Freddie, Fannie failure could be world "catastrophe" Yui says
22 August
'Freddie, Fannie failure could be world "catastrophe" Yui says', Bloomberg, 22 August 2008.
Federal Reserve Board, Testimony of Chairman Alan Greenspan before the Senate Committee on Banking, 24 February 2004
Federal Reserve Board, Testimony of Chairman Alan Greenspan before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, 24 February 2004. http://www.federalreserve.gov/board docs/testimony/2004/20040224/default.htm/.
Housing and Urban Affairs
Testimony of John W. Snow, Secretary of the Treasury before the Committee on Financial Services, United States House of Representatives, Washington, DC, 10 September 2003. http://financialservices. house.gov/media/pdf/091003js.pdf/.
Testimony of John W. Snow, Secretary of the Treasury before the Committee on Financial Services, United States House of Representatives, Washington, DC, 10 September 2003. http://financialservices. house.gov/media/pdf/091003js.pdf/.
Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of, 25 May, Section 16
Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, United States Senate, 25 May 2006, Section 16. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/record.xpd?id= 109-s20060525- 16#sMonofilemx003Ammx002Fmmx002Fmmx002Fmhomemx002Fmgovtrackmx0 02Fmdatamx002Fmusmx002Fm109mx002Fmcrmx002Fms20060525-16.xmlElementm0m0m0m
United States Senate
Transcript of the hearings of the House Committee on Financial Services on the Treasury Department's views on the regulation of government-sponsored enterprises, 10 September
Transcript of the hearings of the House Committee on Financial Services on the Treasury Department's views on the regulation of government-sponsored enterprises, 10 September 2003. http://commdocs.house.gov/committees/bank/ hba92231.000/hba92231-0f.htm/.
Transcript of the hearings of the House Committee on Financial Services on HR 2575, The Secondary Mortgage Market Enterprises Regulatory Improvement Act, 25 September
Transcript of the hearings of the House Committee on Financial Services on HR 2575 - The Secondary Mortgage Market Enterprises Regulatory Improvement Act, 25 September 2003. http://commdocs. house.gov/committees/bank/hba92628.000/ hba92628-0f.htm/.
Transcript of the hearings of the House Committee on Financial Services on the Treasury Department's views on the regulation of government-sponsored enterprises.
Transcript of the hearings of the House Committee on Financial Services on the Treasury Department's views on the regulation of government-sponsored enterprises.
Transcript of the hearings of the House Committee on Financial Services on HR 2575 - The Secondary Mortgage Market Enterprises Regulatory Improvement Act.
Transcript of the hearings of the House Committee on Financial Services on HR 2575 - The Secondary Mortgage Market Enterprises Regulatory Improvement Act.
Transcript of the hearings of the House Committee on Financial Services on HR 2575 - The Secondary Mortgage Market Enterprises Regulatory Improvement Act.
Transcript of the hearings of the House Committee on Financial Services on HR 2575 - The Secondary Mortgage Market Enterprises Regulatory Improvement Act.
Transcript of the hearings of the House Committee on Financial Services on the Treasury Department's views on the regulation of government-sponsored enterprises.
Transcript of the hearings of the House Committee on Financial Services on the Treasury Department's views on the regulation of government-sponsored enterprises.