A. B. Marx, Die Lehre von der musikalischen Komposition, Leipzig, 1837-63. The treatise went through six full or partial editions in Marx's lifetime alone. The complex publication history is given in MGG, viii, cols. 1734-8: i: 1837, 1841, 1846, 1852, 1858, 1863, 1868, 1875, 1887, 1903; ii: 1838, 1842, 1847, 1856, 1864, 1873, 1890; iii: 1845, 1848, 1857, 1868, 1879; iv: 1847, 1851, 1860, 1871. A further complexity is that the sixth edition of Vol. 1 (the last before Marx's death) exists in two versions: Marx's original and Hugo Riemann's radically reworked edition of 1887. I shall refer to both versions, since Riemann's interpretation sheds light on many of Marx's ideas. For the most commonly available English translation (based on the 4th edn.), see The School of Musical Composition, trans. August Heinrich Wehrhan, London, 1852
Die Lehre von der musikalischen Komposition
Marx, A.B.1
The best study of Marx from a pedagogical viewpoint is still Kurt-Erich Eicke's Der Streit zwischen Adolph Bernhard Marx und Gottfried Wilhelm Fink um die Kompositionslehre
The best study of Marx from a pedagogical viewpoint is still Kurt-Erich Eicke's Der Streit zwischen Adolph Bernhard Marx und Gottfried Wilhelm Fink um die Kompositionslehre ('Kölner Beiträge zur Musikforschung', xiii), Cologne, 1966
Kölner Beiträge zur Musikforschung
, vol.13
Das Problem des Historismus im Streit zwischen Marx und Fink
See also idem, 'Das Problem des Historismus im Streit zwischen Marx und Fink', Die Ausbreitung des Historismus über die Musik, ed. Walter Wiora, Regensburg, 1969, pp. 221-32
Die Ausbreitung des Historismus über die Musik
, pp. 221-232
Wiora, W.1
The Role of Sonata Form in A. B. Marx's Theory of Form
See also idem, 'The Role of Sonata Form in A. B. Marx's Theory of Form', Journal of Music Theory, xxxiii (1989), 247-71
Journal of Music Theory
, vol.33
, pp. 247-271
Thaler, L.1
Criticism, Faith and the Idee: A. B. Marx's Early Reception of Beethoven
and 'Criticism, Faith and the Idee: A. B. Marx's Early Reception of Beethoven', 19th Century Music, xiii (1989-90), 183-92
19th Century Music
, vol.13
, pp. 183-192
Chapel Hill
See Eugene Walter, Placeways: a Theory of the Human Environment, Chapel Hill, 1970, p. 18: 'Originally, theoria meant seeing the sights, seeing for yourself, and getting a world-view. The first theorists were "tourists" - the wise men who traveled to inspect the obvious world. Solon, the Greek sage whose political reforms around 590 B.C. renewed the city of Athens, is the first "theorist" in Western history.'
Placeways: a Theory of the Human Environment
, pp. 18
Walter, E.1
Keith Swanwick, Music Education and the National Curriculum, London, 1992, p. 13. The book crisply describes the problems of reconciling an educational theory with political exigencies. In particular, Swanwick voices his disquiet about the false symmetry of the two Attainment Targets, which were imposed upon an originally ternary model of 'Performing-Composing-Appraising'. Moreover, AT2 had initially been drafted as 'Knowledge and Understanding', reflecting an undue slant towards a factual, historical approach. This was reformulated as 'Listening and Appraising' following a fax sent by Swanwick to the then Secretary of State for Education, Kenneth Clarke (Swanwick's booklet ends with a dramatic account of this intervention; see pp. 25-31)
Music Education and the National Curriculum
, pp. 13
Swanwick, K.1
designed mainly for first-year undergraduates) attempts to mediate the teaching of Schenkerian concepts such as prolongation, diminution and voice-leading via the practice of composition and arrangement in the Classical style
Cook's course (designed mainly for first-year undergraduates) attempts to mediate the teaching of Schenkerian concepts such as prolongation, diminution and voice-leading via the practice of composition and arrangement in the Classical style. For my review, see Music & Letters, lxxviii (1997), 599-600
Music & Letters
, vol.78
, pp. 599-600
See Colin Griffin, Curriculum Theory in Adult and Lifelong Education, London, 1983, p. 41: 'Generations of teachers in training have failed to see the point or the relevance of much of the theoretical element in their courses: its concerns have seemed to them far too removed from the problems of classroom practice'
Curriculum Theory in Adult and Lifelong Education
, pp. 41
Griffin, C.1
For the close links between the inception of Marx's formal theories and Beethoven reception, see Scott Burnham, Beethoven Hero, Princeton, 1995
Beethoven Hero
Burnham, S.1
Convergences: Criticism, Analysis and Beethoven Reception
See also my review-article 'Convergences: Criticism, Analysis and Beethoven Reception', Music Analysis, xvi (1997), pp. 369-91
Music Analysis
, vol.16
, pp. 369-391
See, for example, Johann Logier, System der Musik-Wissenschaft und der praktischen Composition, Berlin, 1827. Logier's treatise is interesting for its hybrid or transitional nature. On the one hand, its chapter plan follows the conservative, eighteenth-century progression, starting with the basics of harmony and counterpoint (fundamental basses, modulation, suspensions and passing notes, secondary and chromatic harmony) and considering rhythm, metre and phrase structure only in its final chapters. On the other hand, Logier's deliberate simplification of theoretical categories, for example in repeated use of a C major scale as a vehicle for explaining tonality, profoundly influenced Marx's method
System der Musik-Wissenschaft und der praktischen Composition
Logier, J.1
See Rosamund Shuter-Dyson & Clive Gabriel, The Psychology of Musical Ability, London, 1981. The authors explore processes of 'naturalization' and 'enculturation' in chapters devoted to, respectively, 'The Development of Musical Ability' (pp. 97-170) and The Determinants of Musical Ability' (pp. 171-237)
The Psychology of Musical Ability
C. Gabriel, R.2
The former focuses on the universal and cross-cultural aspects of children's aptitude, from birth to adolescence. The latter is directed more towards differences: the effects of home and social environment; the impact of specific practice and music lessons. This division does not fit strictly with a 'nature/culture' or 'innate/learnt' distinction. For example, the authors include within their 'determinants of musical ability' the influence of genetic inheritance. For an alternative scheme, see John Sloboda, The Musical Mind: the Cognitive Psychology of Music, Oxford, 1990, pp. 194-238. Sloboda divides his chapter 'Musical Learning and Development' into two sections. The first section, on 'enculturation', deals with commonalities: 'a shared set of primitive capacities which are present at birth ... a shared set of experiences which the culture provides ... roughly similar ages at which the various achievements occur' (pp. 195-6). The second section, on 'training', concentrates 'on specific experiences which are not shared by all members of a culture' (p. 196). Increasing accomplishment follows on from particular types of instruction (loc. cit.)
The Musical Mind: the Cognitive Psychology of Music
, pp. 194-238
Sloboda, J.1
See, for example, Keith Swanwick & June Tillman's spiral model of musical development presented in 'The Sequence of Musical Development', British Journal of Music Education, iii (1986), 305-39. This model is based on a survey of 745 compositions from 48 children between the ages of three and eleven
British Journal of Music Education
, vol.3
, pp. 305-339
Music Theory and its Histories
ed. Christopher Hatch & David W. Bernstein, Chicago
For a penetrating discussion of 'presentist' versus 'historicist' viewpoints, including a helpful survey of the secondary literature, see Thomas Christensen, 'Music Theory and its Histories', Music Theory and the Exploration of the Past, ed. Christopher Hatch & David W. Bernstein, Chicago, 1993, pp. 9-39
Music Theory and the Exploration of the Past
, pp. 9-39
Christensen, T.1
Marx, Die Lehre, i (2nd edn., 1841), p. vi: 'Könnten auch die Lehrsätze, die dem Ganzen zum Grunde liegende Kunstanschauung und das Wesentliche der Methode keine Aenderung erleben, ich vielmehr durch fortgesetzte Prüfung, vielfältigere Erfahrung und die Beistimmung so vieler Sachkundigen nur noch fester von ihrer Wahrheit überzeugt werden: so liess es mich doch nicht ruhen; ich war gedrungen, meinem Lehrideal immer energischer zuzustreben'
Die Lehre
, vol.1
Marx, Die Lehre, i (6th edn., 1863), p. vii: 'Freudig habe ich das halbe Buch umgestaltet, um keine neue Anschauung und Erfahrung unbenutzt zu lassen'
Die Lehre
, vol.1
See A. B. Marx, Die alte Musiklehre im Streit mit unserer Zeit, Leipzig, 1841, p. 29: 'Hier könnten sie nun begreifen, - was der Psychologe schon vor voraussetzen wird, - dass die lustvolle Gabe eignen Gesanges in den meisten Menschen angelegt ist, in den meisten wohlorganisirten Kindern schon in frischer Blütte sich entfaltet'
Die alte Musiklehre im Streit mit unserer Zeit
, pp. 29
Marx, A.B.1
trans. A. H. Wehrhan as, London
trans. A. H. Wehrhan as The Universal School of Music, London, 1853, p. 322
The Universal School of Music
, pp. 322
Marx, Die Lehre, i (1st edn., 1837), 24: 'Ein in sich genügendes, bestimmt abgeschlossenes einfaches Tongebilde, das also nicht Periode ist, nicht aus Vorder- und Nachsatz besteht, nennen wir Satz'
Die Lehre
, vol.1
, pp. 24
Marx, Die Lehre, i (9th edn., 1887, ed. Hugo Riemann), 44: 'Wir können daraus die Lehre ziehen, dass der gestaltende Wille, den - gleichviel ob vollbewusst oder halb instinktiv - höhere Gesichtspunkte leiten, die strenge Form des Ganges beliebig durchbrechen kann; der Gang wird gleichwohl seine Bedeutung als nächstliegendes Mittel der Fortführung behalten'
Die Lehre
, vol.1
For a good overview, see Käte Silber, Pestalozzi: the Man and his Work, London, 1976. According to Silber, the term 'Anschauung' 'may mean sense-impression, observation, contemplation, perception, apperception, or intuition' (p. 138). Silber traces Pestalozzi's theory of perception to Leibnitz
Pestalozzi: the Man and his Work
, pp. 138
Silber, K.1
Johann Pestalozzi, The Method, a Report by Pestalozzi, included in How Gertrude Teaches her Children, pp. 199-211. In his A B C der Anschauung, Zurich, 1803, Pestalozzi includes a more complex chart illustrating the interaction of horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines (p. 84)
The Method, a Report by Pestalozzi, included in How Gertrude Teaches her Children
, pp. 199-211
Pestalozzi, J.1
See James F. Brennan, History and Systems of Psychology, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, & London, 1994, pp. 129-30
History and Systems of Psychology, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, & London
, pp. 129-130
Brennan, J.F.1
Marx, Die alte Musiklehre, p. 43: 'Wiederum berüht der Eindruck der Musik zum Theil auf den gleichartigen Wirkungen und Vorstellungen, die ein und dieselbe Stimmung auf die verschiednen Organe des Körpers und in die verschiednen Richtungen geistiger Thätigkeit übertragt'
Die alte Musiklehre
, vol.43
Musical Motion and Performance: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives
John Rink, Cambridge
See Patrick Shove & Bruno Repp, 'Musical Motion and Performance: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives', The Practice of Performance: Studies in Musical Interpretation, ed. John Rink, Cambridge, 1995, pp. 55-83
The Practice of Performance: Studies in Musical Interpretation
, pp. 55-83
Shove, P.1
Repp, B.2
Nägeli & Pfeiffer, Gesangbildungslehre, p. 226: 'Das Lehren und Lernen an den Kunstwerken selbst ist nicht Bethätigung der Kunstanschauung in ihrer Einheit, sondern ein störendes Spalten der Natur in die Funktionen des Wissens und Könnens'
, vol.226
For a discussion of Natorp's song treatises, see Max Schipke, Der Deutsche Schulgesang, von Adam Hiller bis zu den Falkschen Allgemeinen Bestimmungen, 1775-1875. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Gesangpädagogik, Berlin, 1913, pp. 136-7
Der Deutsche Schulgesang, von Adam Hiller bis zu den Falkschen Allgemeinen Bestimmungen, 1775-1875. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Gesangpädagogik
, pp. 136-137
Schipke, M.1
Musikalische Notizen gesammelt von Louis Spohr während seines Aufenthalts in London vom Ende Februars bis ende Juny 1820
esp. p. 527
See 'Musikalische Notizen gesammelt von Louis Spohr während seines Aufenthalts in London vom Ende Februars bis ende Juny 1820', in AmZ (1820), 521-30, esp. p. 527
, pp. 521-530
4th edn., Essen
See Adolph Diesterweg, Wegweiser zur Bildung für deutliche Lehrer, 4th edn., Essen, 1850. Diesterweg (1790-1866) was Pestalozzi's first major exponent in Germany. Though working initially in Frankfurt, he opened a seminary in Berlin in 1832
Wegweiser zur Bildung für deutliche Lehrer
Diesterweg, A.1
Songsinging by Young and Old: A Developmental Approach to Music
ed. Rita Aiello, Oxford
Lyle Davidson, 'Songsinging by Young and Old: a Developmental Approach to Music', Musical Perceptions, ed. Rita Aiello, Oxford, 1994, pp. 99-130
Musical Perceptions
, pp. 99-130
Davidson, L.1
See David Jones, Adult Education and Cultural Development, London, 1988. The concept of 'Andragogy' as a discipline distinct from 'Pedagogy' was developed in the work of Malcolm S. Knowles. According to Jones, 'Knowles appears to define adulthood, not so much in terms of chronological age, but in terms of individuals accepting responsibility for the direction of their own lives. He sees the role of the adult educator as dependent upon an acceptance that adults are self-directed' (pp. 156-7)
Adult Education and Cultural Development
, pp. 156-157
Jones, D.1
Bach's Erbe: The Chorale in the German Oratorio of the Early Nineteenth Century
See Glenn Stanley, 'Bach's Erbe: the Chorale in the German Oratorio of the Early Nineteenth Century', 19th Century Music, xi (1987-8), 121-49, at pp. 126-32
19th Century Music
, vol.11
, pp. 121-149
Stanley, G.1
So ist doch der Zusammenhang dieser Anfange mit dem gewordenen Kunstwerk einen höhern Grad von Kunstbildung voraussetzt
Loc. cit.: 'So ist doch der Zusammenhang dieser Anfange mit dem gewordenen Kunstwerk einen höhern Grad von Kunstbildung voraussetzt'
See David W. Green, Cognitive Science: an Introduction, Oxford, 1996, p. 295: 'The most obvious distinction is probably between data-driven and conceptually-driven operations. Data-driven processes involve bottom-up analysis of perceptual features. Thus, for example, deciding how many vowels there are in the word WHITE is a data-driven process, and reading venus hearing a word will require different data-driven operations. In contrast, conceptually-driven processes are much more top-down and involve the extraction of meaning. Knowing that white is the opposite of Mack would be an example.'
Cognitive Science: an Introduction
, pp. 295
Green, D.W.1
4th edn
Marx, Die Lehre, i (4th edn, 1852), 28
Die Lehre
, vol.1
, pp. 28
For a colourful account of Hiller and Rein's activities, see Dunkel, Herbart and Herbartianism, pp. 209-39
Herbart and Herbartianism
, pp. 209-239
The journalist Friedrich Wähner, for instance, 'spoke of Beethoven's "childlike naivete" and likened him to "an amiable boy"': see Maynard Solomon, Beethoven, London, 1978, p. 258
, pp. 258
Solomon, M.1
On the Classification and Framing of Knowledge
Bernstein, 'On the Classification and Framing of Knowledge', p. 60
Creativity, Life and Music: Three Books about Beethoven
at pp. 354-7
See my 'Creativity, Life and Music: Three Books about Beethoven', Music Analysis, xv (1996), 343-66, at pp. 354-7
Music Analysis
, vol.15
, pp. 343-366
Concepts of World Music and their Integration within Western Secondary Music Education
ed. Gary Spruce, London
For an accessible introduction to these issues from an ethnomusicological viewpoint, see Jonathan P. J. Stock, 'Concepts of World Music and their Integration within Western Secondary Music Education', Teaching Music, ed. Gary Spruce, London, 1996, pp. 152-67
Teaching Music
, pp. 152-167
Stock, J.P.J.1
Mind the Gap: Formal Structures and Psychological Processes in Music
See Eric Clarke, 'Mind the Gap: Formal Structures and Psychological Processes in Music', Contemporary Music Review, iii (1989), 1-13, at p. 11
Contemporary Music Review
, vol.3
, pp. 1-13
Clarke, E.1
Rainbow cites Marx solely in the context of German institutional reform, that is, as the holder of the first Chair of Music at Berlin University. For surveys focusing on the German tradition, see Hermann Kretzschmar, Musikalische Zeitfragen, Leipzig, 1903
Musikalische Zeitfragen
Kretzschmar, H.1
Materialien zur Entwicklung der Musikpädagogik als Wissenschaft
ed. Sigrid Abel-Struth, Mainz
Sigrid Abel-Struth, 'Materialien zur Entwicklung der Musikpädagogik als Wissenschaft', Musikpädagogik, Forschung und Lehre, i, ed. Sigrid Abel-Struth, Mainz, 1970
Musikpädagogik, Forschung und Lehre
, vol.1
Abel-Struth, S.1
The Physiological Causes of Harmony in Music
ed. Russell Kahl, Middletown, Connecticut
Hermann Helmholtz, 'The Physiological Causes of Harmony in Music', in idem, Selected Writings, ed. Russell Kahl, Middletown, Connecticut, 1971, pp. 75-108
Selected Writings
, pp. 75-108
Helmholtz, H.1