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Volumn 21, Issue 2, 1997, Pages 177-207

Of dwarves, perversion, and patriotism: Schubert's Der Zwerg, D. 771

(1)  Youens, Susan a  


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EID: 62449254170     PISSN: 01482076     EISSN: None     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.2307/746897     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (2)

References (134)
  • 1
    • 79955341753 scopus 로고
    • ed. Werner Lehmann Munich
    • The citation comes from the end of the ninth scene, or "Straße," with the doctor, the captain, and Woyzeck. The captain's full speech is: "Mir wird ganz schwindlig vor den Menschen, wie schnell, der lange Schlingel greift aus, es läuft der Schatten von einem Spinnbein, und der Kurze, - das zuckelt. Der Lange ist der Blitz und der Kleine der Donner. Haha, hinterdrein. Grotesk! grotesk!" (see Georg Büchner, Woyzeck in Weike und Briefe, ed. Werner Lehmann [Munich, 1980], p. 170)
    • (1980) Woyzeck in Weike und Briefe , pp. 170
    • Büchner, G.1
  • 2
    • 62449133273 scopus 로고
    • trans. Alexandra Dick New York
    • Pär Lagerkvist, The Dwarf, trans. Alexandra Dick (New York, 1945
    • (1945) The Dwarf
    • Lagerkvist, P.1
  • 3
    • 79955265407 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • original edn., Dväigen [Stockholm, 1944], pp. 29-30. The Hofzwerg Piccoline, twenty-six inches tall, is a symbol of evil who regards himself as the embodiment of his master's true, that is, evil and manipulative, self
    • original edn., Dväigen [Stockholm, 1944]), pp. 29-30. The Hofzwerg Piccoline, twenty-six inches tall, is a symbol of evil who regards himself as the embodiment of his master's true, that is, evil and manipulative, self
  • 6
    • 79955265406 scopus 로고
    • Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall appears in Matthäus von Collin
    • A sketchy biography of the writer by Collin's friend Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall appears in Matthäus von Collin, Nachgelassene Gedichte, ed. Joseph von Hammer, vol. II (Vienna, 1827), pp. ix-xl
    • (1827) Nachgelassene Gedichte , vol.2
    • Friend, C.1    Vienna2
  • 7
    • 79955318920 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The sketchiness was due in part both to self-censorship on Hammer's part and objections from the increasingly pedantic Metternich censorship bureau, which kept a close watch on Collin's journal activities. Karl Glossy, Ein Gutachten Joseph Schreyvogels über Matthäus von Collins poetischen Nachlaß, in Festschrift August Sauer zum 70. Geburtstag des Gelehrten am 12. Oktober 1925, dargebracht von seinen Freunden und Schülern, ed. Reinhold Backmann (Stuttgart, 1925), pp. 223-32
    • The sketchiness was due in part both to self-censorship on Hammer's part and objections from the increasingly pedantic Metternich censorship bureau, which kept a close watch on Collin's journal activities. See Karl Glossy, "Ein Gutachten Joseph Schreyvogels über Matthäus von Collins poetischen Nachlaß," in Festschrift August Sauer zum 70. Geburtstag des Gelehrten am 12. Oktober 1925, dargebracht von seinen Freunden und Schülern, ed. Reinhold Backmann (Stuttgart, 1925), pp. 223-32
  • 8
    • 79955337903 scopus 로고
    • Edlen von Collin und seine Werke
    • ed. Matthäus von Collin Vienna
    • Other facts about Collin's early life can be gleaned from his biography of his brother Heinrich; see "Über Heinrich Joseph Edlen von Collin und seine Werke," in Heinrich Joseph von Collin's sämtliche Werke, vol. 6, ed. Matthäus von Collin (Vienna, 1814), pp. 249-447
    • (1814) Heinrich Joseph von Collin's Sämtliche Werke , vol.6 , pp. 249-447
    • Joseph, U.H.1
  • 9
    • 79955332408 scopus 로고
    • 3 vols. Pest
    • Matthäus von Collin, Dramatische Dichtungen, 3 vols. (Pest, 1813 and 1817). Calthon und Colmal appeared in the 1813 first volume, along with the historical play Friedrich den Streitbaren, Collin's translation of Corneille's Le Cid as Der Cid, and the tragedy Marius. The two other small volumes that appeared four years later in 1817 contained the five-act historical drama Bela's Krieg mit dem Vater (first published separately in Tübingen by J. G. Cotta in 1808), Die feindlichen Söhne, Der Tod Heinrichs des Grausamen, Die Kunringet, and Dei Streit am Grabe
    • (1813) Dramatische Dichtungen
    • Von Collin, M.1
  • 10
    • 79955188910 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Caroline Pichler, geborne von Greiner, Denkwüidigkeiten aus meinem Leben, vol. I, ed. Emil Karl Blümml (Munich, 1914), pp. 382-83, for Pichler's moving account of Heinrich von Collin's death, brought about, she believed, by the strain of his dual occupations as civil servant and poet
    • See Caroline Pichler, geborne von Greiner, Denkwüidigkeiten aus meinem Leben, vol. I, ed. Emil Karl Blümml (Munich, 1914), pp. 382-83, for Pichler's moving account of Heinrich von Collin's death, brought about, she believed, by the strain of his dual occupations as civil servant and poet
  • 11
    • 79955220874 scopus 로고
    • Edler von Collin
    • Vienna
    • One hot summer afternoon, she recounts, Heinrich visited her house in Friedrich Schlegel's company, drank water mixed with raspberry juice in his favorite glass goblet, and complained of exhaustion. A few days later, he died, and Schlegel brought her the sad news. For "An meinen Bruder Matthäus Casimir," see Heinrich Joseph Edler von Collin, Gedichte (Vienna, 1812), pp. 10-11
    • (1812) Gedichte , pp. 10-11
    • Joseph, H.1
  • 13
    • 79955172354 scopus 로고
    • Matthäus von Collins Literaturkritik. Zu den Anfängen der Literaturwissenschaft in Österreich
    • ed. Herbert Zeman Graz
    • According to Herbert Seidler, "Matthäus von Collins Literaturkritik. Zu den Anfängen der Literaturwissenschaft in Österreich," in Die Österreichische Literatur: Ihr Profil an der Wende vom 18. zum 19. Jahrhundert (1750-1830), ed. Herbert Zeman, vol. II (Graz, 1979), p. 656
    • (1979) Die Österreichische Literatur: Ihr Profil An der Wende Vom 18. Zum 19. Jahrhundert (1750-1830) , vol.2 , pp. 656
    • Seidler, H.1
  • 14
    • 79955231364 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Collin tutored the Emperor's son until 1818, but Silvester Lechner, in Zwischen bürgerlichem Anspruch und absoluter Herrschaft. Matthäus von Collins Rezensionen in den Wiener 'Jahrbüchern der Literatur' (1818 bis 1824) (Zeman, Die Österreichische Literatur, I, 267), points out that Collin's stipend for editorship would not have been sufficient to support him and that the tutoring role continued beyond 1818
    • Collin tutored the Emperor's son until 1818, but Silvester Lechner, in "Zwischen bürgerlichem Anspruch und absoluter Herrschaft. Matthäus von Collins Rezensionen in den Wiener 'Jahrbüchern der Literatur' (1818 bis 1824)" (Zeman, Die Österreichische Literatur, I, 267), points out that Collin's stipend for editorship would not have been sufficient to support him and that the tutoring role continued beyond 1818
  • 15
    • 79955337190 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • To cite one example of Dietrichstein (1775-1864) as composer, his 10 Lieder von A. Freyherrn von Steigentesch (Vienna, [1810?]) were published in collaboration with the guitar virtuoso Mauro Giuliani, who provided the guitar accompaniments
    • To cite one example of Dietrichstein (1775-1864) as composer, his 10 Lieder von A. Freyherrn von Steigentesch (Vienna, [1810?]) were published in collaboration with the guitar virtuoso Mauro Giuliani, who provided the guitar accompaniments
  • 16
    • 79955258085 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Briefe an Friedrich Baron de la Motte Fouqué von Chamisso, Chézy, Collin, ed. Albertine Baronin de la Motte Fouqué (Berlin, 1848), letter of 27 November 1820, p. 73, cited in Lechner, Zwischen bürgerlichem Anspruch und absoluter Herrschaft, p. 257
    • Briefe an Friedrich Baron de la Motte Fouqué von Chamisso, Chézy, Collin, ed. Albertine Baronin de la Motte Fouqué (Berlin, 1848), letter of 27 November 1820, p. 73, cited in Lechner, "Zwischen bürgerlichem Anspruch und absoluter Herrschaft," p. 257
  • 20
    • 79955290201 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Gustav Zimmermann, Hr. von Hormayr und die Lebensbilder aus dem Befreiungskriege (Leipzig, 1844)
    • Gustav Zimmermann, Hr. von Hormayr und die Lebensbilder aus dem Befreiungskriege (Leipzig, 1844)
  • 25
    • 79955186689 scopus 로고
    • Matthäus von Collin und die patriotisch-nationalen Kunstbestrebungen in Österreich zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts
    • ed. August Sauer. Ergänzungsheft Leipzig
    • and Joseph Wihan, "Matthäus von Collin und die patriotisch-nationalen Kunstbestrebungen in Österreich zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts," in Euphorion: Zeitschrift füt Literaturgeschichte, ed. August Sauer, 5. Ergänzungsheft (Leipzig, 1901), pp. 93-199
    • (1901) Euphorion: Zeitschrift Füt Literaturgeschichte , vol.5 , pp. 93-199
    • Wihan, J.1
  • 26
    • 79955362433 scopus 로고
    • Pichler Vienna
    • In her poem, "In das Stammbuch des Freyherrn von Hormayr. 1808," Caroline Pichler lauded Hormayr's pedagogical mission to teach Austrians their own history by focusing on heroic figures (stanza 2), "Angeglüht von diesen Heldenbildern, / Hochgesinnt für Vaterland und Recht, / Strebest du die Starken stark zu schildern, / Lehrend das entartete Geschlecht. / So hast du in's Herz der Zeitgenossen / Deiner Brust Begeisterung ergossen" (see Pichler, Sämmtliche Werke, vol. 22 [Vienna, 1829], p. 90)
    • (1829) Sämmtliche Werke , vol.22 , pp. 90
  • 27
    • 79955267480 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Pichler, Denkwüidigkeiten aus meinem Leben, p. 307. Ridler was a history professor at the University of Vienna and a director of the university library, while Vierthaler was appointed director of orphanages in Vienna in 1807. Joseph Freiherr von Hormayr's Oesterreichischer Plutarch, oder, Leben und Bildnisse aller Regenten und der berühmtesten Feldherren, Staatsmänner, Gelehrten und Künstlet des österreichischen Kaiserstaates, 20 vols. (Vienna, 1807-14) was a compendium of the lives of Austrian kings, generals, statesmen, scholars, and artists
    • Pichler, Denkwüidigkeiten aus meinem Leben, p. 307. Ridler was a history professor at the University of Vienna and a director of the university library, while Vierthaler was appointed director of orphanages in Vienna in 1807. Joseph Freiherr von Hormayr's Oesterreichischer Plutarch, oder, Leben und Bildnisse aller Regenten und der berühmtesten Feldherren, Staatsmänner, Gelehrten und Künstlet des österreichischen Kaiserstaates, 20 vols. (Vienna, 1807-14) was a compendium of the lives of Austrian kings, generals, statesmen, scholars, and artists
  • 28
    • 79958994798 scopus 로고
    • Über den poetischen Gebrauch des historischen Stoffes
    • appeared in the 8 and 10 Jan.
    • "Über den poetischen Gebrauch des historischen Stoffes" appeared in the Archiv für Geographie, Historie, Staats-und Kriegskunst (8 and 10 Jan. 1810), pp. 17-19
    • (1810) Archiv für Geographie, Historie, Staats-und Kriegskunst , pp. 17-19
  • 29
    • 79955197118 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • To demonstrate the point in practice as well as in theory, the essay is followed by Heinrich von Collin's historical ballad Kaiser Max, auf der Martinswand in Tyrol. 1493 (p. 19 - about an episode in the life of the Habsburg ruler Maximilian I [1459-1519], who cut quite a swash as der letzte Ritter and whose numerous military campaigns often ended in defeat). Matthäus von Collin's essay Über die Nationale Wesenheit der Kunst appeared in the Archiv für Geographie, Historie, Staats- und Kriegskunst (11, 14, and 16 Oct. 1811), pp. 513-24
    • To demonstrate the point in practice as well as in theory, the essay is followed by Heinrich von Collin's historical ballad "Kaiser Max, auf der Martinswand in Tyrol. 1493" (p. 19 - about an episode in the life of the Habsburg ruler Maximilian I [1459-1519], who cut quite a swash as "der letzte Ritter" and whose numerous military campaigns often ended in defeat). Matthäus von Collin's essay "Über die Nationale Wesenheit der Kunst" appeared in the Archiv für Geographie, Historie, Staats- und Kriegskunst (11, 14, and 16 Oct. 1811), pp. 513-24
  • 30
    • 79955223742 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Cited in Karl Glossy, "Hormayr und Karoline Pichler," p. 198. Despite the literally flowery language of this quotation, Glossy points out that Hormayr in his historical writings "die Kraft der Darstellung fehlte" (p. 197)
    • Hormayr und Karoline Pichler , pp. 198
    • Glossy, K.1
  • 32
    • 79955203401 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Glossy
    • Hormayr's meteoric rise to prominence via a cascade of publications was followed by a meteoric fall from grace. Never a diplomatic creature, the choleric historian found himself increasingly in disfavor with the Emperor Franz and with Metternich, both of whom saw the notion of national patriotism as a dangerous survivor of the anti-Napoleonic days. After years of projects praised but unfunded or brought to a halt by censorship, Hormayr left Austria in the year of Schubert's death and went to Bavaria, where he turned his fecund pen to gall-and-brimstone attacks on Franz I and his "creature," Prince Metternich. Even before his departure, Caroline Pichler had lamented his ruination in a letter of 1822 to her friend Therese Huber: "Hormayr hat sich viele Feinde auf den Hals gezogen. Ganz kann ich sein Streben nicht billigen, aber ich kenne, achte und bedauere ihn. Er ist, wie mir scheint, eine Ruin dessen, was er war und zu werden versprach" (see Glossy, "Hormayr und Karoline Pichler," pp. 207-08)
    • Hormayr und Karoline Pichler , pp. 207-208
  • 34
    • 79955224772 scopus 로고
    • Schiller und Österreich: Mit Benützung ungedruckter Briefe und Aktenstücke
    • 1 Nov
    • See also Karl Glossy, "Schiller und Österreich: Mit Benützung ungedruckter Briefe und Aktenstücke," Österreichische Rundschau, 21 (1 Nov. 1906)
    • (1906) Österreichische Rundschau , vol.21
    • Glossy, K.1
  • 36
    • 79955228220 scopus 로고
    • Vorlesungen über dramatische Kunst und Literatur
    • Eduard Böcking Leipzig
    • August Wilhelm Schlegel, "Vorlesungen über dramatische Kunst und Literatur," Siebenundteißigste Vorlesung, in Sämmtliche Werke, vol. 6, ed. Eduard Böcking (Leipzig, 1846), p. 433
    • (1846) Siebenundteißigste Vorlesung, in Sämmtliche Werke , vol.6 , pp. 433
    • Schlegel, A.W.1
  • 37
    • 79955259954 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall's biographical preface to Matthäus von Collin, Nachgelassene Gedichte, I, xxx
    • See Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall's biographical preface to Matthäus von Collin, Nachgelassene Gedichte, I, xxx
  • 38
    • 79955253001 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben 1774-1852, ed. Reinhart Bachofen von Echt (Vienna, 1940), Hammer-Purgstall writes of going to the theater frequently with the brothers Collin and of summer tramps in the mountains with Matthäus, despite the latter's thick-set physique, ill suited to such exertions (pp. 180 and 182 respectively). In 1811 he writes that his work at the library and the evenings at Caroline Pichler's salon had brought him into closer contact with the Collin brothers, Friedrich Schlegel, and Hormayr (p. 205)
    • In Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben 1774-1852, ed. Reinhart Bachofen von Echt (Vienna, 1940), Hammer-Purgstall writes of going to the theater frequently with the brothers Collin and of summer tramps in the mountains with Matthäus, despite the latter's thick-set physique, ill suited to such exertions (pp. 180 and 182 respectively). In 1811 he writes that his work at the library and the evenings at Caroline Pichler's salon had brought him into closer contact with the Collin brothers, Friedrich Schlegel, and Hormayr (p. 205)
  • 39
    • 79955209505 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Matthäus von Collin, "Über die nationale Wesenheit der Kunst," p. 515. Matthäus also wrote an essay, "Ueber das historische Schauspiel," for Friedrich Schlegel's Deutsches Museum, vol. II (1812)
    • Über Die Nationale Wesenheit der Kunst , pp. 515
    • Von Collin, M.1
  • 40
    • 79955208482 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Hormayr himself, inspired by Matthäus Collin's Babenberger dramas, wrote the plays Friedrich von Österreich and Leopold der Schöne, performed at the Burgtheater in 1805 and 1806 respectively. It, however, was left to Franz Grillparzer in König Ottokars Glück und Ende to perfect the genre so enthusiastically espoused earlier
    • Hormayr himself, inspired by Matthäus Collin's Babenberger dramas, wrote the plays Friedrich von Österreich and Leopold der Schöne, performed at the Burgtheater in 1805 and 1806 respectively. It, however, was left to Franz Grillparzer in König Ottokars Glück und Ende to perfect the genre so enthusiastically espoused earlier
  • 45
    • 79955250928 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Collin tampered with the historical reports, which state that Friedrich took a dislike to his wife for unknown reasons
    • Collin tampered with the historical reports, which state that Friedrich took a dislike to his wife for unknown reasons
  • 47
    • 79955264355 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Pichler
    • Pichler's sole passage about Schubert in her memoirs - "Auch Schubert habe ich gekannt" - consists entirely of wonderment at his "fast unbewußt" creativity, which she compares to the mysteries of animal magnetism and other "geheimnisvollen Fähigkeiten der Psyche," also to butterflies' wings hidden in the pupa until miraculously revealed to the light. See Pichler, Denkwürdigkeiten aus meinem Leben, I, 294
    • Denkwürdigkeiten Aus Meinem Leben , vol.1 , pp. 294
  • 49
    • 79955232309 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Deutsch 239 respectively
    • Deutsch, Schubert: Die Erinnerungen, pp. 209 and 239 respectively
    • Schubert: Die Erinnerungen , pp. 209
  • 52
    • 79955361366 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Schama's
    • on mountains, see Schama's "Rock," pp. 385-513
    • Rock , pp. 385-513
  • 53
    • 79955307592 scopus 로고
    • Mountains and Song Cycles
    • Cambridge, Mass
    • See Charles Rosen, "Mountains and Song Cycles," in The Romantic Generation (Cambridge, Mass., 1995), pp. 124-220
    • (1995) The Romantic Generation , pp. 124-220
    • Rosen, C.1
  • 55
    • 17644422691 scopus 로고
    • trans. Ulrich Weisstein New York
    • Wolfgang Kayser, The Grotesque in Art and Literature, trans. Ulrich Weisstein (New York, 1966, original edn., Das Groteske: Seine Gestaltung in Malerei und Dichtung [Oldenburg, 1957]), p. 58
    • (1966) The Grotesque in Art and Literature
    • Kayser, W.1
  • 56
    • 79955210372 scopus 로고
    • ed. Ernst Beutler Zürich
    • See Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Die Faustdichtungen, ed. Ernst Beutler (Zürich, 1950), p. 274
    • (1950) Die Faustdichtungen , pp. 274
    • Von Goethe, J.W.1
  • 57
    • 79955208481 scopus 로고
    • Geschichte vom braven Kasperl und dem schönen Annerl
    • ed. Friedhelm Kemp Munich
    • Clemens Brentano, "Geschichte vom braven Kasperl und dem schönen Annerl," in Werke, ed. Friedhelm Kemp, vol. II (Munich, 1963). The premonitory episode is on p. 795, the grim dénouement on p. 802
    • (1963) Werke , vol.2
    • Brentano, C.1
  • 58
    • 79955266432 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Athenäums-Fragmente
    • Schlegel, fragment no. 424
    • Schlegel, "Athenäums-Fragmente," in KFSA, vol. II, fragment no. 424, pp. 247-48
    • KFSA , vol.2 , pp. 247-248
  • 64
    • 79955264354 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Georges Duval (1772-1853), Souvenirs thermidoriens (Paris, 1844), II, pp. 76-85 (chap. 14), for a description of this particular "danse macabre." Duval, a purveyor of fictions, is not to be trusted regarding certain historical details in his reminiscences of the Terror and of Thermidor, but his account is riveting. "Atroce plaisanterie, insulte infâme aux mânes encore sanglants de leurs pères! scandale révoltant, scandale inoü dans les annales des peuples, et que la révolution seule pouvait offrir!", he thunders (p. 78), while noting with approval that one good aspect of the Thermidorian reaction was "la résurrection de la toilette" (p. 79)
    • See Georges Duval (1772-1853), Souvenirs thermidoriens (Paris, 1844), II, pp. 76-85 (chap. 14), for a description of this particular "danse macabre." Duval, a purveyor of fictions, is not to be trusted regarding certain historical details in his reminiscences of the Terror and of Thermidor, but his account is riveting. "Atroce plaisanterie, insulte infâme aux mânes encore sanglants de leurs pères! scandale révoltant, scandale inoü dans les annales des peuples, et que la révolution seule pouvait offrir!", he thunders (p. 78), while noting with approval that one good aspect of the Thermidorian reaction was "la résurrection de la toilette" (p. 79)
  • 65
    • 79955321006 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Die Vermählung der Erzherzogin Maria Louise mit Napoleon I. (Aus dem Tagebuch eines Wieners)
    • See Karl Glossy, "Die Vermählung der Erzherzogin Maria Louise mit Napoleon I. (Aus dem Tagebuch eines Wieners)," in Wiener Kommunal-Kalender und Städtisches Jahrbuch for 1903
    • Wiener Kommunal-Kalender und Städtisches Jahrbuch for 1903
    • Glossy, K.1
  • 66
    • 84919388404 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • rpt. in Glossy
    • rpt. in Glossy, Kleinere Schriften, pp. 438-55
    • Kleinere Schriften , pp. 438-455
  • 67
    • 79955316047 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In The Emperor of the Gulls, in his Stolen Gear, King George III says, What have we here, eh? A fellow that has stolen some dollars and made a crown of them, eh? And then wants to pass them off for sterling, while a British laborer exclaims, Dang it, why a looks as though a'd burst! a'l ne'rr be zo big as one of our oxen tho, Napoléon tells the British king, There, Brother, there, I shall soon be as big as you; it's a real Crown, but it is cursed heavy; my head begins to ache already. I say, can't we have a grand meeting like Henry VIII and Francis I
    • In The Emperor of the Gulls, in his Stolen Gear, King George III says, "What have we here, eh? A fellow that has stolen some dollars and made a crown of them, eh? And then wants to pass them off for sterling," while a British laborer exclaims, "Dang it, why a looks as though a'd burst! a'l ne'rr be zo big as one of our oxen tho'." Napoléon tells the British king, "There, Brother, there, I shall soon be as big as you; it's a real Crown, but it is cursed heavy; my head begins to ache already. I say, can't we have a grand meeting like Henry VIII and Francis I?"
  • 69
    • 79955198032 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Broadley
    • In The Cossack Extinguisher, the Cossack says, "I'll extinguish your little French farthing rushlight, Master Boney," and Napoléon exclaims, "Death and Fury! How I burn with Rage. These Frightful - Contempable [sic] Cossacks has [sic] Clouded all my hope" (see Broadley, Napoleon in caricature, facing p. 325, and the collection of Napoleonic caricatures at Houghton Library, Harvard University)
    • Napoleon in Caricature , pp. 325
  • 70
    • 79955176463 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Pichler
    • Her detestation of Napoléon is a recurring theme, as when she tells of the "festivities" in Vienna for Napoléon's birthday on 15 August. The Viennese were ordered to illuminate their windows; a shopkeeper accordingly prepared a huge, lighted transparency with the lines, "Zur / Weihe / An / Napoleons / GeburtS / FEST." The capital letters at the beginning of each line and at the end spell out "ZWANGSFEST." See Pichler, Denkwürdigkeiten, I, 353-54
    • Denkwürdigkeiten , vol.1 , pp. 353-354
  • 71
    • 79955182707 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Sabine and Ernst Scheffler, So zerstieben getraeumte Weltreiche: Napoleon I. in der deutschen Karikatur (Stuttgart, 1995), pp. 162-63, also the collection of Napoleonic caricatures at Houghton Library, Harvard University
    • Sabine and Ernst Scheffler, So zerstieben getraeumte Weltreiche: Napoleon I. in der deutschen Karikatur (Stuttgart, 1995), pp. 162-63, also the collection of Napoleonic caricatures at Houghton Library, Harvard University
  • 73
    • 79955288150 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Wanted notice is reproduced in Sabine and Ernst Scheffler, So zerstieben getraeumte Weltreiche, pp. 156-57
    • The "Wanted" notice is reproduced in Sabine and Ernst Scheffler, So zerstieben getraeumte Weltreiche, pp. 156-57
  • 74
    • 79955223741 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On pp. 104-05, one also finds Johann Christoph Erhard's Giose [sic] Rarität aus Frankieich of 1813-14, in which a huckster tells a roomful of people that they can for very little money the little man seated in a small chair placed on a tabletop
    • On pp. 104-05, one also finds Johann Christoph Erhard's Giose [sic] Rarität aus Frankieich of 1813-14, in which a huckster tells a roomful of people that they can "for very little money see the little man" seated in a small chair placed on a tabletop
  • 76
    • 79955312486 scopus 로고
    • Zwerge und Riesen
    • Berlin
    • Later, Hofzwerge served in the mixed capacities of court jester, tutor or companion to the royal children, and advisors; the evil dwarf Piccoline in Lagerkvist's The Dwarf rails against the supposition that his small size puts him on a par with children but is immensely proud of his position as the Duke's advisor. There is an immense quantity of German and Austrian dwarf lore; the entry "Zwerge und Riesen" in E. Hoffmann-Krayer and Hanns Bächtold-Stäubli, Handwörterbuch des Deutschen Aberglaubens, vol. IX (Berlin, 1941), consumes over one hundred pages dense with abbreviations (pp. 1008-1138)
    • (1941) Handwörterbuch des Deutschen Aberglaubens , vol.9 , pp. 1008-1138
    • Hoffmann-Krayer, E.1    Bächtold-Stäubli, H.2
  • 85
    • 79955254070 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In Kleine Menschen - Große Kunst: Kleinwuchs aus künstlerischer und medizinischer Sicht, ed. Alfred Enderle, Dietrich Meyerhöfer, and Gerd Unverfehrt (Hamm, 1992), pp. 120-21, one finds reproduced a woodcut engraving by Urs Graf (ca. 1485-ca. 1528) of Christ brought before Herod, in which a dwarf in the left foreground holds a chain to which a monkey is attached. In the Meister des Aachener Altares's three-winged altarpiece of ca. 1510 (pp. 122-23), a dwarf the foreground of the Ecce homo panel with a chained monkey, which paws at the dwarf's hair. If the images are unsettling, so is the latter-day treatise, in which the editors diagnose the specific medical deformities in each depiction of dwarfism
    • In Kleine Menschen - Große Kunst: Kleinwuchs aus künstlerischer und medizinischer Sicht, ed. Alfred Enderle, Dietrich Meyerhöfer, and Gerd Unverfehrt (Hamm, 1992), pp. 120-21, one finds reproduced a woodcut engraving by Urs Graf (ca. 1485-ca. 1528) of Christ brought before Herod, in which a dwarf in the left foreground holds a chain to which a monkey is attached. In the Meister des Aachener Altares's three-winged altarpiece of ca. 1510 (pp. 122-23), a dwarf appears in the foreground of the Ecce homo panel with a chained monkey, which paws at the dwarf's hair. If the images are unsettling, so is the latter-day treatise, in which the editors diagnose the specific medical deformities in each depiction of dwarfism
  • 86
    • 77449112974 scopus 로고
    • exhibit at the Musée historique lorrain in Nancy.France, 13 June-14 September, Paris
    • See Paulette Choné, Daniel Ternois, Jean-Marc Depluvrez, and Brigitte Heckel, Jacques Callot 1592-1635, exhibit at the Musée historique lorrain in Nancy, France, 13 June-14 September 1992 (Paris, 1992), p. 227
    • (1992) Jacques Callot 1592-1635 , pp. 227
    • Choné, P.1    Ternois, D.2    Depluvrez, J.-M.3    Heckel, B.4
  • 87
    • 79955254068 scopus 로고
    • L'iconografia musicale popolare nell' opera di Jacopo Callot e Stefano Della Bella
    • Milan
    • See also Andrea Gatti, "L'iconografia musicale popolare nell' opera di Jacopo Callot e Stefano Della Bella," in Rassegna di studi e di notizie 13 (Milan, 1986), pp. 303-33
    • (1986) Rassegna di Studi e di Notizie , vol.13 , pp. 303-333
    • Gatti, A.1
  • 89
    • 79955266431 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In 1814 Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann would publish his Fantasie-Stücke in Callots Manier: Mit einer Vorrede von Jean Paul Bamberg, which begins with an encomium to Callot. Warum kann ich mich an deinen sonderbaren fantastischen Blättern nicht satt sehen, du kecken Meister, Warum kommen mir deine Gestalten, oft nur durch ein Paar kühne Striche angedeutet, nicht aus dem Sinn, the author asks, praising Callot for his irony
    • In 1814 Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann would publish his Fantasie-Stücke in Callots Manier: Mit einer Vorrede von Jean Paul (Bamberg), which begins with an encomium to Callot. "Warum kann ich mich an deinen sonderbaren fantastischen Blättern nicht satt sehen, du kecken Meister! - Warum kommen mir deine Gestalten, oft nur durch ein Paar kühne Striche angedeutet, nicht aus dem Sinn?", the author asks, praising Callot for his irony
  • 90
    • 79955224769 scopus 로고
    • Sämtliche Werke in sechs Bänden
    • ed. Hartmut Steinecke, Gerhard Allroggen, and Wulf Segebrecht Frankfurt am Main
    • See E. T. A. Hoffmann, Sämtliche Werke in sechs Bänden, vol. II/1: Fantasiestücke in Callots Manier, ed. Hartmut Steinecke, Gerhard Allroggen, and Wulf Segebrecht (Frankfurt am Main, 1993), pp. 17-18
    • (1993) Fantasiestücke in Callots Manier , vol.2 , Issue.1 , pp. 17-18
    • Hoffmann, E.T.A.1
  • 95
    • 79955167162 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the entry for 16 November 1808 in Tagebücher (Zürich, 1964), p. 293
    • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the entry for 16 November 1808 in Tagebücher (Zürich, 1964), p. 293
  • 96
    • 79955300121 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Pichler
    • Pichler wrote a poem to accompany a copy of the Nibelungenlied, which she sent to the abbot Ladislaus von Lilienfeld ("An denselben, mit dem Nibelungen-Lied"), beginning, "Heimisch in des schönen Ostreichs Grundes / Sind die Wunder, die du hier wirst finden, / Unser ist der Nibelungen Hort. / Wie du folgst der Donau reichen Spuren, / Bis zu deines Vaterlandes Fluren, / Zieht das Lied begleitend mit dir fort" (see Pichler, Sämtliche Werke, vol. 22, pp. 178-80)
    • Sämtliche Werke , vol.22 , pp. 178-180
  • 98
    • 79955298110 scopus 로고
    • Frankfurt am Main
    • Friedrich Rückert in his 1839 poem "Sigurd unter den Gänsen" mocked the dilettantism of writers who flocked to the Nibelungenlied "wie jugendliche Leser/ oder wie ein Heer von Recensenten" (see Friedrich Rückerts gesammelte poetische Werke, vol. 7 [Frankfurt am Main, 1868], p. 57)
    • (1868) Friedrich Rückerts Gesammelte Poetische Werke , vol.7 , pp. 57
  • 100
    • 79955274404 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • August Lütjens briefly mentions Die Königin von Frankreich in his study of Dei Zwerg in der deutschen Heldendichtung des Mittelalters (Breslau, 1911), p. 10
    • August Lütjens briefly mentions Die Königin von Frankreich in his study of Dei Zwerg in der deutschen Heldendichtung des Mittelalters (Breslau, 1911), p. 10
  • 103
    • 79955182706 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • There are other examples of dwarfs in medieval romance: Hartmann von Aue's Arthurian tale Erec begins with an episode in which the dwarf Maliclisier in the service of the knight Iders beats the lady Enite and slashes the unarmed Erec across the face with his whip. The title character in Laurin, an anonymous Middle High German poem probably written in the second half of the thirteenth century, is a dwarf whose immense strength is derived from a magic girdle; although he fiercely defends his rose garden from intrusion, he is finally bested by the knight Dietrich von Bern. Hartmann von Aue. Erec. Mittelhochdeutscher Text und Übertragung, trans. Thomas Cramer (Frankfurt, 1972)
    • There are other examples of dwarfs in medieval romance: Hartmann von Aue's Arthurian tale Erec begins with an episode in which the dwarf Maliclisier in the service of the knight Iders beats the lady Enite and slashes the unarmed Erec across the face with his whip. The title character in Laurin, an anonymous Middle High German poem probably written in the second half of the thirteenth century, is a dwarf whose immense strength is derived from a magic girdle; although he fiercely defends his rose garden from intrusion, he is finally bested by the knight Dietrich von Bern. See Hartmann von Aue. Erec. Mittelhochdeutscher Text und Übertragung, trans. Thomas Cramer (Frankfurt, 1972)
  • 106
    • 79955361365 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Der Schuß aus der Feldschlange appears on the first page of the Archiv füt Geographie, Historie, Staats- und Kriegskunst (3 and 5 Feb. 1812)
    • "Der Schuß aus der Feldschlange" appears on the first page of the Archiv füt Geographie, Historie, Staats- und Kriegskunst (3 and 5 Feb. 1812)
  • 108
    • 79955196118 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Pellegrin [pseudonym for Friedrich Heinrich Baron de La Motte-Fouqué], Zwei Schauspiele (Berlin, 1805, reissued in Friedrich de la Motte-Fouqué, Ausgewählte Diamen und Epen, ed. Christoph F. Lorenz, 2 vols. [Hildesheim, 1994])
    • Pellegrin [pseudonym for Friedrich Heinrich Baron de La Motte-Fouqué], Zwei Schauspiele (Berlin, 1805, reissued in Friedrich de la Motte-Fouqué, Ausgewählte Diamen und Epen, ed. Christoph F. Lorenz, 2 vols. [Hildesheim, 1994])
  • 111
    • 79955300527 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Orneit und Wolfdietrich, nach der Wiener Piaristenhandschrift, ed. Justus Lünzer, Edlen von Lindhausen (Tübingen, 1906)
    • Orneit und Wolfdietrich, nach der Wiener Piaristenhandschrift, ed. Justus Lünzer, Edlen von Lindhausen (Tübingen, 1906)
  • 113
    • 79955353726 scopus 로고
    • Berlin
    • See also Friedrich von Schwaben aus der Stuttgarter Handschrift, ed. Max Hermann Jellinek (Berlin, 1904); there was, furthermore, a manuscript of this tale in the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Wien cod. 2984 (I). The Jerome episode occurs later in the work, beginning with line 2, 425
    • (1904) Friedrich von Schwaben Aus der Stuttgarter Handschrift
    • Jellinek, M.H.1
  • 116
    • 79955354791 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The novel was translated into English as The Dwarf of Westerbourg, from the German of J. C. Spietz [sic] (London, 1827)
    • The novel was translated into English as The Dwarf of Westerbourg, from the German of J. C. Spietz [sic] (London, 1827)
  • 117
    • 79955288149 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Jutta and Günter Griebel, Zwerge typisch deutsch: WERBEzwerge-WerbeRIESEN: Ein Ausstellung des Deutschen Gartenzweig-Museums (Berlin, 1992)
    • Jutta and Günter Griebel, Zwerge typisch deutsch: WERBEzwerge-WerbeRIESEN: Ein Ausstellung des Deutschen Gartenzweig-Museums (Berlin, 1992)
  • 118
    • 0005860754 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • The authors invent a scholarly field dubbed "nanology"; imply that a Siegfried is only possible when there is also an Alberich; and wonder whether Helmut Kohl was born as a garden dwarf. See also Ursula Hegi, Stones from the River (New York, 1994)
    • (1994) Stones from the River
    • Hegi, U.1
  • 119
    • 79955273428 scopus 로고
    • New York
    • and Kathryn Harrison, Poison (New York, 1995); in the latter, the dwarf Eduardo poisons the French-born Spanish queen María Luisa, wife of the seventeenth-century monarch Carlos II
    • (1995) Poison
    • Harrison, K.1
  • 120
    • 79955267479 scopus 로고
    • Vienna
    • See Alexander Zemlinsky, Der Zwerg: Ein tragisches Märchen für Musik in einem Akt, frei nach O. Wilde's "Geburtstag der Infantin" von Georg C. Klaren (Vienna, 1921). When the dwarf, who was given to the Infanta on her eighteenth birthday by a far-off sultan (faint echoes of Orientalizing perversion are hinted in the choice of gift), proclaims his love, the Infanta mocks him; at first pretending to go along with his fantasies of rescuing her from dragons, of being her savior "stark und schön wie des Donatello David," she tells him finally, "Du bist greulich . . . du bist wie ein Tier."
    • (1921) Der Zwerg: Ein Tragisches Märchen für Musik in Einem Akt, Frei Nach O. Wilde's Geburtstag der Infantin von Georg C. Klaren
    • Zemlinsky, A.1
  • 126
    • 79955302707 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • chap. 4 of my Schubert's Cambridge
    • See chap. 4 of my Schubert's Poets and the Making of Lieder (Cambridge, 1996)
    • (1996) Poets and the Making of Lieder
  • 127
    • 79955181617 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • A few years later, Clemens Brentano would write a poem entitled Die Erde war gestorben for Louise Hensel (1798-1876), with whom he, Wilhelm Müller, and several others were in love. In this poem, withdrawal of the woman's gaze kills: (stanza 2 of 3) Du bietest mir zu trinken / Und blickest mich nicht an / Läßt du die Augen sinken / So ist's um mich getan [italics mine]. Clemens Brentano, Gedichte, ed. Wolfgang Frühwald, Bernhard Gajek, and Friedhelm Kemp (Munich, 1977), pp. 375-76
    • A few years later, Clemens Brentano would write a poem entitled "Die Erde war gestorben" for Louise Hensel (1798-1876), with whom he, Wilhelm Müller, and several others were in love. In this poem, withdrawal of the woman's gaze kills: (stanza 2 of 3) "Du bietest mir zu trinken / Und blickest mich nicht an / Läßt du die Augen sinken / So ist's um mich getan" [italics mine]. See Clemens Brentano, Gedichte, ed. Wolfgang Frühwald, Bernhard Gajek, and Friedhelm Kemp (Munich, 1977), pp. 375-76
  • 129
    • 79955217851 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • chap. 4 of my Schubert, Müller, and Die schöne Müllerin (Cambridge, 1997) for a discussion of Schubert's revision of Mein!, not by altering the text but by choosing to heighten one level of events in the poet's words while drastically de-emphasizing another
    • See chap. 4 of my Schubert, Müller, and Die schöne Müllerin (Cambridge, 1997) for a discussion of Schubert's "revision" of "Mein!", not by altering the text but by choosing to heighten one level of events in the poet's words while drastically de-emphasizing another
  • 130
    • 79955251953 scopus 로고
    • Die Ballade in Spitta
    • Berlin
    • Both Erlkönig and Der Zwerg constitute a hybrid of Lied and ballad. Philipp Spitta described Erlkönig as closer to the former than the latter in his essay "Die Ballade" in Spitta, Musikgeschichtliche Aufsätze (Berlin, 1894)
    • (1894) Musikgeschichtliche Aufsätze
  • 131
    • 79955240605 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Hugo Wolf would later borrow the same device for his An den Schlaf to a text by Eduard Mörike
    • Hugo Wolf would later borrow the same device for his An den Schlaf to a text by Eduard Mörike
  • 132
    • 79955222701 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Schubert would do something very similar in his setting of Die böse Farbe from Die schöne Müllerin, D. 795. The miller lad realizes as he is singing the word totenbleich that he is actually contemplating his own death, and the shock sends him reeling in midword. Between toten- and -bleich, Schubert jolts the music upward in a massive deceptive motion at m. 20
    • Schubert would do something very similar in his setting of "Die böse Farbe" from Die schöne Müllerin, D. 795. The miller lad realizes as he is singing the word "totenbleich" that he is actually contemplating his own death, and the shock sends him reeling in midword. Between "toten-" and "-bleich," Schubert jolts the music upward in a massive deceptive motion at m. 20
  • 133
    • 79955189955 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • In the recorded performance of Der Zwerg by Ann Murray, mezzo-soprano, and Graham Johnson, piano, for The Hyperion Schubert Edition, vol. III (Hyperion Records Limited CDJ33003, 1989), the singer renders the words "sie sagt's" as "a sudden high leap of strangled terror . . . The silk chord is pulled tight." The soft, thin, appropriately strangled tone is effective, but it is not in accord with the more violent dynamics indicated in the first edition
    • In the recorded performance of Der Zwerg by Ann Murray, mezzo-soprano, and Graham Johnson, piano, for The Hyperion Schubert Edition, vol. III (Hyperion Records Limited CDJ33003, 1989), the singer renders the words "sie sagt's" as "a sudden high leap of strangled terror . . . The silk chord is pulled tight." The soft, thin, appropriately strangled tone is effective, but it is not in accord with the more violent dynamics indicated in the first edition
  • 134
    • 79955337901 scopus 로고
    • Die Gemälde horn Werke in vier Bänden
    • ed. Marianne Thalmann Munich
    • Ludwig Tieck, Die Gemälde horn Werke in vier Bänden, vol. III: Novellen, ed. Marianne Thalmann (Munich, 1965), p. 33
    • (1965) Novellen , vol.3 , pp. 33
    • Tieck, L.1

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