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Volumn 30, Issue 4, 2004, Pages 471-491

Whereof we can speak, thereof we must not be silent: Trauma, political solipsism and war

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EID: 6344226306     PISSN: 02602105     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1017/S0260210504006187     Document Type: Review
Times cited : (102)

References (99)
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    • 0004125089 scopus 로고
    • trans. L. S. Roudiez (New York: Columbia University Press)
    • Julie Kristeva, Black Sun: Depression and Melancholia, trans. L. S. Roudiez (New York: Columbia University Press, 1989), p. 223.
    • (1989) Black Sun: Depression and Melancholia , pp. 223
    • Kristeva, J.1
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    • The Passion of World Politics: Propositions on Emotion and Emotional Relationships
    • Indeed, there has been little attention to the role of emotion. One excellent exception, which explores this absence as well as formulating positive propositions, is Neta C. Crawford, 'The Passion of World Politics: Propositions on Emotion and Emotional Relationships', International Security, 24: 4 (2000).
    • (2000) International Security , vol.24 , Issue.4
    • Crawford, N.C.1
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    • note
    • This is recognised in the diagnostic categories codified by the American Psychological Association.
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    • note
    • The idea of mutual vulnerability explains why those who wish to discourage compassion portray victims as totally dissimilar in kind. As Hilberg argued, the Nazi portrayal of Jews as non-human insects or vermin, or inanimate cargo to be transported, aided the project of distancing the sufferers from their tormentors.
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    • note
    • Nussbaum asks why these cognitive elements would necessarily be linked to the emotions themselves. Could one have all of the judgements without the painful emotion? She offers several examples. We may find it difficult to have compassion for a stranger or may be too busy and distracted to notice. This example doesn't contain all of the ingredients in so far as it lacks an EJ or any sense of the stranger as a part of one's own scheme of goals and projects. The observer also may not see the seriousness from their point of view. A torturer knows that his victim suffers badly but from his own point of view this is a good thing. Nussbaum concludes that it is only possible to have all three elements and not to feel compassion in a case similar to that of delayed mourning, where the observer simply hasn't taken in what has happened and it has not become a sufficient part of her cognitive repertoire to influence the pattern of her own beliefs and actions.
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    • New York: Penguin Books
    • Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (New York: Penguin Books, 1980 [1651]).
    • (1651) Leviathan
    • Hobbes, T.1
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    • note
    • The distinction between natural and social trauma cannot be finely drawn, since many disasters, which may on first sight appear to be natural, such as famine, are embedded in complex social constructions related to the distribution of power, and in this case food.
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    • Genocide is by definition related to intentionality.
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    • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    • Inga Clendinnen, Reading the Holocaust (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), p. 35.
    • (1999) Reading the Holocaust , pp. 35
    • Clendinnen, I.1
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    • On Empathy
    • P.H. Orstein (ed.), Madison, CT: International Universities Press
    • Worse than empathy of the latter sort is the total lack of empathy which dehumanises the other. As Kohut states, the dreadful experiences of prolonged stays in concentration camps during the Nazi era in Germany represented a total disregard for the humanity of the victims. Heinz Kohut, 'On Empathy', in P.H. Orstein (ed.), Search for the Self: Selected Writings of Heinz Kohut: 1978-1981 (Madison, CT: International Universities Press, 1981), p. 530. The treatment of a victim, whether Jew, woman or other, as a mere object whose experience doesn't matter arguably involves a more profound evil than to be tortured by an empathetic villain who recognises them as human. The ability to empathise is an essential ingredient of humanity. Compassion goes a step further. It includes the possibility that action to address the suffering of another is of great importance to one's own flourishing. At the point that a suffering other has become a part of one's own ends and goals, this establishes a motive to help that person, that is, to take action. Scientific experiments have revealed that subjects who were urged to relax and use their imaginations when hearing a story of distress reported both greater emotion and greater willingness to help the victim than did subjects who were urged to remain detached and 'objective'. Nussbaum, Upheavals of Thought, pp. 334, 340.
    • (1981) Search for the Self: Selected Writings of Heinz Kohut: 1978-1981 , pp. 530
    • Kohut, H.1
  • 22
    • 0004276410 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Worse than empathy of the latter sort is the total lack of empathy which dehumanises the other. As Kohut states, the dreadful experiences of prolonged stays in concentration camps during the Nazi era in Germany represented a total disregard for the humanity of the victims. Heinz Kohut, 'On Empathy', in P.H. Orstein (ed.), Search for the Self: Selected Writings of Heinz Kohut: 1978-1981 (Madison, CT: International Universities Press, 1981), p. 530. The treatment of a victim, whether Jew, woman or other, as a mere object whose experience doesn't matter arguably involves a more profound evil than to be tortured by an empathetic villain who recognises them as human. The ability to empathise is an essential ingredient of humanity. Compassion goes a step further. It includes the possibility that action to address the suffering of another is of great importance to one's own flourishing. At the point that a suffering other has become a part of one's own ends and goals, this establishes a motive to help that person, that is, to take action. Scientific experiments have revealed that subjects who were urged to relax and use their imaginations when hearing a story of distress reported both greater emotion and greater willingness to help the victim than did subjects who were urged to remain detached and 'objective'. Nussbaum, Upheavals of Thought, pp. 334, 340.
    • Upheavals of Thought , pp. 334
    • Nussbaum1
  • 23
    • 6344227726 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Edkins, Trauma Time, p. 56; Rena Moses-Hrushovski, Grief and Grievance: The Assassination of Yitzak Rabin (Minerva Press, 2000), p. xv; Allen Young, Inventing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1997), p. 7.
    • Trauma Time , pp. 56
    • Edkins1
  • 25
    • 0003824672 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
    • Edkins, Trauma Time, p. 56; Rena Moses-Hrushovski, Grief and Grievance: The Assassination of Yitzak Rabin (Minerva Press, 2000), p. xv; Allen Young, Inventing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1997), p. 7.
    • (1997) Inventing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder , pp. 7
    • Young, A.1
  • 28
    • 6344231003 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • note
    • A similar claim might be made of Hobbes who wrote in the context of the English Civil War.
  • 30
    • 0003880272 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • London: Pimlico
    • World War I and the massive experience of shell-shock by soldiers in all countries, contributed to redefinitions of trauma as well as a considerable expansion of psychiatric services to treat soldiers. See Ben Shepard, A War of Nerves: Soldiers and Psychiatrists, 1914-1994 (London: Pimlico, 2002); Ruth Leys, Trauma: A Genealogy (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2000).
    • (2002) A War of Nerves: Soldiers and Psychiatrists, 1914-1994
    • Shepard, B.1
  • 31
    • 0003608097 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press
    • World War I and the massive experience of shell-shock by soldiers in all countries, contributed to redefinitions of trauma as well as a considerable expansion of psychiatric services to treat soldiers. See Ben Shepard, A War of Nerves: Soldiers and Psychiatrists, 1914-1994 (London: Pimlico, 2002); Ruth Leys, Trauma: A Genealogy (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2000).
    • (2000) Trauma: A Genealogy
    • Leys, R.1
  • 32
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    • note
    • The friend was David Pinsent.
  • 35
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    • the Tractatus, Wittgenstein states: 'Solipsism, when it is unravelled, coincides with pure realism'
    • As cited in Monk, The Duty of Genius, p. 144. In the Tractatus, Wittgenstein states: 'Solipsism, when it is unravelled, coincides with pure realism'. Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logicus-Philosophicus, 5.64.
    • The Duty of Genius , pp. 144
    • Monk1
  • 36
    • 0004277888 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • As cited in Monk, The Duty of Genius, p. 144. In the Tractatus, Wittgenstein states: 'Solipsism, when it is unravelled, coincides with pure realism'. Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logicus-Philosophicus, 5.64.
    • Tractatus Logicus-Philosophicus
    • Wittgenstein1
  • 38
    • 84887685997 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See, for instance, Kristeva, Black Sun; Edkins, Trauma Time; Patrick Bracken, Trauma: Culture, Meaning and Philosophy (London: Whurr Publishers, 2002); Saul Friedlander (ed.), Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the 'Final Solution' (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992).
    • Black Sun
    • Kristeva1
  • 39
    • 6344227726 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See, for instance, Kristeva, Black Sun; Edkins, Trauma Time; Patrick Bracken, Trauma: Culture, Meaning and Philosophy (London: Whurr Publishers, 2002); Saul Friedlander (ed.), Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the 'Final Solution' (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992).
    • Trauma Time
    • Edkins1
  • 40
    • 0003479983 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • London: Whurr Publishers
    • See, for instance, Kristeva, Black Sun; Edkins, Trauma Time; Patrick Bracken, Trauma: Culture, Meaning and Philosophy (London: Whurr Publishers, 2002); Saul Friedlander (ed.), Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the 'Final Solution' (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992).
    • (2002) Trauma: Culture, Meaning and Philosophy
    • Bracken, P.1
  • 41
    • 0003623522 scopus 로고
    • Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
    • See, for instance, Kristeva, Black Sun; Edkins, Trauma Time; Patrick Bracken, Trauma: Culture, Meaning and Philosophy (London: Whurr Publishers, 2002); Saul Friedlander (ed.), Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the 'Final Solution' (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992).
    • (1992) Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the 'Final Solution'
    • Friedlander, S.1
  • 45
    • 0003698042 scopus 로고
    • Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
    • See Ian Hacking, Rewriting the Soul: Multiple Personality and the Sciences of Memory (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995); Leys, Trauma: A Genealogy; Winter, Sites of Mourning. One of the seminal works of international relations, written in the aftermath of World War I, E.H. Carr's Twenty Year's Crisis, was also an exploration of the tension between a realist world and the power of ideas to transcend it. Edward Hallett Carr, The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939 (New York: Harper & Row, 1964 [1939]).
    • (1995) Rewriting the Soul: Multiple Personality and the Sciences of Memory
    • Hacking, I.1
  • 46
    • 0003608097 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See Ian Hacking, Rewriting the Soul: Multiple Personality and the Sciences of Memory (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995); Leys, Trauma: A Genealogy; Winter, Sites of Mourning. One of the seminal works of international relations, written in the aftermath of World War I, E.H. Carr's Twenty Year's Crisis, was also an exploration of the tension between a realist world and the power of ideas to transcend it. Edward Hallett Carr, The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939 (New York: Harper & Row, 1964 [1939]).
    • Trauma: A Genealogy
    • Leys1
  • 47
    • 6344250272 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See Ian Hacking, Rewriting the Soul: Multiple Personality and the Sciences of Memory (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995); Leys, Trauma: A Genealogy; Winter, Sites of Mourning. One of the seminal works of international relations, written in the aftermath of World War I, E.H. Carr's Twenty Year's Crisis, was also an exploration of the tension between a realist world and the power of ideas to transcend it. Edward Hallett Carr, The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939 (New York: Harper & Row, 1964 [1939]).
    • Sites of Mourning
    • Winter1
  • 48
    • 0003959434 scopus 로고
    • New York: Harper & Row
    • See Ian Hacking, Rewriting the Soul: Multiple Personality and the Sciences of Memory (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995); Leys, Trauma: A Genealogy; Winter, Sites of Mourning. One of the seminal works of international relations, written in the aftermath of World War I, E.H. Carr's Twenty Year's Crisis, was also an exploration of the tension between a realist world and the power of ideas to transcend it. Edward Hallett Carr, The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939 (New York: Harper & Row, 1964 [1939]).
    • (1939) The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939
    • Carr, E.H.1
  • 52
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    • paras. 293, 295, 296, 300, 302, 384, 448-9
    • For a more indepth discussion of this idea, see Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations, paras. 293, 295, 296, 300, 302, 384, 448-9; Veena Das, 'Language and Body: Transactions in the Construction of Pain', and Stanley Cavell, 'Comments on Venna Das's Essay'. In Arthur Kleinman, Veena Das and Margaret Lock (eds.), Social Suffering (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1997).
    • Philosophical Investigations
    • Wittgenstein1
  • 53
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    • 'Language and Body: Transactions in the Construction of Pain', and Stanley Cavell, 'Comments on Venna Das's Essay'
    • Arthur Kleinman, Veena Das and Margaret Lock (eds.), Berkeley, CA: University of California Press
    • For a more indepth discussion of this idea, see Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations, paras. 293, 295, 296, 300, 302, 384, 448-9; Veena Das, 'Language and Body: Transactions in the Construction of Pain', and Stanley Cavell, 'Comments on Venna Das's Essay'. In Arthur Kleinman, Veena Das and Margaret Lock (eds.), Social Suffering (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1997).
    • (1997) Social Suffering
    • Das, V.1
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    • A Constructivist View of Emotions
    • R. Plutchik and H Kellerman (eds.), New York: Academic Press
    • J.R. Averill, 'A Constructivist View of Emotions', in R. Plutchik and H Kellerman (eds.), Emotion: Theory, Research, and Experience, vol. 1: Theories of Emotion (New York: Academic Press, 1980); J.R. Averill, Anger and Aggression: An Essay on Emotion (New York: Springer, 1982); R.S. Lazarus, Emotion and Adaptation (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991); Michelle Rosaldo, Knowledge and Passion: Ilongot Notions of Self and Social Life (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980); R. Schweder and R. A. LeVine (eds.), Culture and Value (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994); Rom Harre (ed.), The Social Construction of Emotions (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986); C. Lutz, Unnatural Emotions: Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and their Challenge to Western Theory (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1988).
    • (1980) Emotion: Theory, Research, and Experience, Vol. 1: Theories of Emotion , vol.1
    • Averill, J.R.1
  • 56
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    • New York: Springer
    • J.R. Averill, 'A Constructivist View of Emotions', in R. Plutchik and H Kellerman (eds.), Emotion: Theory, Research, and Experience, vol. 1: Theories of Emotion (New York: Academic Press, 1980); J.R. Averill, Anger and Aggression: An Essay on Emotion (New York: Springer, 1982); R.S. Lazarus, Emotion and Adaptation (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991); Michelle Rosaldo, Knowledge and Passion: Ilongot Notions of Self and Social Life (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980); R. Schweder and R. A. LeVine (eds.), Culture and Value (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994); Rom Harre (ed.), The Social Construction of Emotions (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986); C. Lutz, Unnatural Emotions: Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and their Challenge to Western Theory (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1988).
    • (1982) Anger and Aggression: An Essay on Emotion
    • Averill, J.R.1
  • 57
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    • New York: Oxford University Press
    • J.R. Averill, 'A Constructivist View of Emotions', in R. Plutchik and H Kellerman (eds.), Emotion: Theory, Research, and Experience, vol. 1: Theories of Emotion (New York: Academic Press, 1980); J.R. Averill, Anger and Aggression: An Essay on Emotion (New York: Springer, 1982); R.S. Lazarus, Emotion and Adaptation (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991); Michelle Rosaldo, Knowledge and Passion: Ilongot Notions of Self and Social Life (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980); R. Schweder and R. A. LeVine (eds.), Culture and Value (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994); Rom Harre (ed.), The Social Construction of Emotions (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986); C. Lutz, Unnatural Emotions: Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and their Challenge to Western Theory (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1988).
    • (1991) Emotion and Adaptation
    • Lazarus, R.S.1
  • 58
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    • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    • J.R. Averill, 'A Constructivist View of Emotions', in R. Plutchik and H Kellerman (eds.), Emotion: Theory, Research, and Experience, vol. 1: Theories of Emotion (New York: Academic Press, 1980); J.R. Averill, Anger and Aggression: An Essay on Emotion (New York: Springer, 1982); R.S. Lazarus, Emotion and Adaptation (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991); Michelle Rosaldo, Knowledge and Passion: Ilongot Notions of Self and Social Life (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980); R. Schweder and R. A. LeVine (eds.), Culture and Value (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994); Rom Harre (ed.), The Social Construction of Emotions (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986); C. Lutz, Unnatural Emotions: Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and their Challenge to Western Theory (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1988).
    • (1980) Knowledge and Passion: Ilongot Notions of Self and Social Life
    • Rosaldo, M.1
  • 59
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    • Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    • J.R. Averill, 'A Constructivist View of Emotions', in R. Plutchik and H Kellerman (eds.), Emotion: Theory, Research, and Experience, vol. 1: Theories of Emotion (New York: Academic Press, 1980); J.R. Averill, Anger and Aggression: An Essay on Emotion (New York: Springer, 1982); R.S. Lazarus, Emotion and Adaptation (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991); Michelle Rosaldo, Knowledge and Passion: Ilongot Notions of Self and Social Life (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980); R. Schweder and R. A. LeVine (eds.), Culture and Value (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994); Rom Harre (ed.), The Social Construction of Emotions (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986); C. Lutz, Unnatural Emotions: Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and their Challenge to Western Theory (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1988).
    • (1994) Culture and Value
    • Schweder, R.1    LeVine, R.A.2
  • 60
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    • Oxford: Basil Blackwell
    • J.R. Averill, 'A Constructivist View of Emotions', in R. Plutchik and H Kellerman (eds.), Emotion: Theory, Research, and Experience, vol. 1: Theories of Emotion (New York: Academic Press, 1980); J.R. Averill, Anger and Aggression: An Essay on Emotion (New York: Springer, 1982); R.S. Lazarus, Emotion and Adaptation (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991); Michelle Rosaldo, Knowledge and Passion: Ilongot Notions of Self and Social Life (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980); R. Schweder and R. A. LeVine (eds.), Culture and Value (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994); Rom Harre (ed.), The Social Construction of Emotions (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986); C. Lutz, Unnatural Emotions: Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and their Challenge to Western Theory (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1988).
    • (1986) The Social Construction of Emotions
    • Harre, R.1
  • 61
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    • Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press
    • J.R. Averill, 'A Constructivist View of Emotions', in R. Plutchik and H Kellerman (eds.), Emotion: Theory, Research, and Experience, vol. 1: Theories of Emotion (New York: Academic Press, 1980); J.R. Averill, Anger and Aggression: An Essay on Emotion (New York: Springer, 1982); R.S. Lazarus, Emotion and Adaptation (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991); Michelle Rosaldo, Knowledge and Passion: Ilongot Notions of Self and Social Life (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980); R. Schweder and R. A. LeVine (eds.), Culture and Value (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994); Rom Harre (ed.), The Social Construction of Emotions (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986); C. Lutz, Unnatural Emotions: Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and their Challenge to Western Theory (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1988).
    • (1988) Unnatural Emotions: Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and Their Challenge to Western Theory
    • Lutz, C.1
  • 63
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    • note
    • While employing a cognitive model, Nussbaum admits that emotion is a product of learning and points to the potential for education to the end of greater compassion.
  • 66
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    • Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
    • As Capps and Ochs state: 'A hallmark of agoraphobia is the way in which sufferers sit at home mulling over anxious experiences, communicating to themselves or to themselves and others at once. This ongoing rumination organizes how sufferers see past, present, future and imagined events in their lives. We cannot penetrate the mind of the ruminator to examine the form of silent self-communication, but we can look at the form of their linguistic expression in social interactions with others. Identifying the linguistic forms that speakers habitually use in building and maintaining portraits of themselves and others allows us to see identities, relationships, and world views in the making. In this sense, attending to grammatical form is central to understanding how people make meaning through language.' Lisa Capps and Elinor Ochs, Constructing Panic: The Discourse of Agoraphobia (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995)
    • (1995) Constructing Panic: The Discourse of Agoraphobia
    • Capps, L.1    Ochs, E.2
  • 67
    • 6344231000 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For example, rather than telling her partner she did not wish to travel to a particular destination via the highway, she would wait until the trip was underway and then experience a panic attack, which would require that others take care of her, and included reversing plans. Capps and Ochs, Constructing Panic, p. 54.
    • Constructing Panic , vol.54
    • Capps1    Ochs2
  • 68
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    • Metaphors of Unwanted Conduct: A Historical Sketch
    • David E. Leary (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
    • This is true of the larger class of metaphors referring to illnesses of the mind. These metaphoric applications also had significance for the classification of unwanted behaviour as illness as distinct from criminal. See Theodore Sarbin, 'Metaphors of Unwanted Conduct: A Historical Sketch'. In David E. Leary (ed.), Metaphors in the History of Psychology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990).
    • (1990) Metaphors in the History of Psychology
    • Sarbin, T.1
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    • The Loss of Communality at Buffalo Creek
    • K.T. Erickson, 'The Loss of Communality at Buffalo Creek', American Journal of Psychiatry, 133 (1976), pp. 302-25.
    • (1976) American Journal of Psychiatry , vol.133 , pp. 302-325
    • Erickson, K.T.1
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    • British Channel 4 documentary, 'The War that Made the Nazis', 14 December 2002.
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    • In Mein Kampf, Hitler argues that the key to war-time propaganda is simplifying an emotional message, appealing to the masses, rather than the intelligensia, and pounding this home again and again. For him, propaganda was a means to an end, which was the struggle for the unity of the German nation (Hitler, Mein Kampf, pp. 164-9).
    • Mein Kampf , pp. 164-169
    • Hitler1
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    • London: Pimlico, translation 1969
    • Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf (London: Pimlico, 2001 [translation 1969]), p. 577.
    • (2001) Mein Kampf , pp. 577
    • Hitler, A.1
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    • As cited in Burleigh, The Third Reich, p. 116. The events of 9 November 1918 and 1923 became central to the evolving 'liturgy' of National Socialism. The first signified the 'blackest day in German history', and the second the moment of rebirth. By 1926, the National Socialists had declared 9 November the Reich Day of Mourning.
    • The Third Reich , pp. 116
    • Burleigh1
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    • Oxford: Oxford University Press
    • Elaine Scarry, The Body in Pain (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985).
    • (1985) The Body in Pain
    • Scarry, E.1
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    • note
    • The question of whether Germany was solely to blame for World War I, as distinct from World War II, has been a matter of historical debate.
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    • London: Penguin Books
    • The role of the Holocaust in the collective memory of Israel is particularly evident in Avi Shlaim's, The Iron War: Israel and the Arab World (London: Penguin Books, 2000). For an argument that Israeli collective memory should not be explained in terms of psychological trauma, see Peter Novick, The Holocaust and Collective Memory (London: Bloomsbury, 1999).
    • (2000) The Iron War: Israel and the Arab World
    • Shlaim's, A.1
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    • London: Bloomsbury
    • The role of the Holocaust in the collective memory of Israel is particularly evident in Avi Shlaim's, The Iron War: Israel and the Arab World (London: Penguin Books, 2000). For an argument that Israeli collective memory should not be explained in terms of psychological trauma, see Peter Novick, The Holocaust and Collective Memory (London: Bloomsbury, 1999).
    • (1999) The Holocaust and Collective Memory
    • Novick, P.1
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    • This logic was evident in British opposition to the invasion of Iraq. There were fears that an attack would increase rather than decrease the threat of terrorism.
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    • This line of reasoning is compatible with the idea of the veil of ignorance in John Rawls, Theory of Justice.
    • Theory of Justice
    • Rawls, J.1

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