Genesis, 29, 1-11
Genesis, 29, 1-11.
On the spring flow tunnels, see Zip Y.D, Ron, Qantas and Spring Flow Tunnels in the Holy Land, in: Peter Beaumont, Michael Bonnie and Keith McLachlan (eds), A, Clachan (general ed.), Qantas, Karrz and Khattara: Traditional Water Systems in the Middle East and North Africa (Middle East & North African Studies Press, 1989), 211-236.
On the spring flow tunnels, see Zip Y.D, Ron, Qantas and Spring Flow Tunnels in the Holy Land, in: Peter Beaumont, Michael Bonnie and Keith McLachlan (eds), A, Clachan (general ed.), Qantas, Karrz and Khattara: Traditional Water Systems in the Middle East and North Africa (Middle East & North African Studies Press, 1989), 211-236.
In some places, the tunnels reached a length of 50-100 metres and, in one place, even 225 metres id, 224
In some places, the tunnels reached a length of 50-100 metres and, in one place, even 225 metres (id., 224).
See also The Utilization of Springs for Irrigated Agriculture in the judea Mountains, in: Avsha-lom Shmueli, David Grossman and Rehav'am Ze'evi (eds), Judea and Samaria (2 vols, Canaan Publishing House, Jerusalem, 1977, in Hebrew) I, 230-250.
See also The Utilization of Springs for Irrigated Agriculture in the judea Mountains, in: Avsha-lom Shmueli, David Grossman and Rehav'am Ze'evi (eds), Judea and Samaria (2 vols, Canaan Publishing House, Jerusalem, 1977, in Hebrew) vol. I, 230-250.
Peter Beaumont, The Qanat: A Means of Water Provision from Groundwater Sources, in: Peter Beaumont (ed.), Qanat, n, 2, 13-31, p. 23.
Peter Beaumont, The Qanat: A Means of Water Provision from Groundwater Sources, in: Peter Beaumont (ed.), Qanat, n, 2, 13-31, p. 23.
Zvi Y.D. Ron, Development and Management of Irrigation Systems in Mountain Regions of the Holy Land, 10 Trans. Inst. Br. Geogr. N. S. (1985), 149-169;
Zvi Y.D. Ron, Development and Management of Irrigation Systems in Mountain Regions of the Holy Land, 10 Trans. Inst. Br. Geogr. N. S. (1985), 149-169;
For the irrigation systems of the Pueblo Indians in New Mexico, see José A, Rivera, Irrigation Communities of the Upper Rio Grande Bioregion: Sustainable Use in the Global Context, 36 Nat, Res, J (1996), 491, 497 (describing the acequia associations, consisting of three elected ditch commissioners and the irrigators themselves, governed by rules based on custom and tradition);
For the irrigation systems of the Pueblo Indians in New Mexico, see José A, Rivera, Irrigation Communities of the Upper Rio Grande Bioregion: Sustainable Use in the Global Context, 36 Nat, Res, J (1996), 491, 497 (describing the acequia associations, consisting of three elected ditch commissioners and the irrigators themselves, governed by rules based on custom and tradition);
Robert Y, Siy, Jr (ed.), Community Resource Managment: Lessons from the Zanjera (University of the Philippines Press, Quezon City, Philippines, 1982) (describing the Irrigation system in rural parts of the Philippines).
Robert Y, Siy, Jr (ed.), Community Resource Managment: Lessons from the Zanjera (University of the Philippines Press, Quezon City, Philippines, 1982) (describing the Irrigation system in rural parts of the Philippines).
On multidimensional relations as reinforcing cooperation, see, Cambridge University Press, New York
On multidimensional relations as reinforcing cooperation, see Elinor Ostrom, Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action (Cambridge University Press, New York, 1990), 207;
Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action
, pp. 207
Ostrom, E.1
Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD
Russell Hardin, Collective Action (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 1982), 31-33.
Collective Action
, pp. 31-33
Hardin, R.1
Robert Wade, The Management of Common Property Resources: Collective Action as an Alternative to Privatisation or State Regulation, 11 Cambridge j. of Econ. (1987), 95.
Robert Wade, The Management of Common Property Resources: Collective Action as an Alternative to Privatisation or State Regulation, 11 Cambridge j. of Econ. (1987), 95.
Genesis 26:15-22 (the Philistines covered the wells dug by Abraham and Isaac in an attempt to chase Isaac away from the area).
Genesis 26:15-22 (the Philistines covered the wells dug by Abraham and Isaac in an attempt to chase Isaac away from the area).
For examples of inter-village strife in ancient Palestine, see Ali Hasan Dawod Anbar, Soeio-Eeonomic Aspects of the East Ghor Canal Project Ph.D. thesis, University of Southampton, 1983, 91-93;
For examples of inter-village strife in ancient Palestine, see Ali Hasan Dawod Anbar, Soeio-Eeonomic Aspects of the East Ghor Canal Project (Ph.D. thesis, University of Southampton, 1983), 91-93;
for examples of inter-village conflicts in India, see Robert Wade, Village Republics, n.7. This is the typical scenario of the tragedy of the water commons and arises, for example, in areas along the Mediterranean coast, where the opportunity of many individuals to dig wells led to numerous shallow wells and a lowering of the water table which, in turn, rendered many wells dry and increased the salinity of the coastal aquifer.
for examples of inter-village conflicts in India, see Robert Wade, Village Republics, n.7. This is the typical scenario of the tragedy of the water commons and arises, for example, in areas along the Mediterranean coast, where the opportunity of many individuals to dig wells led to numerous shallow wells and a lowering of the water table which, in turn, rendered many wells dry and increased the salinity of the coastal aquifer.
Organization of the Ballnese Subak
E. Walter Coward, Jr ed, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY
Clifford Geerrz, Organization of the Ballnese Subak, in: E. Walter Coward, Jr (ed.), Irrigation and Agricultural Development in Asia: Perspectives from the Social Sciences (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1980), 70-90.
Irrigation and Agricultural Development in Asia: Perspectives from the Social Sciences
, pp. 70-90
Geerrz, C.1
Ibid., 79: Theories of 'hydraulic despotism' to the contrary notwithstanding, water control in Bali was an overwhelmingly local and intensely democratic matter. The subak encompasses all owners of rice fields irrigated by a single dam. Organization is based on a one-person one-vote system for electing the subak head and other officials who perform allocation, monitoring, and maintenance works (80-81).
Ibid., 79: "Theories of 'hydraulic despotism' to the contrary notwithstanding, water control in Bali was an overwhelmingly local and intensely democratic matter". The subak encompasses all owners of rice fields irrigated by a single dam. Organization is based on a one-person one-vote system for electing the subak head and other officials who perform allocation, monitoring, and maintenance works (80-81).
Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project Hungary/Slovakia
Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary/Slovakia), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1997, 7;
Reports 1997
, vol.7
Judgment, I.C.J.1
Separate Opinion by
Separate Opinion by Judge Weeramantry, 88.
, vol.88
Weeramantry, J.1
BuSankulama v. Ministry of Indus. Dev., (2000) 3 Sri LR243, available atwww.com monSii.org/Sk/ca.ses/LKSC/ 2000/18.html (last visited 29 March 2008).
BuSankulama v. Ministry of Indus. Dev., (2000) 3 Sri LR243, available atwww.com monSii.org/Sk/ca.ses/LKSC/ 2000/18.html (last visited 29 March 2008).
Minors Oposav, Sec'y of Dep't Env'tand Natural Res., 33 I.L.M. (1994), 174 (Needless to say, every generation has a responsibility to the next to preserve that rhythm and harmony for the full enjoyment of a balanced and healthful ecology. Put a little differently, the minors' assertion of their right to a sound environment constitutes, at the same time, the performance of their obligation to ensure the protection of that right for the generations to come).
Minors Oposav, Sec'y of Dep't Env'tand Natural Res., 33 I.L.M. (1994), 174 ("Needless to say, every generation has a responsibility to the next to preserve that rhythm and harmony for the full enjoyment of a balanced and healthful ecology. Put a little differently, the minors' assertion of their right to a sound environment constitutes, at the same time, the performance of their obligation to ensure the protection of that right for the generations to come").
Collective Action in the Utilization of Shared Freshwater: The Challenges of International Water Resources Law, 90 American JIL (1996), 384.
Collective Action in the Utilization of Shared Freshwater: The Challenges of International Water Resources Law, 90 American JIL (1996), 384.
Jane Ellcn Stevens, Science and Religion; Cultural Ptactices and Ecology, 44(2) Bioscicnce (1994), 60.
Jane Ellcn Stevens, Science and Religion; Cultural Ptactices and Ecology, 44(2) Bioscicnce (1994), 60.
Karl A. Wittfogd, Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power (Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, J 957),
Karl A. Wittfogd, Oriental Despotism: A Comparative Study of Total Power (Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, J 957),
Laws of Hammu-Rabi, No, 55, Rep., in: G.R. Driver and C, John Miles (eds). The Babylonian Laws: Ancient Codes and Laws of die Near East (2 vols, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1952-55), II, 31.
Laws of Hammu-Rabi, No, 55, Rep., in: G.R. Driver and C, John Miles (eds). The Babylonian Laws: Ancient Codes and Laws of die Near East (2 vols, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1952-55), vol. II, 31.
Note by this author: Corvee labour is temporary but recurring forced labour. Corvee workers were recruited seasonally, usually before the flooding period. On this type of recruitment, see
Note by this author: Corvee labour is temporary but recurring forced labour. Corvee workers were recruited seasonally, usually before the flooding period. On this type of recruitment, see Wittfogel, Oriental Despotism, n.18, pp. 47-48,
Oriental Despotism
, Issue.18
, pp. 47-48
Give Pouting, A Green History of the World (Sinclair-Stevenson, London, 1991).
Give Pouting, A Green History of the World (Sinclair-Stevenson, London, 1991).
See also World Development Report 1992 (Development and the Environment, The World Bank), 100; about 73 per cent of water withdrawals are allotted for irrigation and are heavily subsidized. In India, irrigation accounts for 93 per cent of water consumption; Salman M,A, Salman, The Legal Framework for Water Users' Associations: a Comparative Study (World Bank, Washington, DC, 1997), 1-2.
See also World Development Report 1992 (Development and the Environment, The World Bank), 100; about 73 per cent of water withdrawals are allotted for irrigation and are heavily subsidized. In India, irrigation accounts for 93 per cent of water consumption; Salman M,A, Salman, The Legal Framework for Water Users' Associations: a Comparative Study (World Bank, Washington, DC, 1997), 1-2.
Patrick McCuily, Silenced Rivers: The Ecology and Politics of large Dams (Zed Books, London/Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1996),
Patrick McCuily, Silenced Rivers: The Ecology and Politics of large Dams (Zed Books, London/Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1996),
For a detailed discussion, see Benvenistt, above n,21.
For a detailed discussion, see Benvenistt, above n,21.
See above n.16
See above n.16.
See above n, 18-20
See above n, 18-20.
Right to, International Protection
On the role of domestic courts, particularly Asian courts, in the development of the human right to water, see, R Wolfrum et al, eds, forthcoming
On the role of domestic courts, particularly Asian courts, in the development of the human right to water, see Eyal Benvenisti, Water, Right to, International Protection, in: R Wolfrum et al. (eds), Encyclopedia of Public International Law (forthcoming, 2008),
Encyclopedia of Public International Law
Eyal Benvenisti, W.1