Hereditary spastic paraplegia
JK Fink 2006 Hereditary spastic paraplegia Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 6 65 76
Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep
, vol.6
, pp. 65-76
Fink, J.K.1
Sequence alterations within CYP7B1 implicate defective cholesterol homeostasis in motor-neuron degeneration
MK Tsaousidou K Ouahchi TT Warner Y Yang MA Simpson NG Laing PA Wilkinson RE Madrid H Patel F Hentati MA Patton A Hentati PJ Lamont T Siddique AH Crosby 2008 Sequence alterations within CYP7B1 implicate defective cholesterol homeostasis in motor-neuron degeneration Am J Hum Genet 82 510 515
Am J Hum Genet
, vol.82
, pp. 510-515
Tsaousidou, M.K.1
Ouahchi, K.2
Warner, T.T.3
Yang, Y.4
Simpson, M.A.5
Laing, N.G.6
Wilkinson, P.A.7
Madrid, R.E.8
Patel, H.9
Hentati, F.10
Patton, M.A.11
Hentati, A.12
Lamont, P.J.13
Siddique, T.14
Crosby, A.H.15
Identification of the SPG15 gene, encoding spastizin, as a frequent cause of complicated autosomal-recessive spastic paraplegia, including Kjellin syndrome
S Hanein E Martin A Boukhris P Byrne C Goizet A Hamri A Benomar A Lossos P Denora J Fernandez N Elleuch S Forlani A Durr I Feki M Hutchinson FM Santorelli C Mhiri A Brice G Stevanin 2008 Identification of the SPG15 gene, encoding spastizin, as a frequent cause of complicated autosomal-recessive spastic paraplegia, including Kjellin syndrome Am J Hum Genet 82 992 1002
Am J Hum Genet
, vol.82
, pp. 992-1002
Hanein, S.1
Martin, E.2
Boukhris, A.3
Byrne, P.4
Goizet, C.5
Hamri, A.6
Benomar, A.7
Lossos, A.8
Denora, P.9
Fernandez, J.10
Elleuch, N.11
Forlani, S.12
Durr, A.13
Feki, I.14
Hutchinson, M.15
Santorelli, F.M.16
Mhiri, C.17
Brice, A.18
Stevanin, G.19
Spastic paraplegia and OXPHOS impairment caused by mutations in paraplegin, a nuclear-encoded mitochondrial metalloprotease
G Casari M De Fusco S Ciarmatori M Zeviani M Mora P Fernandez G De Michele A Filla S Cocozza R Marconi A Durr B Fontaine A Ballabio 1998 Spastic paraplegia and OXPHOS impairment caused by mutations in paraplegin, a nuclear-encoded mitochondrial metalloprotease Cell 93 973 983
, vol.93
, pp. 973-983
Casari, G.1
De Fusco, M.2
Ciarmatori, S.3
Zeviani, M.4
Mora, M.5
Fernandez, P.6
De Michele, G.7
Filla, A.8
Cocozza, S.9
Marconi, R.10
Durr, A.11
Fontaine, B.12
Ballabio, A.13
Spectrum of SPG4 mutations in autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia
N Fonknechten D Mavel P Byrne CS Davoine C Cruaud D Bonsch D Samson P Coutinho M Hutchinson P McMonagle JM Burgunder A Tartaglione O Heinzlef I Feki T Deufel N Parfrey A Brice B Fontaine JF Prud'homme J Weissenbach A Durr J Hazan 2000 Spectrum of SPG4 mutations in autosomal dominant spastic paraplegia Hum Mol Genet 9 637 644
Hum Mol Genet
, vol.9
, pp. 637-644
Fonknechten, N.1
Mavel, D.2
Byrne, P.3
Davoine, C.S.4
Cruaud, C.5
Bonsch, D.6
Samson, D.7
Coutinho, P.8
Hutchinson, M.9
Burgunder, J.M.10
Tartaglione, A.11
Heinzlef, O.12
Feki, I.13
Deufel, T.14
Parfrey, N.15
Brice, A.16
Fontaine, B.17
Prud'Homme, J.F.18
Weissenbach, J.19
Durr, A.20
Hazan, J.21
Novel mutations in the Atlastin gene (SPG3A) in families with autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia and evidence for late onset forms of HSP linked to the SPG3A locus
SM Sauter W Engel LM Neumann J Kunze J Neesen 2004 Novel mutations in the Atlastin gene (SPG3A) in families with autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia and evidence for late onset forms of HSP linked to the SPG3A locus Hum Mutat 23 98
Hum Mutat
, vol.23
, pp. 98
Sauter, S.M.1
Engel, W.2
Neumann, L.M.3
Kunze, J.4
Neesen, J.5
REEP1 mutation spectrum and genotype/phenotype correlation in hereditary spastic paraplegia type 31
C Beetz R Schule T Deconinck KN Tran-Viet H Zhu BP Kremer SG Frints WA van Zelst-Stams P Byrne S Otto AO Nygren J Baets K Smets B Ceulemans B Dan N Nagan J Kassubek S Klimpe T Klopstock H Stolze HJ Smeets CT Schrander-Stumpel M Hutchinson BP van de Warrenburg C Braastad T Deufel M Pericak-Vance L Schols P de Jonghe S Zuchner 2008 REEP1 mutation spectrum and genotype/phenotype correlation in hereditary spastic paraplegia type 31 Brain 131 1078 1086
, vol.131
, pp. 1078-1086
Beetz, C.1
Schule, R.2
Deconinck, T.3
Tran-Viet, K.N.4
Zhu, H.5
Kremer, B.P.6
Frints, S.G.7
Van Zelst-Stams, W.A.8
Byrne, P.9
Otto, S.10
Nygren, A.O.11
Baets, J.12
Smets, K.13
Ceulemans, B.14
Dan, B.15
Nagan, N.16
Kassubek, J.17
Klimpe, S.18
Klopstock, T.19
Stolze, H.20
Smeets, H.J.21
Schrander-Stumpel, C.T.22
Hutchinson, M.23
Van De Warrenburg, B.P.24
Braastad, C.25
Deufel, T.26
Pericak-Vance, M.27
Schols, L.28
De Jonghe, P.29
Zuchner, S.30
Linkage of 'pure' autosomal recessive familial spastic paraplegia to chromosome 8 markers and evidence of genetic locus heterogeneity
A Hentati MA Pericak-Vance WY Hung S Belal N Laing RM Boustany F Hentati M Ben Hamida T Siddique 1994 Linkage of 'pure' autosomal recessive familial spastic paraplegia to chromosome 8 markers and evidence of genetic locus heterogeneity Hum Mol Genet 3 1263 1267
Hum Mol Genet
, vol.3
, pp. 1263-1267
Hentati, A.1
Pericak-Vance, M.A.2
Hung, W.Y.3
Belal, S.4
Laing, N.5
Boustany, R.M.6
Hentati, F.7
Ben Hamida, M.8
Siddique, T.9
Spastic paraplegia 5: Locus refinement, candidate gene analysis and clinical description
S Klebe A Durr N Bouslam D Grid C Paternotte C Depienne S Hanein A Bouhouche N Elleuch H Azzedine S Poea-Guyon S Forlani E Denis C Charon J Hazan A Brice G Stevanin 2007 Spastic paraplegia 5: locus refinement, candidate gene analysis and clinical description Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet 144B 854 861
Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet
, vol.144
, pp. 854-861
Klebe, S.1
Durr, A.2
Bouslam, N.3
Grid, D.4
Paternotte, C.5
Depienne, C.6
Hanein, S.7
Bouhouche, A.8
Elleuch, N.9
Azzedine, H.10
Poea-Guyon, S.11
Forlani, S.12
Denis, E.13
Charon, C.14
Hazan, J.15
Brice, A.16
Stevanin, G.17
Clinical heterogeneity of autosomal recessive spastic paraplegias: Analysis of 106 patients in 46 families
P Coutinho J Barros R Zemmouri J Guimaraes C Alves R Chorao E Lourenco P Ribeiro JL Loureiro JV Santos A Hamri C Paternotte J Hazan MC Silva JF Prud'homme D Grid 1999 Clinical heterogeneity of autosomal recessive spastic paraplegias: analysis of 106 patients in 46 families Arch Neurol 56 943 949
Arch Neurol
, vol.56
, pp. 943-949
Coutinho, P.1
Barros, J.2
Zemmouri, R.3
Guimaraes, J.4
Alves, C.5
Chorao, R.6
Lourenco, E.7
Ribeiro, P.8
Loureiro, J.L.9
Santos, J.V.10
Hamri, A.11
Paternotte, C.12
Hazan, J.13
Silva, M.C.14
Prud'Homme, J.F.15
Grid, D.16
Narrowing of the critical region in autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia linked to the SPG5 locus
M Muglia C Criscuolo A Magariello G De Michele V Scarano P D'Adamo G Ambrosio AL Gabriele A Patitucci R Mazzei FL Conforti T Sprovieri L Morgante A Epifanio P La Spina P Valentino P Gasparini A Filla A Quattrone 2004 Narrowing of the critical region in autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia linked to the SPG5 locus Neurogenetics 5 49 54
, vol.5
, pp. 49-54
Muglia, M.1
Criscuolo, C.2
Magariello, A.3
De Michele, G.4
Scarano, V.5
D'Adamo, P.6
Ambrosio, G.7
Gabriele, A.L.8
Patitucci, A.9
Mazzei, R.10
Conforti, F.L.11
Sprovieri, T.12
Morgante, L.13
Epifanio, A.14
La Spina, P.15
Valentino, P.16
Gasparini, P.17
Filla, A.18
Quattrone, A.19
High frequency of partial SPAST deletions in autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia
C Beetz AO Nygren J Schickel M Auer-Grumbach K Burk G Heide J Kassubek S Klimpe T Klopstock F Kreuz S Otto R Schule L Schols AD Sperfeld OW Witte T Deufel 2006 High frequency of partial SPAST deletions in autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia Neurology 67 1926 1930
, vol.67
, pp. 1926-1930
Beetz, C.1
Nygren, A.O.2
Schickel, J.3
Auer-Grumbach, M.4
Burk, K.5
Heide, G.6
Kassubek, J.7
Klimpe, S.8
Klopstock, T.9
Kreuz, F.10
Otto, S.11
Schule, R.12
Schols, L.13
Sperfeld, A.D.14
Witte, O.W.15
Deufel, T.16
The Spastic Paraplegia Rating Scale (SPRS): A reliable and valid measure of disease severity
R Schule T Holland-Letz S Klimpe J Kassubek T Klopstock V Mall S Otto B Winner L Schols 2006 The Spastic Paraplegia Rating Scale (SPRS): a reliable and valid measure of disease severity Neurology 67 430 434
, vol.67
, pp. 430-434
Schule, R.1
Holland-Letz, T.2
Klimpe, S.3
Kassubek, J.4
Klopstock, T.5
Mall, V.6
Otto, S.7
Winner, B.8
Schols, L.9
Screening of hereditary spastic paraplegia patients for alterations at NIPA1 mutational hotspots
C Beetz R Schule S Klebe S Klimpe T Klopstock A Lacour S Otto AD Sperfeld B van de Warrenburg L Schols T Deufel 2008 Screening of hereditary spastic paraplegia patients for alterations at NIPA1 mutational hotspots J Neurol Sci 268 131 135
J Neurol Sci
, vol.268
, pp. 131-135
Beetz, C.1
Schule, R.2
Klebe, S.3
Klimpe, S.4
Klopstock, T.5
Lacour, A.6
Otto, S.7
Sperfeld, A.D.8
Van De Warrenburg, B.9
Schols, L.10
Deufel, T.11
Mutation analysis of the paraplegin gene (SPG7) in patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia
N Elleuch C Depienne A Benomar AM Hernandez X Ferrer B Fontaine D Grid CM Tallaksen R Zemmouri G Stevanin A Durr A Brice 2006 Mutation analysis of the paraplegin gene (SPG7) in patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia Neurology 66 654 659
, vol.66
, pp. 654-659
Elleuch, N.1
Depienne, C.2
Benomar, A.3
Hernandez, A.M.4
Ferrer, X.5
Fontaine, B.6
Grid, D.7
Tallaksen, C.M.8
Zemmouri, R.9
Stevanin, G.10
Durr, A.11
Brice, A.12
A clinical, genetic, and biochemical characterization of SPG7 mutations in a large cohort of patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia
A Arnoldi A Tonelli F Crippa G Villani C Pacelli M Sironi U Pozzoli MG D'Angelo G Meola A Martinuzzi C Crimella F Redaelli C Panzeri A Renieri GP Comi AC Turconi N Bresolin MT Bassi 2008 A clinical, genetic, and biochemical characterization of SPG7 mutations in a large cohort of patients with hereditary spastic paraplegia Hum Mutat 29 522 531
Hum Mutat
, vol.29
, pp. 522-531
Arnoldi, A.1
Tonelli, A.2
Crippa, F.3
Villani, G.4
Pacelli, C.5
Sironi, M.6
Pozzoli, U.7
D'Angelo, M.G.8
Meola, G.9
Martinuzzi, A.10
Crimella, C.11
Redaelli, F.12
Panzeri, C.13
Renieri, A.14
Comi, G.P.15
Turconi, A.C.16
Bresolin, N.17
Bassi, M.T.18
Mutations in SPG11 are frequent in autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia with thin corpus callosum, cognitive decline and lower motor neuron degeneration
G Stevanin H Azzedine P Denora A Boukhris M Tazir A Lossos AL Rosa I Lerer A Hamri P Alegria J Loureiro M Tada D Hannequin M Anheim C Goizet V Gonzalez-Martinez I Le Ber S Forlani K Iwabuchi V Meiner G Uyanik AK Erichsen I Feki F Pasquier S Belarbi VT Cruz C Depienne J Truchetto G Garrigues C Tallaksen C Tranchant M Nishizawa J Vale P Coutinho FM Santorelli C Mhiri A Brice A Durr 2008 Mutations in SPG11 are frequent in autosomal recessive spastic paraplegia with thin corpus callosum, cognitive decline and lower motor neuron degeneration Brain 131 772 784
, vol.131
, pp. 772-784
Stevanin, G.1
Azzedine, H.2
Denora, P.3
Boukhris, A.4
Tazir, M.5
Lossos, A.6
Rosa, A.L.7
Lerer, I.8
Hamri, A.9
Alegria, P.10
Loureiro, J.11
Tada, M.12
Hannequin, D.13
Anheim, M.14
Goizet, C.15
Gonzalez-Martinez, V.16
Le Ber, I.17
Forlani, S.18
Iwabuchi, K.19
Meiner, V.20
Uyanik, G.21
Erichsen, A.K.22
Feki, I.23
Pasquier, F.24
Belarbi, S.25
Cruz, V.T.26
Depienne, C.27
Truchetto, J.28
Garrigues, G.29
Tallaksen, C.30
Tranchant, C.31
Nishizawa, M.32
Vale, J.33
Coutinho, P.34
Santorelli, F.M.35
Mhiri, C.36
Brice, A.37
Durr, A.38
Exon deletions of SPG4 are a frequent cause of hereditary spastic paraplegia
C Depienne E Fedirko S Forlani C Cazeneuve P Ribai I Feki C Tallaksen K Nguyen B Stankoff M Ruberg G Stevanin A Durr A Brice 2007 Exon deletions of SPG4 are a frequent cause of hereditary spastic paraplegia J Med Genet 44 281 284
J Med Genet
, vol.44
, pp. 281-284
Depienne, C.1
Fedirko, E.2
Forlani, S.3
Cazeneuve, C.4
Ribai, P.5
Feki, I.6
Tallaksen, C.7
Nguyen, K.8
Stankoff, B.9
Ruberg, M.10
Stevanin, G.11
Durr, A.12
Brice, A.13
A novel locus for autosomal dominant "uncomplicated" hereditary spastic paraplegia maps to chromosome 8p21.1-q13.3
S Hanein A Durr P Ribai S Forlani AL Leutenegger I Nelson MC Babron N Elleuch C Depienne C Charon A Brice G Stevanin 2007 A novel locus for autosomal dominant "uncomplicated" hereditary spastic paraplegia maps to chromosome 8p21.1-q13.3 Hum Genet 122 261 273
Hum Genet
, vol.122
, pp. 261-273
Hanein, S.1
Durr, A.2
Ribai, P.3
Forlani, S.4
Leutenegger, A.L.5
Nelson, I.6
Babron, M.C.7
Elleuch, N.8
Depienne, C.9
Charon, C.10
Brice, A.11
Stevanin, G.12
HSP60 is a rare cause of hereditary spastic paraparesis, but may act as a genetic modifier
CA Hewamadduma J Kirby C Kershaw J Martindale A Dalton CJ McDermott PJ Shaw 2008 HSP60 is a rare cause of hereditary spastic paraparesis, but may act as a genetic modifier Neurology 70 1717 1718
, vol.70
, pp. 1717-1718
Hewamadduma, C.A.1
Kirby, J.2
Kershaw, C.3
Martindale, J.4
Dalton, A.5
Shaw, P.J.6