-Measurement methods of diffused volatile organic compounds (VOC)".
Standard for VOCs Emission Factors from Construction Materials
Study Group for Standardizing VOCs Emission Factors from Construction Materials, Japan Testing Center for Construction Materials;, Formulated on April 1, in Japanese
Study Group for Standardizing VOCs Emission Factors from Construction Materials, Japan Testing Center for Construction Materials; "Standard for VOCs Emission Factors from Construction Materials." Formulated on April 1, 2008. (in Japanese).
The Small Chamber Method Serving for Countermeasures against Sick House Syndrome
Japanese Standards Association;, Practical Guide for JIS A1901, in Japanese
Japanese Standards Association; How-to-Use-JIS Series, "The Small Chamber Method Serving for Countermeasures against Sick House Syndrome," Practical Guide for JIS A1901. (in Japanese).